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الموضوع الرسمي DREDGE | خطاف صنارتي اللامع يتوهج في ليالي الصيد الموحشة، ليكشف لي ان صيد السمك في النهار ليس كصيده في الليل!







DREDGE هي لعبة طور لعب فردي تقدم في جعبتها مغامرة صيد السمك مع بعض العناصر الغامضة ذات الطابع لا فكرافت, ستقوم بالاستكشاف و صيد أنواع من السمك و بيعها للحصول على الأموال و انهاء المهمات و تطوير مركبك للحصول على المعدات و التطويرات التي تحتاجها في مناطق أخرى. أيضا ستمنح اللعبة إمكانية استكشاف اجزر والمناطق المحيطة والبحث في اعماقها عن الكنوز وبعض الاسرار الخفية​

صيد السمك
من الأشياء الأساسية في اللعبة هو الصيد. حيث ستتيح لك صيد أكثر من 120 من الأسماك والمخلوقات البحرية المتنوعة، الصيد هو الوسيلة الأساسية للحصول على المال عن طريق بيع الأسماك للقروين والحصول على الموارد اللازمة لترقية وتطوير مركبك والمعدات التي تمتلكها

استكشف الجزر واعرف اسرارها
نقطة البداية للاعب هو الأرخبيل النائي في مكان يدعى "The Marrows" , سنتطلق بمغامرة من هنا في رحلة نحو امكان متنوعة تحمل في طياتها اسرار كثيرة . جزر منوعة ومناطق واسعة تحمل مهمات وشخصيات مختلفة لتقابلها. اما أعماق البحار فهي تحمل الكنوز والاثار الفريدة من نوعها لكل منطقة.

ابحث في الأعماق
لجمع الموارد والكنوز وبعض الاسرار الدفينة عليك استكشاف الأعماق ومعرفة اسرار الماضي المرتبطة بما يحدث في الحاضر.


الضباب هو أحد اعدائك
الضباب سيكون عدو لدود لك. مع انحصار مجال الروية ستكون معرض للاصطدام بالصخور او اليابسة او ربما بقايا حطام سفينة غارقة مما سيخلف ضرر على مركبك، فوق هذا الضباب قد يخفي اخطار أخرى قد تتواجد حولك!



OpenCritic - 83 average - 89% recommended - 29 reviews

AusGamers - Steve Farrelly - 8.5 / 10

There are issues in its pacing and how the endgame comes in earlier than the world perhaps should have allowed, and more upgrade options and Pursuits could have elevated it further, but in nailing the tone Black Salt Games set out to do, Dredge is a triumph, and we can’t wait to see where this studio takes us next.

Duuro Magazine - Krist Duro - Recommended

Dredge is a delightful game that I easily recommend to anyone. In the start you might have to grind a little so that you can upgrade your ship, but once you’re over that wave, it’s smooth sailing.

Eurogamer - Edwin Evans-Thirlwell - No Recommendation

Blending fishing with Gothic horror and Lovecraft is a fine hook, but Dredge is too defined by simple loot-and-upgrade rhythms to reel you in.

FingerGuns - Joshua Thompson - 9 / 10

DREDGE’s numerous gameplay systems that don’t overwhelm but invite players are a cloak and dagger for the true horrors that’ll keep you lost at sea. Phenomenal in its art direction and engrossing to play, it’s clear that Black Salt Games have dredged up a mystifying debut.

GameGrin - Alana Dunitz - 9 / 10

DREDGE is the perfect mix of an RPG, fishing, puzzle, and survival game. It combines all these elements with an interesting and creepy story that evokes feelings of horror from an H.P. Lovecraft tale. This is a must-play title, especially if you want something more unique to try out.

GamesHub - Edmond Tran - 5 / 5

Dredge is a masterclass in atmosphere, worldbuilding, tactile mechanics, and game flow. Like all sinister-feeling things, by the time you get to the end of the line you might wish you had never kept going. But in Dredge, it’s impossible not to.

Gaming Nexus - Jason Dailey - 8 / 10

An oddly addicting fishing game that, at times, will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. The story is merely a means to an end, but fishing in the dark has never been this much fun, or this creepy.

Geeks & Com - Marc-Antoine Bergeron Cote - French - 7.5 / 10

DREDGE offers an original single-player adventure and a whole new concept of fishing adventures that we could have. While the storyline takes an important place, the developers let the player discover at his own pace. The system of management and improvement of our trawler works well and adds a little challenge to our adventure. The biggest flaw remains in the repetition of the tasks performed, I would have appreciated a little more diversity in the fishing activity itself. Nevertheless, the title offers several hours of gameplay and a story that we can't wait to discover.

God is a Geek - Lyle Carr - 9 / 10

DREDGE blends relaxing fishing and Lovecraftian horror to create a compelling and truly unique game

IGN Italy - Damaso Scibetta - Italian - 8.7 / 10

Highly recommended: it could be one of the best experiences I will have this year.

