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الموضوع الرسمي Zero Escape Volume 1: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors - موضوع التسعات


True Gamer

الخسيييييييييييس ! أكبر صدمة وأكثر شيء أدهشني من بديت اللعبة !، الحدث كان مجنووون، والله نسبة كون الأس القاتل كانت 1% فقط !
حسيت أنه متربط بقضية ماقبل الـ9 سنين وتجربة الأطفال، ماتوقعت أبدا يكونه و رئيس الشركة نفسه !

عمومًا بعد التحقيقات الجنونية، عودة ثعبان كانت مرحب بها، ولكن كأنسان وليس كزومبي &
النهاية كانت بيض الصراحة، بعد التحقيقات الجنونية يعني، بس لا زالت نهاية السكين الأسوأ

الأن السؤال، المسار القادم أروح لماذا ؟ بقى لي نهاية واحدة فقط، النهاية الثانية بالغرفة "1" وأتوقع أكون طيب مع كلوفر عشان تفضفض علي أكثر ؟

White Soul


الخسيييييييييييس ! أكبر صدمة وأكثر شيء أدهشني من بديت اللعبة !، الحدث كان مجنووون، والله نسبة كون الأس القاتل كانت 1% فقط !
حسيت أنه متربط بقضية ماقبل الـ9 سنين وتجربة الأطفال، ماتوقعت أبدا يكونه و رئيس الشركة نفسه !

عمومًا بعد التحقيقات الجنونية، عودة ثعبان كانت مرحب بها، ولكن كأنسان وليس كزومبي &
النهاية كانت بيض الصراحة، بعد التحقيقات الجنونية يعني، بس لا زالت نهاية السكين الأسوأ

الأن السؤال، المسار القادم أروح لماذا ؟ بقى لي نهاية واحدة فقط، النهاية الثانية بالغرفة "1" وأتوقع أكون طيب مع كلوفر عشان تفضفض علي أكثر ؟

حتى تحصل على النهاية الأخيرة اعمل التالي:

- ادخل البوابة 4
- اقبل الهدية من سانتا (Bookmark)
- في المطبخ اسأل جون عن قصة Ice-9
- ادخل البوابة 7
- اسأل الرجل السابع إذا يعرف ice-9
- اعطي كلوفر الهدية الي أخذتها من سانتا
- ادخل البوابة 1

إذا كنت حصلت على نهاية التابوت فالمفترض أنك الريدي اتبعت هالخطوات من قبل، في هذه الحالة اقفز مباشرة للبوابة 1 وتابع القصة.


True Gamer
السلام عليكم شباب، حصل شيء غريب للغاية !

سويت كل شيء صح هذي المرة، وكلوفر صارت طيبة، على أنه تطلع لي النهاية الخامسة، ولكن ماذا حدث ؟
الذي حصل أن القصة كملت !!! ماطلعت لي النهاية الخامسة، بل طلع لي مسار جديد كليًا ! "مش متواجد بالتدفق"

هل هذا معناه أنه هذا مسار النهاية الحقيقية ؟ عمومًا أول المعلومات صدمة !!

رقم سانتا "0" ورقم يونيو "9" واو ! أنا كنت عارف أن الساعة 0 محتواها 6 من النهايات التي قبل، ولكن الأمر صادم للغاية !
وثعبان أفضل شخصية على الإطلاق ؟ ياخي تحليلاته و أسلوب كلامه يطمن القلب، يذكرني كثير ببياكيا من دانجانرونبا.

White Soul

السلام عليكم شباب، حصل شيء غريب للغاية !

سويت كل شيء صح هذي المرة، وكلوفر صارت طيبة، على أنه تطلع لي النهاية الخامسة، ولكن ماذا حدث ؟
الذي حصل أن القصة كملت !!! ماطلعت لي النهاية الخامسة، بل طلع لي مسار جديد كليًا ! "مش متواجد بالتدفق"

هل هذا معناه أنه هذا مسار النهاية الحقيقية ؟ عمومًا أول المعلومات صدمة !!

رقم سانتا "0" ورقم يونيو "9" واو ! أنا كنت عارف أن الساعة 0 محتواها 6 من النهايات التي قبل، ولكن الأمر صادم للغاية !
وثعبان أفضل شخصية على الإطلاق ؟ ياخي تحليلاته و أسلوب كلامه يطمن القلب، يذكرني كثير ببياكيا من دانجانرونبا.

يب هذه النهاية الحقيقية
استمتع بالتويستات p;


True Gamer
السلام عليكم شباب، حصل شيء غريب للغاية !

سويت كل شيء صح هذي المرة، وكلوفر صارت طيبة، على أنه تطلع لي النهاية الخامسة، ولكن ماذا حدث ؟
الذي حصل أن القصة كملت !!! ماطلعت لي النهاية الخامسة، بل طلع لي مسار جديد كليًا ! "مش متواجد بالتدفق"

هل هذا معناه أنه هذا مسار النهاية الحقيقية ؟ عمومًا أول المعلومات صدمة !!

رقم سانتا "0" ورقم يونيو "9" واو ! أنا كنت عارف أن الساعة 0 محتواها 6 من النهايات التي قبل، ولكن الأمر صادم للغاية !
وثعبان أفضل شخصية على الإطلاق ؟ ياخي تحليلاته و أسلوب كلامه يطمن القلب، يذكرني كثير ببياكيا من دانجانرونبا.
اخ لو اقدر اعيش هذي اللحظات مرة ثانية ...


True Gamer
بأحاول أجمع أفكاري بأكتب عن كل جزئية مرة واحدة xD

حسنا، اللغز هنا أكثر لغز ممل، بس بحث بدون جهد يذكر !

ولكن المعلومات ..... ؟!؟؟!!!!!!!!!؟!؟!؟!! ، حبة حبة، التجربة كانت من 4 أشخاص رئيسين كما نعرف، والخسيس هو ساس البلا حسبي الله عليه،
المهم الأطفال 18 ؟ يعني فيه أطفال مخطوفين ماذكروا بالصحيفة ؟ ولكن الصدمة أكاني الطفلة التي ماتت... تبون الصراحة ؟ توقعت هالشيء قبل، أنه مثلًا أكاني الحالية ليست الأصلية،
ممكن بسبب تأثري ببعض أفكار الروايات الثانية.

عندي توقع شاطح وممكن يخطئ، الأن كل الشخصيات الـ9 مرتبطة بالسفينة بشكل أو بأخر، هل من الممكن أن جونبي أيضا كان موجود في التجربة ؟
مدري ليش أحس أنه كان معهم، وأنه صار له حذف ذاكرة أو ماشابه !


True Gamer
مشاعري متلخبطة ولكن الأكيد ... إن دانجانرونبا أثرت "كثير" على تجربتي هنا !
تلك السلسلة على الرغم من مشاكلها ولكنها "تكسر القواعد" بشكل متكرر، مما يجعل من مفعول الصدمات يخف أثره بعد فترة، لأنك تتوقع أي شيء ممكن !

