Casual Gamer
[كوجيما]: MGS4 تعتمد على مفهوم الموقف أكثر من المكان
"Metal Gear Solid 4 is about situation rather than location"
هذا ما جاء على لسان كوجيما في إطار فعاليات الإسبوع الأخير من معرض و مؤتمر GO3 للترفيه الإلكتروني و المقام في مدينة Perth بإستراليا،حيث استهل حديثه أمام جمهوره البالغ عددهم 200 شخص عن تاريخ سلسلة متل جير و مراحل تطورها إلى الجزء المنتظر،Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
كان محور حديث كوجيا يدور حول أسلوب اللعب في MGS4 و مدى تطوّره عن الأجزاء السابقة و تميّزه عن باقي الألعاب التجسسية، وجوهر هذا التميّز يكمن في أن أسلوب التجسس يرتكز على مفهوم الموقف أكثر من مفهوم المكان على غرار الأجزاء السابقة،أي أن التأثيرات الحادثة للشخصية و مختلف التغيّرات في بيئة اللعب ستكون هي المهيمنة على أسلوب اللعب بخلاف الأجزاء الآنفة و التي كانت تعتمد اعتمادا شبه كلي على تضاريس المرحلة نفسها و توزيع الأعداء و هذا ما دأب عليه كوجيما طوال عمر السلسلة،فلذلك أراد أن يبتكر شئيا مميّزا لما نرجّح أنها خاتمة السلسلة الأسطورية.
و تحدث كذلك عن مفهوم العدو بالنسبة لسنيك،حيث أوضح أن سنيك سيكون في خضّم حرب ذات أطراف متعددة،و هذا لا يجعل الجميع أعداءاً لسنيك خلافاً لما اعدتنا عليه سابقا،ففي هذه الحالة يستطيع أن يهادن من يرى أنه سيفيده و يعادي من يظن أن مصالحهما تتضارب،و هنا تظهر قدرات اللاعب التكتيكية و الإستراتيجية في محاكاة لحرب أقل ما يقال عنها أنها واقعية.
ألمح كوجيما في النهاية إلى أن قدرات معالج الPS3 الجبّارة لن تستخدم في تحسين الرسوميات فقط،و إنما سيُدخل من خلالها عاملاً جديدا لم نشهده في الألعاب الإلكترونية سابقا،العامل النفسي! و سيظهر ذلك في تأثير العوامل النفسية على قدرات الشخصيات المختلفة،و في المعارك النفسية التي سيستخدم فيها سنيك أسلوب الترهيب و سيقذف الخوف و الهلع في قلوب أعدائه،ممّا يسهّل عليه مهمته في إلحاق الهزيمة بهم.
المصدر:Game Spot
دمتم بود،،،
Few games have had as much hypeand expectation surrounding them as the PS3's Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of thePatriots. So it was no surprise that series creator Hideo Kojima drew thebiggest crowd of any speaker at last weekend's GO3 Electronic Entertainment Expoheld in Perth, Australia. And while Kojima didn't unveil any new trailers orgameplay specifics, he did speak at length about the main gameplay theme he'sintroducing into the famed stealth series--playing hide and seek within acertain situation.
It was Kojima's first time DownUnder, and he started his speech to the 200-strong crowd (still barely fillingtwo-thirds of the large hall at the Perth Convention Centre) in English. "Ittook me a while to come down to Australia, and I am surprised that I have notmet a single kangaroo yet. Nor have I seen crazy motorcycles like those inMad Max," he said. After the lighthearted introduction, Kojima returnedto his native language of Japanese and spent the majority of the next houroutlining the history and concepts behind his most famous creation, the MetalGear series.
Kojima started his tale all theway back in 1987 when he first released the 2D Metal Gear for the MSX system. Heoutlined the evolution of his original game concept--that of hide and seekwithin a given area or place--through the various versions of Metal Gear in thepast 20 years, adding that he worked hard to introduce new elements into eachgame. For Metal Gear Solid 4, Kojima said he needed to think of an entirely newidea as the concept of place had run its course.
"I went backto the drawing board, back to scratch, and looked at what I did for Metal Gear 1and 2, and for Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3," he said through a translator. "NowI can't make Snake go into space to do his stealth mission, and we've exhaustedthe concept of the place, so now I thought why not create a situation ratherthan a place? And then I thought of a battlezone or warzone as the situationwhere Snake has to sneak in. So MGS4's game concept is playing hide and seekwithin a certain situation."
Kojima said MGS4 would placeSnake in war locations where there would be two opposing armies--a situationwhich the ageing stealth agent could use to his advantage.
"To make it very simple, inthe past Metal Gears, Snake was going into enemy environments--so everyone apartfrom Snake was an enemy. This time it's a warzone, so you have country A orcountry B, so Snake could interfere with either of the countries. It does notnecessarily mean that everyone is an enemy to Snake. This creates a new tensionin playing this new hide and seek,"he said.
Kojima also cryptically hintedthat the increased processing grunt of the PS3 would be used not only for bettergraphics, but for the introduction of "psychological" elements.
"I wouldalso like to challenge the PS3's CPU power for not only what you can see, butalso psychological effects, or psychological battles, where it can affect yourgameplay,"he said.
Kojima closed his speech bysaying the evolution of games hardware means developers will need to workclosely with professionals in a diverse range of industries to continue makingbetter games.
"As game hardware evolves andmore technology appears, you will gradually start to collaborate with otherindustry professionals. Doctors, psychologists, many artists, plus maybe somescientists--we can perhaps collaborate with these people in the future," hesaid.
"Game design evolves withtechnology, and there is no end to technological evolution. Therefore gamedesign will continuously evolve--it will not stop evolving. And at the sametime, through the joint effort of many people, games will continue to be acollaborative art. And I believe in this concept."
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