One More Game - Vincent Ternida - Buy

Dredge is a fishing RPG, but don’t let that lull you into a false sense of security thinking that it is a cozy game. It is a slowly creeping horror title that lets its mystery engage you until it has caught you in its slimy tendrils and doesn’t let go. While it might be a little slow starting out, once the momentum kicks in, it takes you for a ride.
It is a triumph in atmospheric and immersive storytelling. The addictive fishing elements lure you into an addictive game loop, and you stick around for its mystery. You can also just keep fishing and ignore all the strangeness if the fishing loop is what you’re in for, but heed the call of the deep, as its creeping chaos is definitely worth exploring.

PC Gamer - Mollie Taylor - 89 / 100

Dredge is a fantastically twisted fishing horror full of charm. It snags in parts but still successfully reeled me in from start to finish. A beautifully dreary bite-sized mystery.

PlayStation Universe - Neil Bolt - 9 / 10

Dredge is a dreadfully enticing horror experience draped in the skin of a fishing game. The way Black Salt Games executes its terrors of the deep should be respected because the developer has created a slow-burn dread that utilizes the best aspects of Lovecraft's cosmic horror.

Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 9 / 10

To use fishing terms, Dredge isn't one you'd kiss and throw back. It's the definition of a trophy catch. Its series of elegantly simple systems interplay nicely, blending seamlessly with an eerily stunning eldritch style and a moreish checklist of sea life to catch.

Push Square - Stephen Tailby - 7 / 10

Dredge is a fishing game with eldritch nastiness lurking beneath the surface. It's a perfect combo, and although the spooky side never descends into true horror, there's an ever-present sense of unease as you explore the small open ocean and its island outposts.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Katharine Castle - Unscored

Dripping with atmosphere and armed with several compelling story hooks, Dredge is an eldritch fishing tale that will have you hooked from the word go.

SIFTER - Gianni Di Giovanni - Worth your time

There are real monsters in the deep blue sea, and Black Salt Games' fishing adventure keeps pushing to dive in deeper and deeper. With a perfect balance of risk and reward DREDGE is compelling in short bursts perfect for the Steam Deck or Nintendo Switch

Shacknews - Ozzie Mejia - 8 / 10

Dredge is both relaxing and unnerving in the best ways. While the day/night cycle could be handled better, it's still an exciting seafaring voyage and one that's worth checking out.

TechRaptor - Rutledge Daugette - 9.5 / 10

Dredge is a delightfully dark game that gives you a well-sized world with danger lurking at every corner, and a satisfying fishing mechanic that doesn't get tired.

Twinfinite - Jake Su - 4 / 5

On its surface, Dredge promises a fishing adventure and there is no doubt that there’s plenty of fish out there to be caught. However, the sinister undercurrents are truly what hooked me, like a voice in the fog that constantly calls me back to explore further, fish deeper, and embrace the madness of its twisting tale. This premise may not be for everyone, but for this new angler on the dock, Dredge is definitely one hell of a catch of the day.

WellPlayed - 9 / 10

Dredge blends cosmic horror and local fishing economies into a robust but expertly paced adventure that rewards your investment with a strange tale, engaging mechanics and a unique, wonderful vibe.

XboxEra - Jesse Norris - 8.4 / 10

Dredge is an absolute gem. It features a rich, compelling narrative alongside an excellent gameplay and upgrade loop. It doesn’t overstay its welcome and has an excellent narrative. It is a game that you should not miss.




امس صدرت اول اضاقة / توسعة للعبة . ناوي اخذها قريبا

لعبت اللعبة تقريبا 7 ساعات بكتب انطباعاتي لاحقا .


رسوم اللعبة جدا جميلة كانها لوحة فنية رسمت بالالوان زيتيه



الجميل في اللعبة الطابع الاركادي. لعبة صيد بدون تكلف او محاكاة مع عناصر لعبة و مغامره تخليها ممتعة ايصا

و تنوع الاسماك و الكائنات البحرية جميل جدا . كل مره تصادف شيء جديد





طبعا احلى شعور لم تملىء المخزن كله او شبه كامل و ترجع تبيعهم

و اسوء شيء اذا بفيت فترة طويلة و الاسماك عندك تصبح فاسده و تعفن &

prince khalid

True Gamer
طبعا احلى شعور لم تملىء المخزن كله او شبه كامل و ترجع تبيعهم
هذا كين وهو يجمع ألعاب ستيم.

على راداري منذ الإطلاق، لكن الجدول عامر، تحتاج للوقت. هي وDave the Diver، ماشاء الله الثروة البحرية سوقها في نمو P:


الليل في اللعبة مختلف عن النهار , ضباب يحجب الرؤية و تلقى نفسك تصطدم بالصخور , تشوف كائنات ضخمة من بعيد و تهرب منها او حتى نشوف اشياء غير موجوده. اذكر مرة بالكاد رجعت لنقطة البداية . تعطل المحرك الاول بفعل اصطدام و تحرك المحرك الثاني هاجمني احد الوحوش. يعني ما عندي اي سرعة و القارب يمشي بالعافية زين وصلت للمنزل و احصلت القارب


لعبت اللعبة لفترة على PC يوم صدرت بس ما كملتها للاسف... تجربة صيد واستكشاف ممتازة، والغموض والاجواء المحيطة خيالية.

لو حصلتها بسعر حلو بشتريها ثاني على الكونسول ان شاء الله.


انهيت المحتوى الاضافي The Pale Reach . تقريبا اخذ مني ساعتين . برجع اكمل اللعبة الاصلية