النهاية ... محبطة الحقيقة، البداية المهيبة للفصل الأخير، توالي الصدمات، ثم أفكار النهاية...


ختى النهاية وإتضاح الحقيقة ظل هو الشرير والقاتل والخسيس ، و "صفر" لم يكن سوى سبب لهذا الأمر...
للأسف دور "سانتا" كان أقل بكثير من ماتوقعت بالنهاية، وكذلك دور البقية مثل ثعبان، ولكني سعيد بكون سبعة تحصل على حقه في هذه الجزئية الأخيرة...

"التجربة" وتناقل الذكريات كانت جزء إحباطي، فهمت لماذا كانوا يقولون جزئية "الشاشتين" وأتخيل كيف كان الأمر بجهاز مثل الـDS،
ولكن كينونة النهاية نفسها لم تعجبني، ما كانت تشفي الغليل الحقيقة ! والجزئية الأخيرة... بالحق ماهذا فقط ؟ : /

الرواية ككل كانت مرضية وأفضل من توقعاتي، ربما رفع سقف توقعاتي للنهاية الكلية كان هو السبب هنا...

طيب لدي أكثر من سؤال هنا، لا أمانع الحرق، لأرجاع الحماس المفقود ربما...

الأول هو في في أكثر من نهاية كان هناك القاتل، من كان القاتل ؟ هونجو ؟

السؤال الثاني هل قصة الأول مرتبطة بالأجزاء التكميلية إرتباطًا مبينًا ؟ وتشرح بعض الإشكالات بالقصة ؟
أم مجرد نفس الأفكار بشخصيات جديدة كليًا ؟
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer
أيه صح.. نسيت أهم سؤال والي كان معطيني "خطأ" طوال الوقت !
وشلون أكاني حية وهي ميتة ؟ وليش ماشرحوا هذا الشيء ؟؟!؟!؟!
هذا المفروض يشرحونه بدل التجربة الي ضيعنا عليها 5 شروحات:"(


مشاعري متلخبطة ولكن الأكيد ... إن دانجانرونبا أثرت "كثير" على تجربتي هنا !
تلك السلسلة على الرغم من مشاكلها ولكنها "تكسر القواعد" بشكل متكرر، مما يجعل من مفعول الصدمات يخف أثره بعد فترة، لأنك تتوقع أي شيء ممكن !

النهاية ... محبطة الحقيقة، البداية المهيبة للفصل الأخير، توالي الصدمات، ثم أفكار النهاية...


ختى النهاية وإتضاح الحقيقة ظل هو الشرير والقاتل والخسيس ، و "صفر" لم يكن سوى سبب لهذا الأمر...
للأسف دور "سانتا" كان أقل بكثير من ماتوقعت بالنهاية، وكذلك دور البقية مثل ثعبان، ولكني سعيد بكون سبعة تحصل على حقه في هذه الجزئية الأخيرة...

"التجربة" وتناقل الذكريات كانت جزء إحباطي، فهمت لماذا كانوا يقولون جزئية "الشاشتين" وأتخيل كيف كان الأمر بجهاز مثل الـDS،
ولكن كينونة النهاية نفسها لم تعجبني، ما كانت تشفي الغليل الحقيقة ! والجزئية الأخيرة... بالحق ماهذا فقط ؟ : /

الرواية ككل كانت مرضية وأفضل من توقعاتي، ربما رفع سقف توقعاتي للنهاية الكلية كان هو السبب هنا...

طيب لدي أكثر من سؤال هنا، لا أمانع الحرق، لأرجاع الحماس المفقود ربما...

الأول هو في في أكثر من نهاية كان هناك القاتل، من كان القاتل ؟ هونجو ؟

السؤال الثاني هل قصة الأول مرتبطة بالأجزاء التكميلية إرتباطًا مبينًا ؟ وتشرح بعض الإشكالات بالقصة ؟
أم مجرد نفس الأفكار بشخصيات جديدة كليًا ؟
١- نعم هو هونجو لكن تظاهر انه انقتل

٢- نعم مرتبطين بالاول، بشكل ما يبان بالنظرة الاولى ربما، طبيعة الارتباط شي تكتشفه مع لعبهم

أيه صح.. نسيت أهم سؤال والي كان معطيني "خطأ" طوال الوقت !
وشلون أكاني حية وهي ميتة ؟ وليش ماشرحوا هذا الشيء ؟؟!؟!؟!
هذا المفروض يشرحونه بدل التجربة الي ضيعنا عليها 5 شروحات:"(

اكاني كانت ترشد جونبي من الماضي للمستقبل لكي تبقى حية، التايملاينز اللي تفشل فيها تلاحظ انها تصيبها حمى وتختفي من الوجود، الحمى اللي تجيها بسبب موقف المحرقة اللي كانت فيها

في رابط لاجوبة المخرج ينصح بقراءته، بشوف لو لقيته لكن يشرح كثير اشياء


True Gamer
في رابط لاجوبة المخرج ينصح بقراءته، بشوف لو لقيته لكن يشرح كثير اشياء
جزاك الله خير على الاجوبة، أشوف الصفحات السابقة حاطينه ولكنه محذوف للأسف من موقع الناشر :/


جزاك الله خير على الاجوبة، أشوف الصفحات السابقة حاطينه ولكنه محذوف للأسف من موقع الناشر :/

لقيتها مسجلة بويكيبيديا الفانز، ولو انه ما يبدو لي في حرق مباشر بالصفحة بس بانسخ والصق احتياط لأني ما اضمنك.

Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
The answers page for 999.

Were you influenced by Capcom's Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney series?

Not directly, but perhaps I was influenced some in the sense that Phoenix Wright allowed Japanese gamers to rediscover how fun an adventure game can be.2
Do you guys have any plans for new visual novel games?

I have nothing I can announce at this moment, but depending on how well 999 does, I think there may be the possibility of a sequel. We're completely depending on fan response, though. If you guys can mention 999 on blogs, Twitter, etc, and spread the love, that would be great. Thanks in advance!3
Where did Santa and June go after the true ending?

To be honest, it's possible that what went on in Building Q might have just been the prologue to an even larger scheme. If that was the case, then you could say that they were heading off to prepare the rest of their plan after the true ending.4
Given Gentarou Hongou's obvious instability, why was a loaded gun placed in the coffin? Whose use did Akane intend it for? Just Santa, since he was in on it?

Akane had seen everything through Junpei's "eyes" 9 years before. If she didn't recreate the situation exactly, then she wouldn't have been able to save herself as a child. That's the reason for the gun, and why it was loaded.5
The characters and plot are all really well done in this game. I was just curious as to how you developed them all so well. What do you work on first; plot or characters? How do you know when they're complete? Where do you draw inspiration from?

