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New Tekken 6 scans


True Gamer

احلى شي ان بالسكانز جين وهاورانج 3>
السكان الأول خطير ;)

معلومات جديدة نزلت عن القصة ..

The 5th King of the Iron Fist Tournament has ended with Heihachi Mishima missing and the eventual winner being Jin Kazama.

Jin Kazama then assumes the role as head of the Mishima Zaibatsu and begins using the special Tekken force units for propaganda and manipulative acts all over the world. Eventually many people become upset by this and it starts riots and eventually war amongst nations.

With the world now at war, many nations lose their power and the Mishima Zaibatsu declares itself as an independent nation.

The Mishima Zaibatsu is intent on conquering the world with only G Corporation to stand in its way. People around the world see G Corporation as a savior and G Corporation offers a price on Jin Kazama to anyone that can bring him in alive.

Just as anyone could have expected, the announced for the 6th King of Iron Fist Tournament was under way.

Those that want to make a name for themselves, those that seek money, and those that want revenge. Many different ideals and goals gather while the Tekken 6 tournament is unveiled.


Leo’s father is a world famous detective. Leo wants to become just like her father. Her father ends up missing before the tournament is announced.

Leo’s mother works in the same G Corporation division that may have betrayed Kazuya. Leo lived happily with her mother until she is murdered.

The murder investigation ends abruptly and after mourning Leo decides to take matters into her own hands.

Upon further investigation into the murder, Leo notices that a name, Kazuya Mishima keeps showing up and then decides to enter the next Iron Fist Tournament to get her revenge.


Zafina is a guardian to the tomb of a royal family at a village that has been around for centuries. The sealed grave is believed to protect the well being of the tribe.

Many martial artists have tried to enter the tomb but Zafina has single handedly defeated them all.

Zafina follows the ideals of astrology and finds out that something very bad is going to happen, something that could possibly lead to the end of the world.

One day the village elders prophesize that when two “evil stars” meet, the seal on the graves will be broken and the world end.

Zafina leaves the village to see if the world is really going to end.


After being assaulted by the Jack force, Heihachi wakes up only to find out that the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 has already ended.

He goes back to Zaibatsu headquarters only to find the Tekken force blocking his way.

After the next Iron Fist Tournament is announced and Heihachi finds out that Jin Kazama is the new head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, he is enraged and declares that he will get everything back.


Trying to avenge his fallen Manji clan comrades, while going after Bryan Fury, Yoshimitsu realizes that his sword is weakening.

His sword is a cursed blade. By killing evil doers and villains the sword would retain its power, otherwise the cursed sword will make the user go insane.

Yoshimitsu realizes that he can no longer use his old sword and decides to use another blade that seals the properties of the cursed sword. He then decides to enter the King of Iron Fist 6 Tournament.


Kazuya Mishima has figured out which division of G Corporation was the one that betrayed him and viciously killed them all.

Kazuya has now risen to the head of G Corporation in the shadows.

The world is now against the Mishima Zaibatsu and Kazuya fuels the fire by leading G Corporation against it.

Kazuya can’t stand anyone else conquering the world other than himself so he decides to go against Jin Kazama and the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Kazuya realizes that G Corporation is very influential amongst the people of the world now and he announces that anyone who captures Jin Kazama alive will receive a handsome cash reward.

Immediately following his announcement, the King of Iron Fist 6 Tournament is announced by the Mishima Zaibatsu. Kazuya predicted this would happen and began to laugh hysterically

Leo طلع (طلعت) فعلا بنت :p
التعديل الأخير:


Executive Member
الارضية تسلم عليكم .... ان شاء الله يعدلونه ويضيفون اشياء جميلة مثل VF5
ويضيفون حركات جديدة للشخصيات .. اتمنى الجزء هذا يخليني ادن على تكن من جديد مو كم لعبة واتركها.

Ash Storm

True Gamer
الصورة الأخيرة رهيبة, افضل عركة في تكن p:
اتمنى ان مستواها ما ينزل عن مستوى تكن 5 !

M 7 L

True Gamer
نبي عروض . . الصور " ما توكّل عيش "

" ما تلاحظن إن المراحل إلي شفناها إلى الآن كلّها عاديّة " !! أتمنّى ما يكون وضع المراحل مثل تكن 5 لأن ما عجبتني إلا مرحلة أو مرحلتين , , ,


True Gamer
ياللهول.. معلومات تفرقع من الحماس.. والصور يجي منها.. يجي يجي يجي.

Suzuki Yu

True Gamer
بمناسبة الموضوع هذا , انا قبل كم يوم مريت على عرض رهيب ما عرفت فين أحطه , ما أدري اذا أحد حطه قبل كده , لووووووووول أضحكوا شوي :
ههههههههههه رهيب الفيديو , اللقطة الاخيرة ذكرتني بالعراك بين ريو هازوكي و جويزانج


True Gamer
بمناسبة الموضوع هذا , انا قبل كم يوم مريت على عرض رهيب ما عرفت فين أحطه , ما أدري اذا أحد حطه قبل كده , لووووووووول أضحكوا شوي :
ههههههههههه رهيب الفيديو , اللقطة الاخيرة ذكرتني بالعراك بين ريو هازوكي و جويزانج
ههههه الفيديو متعوب عليه صراحة روعة :yuck:

Guns N Roses

Hardcore Gamer
hmmm.. in the 2nd pic isnt that Lilly??? I mean didnt she die as they said at the 1st E3 trailer?
thx for the scans i cant wait for King of Iron Fist Tournemt!!!

ps:sorry no arabic key board.

Mista Koo

Creative Director
حرام عليهم التشويه اللي صاير في شكل يوشيمتسو
كل جزء عن الثاني يشوهون شكله أكثر وأكثر >.>
عموما ما أشوف أي تغيير/تجديد في الصور

وبما أن الموضوع عن تكن 6.. قبل شوي شفت التريلر..
عجبني الـCustomization شكله خطير في هالجزء (بس الفلوس كانت غالية بزيادة صراحة في 5 -__- )
وبعدين ما تحسون إن أسلوب قتال زافنة يشبه أسلوب فولدو من سول كاليبر xD؟؟

تحرير: نسيت أقول يو الفيديو خطييييييير xD.. أحلى من اللعبة نفسها P:


True Gamer
السكانات مواضحة للأسف..على الله تكون صخر مثل الخامس ومايضحو بشي..

ولكم باك همام*عسى ماشر*وين كل هالغيبة انت وعمر:)


Hardcore Gamer
حرام عليهم التشويه اللي صاير في شكل يوشيمتسو
كل جزء عن الثاني يشوهون شكله أكثر وأكثر >.>

بالعكس انا عاجبني تصميمه الجديد..

بخصوص الصور اتمنى يطورونها اكثر .. ما اقدر اقول اي شي ثاني :(


True Gamer
عرضك عجيب يوسوزوكي لول !

بخصوص تكن 6 انا اشوف انها ما اوصلت للقمه...نفس تكن تاج اول ما صدرت و بعدين تطور الجرافيك في 4 و من ثم 5

نفس الحال مع لعبة تكن الي تعد اول تكن على نيكست جنريشن بحق و حقيقي يبيلهم تجربه او تجربتين علشان يوصلون للمستوى الذهبي بالجرافيك !


True Gamer
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يوشيميتسو مممم شكله بالخامس كان أحلى شئ