For me, I first start by creating a rough draft of the characters' personalities. Then I make a sort of rough draft of the setting. Next, I figure out the "twist" for the story, and work toward that by coming up with a plot that fits that particular twist perfectly. So the "twist" comes first, basically. Of course, the characters and the setting that I come up with early on almost always end up drastically changed. I write a rough draft, then draw a line, then erase my rough draft, then draw a new line... It's just that process over and over. I don't know when it's "done" until I finish writing the whole script. I always write my stories thinking "I wonder what's going to happen to these guys afterwards?" Overall, I don't change the "twist", but I will change the story A LOT to get to it. So far as inspiration goes, all that I can say is that it mostly comes from me, while I'm writing my drafts. I believe that when I concentrate very hard on writing, all of my worldly thoughts just go away, so perhaps that has something to do with it. Also, this particular idea is in the game as well, but I need some danger to have that moment of clarity and inspiration. The closer I get to a deadline, the more I'll think "Crap! The deadline is coming up!" and that helps me come up with great ideas. So I'll try to work myself into a corner like that, and I also have the product manager and the other people on the team to help me out by getting me into that mode of thinking.6
Are there any plans for an expansion or a sequel? Possibly on the new Nintendo 3DS?

I have nothing I can announce at this moment, but depending on how well 999 does, I think there may be the possibility of a sequel. We're completely depending on fan response, though. If you guys can mention 999 on blogs, Twitter, etc, and spread the love, that would be great. Thanks in advance!7
Why was Lotus in the 2nd Nonary game and not Nona?

I mentioned this [earlier], but Akane's intent was to re-enact the future that she saw through Junpei's eyes. She saw Lotus, so she chose Lotus to be part of the 2nd Nonary Game. ...If you don't care for that answer, then you can think of it as "She needed Lotus in order to solve the puzzle in the laboratory room".8
Lotus was a computer programmer once. Why is she dressed like a dancer? What's her current occupation?

She is currently supporting herself as a freelance programmer. The reason why she's dressed as a belly dancer is because she likes that style. Her hobby is to belly dance, so she's dressed like that.9
So June's watch was really 9 and Santa's was 0? Why did his watch show 3? Even if his 3 is really "E", that would mean his number was 6 (E => 15 => 1+5=6).

Originally I was thinking of making it "E stands for Empty, so E=0" in the scenario, but it felt forced and I didn't want people to think that, so I cut that part out. By the way, in hexidecimal E is 14, and the digital root would be 5...10
999 is definitely one of the best games on the DS, bar none. Are there any other visual novel games, DS or otherwise, that you would recommend?

Apart from 999, we don't have any other visual novels that have been localized in the US. We might consider releasing some of our other titles in the US if 999 does well. We're completely depending on fan response, though. If you guys can mention 999 on blogs, Twitter, etc, and spread the love, that would be great. Thanks in advance!11
How did you come up with the wide variety of puzzles in 999? Did you think of puzzles or stories first?

For the puzzles, we collaborated with ORG (note: ORG is a Japanese company that helps other companies with games, or game-related projects). My role was to present a guideline, participate in the brainstorming, come up with the message behind the puzzles, and supervise the overall process. I did come up with a few puzzles on my own, but for the most part ORG and Kaneko, one of our team members, came up with them. As far as the structure goes, the story comes first, then the puzzles. For 999, I had them make puzzles that fit the story and the setting. I was really particular about coming up with puzzles that fit the themes of 999 the best.12
What were your inspirations for the story? Would it have been possible to make the unique ending with a system other than the DS?

This game was designed specifically for the DS because of its unique interface. The DS has a top screen and a bottom screen, and I thought to myself, "What can I do that utilizes this unique setup?" The result I came up with was 999's "twist". So, no, it wouldn't have worked on any other platform.13
What exactly is the True ending all about? How can June/Akane be alive during the Nonary game, yet be dead from 9 years earlier? And why is the final puzzle upside down? Is it supposed to be as if you're seeing the last puzzle from Akane's perspective?

I get a lot of these sorts of questions in Japan too, but I want you to think about it from another perspective. If, hypothetically, the story in 999 is about Akane dying 9 years ago, and Santa coming up with the whole plan to save his sister's life... Then what happens if Junpei does save Akane 9 years in the past? Does she suddenly materialize in front of everyone? Or will she just appear in some remote location? Wouldn't that be even stranger? If that happened, then what was she doing during the 9 years since the first Nonary Game? It seems to me that she would have had to exist somewhere... Huh? Then it's only natural for her to exist in Building Q, don't you think? In fact, don't you think it makes a lot more sense if that's the case? Let's say that right now, you discover how to access the past, and you save a kitten that was supposed to have been run over by a truck. That kitten would be alive an hour ago, or even two hours ago, right? I mean...YOU SAVED it 3 days ago... That's what I was trying to portray. Now, in regard to your question about the "last puzzle being upside down"... My thinking was that the top screen was the future and the bottom screen was the past. So if you solved the puzzle on the top screen, then that means that Junpei single-handedly solved the puzzle in the future. That's what I was trying to portray.14
Why did they put All-ice (Alice) at the end of the real ending like that? Also, why wasn't there a cool CG with Junpei and Akane at the end?

Was she really Alice? How do you know? We never show a real picture of Alice in the game. There's an image of her, but that was only what Junpei imagined her to look like when he heard the story about "All-Ice." ...Or perhaps that was an image of how Alice as Akane knew her? You could say that perhaps that image was sent by Akane to Junpei's brain. If that was the case, then what is the physical appearance of Alice that Akane knew? Pretty intriguing, right? Whatever the case, it means that "Alice" was a person who actually existed. In order to get that across, I decided to have her show up in the ending. As to why there isn't a picture at the end of Junpei and Akane... Regardless of the reasons, Akane was the mastermind, and her scheme lead to the deaths of at least a few people. How could she show her face to them after doing all of that? That's why she's hiding. (Also, I mentioned [earlier] that she had to go begin preparing for the larger thing she had planned.)15
Why is June such a sadist? She places bombs in the 9th Man and Nagisa Nijisaki.

Nagisa Nijisaki is one of the people who killed her in an alternate history... She's the sort of woman who'll do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. Even though she seems like a nice girl, she's always plotting rather cold things. She'd easily kill someone if she needed to. Her personality is a result of what happened to her 9 years before... Perhaps there were things that happened on that ship that couldn't be shown in the actual game.16
How long did it take to write the actual script of the game? I imagine it would take a lot of extra thought to remove any plot holes and ensure the story all made sense.

I believe it took me about half a year. As a director, I was also simultaneously working on the rest of the process of making a game, though, so I didn't dedicate those 6 months entirely to writing the story.17
I would like to inquire as to how hard it was to write the script for this game, as well as how many words, pages, etc. Also, I'd like to know how an idea like the Nonary Game came to exist, as well as how each character was formed, and how you decided what number each character would get. I am aspiring to become a video game designer myself, and I am curious as to how this game came together, considering how well thought-out it was.

Originally, I had a very simple story, which was essentially "There are a number of doors with nothing written on them, and you split into several groups and move forward. Depending on how you split up the group, the ending of the story changes." It wasn't on a ship to begin with, though: It was in a mysterious building... But my bosses said "It's hard for us to visualize this story. We can't relate to it, and it doesn't catch our hearts." ...So I decided to set the story on the Titanic, a location that most of us know about, and is easy to visualize. The rule where each group was determined by the numbers was also formulated at about the same time. We had a number of discussions where people said this story or that wouldn't sell, and then we came back with new characters, or rules, or stories. I kept tacking on new interesting ideas, and eventually we got our final story. Of course, as I'm sure you can imagine it was really hard to make sure that everything made sense and fit together. Because we'd just thrown so many things in without thinking, it was really quite hard to make it all work... As far as coming up with the characters... After I decided to use "9" as the theme, I used the enneagram for reference. For the character numbers, we just thought about the ending and who went in what group, and worked our way backwards from there. We made a huge chart in Excel and messed around with the numbers there until we got it right.18
Was having the characters break their usual stereotypes intentional, or just a natural result of the story?

It was intentional. In school, I was taught that you should use stereotypes to make it easy for people to understand your characters, but then use those stereotypes and people's expectations to catch them by surprise to get your message across. That was probably what influenced me.19
Was Akane or 'June' phasing in and out of reality when she had headaches? I was at a loss to understand how she could have existed if she had died in the past.

I guess this is the exact opposite of what was asked in [question 13]? Yes, you're right. If she was dead in the past, that means she didn't exist in the present. So her headaches were there to show that you were approaching a past that couldn't exist.20
Do Kanny and Jumpy meet again eventually? I was hoping for a reunion before they cut off to the end.

access [record #14]21
What inspired you to use a ship as the main location for the game?

access [record #17]22
Who killed me in the submarine ending? It's the only one I didn't understand, though I do admit I may have missed something.

It's Ace (Gentarou). Lotus's missing bracelet was a hint for you guys.23
Why was Alice in the desert? If she wasn't in the coffin 9 years ago, where was she all that time?

access [record #14]24
Why did Seven, Snake, and even Santa insist that Akane had died 9 years before, yet she was clearly there the entire time?

Santa lied about her death in order to save her. Since Snake was on the ship too, we can assume that he knew the truth about Akane's death as well. If we are going to believe that Seven didn't lie, then we can assume that a fake memory was implanted in his mind somehow. If I tried to explain that in the story, though, I was worried people would think I was just coming up with random excuses, so I left it up to the player's interpretation. If it makes more sense to say that both Snake and Seven were in on the plot with Santa and lied to move things along, I'm totally fine with that.25
Did they ever catch up to Akane and Aoi in the end?

Nope, they didn't. Junpei goes on the spend to rest of his life chasing after her.26
What were your inspirations when creating your characters? Did you take a niche or a cliche character commonly found in anime and manga, and put them into this situation by adjusting them to the situation that they were in? Or did you take characters with traits from games that you had previously made and just put them into this entirely different situation?

I mentioned this in [question 17], but I used the Enneagram for reference. "Did you take a niche or a cliche character commonly found in anime and manga, and put them into this situation by adjusting them to the situation that they were in?" Yes, that's exactly what I did. I made a box, and put the characters in it, and then the story just progressed on its own. All I have to do is just work toward my "twist." So I suppose that, for me, the plot isn't really all that important. It's just an imaginary picture. As I write the story, it evolves. The 3 most important things are these: The box, the characters, and the "twist."27
Will you publish 999 in Europe?

I totally want to. I guess it really depends on how well it does in the US. Please support us!28
What influenced you the most in the making of 999? Many reviewers mentioned the Saw movies, but I think there's more in the game than some basic horror movies.

Saw is definitely a movie I like, so I would be lying if I said I wasn't influenced by it, but I don't think it played too big of a role. I feel like the movie Saw was influenced by conventional adventure games, so I think the sources are the same. Being isolated somewhere and forced to play a game is a very common setup in Japanese anime, manga, and novels, so there are a lot of stories that use that particular device. I can't really think of a specific title that influenced me, but I think a lot of the stories I heard as a child definitely provided the base. So far as the content, I suppose I could call it "Uchikoshi Flavor" if I felt like being arrogant, so you can just think of it as Uchikoshi's literary style.29
This is about the scene where June connected with Junpei of nine years in the future. Can I safely assume that the world Junpei is in is a future where June is saved from the incinerator? And that nine years later, June became Zero to prevent a time paradox?

She herself stated at one point that she "is less than Zero" nine years ago.That's exactly right.
access [record #4]
access [record #13]
access [record #19]
access [record #24]

Are both Seven (who implied that June was killed in the incinerator) and Snake (who said that Akane Kurashiki died in the first Nonary Game) accomplices?

access [record #24]31
What happened in the incinerator? How did June disappear?

In the incinerator, Junpei of the present accessed Akane of the past and saved her. The current Akane/June snuck out while Junpei and the rest weren't looking. Akane disappeared before the door was locked.32
What is the significance of Alice?

She was there to explain the Ice-9.33
Is there any end secret not revealed?

I believe all the important parts have been revealed in the game.34
What was your FAVORITE part of the game?

I guess my favorite would be the scene between Akane from 9 years before and Junpei in the incinerator. I guess you can say that this title was written specifically for that exact scene. I wish that part could have been voiced...35
Who is Nona's twin? Both she and Nona seem important...(since Nona means "nine," and Nona has a twin, there's gotta be another spin-off at least)

Originally I intended for Nona's twin to be named "Ennea". So both their names would technically be "9". In regards to them appearing in a sequel...I'm not sure...? I guess if we get many requests like that, it would be possible.36
If both Aoi and Akane are in the ship and they are both transmitters, then who's the 9th person that should be Akane's replacement in the Nevada building? Is he/she the only one that doesn't have siblings...? And supposed to be Akane's receiver...?

Of course there was a girl who took Akane's place. There was some confusion, and the 2 of them were swapped. That would have meant that at Building Q, in Nevada, there were 2 sisters in the same location. So far as Akane and receiving, she was especially good at "sending", but that didn't mean that she could only "send." She has the ability to "receive" as well; all of the children have both. Some were just better at one than the other.37
Did Seven really have amnesia?

access [record #24]38
How hard was it to create 9 distinct people to interact in various ways as the game progressed? There were times of conflict, times of great emotional stress and whatnot, and creating 9 distinct persons to handle this and talk amongst others with their own personalities and quirks seems incredible to me.

You're right. It was a real challenge. To be honest, though, the 9th Man dies pretty quickly, so there were really only 8 characters... But even so, 8 is still too many for a single story. Story theory says that you should really only have up to 7 characters. For instance... Luke, Obi-wan, Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C3PO... You see? That's 7. If you add in Darth Vader and the Emperor, that makes 9. I believe Star Wars is a very well-developed story, and the characters are all very solid. What Star Wars uses as a base are legends and myths. According to Jung, those myths and legends are born from the human psyche, as archetypes. That fits into the enneagram I was talking about in [question 26]. With that said, the creation of the character wasn't too hard because I already had a formula to work from that's been passed down through all of human history. To make that actually work, however, was really hard. This story had rules, and it also had specific points it had to hit, so I wanted the characters to do very specific things, but...they didn't always cooperate. I tried my best to move them in the way that they were designed to, but even then there were times where the story wouldn't work and I sort of had to force them. It was very tiring.39
Why was "Ace" allowed to live in the end while his cohorts were killed? He seems to be the biggest monster.

I think it was because he was the person she felt the most animosity towards. Because there was so much hatred towards him, she didn't want to let him die that easily. She wanted him to admit his sins and either be judged legally or even just wanted him to admit his faults in public. That is what I believe Akane and Santa's motives were. If the people involved all died, then the truth would have been lost. I believe they wanted everyone to know about the horrific event they'd been forced to take part in.40
Was Snake some kind of mutant or something? He certainly seemed to have some inhuman strength in the Safe ending.

Snake has the ability to access the morphogenetic field and the ability to distinguish even the most distinct sounds. You mention the Safe ending, but are you talking about him being shot to death? If you are, the reason why he kept getting up was his tenacity. His love for his sister Clover made him a super-man.41
Teruaki Kubota, #9, the Ninth Man... Who was he? Or to be more precise, I suppose, what kind of person was he? Is he the reason that submarine was there, for instance? Is the reason why he was in such a hurry to get through Door 5 alone because he intended to confess? Was there any particular reason why he was part of our main group instead of the other two?

Teruaki Kubota was the only person who was a coward, and went crazy and exploded to death. That personality is why he was chosen as the 9th member. (Of course, the most important thing was for Akane to recreate what had happened 9 years ago.) Kubota has nothing to do with the submarine. It is believed that the submarine was already there when Ace (Gentarou) purchased the ship from Gordain. There was a submarine in the building in Nevada so that Building Q would be an exact replica of the ship.42
Was Lotus originally planned to be Alice? It would have made all the gags about her age funnier.

We didn't really have that in mind. However, I do agree that it would have been fun in various ways had Lotus been Alice.43
Would you consider partnering up with Aksys Games to continue to develop great visual novel titles for release in Japan and the US? If yes, then Aksys Games will work with maximum efforts to localize the game without flaws.

There is nothing that I can announce just now. However, depending on how well 999 performs, we do believe that would be a possibility. We're completely depending on the response from fans. If you can spread the love and mention 999 on your blogs, or Twitter, or wherever, that would be great. Also, I believe that Aksys did a magnificent job in localizing 999. I am thankful from the bottom of my heart.44
What did the robe Snake was wearing after you rescue him out of the coffin mean? And what did the flags next to the coffin mean?

Well... We sort of made Nagisa Nijisaki wear Snake's clothes... I believe the only other thing he could have worn were those ceremonial clothes in Building Q. I think Akane and Santa felt bad that they made Snake naked. As a side note, that ceremonial outfit belonged to Gordain. Back in the day, he and his friends were conducting strange ceremonies in the incinerator. As another side note, the Nonary Game wasn't Gentarou's idea: It was Gordain's. He would take young Englishmen who'd accumulated massive debts and force them to play games on the ship. He would enjoy the show with his millionaire friends and they would bet money on who would survive. All the losers were burned in the incinerator as a sacrifice during the ceremony... After many years of this, Gordain died of old age but the games continued. In the final game, Gentarou was abducted and forced to participate. He was victorious, and felt that if he could win the game, then he could come up with a better one. he told Gordain's successor and his fellow millionaires as much. They decided it sounded interesting, and told him to do it. That was what lead to the Nonary Game that happened 9 years before 999. Of course, Gentarou's true intention was to test the theory of morphogenetic fields, but that was the story behind the Nonary game. He inherited the ship from the millionaires and hosted the game. That was how he got all the funding as well. In other words, there were millionaires watching the game 9 years before 999 and placing bets on who would live and who would die. Yes, they were truly rotten people. That was also when Gentarou found the mandrake root in the coffin. He used that root to create the drug, Soporil, that made him a millionaire.45
In the axe ending, did Clover get to escape, or did she die in the incinerator room because she couldn't figure out that the 9 was a "q"?

I believe she didn't make it out. Well...I mean, after all, she kind of had it coming.46
Regarding the theory Snake brought up about June and Santa's bracelets, was June's really an upside down "9" and Santa's a "0"?

This is sort of connected to [question 9] but the official answer is yes. However if we don't stick to the bracelet's display, you can also think of it as June=0.47
Was child Akane controlling Junpei's actions in addition to existing as her future self?

access [record #4]
access [record #13]
access [record #19]
access [record #24]

Was that really Akane we encountered on the ship replica? You brought up Locke's Socks, but didn't quite seem to tie it back in the way you did with morphogenetic fields or ice-9, so was that just Akane's mind in some sort of false body?

It is the real Akane. The "Locke's socks", the "Ship of Theseus", and "John and Lucy" ideas that show up in the story are all part of the same theme: What is the true essence of a thing? If you're asking how all of these things connect to one another, then my answer would be "Don't you think it's the morphogenetic field that ties them all together?" For instance, the "you" of 20 years ago is made up of completely different molecules. How are you still "you", right? So what I'm trying to ask is, what is the real you? The notion of "self" is just a fraction of a much larger set of information. So that's part of the morphogenetic field, isn't it? That's more or less where I'm coming from. Whether or not that's true is a different story altogether.49
There is a submarine present in one of the endings. I'm assuming that it is used for emergency escapes from the sinking ship but where does the tunnel from Building Q lead to?

Nowhere. If you keep going further down, it's just a dead end.50
There is a room behind the Library which you are locked into if you reach it. Is this room present on the ship as well? If it is present, what is in it? Because I don't see much purpose to having a room to build puzzles in on both ships, especially since the Alice/All-Ice's coffin can't exist in both rooms.

This room does exist in the ship. Well, to be more exact, there used to be one. It was just a sort of study. There was also a coffin, but by the time Gentarou opened it Alice was gone and all that was left was the mandrake root.51
As the creators, who were your favorite characters to design? One thing I liked was how, by the time all endings were completed, you really got attached to each of the characters... especially with the [safe] ending and Snake/Clover.

I guess my favorite would be Akane. My intention was to create the world's worst heroine, but how well did that work out? She's pretty bad, but there's still some sense of purity in her, and she's also noble. I guess...you could categorize her as a genius... Her motives are too grand in scale for an ordinary person to ever understand her. I love all of my characters, though.52
Lotus and Seven. All of the other characters had their 'real' names revealed by the end of the game. I guess this is just a minor detail, but it'd be nice to know: What are Lotus and Seven's real names?

In the Japanese version Lotus's name is revealed to be Kashiwabara. It's revealed in the torture room... Her first name wasn't revealed in the game, but I was thinking it would probably be "Hazuki". "Hazuki" means "August" in old Japanese. Her ex-husband was named Ichiro. "Ichiro" means "first-born son" in Japanese. So that gives you 1, and then the 8 from August gives you 9. That's why her twins were named "Nona" and "Ennea". Seven, though... I didn't really give him a real name.53
If there was to be a sequel, would it be a direct one, or one set in a different timeline (like future or past)/alternate universe or different place altogether?

If there were to be one...I would come up with completely different characters, and then mix in some of the characters from 999 and build a story from that. Of course, the setting will be them being stuck in a room that they can't get out of. Storyline would be after the events of 999. ...Of course, this is all hypothetical.54
Supposing that Junpei and the 9th Man actually had a code name for themselves like the rest of the characters, what would they probably have been?

Well, since Junpei's number is 5, I would have called him "Hand", because of the 5 fingers on a hand. Or "Star" since a star has five points. Or maybe "Penta", from pentagon? As for the 9th Man...that would be hard. Maybe "Pigeon"? In kanji, "pigeon" would be the number 9 plus the kanji for "bird" (鳩)55
I just wanted to see if you could confirm or deny the theory that whenever Akane began becoming feverish, it meant Junpei was heading down the wrong path, and that she was about to be incinerated in the past.

You are exactly right. Please refer to [question 19]. And like you say, she gets a fever because she gets burned in the incinerator.56
I'd heard that the bottom screen represents Akane's perspective of the Nonary game in the past. When Junpei finds the keycards with photographs in the cargo room, they're of the current Nonary game participants. This would be impossible if it was still Akane's perspective, as it shows the participants of Junpei's time. Is the inventory the only exception to the Akane-perspective idea?

Very sharp. That was something that was pointed out by my debugging staff. Sorry. If you could make an exception, and just say that this was something Akane saw through Junpei's eyes, that would be great.57
What were the actual values of everyone's bracelets?

The other characters have the numbers that are displayed on their bracelets.58
I've heard a rumor that the nine characters are based off of the nine Enneagram personalities. If that's true, which character represents which one? Do they share their number with their personality?

First off, it has nothing to do with their numbers. The order is totally different in the Japanese translated enneagram... So I based each character off of my own interpretation and rearranged things a bit. It's not so much that this character fits this enneagram, at least to my mind. Still, they fit together about like this:Achiever: Ace
Investigator: Snake
Enthusiast: Santa
Loyalist: Clover
Challenger: Junpei
Peacemaker: June
Helper: Seven
Individualist: Lotus
Reformer: The 9th Man
On a side note, if you were to compare our 999 characters with the Star Wars characters, it would go like this:
Ace: Emperor
Snake: Obi-wan
Santa: Han Solo
Clover: R2
Junpei: Luke
June: Leia
Seven: Chewy
Lotus: C3PO
9th Man: Darth Vader
...What, the 9th Man as Darth Vader?! Well, I guess we can't make everyone fit...

I'd like to know more about the role Seven played. Was he faking amnesia all along and was another Zero collaborator, or can we pretty much take him at face value throughout the game? If we can take him at face value, then what was the smile at the end about? Was his headache at the true end analogous to Akane's fevers - that is, an indication that the course of events was being altered?

His headaches were because the memory that has been implanted in him started to show discrepancies with reality.
access [record #24]
Coming from the considerably higher resolution PC visual novels (640x480 & 800x600 in particular), I was wondering just how high-res 999's original art assets were, seeing that the DS only has a 256x192 resolution.

The characters were drawn at 1024 x 768.61
What couples do you folk actually see as canon. I mean, June and Junpei seem pretty canon, but is there the possibility of Lotus and Seven?

I believe Seven and Lotus is totally canon. I mean, she is divorced, after all.62
How did Seven get his scars? He did not have them in the flashback sequences.

He got them in an incident that took place after the first Nonary Game 9 years before. He was battling against a particular powerful global organization.63
If June was in fact Zero, and Santa was "assisting" her, was she responsible for planting the bombs into the Cradle Pharmaceutical executives? It doesn't seem likely, given how inherently altruistic she is. If not, why did she not admonish Santa when the 9th man blew up?

You're exactly right. I guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Pretty scary, isn't it?
access [record #5]
In what year do the events in 999 happen?

The events of 999 take place in the year 2027. So the first Nonary game would have been in 2018.65
How did June and Santa manage to pull off staging the 2nd Nonary Game in the first place? How did they manage to finance it, reset/refurbish/use the facility and kidnap such big important people all on their own? I get the WHY of it all, it's the HOW that really just doesn't add up for me. And a side note, just to be clear, was June just acting innocent or was she actually a much more ruthless person than she portrayed herself as to everyone else?

Well, the 12 year-old Akane saw through the eyes of Junpei 9 years in the future that Cradle Pharmaceutical would suddenly become a huge company. She told her brother, Aoi/Santa, to buy stock in Cradle Pharmaceutical when they were cheap, so they made a ton of money when it was eventually listed on the stock exchange. They took that money and invested in other stocks and increased their fortune. Before long they were millionaires and eventually formed an organization to help with the execution of their plans. It wasn't just the 2 of them doing everything: They had dozens of underlings working for them. (Santa buying stocks is mentioned in the game itself as well.)
re: "June's Innocence"
access [record #51]
access [record #63]

How did Clover know that the number discovered from the "Truth is Gone" riddle was for the safe in the piano room behind Door 5? She did not go through Door 5 and none of the 3 people who went through Door 5 told her about it. Also, is there any significance for the 8 digit combination number for the coffin?

She found a note Kagechika Musashidou had written when he was alive in the captain's room. She learned about the safe in the piano room from him. As far as the meaning behind the numbers, I haven't really told anyone in any other interviews, so I'm going to make this just between us. If you take the number 14383421 and multiply it by 9, you get 129450789. What do all those numbers mean? I'll leave that up to your interpretation.67
One tiny question when it comes to an individual's ability to transmit and receive messages from the field. Concerning Junpei's abilities, was he born with them, or did they awaken mainly because Akane had such a strong bond with him in the first place?

You are right. It is the power of love.68
Who is the "Zero" speaking in the ending in which Ace dies in the incinerator? Is it Santa?

You can interpret it as Santa (the person making noise was in fact Santa), or it can be interpreted as Akane speaking directly into Junpei's brain.69
Does Junpei realize Akane risked his life and the lives of 6 others (not including her own) by setting up the 2nd Nonary game? Or does he simply not care and loves her despite her selfishness?

When he realized the truth, Junpei understood everything. That's why, in the game, we made sure that despite it all being completely planned out, he still had to save her. I suppose you can call it selfishness, but if Junpei didn't save her then a 12 year-old girl would die... Junpei did have strong feelings for her, yes, but that wouldn't really matter. Even if it were just some stranger, Junpei would have saved her regardless. No matter how he might have been tricked, or put in danger, or murdered in an alternative history, Junpei would have done the same thing.70
What are the heights of each character? What are the measurements for the female characters? (bust/waist/hips)

FINALLY, A LIGHT QUESTION! Unfortunately, I'm sorry... I didn't really give the characters specific atributes like that. All I know is that Lotus has big boobs. That's for sure. She used to live in Silicon Valley, but her boobs are not filled with silicon. They are ALL NATURAL.71
What did Snake hear when he paused for a moment in door [5]? It was never addressed again.

He was listening to the movements of the team that had gone through door 4.72
Since Junpei saved Akane in the alternate timeline, will Junpei find the adult Akane somewhere in the present after the Nevada scene? I would love for them have a reunion in the timeline that we experienced. They are such a cute couple and I was so sad that Junpei couldn't find her after they escaped.

I apologize for saddening you. Given Akane's circumstances, she had no other choice.
access [record #12]

Is the June that Akane presents herself as during the game how she really is, or is she really more like Ace, just acting, and really kind of crazy? And also, it was implied that the group was going to meet up with June and Santa during the true end, I assume that means the group didn't hold any ill will towards June/Santa?

re: "Akane"
access [record #51]
access [record #63]
access [record #72]
I guess we have a lot of these questions from the U.S. To be honest, I didn't get very many questions like this in Japan. Most of the questions in Japan are about Alice, or if Seven was lying. This is so interesting. I could have sworn I wrote "I (Akane) shall become Zero" in the game, but there were a few people who really believed that Santa was Zero. Anyway, putting that aside... As far as how the other 5 feel about Akane and Santa... I'm sure they have pretty mixed feelings. It's true that the bracelets didn't have detonators in them, nor were they actually implanted with bombs, but they were lied to... Still, they were lied to so that they could save a 12 year-old girl (Akane). I feel like they are in a situation where they want to hold grudges, but at the same time can't really bring themselves to do it.
Who kidnapped Junpei? (I know it's Zero, but who was the person doing all the kidnappings?)

This is also something that not too many people know about, but the person wearing the gas mask was actually Akane. The kidnappings were done by her brother Santa, and as I mentioned in [question 65], she had a number of people from her organization helping her out.

White Soul

مشاعري متلخبطة ولكن الأكيد ... إن دانجانرونبا أثرت "كثير" على تجربتي هنا !
تلك السلسلة على الرغم من مشاكلها ولكنها "تكسر القواعد" بشكل متكرر، مما يجعل من مفعول الصدمات يخف أثره بعد فترة، لأنك تتوقع أي شيء ممكن !

النهاية ... محبطة الحقيقة، البداية المهيبة للفصل الأخير، توالي الصدمات، ثم أفكار النهاية...


ختى النهاية وإتضاح الحقيقة ظل هو الشرير والقاتل والخسيس ، و "صفر" لم يكن سوى سبب لهذا الأمر...
للأسف دور "سانتا" كان أقل بكثير من ماتوقعت بالنهاية، وكذلك دور البقية مثل ثعبان، ولكني سعيد بكون سبعة تحصل على حقه في هذه الجزئية الأخيرة...

"التجربة" وتناقل الذكريات كانت جزء إحباطي، فهمت لماذا كانوا يقولون جزئية "الشاشتين" وأتخيل كيف كان الأمر بجهاز مثل الـDS،
ولكن كينونة النهاية نفسها لم تعجبني، ما كانت تشفي الغليل الحقيقة ! والجزئية الأخيرة... بالحق ماهذا فقط ؟ : /

الرواية ككل كانت مرضية وأفضل من توقعاتي، ربما رفع سقف توقعاتي للنهاية الكلية كان هو السبب هنا...

طيب لدي أكثر من سؤال هنا، لا أمانع الحرق، لأرجاع الحماس المفقود ربما...

الأول هو في في أكثر من نهاية كان هناك القاتل، من كان القاتل ؟ هونجو ؟

السؤال الثاني هل قصة الأول مرتبطة بالأجزاء التكميلية إرتباطًا مبينًا ؟ وتشرح بعض الإشكالات بالقصة ؟
أم مجرد نفس الأفكار بشخصيات جديدة كليًا ؟

عن نفسي على العكس أشوف النهاية عظيمة

الرهيب في 999 أنها رغم تعقيد قصتها في الظاهر إلا أنك في نهاية المطاف بتكتشف أن الهدف الأساسي للشرير - زيرو - مش السيطرة على العالم ومش محاولة الارتقاء بالعالم عبر طرق متطرفة، وحتى ما يعتبر هدفه الأساسي الانتقام (وإن كان أحد الأسباب).

الهدف ببساطة أن الشرير، أكاني، تريد انقاذ نفسها، وهي مستعدة تعرض نفسها وأخوها وسبع أشخاص آخرين للعبة مجنونة قد تفقدهم أعصابهم ويمكن حياتهم، بغرض تحقيق هذا الهدف البسيط.... النجاة!

برأيي أن هذا جزء من روعة 999 والسبب الرئيسي لروعة شخصية Akane. مهما تظاهرت باللطف والاهتمام بالآخرين هي مجرد بشر في النهاية، والبشر أنانيين. اللعبة ما تخجل من استعراض غريزة البشر الفطرية في البقاء على قيد الحياة بأفضل صورة ولأي درجة الإنسان مستعد يعمل حتى يحافظ على حياته. هي أبعد كل البعد عن ال"نبل" المصطنع في كثير من الألعاب.

عموما يالله روح العب VLR وإذا بحثت مرة ثانية عنها وجلست تحرق على نفسك بعطيك بان حرق ٥ نقاط ::an::


True Gamer
اياك ثم ايام ثم اياك ان تبحث عن معلومات جزء VLR لأي سبب كان. ادخل وانت مغمض.


مكجول سعيد ولا محنك مكتئب
مشاعري متلخبطة ولكن الأكيد ... إن دانجانرونبا أثرت "كثير" على تجربتي هنا !
تلك السلسلة على الرغم من مشاكلها ولكنها "تكسر القواعد" بشكل متكرر، مما يجعل من مفعول الصدمات يخف أثره بعد فترة، لأنك تتوقع أي شيء ممكن !

النهاية ... محبطة الحقيقة، البداية المهيبة للفصل الأخير، توالي الصدمات، ثم أفكار النهاية...


ختى النهاية وإتضاح الحقيقة ظل هو الشرير والقاتل والخسيس ، و "صفر" لم يكن سوى سبب لهذا الأمر...
للأسف دور "سانتا" كان أقل بكثير من ماتوقعت بالنهاية، وكذلك دور البقية مثل ثعبان، ولكني سعيد بكون سبعة تحصل على حقه في هذه الجزئية الأخيرة...

"التجربة" وتناقل الذكريات كانت جزء إحباطي، فهمت لماذا كانوا يقولون جزئية "الشاشتين" وأتخيل كيف كان الأمر بجهاز مثل الـDS،
ولكن كينونة النهاية نفسها لم تعجبني، ما كانت تشفي الغليل الحقيقة ! والجزئية الأخيرة... بالحق ماهذا فقط ؟ : /

الرواية ككل كانت مرضية وأفضل من توقعاتي، ربما رفع سقف توقعاتي للنهاية الكلية كان هو السبب هنا...

طيب لدي أكثر من سؤال هنا، لا أمانع الحرق، لأرجاع الحماس المفقود ربما...

الأول هو في في أكثر من نهاية كان هناك القاتل، من كان القاتل ؟ هونجو ؟

السؤال الثاني هل قصة الأول مرتبطة بالأجزاء التكميلية إرتباطًا مبينًا ؟ وتشرح بعض الإشكالات بالقصة ؟
أم مجرد نفس الأفكار بشخصيات جديدة كليًا ؟
اخيرا احد غيري يشوف النهاية محبطة جدا وغير منطقية بالمرة ::laugh::


True Gamer
بدأت اللعبة قبل قليل عالـPS4، الفلوتشارت موضح لي إن فيه عدة مسارات، اللي أعرفه أنه لازم أعيد اللعبة كم مرة عشان أشوف كل النهايات، لكن مو المفروض أقدر من الفلوتشارت أروح أي جزئية المسارات تنفصل فيها وأكمل في مسار آخر بدون ما أعيد؟ هل هذه إضافة جديد لنسخ الكونسولز لأن شايف كثيرين يعيدوها من البداية؟


True Gamer
بدأت اللعبة قبل قليل عالـPS4، الفلوتشارت موضح لي إن فيه عدة مسارات، اللي أعرفه أنه لازم أعيد اللعبة كم مرة عشان أشوف كل النهايات، لكن مو المفروض أقدر من الفلوتشارت أروح أي جزئية المسارات تنفصل فيها وأكمل في مسار آخر بدون ما أعيد؟ هل هذه إضافة جديد لنسخ الكونسولز لأن شايف كثيرين يعيدوها من البداية؟
تقدر تروح من أي نقطة بدون ماتعيد، أيه نعم إضافة حصرية لنسخة الوضوح العالي التي صدرت للحاسب ثم الـPS4.


Versus XIII Epic
وخلصتها بأربع نهايات، أحدها الحقيقية. مان.. شكلي بعتزل الألعاب وأقعد عالفيجوال نوفلز فقط ::laugh::

أيش اول نهاية طلعت لك ؟ اتمنى انها الفأس ::inno::


True Gamer
صباح الخير …. كويس اني لقيت الموضوع

عموما بدأت فيها ومسكت خط مدري اي مسار بس اتوقع ماشي مسافة لابأس فيها، عجبني جدا الغموض في القصة لدرجة اني بديت اصدق الاشياء اللي يقولونها رحت ابحث عنها لوول، الشخصيات لا زالت في نمط التطور بس مبدئيًا معجب فيهم والكتابة كثير كويسة والبطل * يأخذ نفس عميق * ينحب على طول وشيء ماتوقعته كوني جاي من انميات شونين ( ماله دخل بس اثر على نظرتي للشخصيات البطلة ) وكل هذا يرجع للكتابة اولا والتمثيل الصوتي الانجليزي الممتاز جدا من الاغلب.

طبعًا الفانسيرفس * احم احم لوتس * وبعض الحوارات بس مايخالف اذا ماتم التركيز عليه.

هذي ثاني رواية مرئية لي ( اذا ثلاثية Ace attorney تحسب اصلا ) وصراحة شكلي على مشارف تجربة جميلة


True Gamer
صباح الخير …. كويس اني لقيت الموضوع

عموما بدأت فيها ومسكت خط مدري اي مسار بس اتوقع ماشي مسافة لابأس فيها، عجبني جدا الغموض في القصة لدرجة اني بديت اصدق الاشياء اللي يقولونها رحت ابحث عنها لوول، الشخصيات لا زالت في نمط التطور بس مبدئيًا معجب فيهم والكتابة كثير كويسة والبطل * يأخذ نفس عميق * ينحب على طول وشيء ماتوقعته كوني جاي من انميات شونين ( ماله دخل بس اثر على نظرتي للشخصيات البطلة ) وكل هذا يرجع للكتابة اولا والتمثيل الصوتي الانجليزي الممتاز جدا من الاغلب.

طبعًا الفانسيرفس * احم احم لوتس * وبعض الحوارات بس مايخالف اذا ماتم التركيز عليه.

هذي ثاني رواية مرئية لي ( اذا ثلاثية Ace attorney تحسب اصلا ) وصراحة شكلي على مشارف تجربة جميلة
لازم بعدها تلعب VLR لاتسحب عليها زي الكثير


صباح الخير …. كويس اني لقيت الموضوع

عموما بدأت فيها ومسكت خط مدري اي مسار بس اتوقع ماشي مسافة لابأس فيها، عجبني جدا الغموض في القصة لدرجة اني بديت اصدق الاشياء اللي يقولونها رحت ابحث عنها لوول، الشخصيات لا زالت في نمط التطور بس مبدئيًا معجب فيهم والكتابة كثير كويسة والبطل * يأخذ نفس عميق * ينحب على طول وشيء ماتوقعته كوني جاي من انميات شونين ( ماله دخل بس اثر على نظرتي للشخصيات البطلة ) وكل هذا يرجع للكتابة اولا والتمثيل الصوتي الانجليزي الممتاز جدا من الاغلب.

طبعًا الفانسيرفس * احم احم لوتس * وبعض الحوارات بس مايخالف اذا ماتم التركيز عليه.

هذي ثاني رواية مرئية لي ( اذا ثلاثية Ace attorney تحسب اصلا ) وصراحة شكلي على مشارف تجربة جميلة
لازم تخلص المسارات كلها ثم تنتقل لـVLR وتخلص مساراتها كلها.

القصة عبارة عن انهاء جميع المسارات، ماتقدر تكتفي بمسار واحد وتقفل اللعبة.


True Gamer
لازم بعدها تلعب VLR لاتسحب عليها زي الكثير
لازم تخلص المسارات كلها ثم تنتقل لـVLR وتخلص مساراتها كلها.

القصة عبارة عن انهاء جميع المسارات، ماتقدر تكتفي بمسار واحد وتقفل اللعبة.
لا معليكم انا اصلا ماخذها عشان VLR وناوي انهيها بكل المسارات


True Gamer
الالغاز هنا تخليني اذكى غبي واغبى ذكي في نفس الوقت لووول شعور الانجاز بعد لغز صعب ماله مثيل هه


True Gamer
حصلت على الBAD END ! وتف ! وش ذا التويست المجنون ؟ بشيك على المسارات الثانية


True Gamer
Man نهاية الخزنة خلتني اللعبة احب اكثر واكثر


True Gamer
النهاية الحقيقية مجنونة بشكل يفجر المخ ……. مع انه فيه اشياء ماتدخل العقل شوية بس لو تطالعها بشكل عام …… هذي من افضل التجارب القصصية اللي حصل لي الشرف اختمها من فترة طويلة.

انهيتها بكل النهايات في ٢٠ ساعة من المتعة القصصية الخالصة.


متحمس جدا لVLR


True Gamer
وقف ! لا تقول ان الشخصية الرئيسية في VLR ماله صوت ؟ بيكون إحباط بعد الجزء الأول


وقف ! لا تقول ان الشخصية الرئيسية في VLR ماله صوت ؟ بيكون إحباط بعد الجزء الأول
هو اساسا الجزء الأول ما كان له اصوات من اساسها، شيء انضاف للريماستر بس، فمجرد وجود اصوات بالثاني هو اكبر ابجريد