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الموضوع الرسمي Wo Long : Fallen dynasty { كن مثل الصقر على ارض الممالك الثلاث }

الله يحفظك .. هزمت لوبو بعد عشرين قتلة قتلني إياها ....
شكرا للمساعدة.

خلصت المدينة المحترقة اللي بها تنين، وأنا الآن في المرحلة اللي بعدها ... باقي كثير على اللعبة أو اقتربت للنهاية؟
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Reactions: Eye
وصلت للزعيم النهائي
الولد الأعمى

صعب مت كثير عنده

أحتاج مساعدة في التغلب عليه، أي نصايح؟


Fake Gamer
خاويت عبدالرحمن وحكمت

ryo hazuki

True Gamer
وصلت للزعيم النهائي
الولد الأعمى

صعب مت كثير عنده

أحتاج مساعدة في التغلب عليه، أي نصايح؟
أطلب مساعدة من اللعيبة الاونلاين ، طلب استدعاء من البونفاير
انا بهذي الطريقة تغلبت عليه
أطلب مساعدة من اللعيبة الاونلاين ، طلب استدعاء من البونفاير
انا بهذي الطريقة تغلبت عليه
الحمدلله تغلبت عليه لوحدي بعد جهد وتعب
قتال ملحمي ونهاية جيمبلاي عظيم
هذه اللعبة من أفضل ألعاب السنة، وبعد إنهائها عرفت ليش تروجيمنج عطاها 9
لعبة ممتازة جدا، نظام قتالي مذهل
القتال هنا أفضل من إلدن رنج كثيرا. واستمتعت بها أكثر من استمتاعي بإلدن رنج


رحمك الله يا أبي
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Update Details Ver. 1.05
■Additional Feature
・Added the option Make Offering to Burial Flag to the key configurations.

・Added the option Switch Locked-on Target (Away from Camera) and the option Switch Locked-on Target (Toward Camera) to the key configurations.

・Added the settings options to automatically switch locked-on targets upon successfully deflecting or deflecting in response to Critical Blows.
Note: Players can enable these options in the Game Settings by selecting Switch Locked-on Target after Deflecting and Switch Locked-on Target after Deflecting a Critical Blow.

・Added the settings option to switch the locked-on target to the nearest enemy by pressing down the right stick.
Note: Players can enable this option in the Game Settings by selecting Switch Locked-on Target to Nearest Enemy.

・Added options to set the rotation and tracking speed for the lock-on camera.
Note: These options have been added to the Lock-on Camera page in the Camera Settings.

・Added the option to enable/disable inertial movement when rotating the camera.
Note: This option has been added to the Normal Camera page in the Camera Settings.

・Modified the Reinforcements menu to show warriors who have sworn oaths with the player but are not currently available as companions. Also made it possible to gift Cups of Cordiality.

・Added an option allowing players to part ways with companions by selecting a current companion in the Reinforcements menu rather than using a Willow Branch.

・Made changes so that the sort order for the following menus is saved:
 ・Equipment, Inventory, Status, Set Wizardry Spells, Battle Set, and all menus available at the Blacksmith

・Added an interface allowing players to compare equipment in the Equipment menu.
Note: Further expansions for the comparison interface, such as support for the Set Bonus list and the Status menu, are slated for subsequent patches.

・Made changes to the Equipment menu so that players may now check and select equipment set to Favorites.

・Made changes to the Travel menu which will allow players to check their progress in collecting Shitieshou, Golden Cicada Shells, Tablets, Dragon Vein Essence, and Dragon Vein Crystals via icons.

・Added check mark icons to completed missions in the Travel menu.

・Changed some of the designs and the captions for controls to make it easier to distinguish between the Inventory and Storehouse menus at the Blacksmith.

・Added a dedicated icon that is shown when automatically restocking arrows, projectiles, and consumable items.

・Added warnings to notify players when their equipment weight ratio exceeds 100%.

・Made the following adjustments to drop rates:
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating bosses in main battlefields.
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating sub battlefield bosses in duels.
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating other players in Invade sessions.

・Made adjustments so that items from treasure chests containing equipment will incur random loots (only when opening them for the second time onwards).
Note: Starting from the second playthrough, such items, while having higher upgrade levels, are also more likely to be of higher rarities.

・Made adjustments so that items with higher rarities are more likely to be dropped after the player defeats enemies with higher Morale Ranks than the player’s current Morale Rank.

・Adjusted the lock-on target selection criteria to avoid prioritizing enemies farther away from the player even when there are other enemies nearby.

・Improved situations in which the game occasionally failed to automatically switch to a new locked-on target after the player defeated an enemy.

・Changed the interaction command for Burial Flags to the ↓ arrow key or ↓ on the directional pad.

・Made some adjustments to the level of difficulty for the battle against Zhang Liang in the main battlefield “Village of Calamity,” including the following:
 ・Decreased the maximum HP of his first form
 ・Adjusted each type of damage
 ・Adjusted the AI
 ・Adjusted camera movement during airborne attacks

・Added a tutorial to the battle against Zhang Liang in the main battlefield “Village of Calamity.”

・Made adjustments so that Divine Beast attacks are affected by the player’s Morale Rank.
 ・Adjusted the amount of damage dealt by each Divine Beast, taking into account the effect of the player’s Morale Rank.

・Extended the duration of invincibility after performing Fatal Strikes or deflect in response to Critical Blows, as the effects of invincibility wore off before players regained control.

・Made changes to Photograph mode so that the direction of camera movement and rotation is now based on the player’s view when tilting the camera.

・Made changes so that Revenge is not overwritten when players are defeated by the target of Revenge and are awaiting aid during multiplayer sessions.
Note: This change will prevent the loss of Genuine Qi when awaiting aid or when given aid repeatedly after being defeated by the same enemy.

■Major Bug Fixes
・Fixed crash-prone situations that occurred in certain environments.

・Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented the destination marker on the Sense Qi Map from being displayed in ultrawide resolution.

・Fixed a bug that prevented players from launching Spirit attacks if Guard had been set to the Shift key in Control Settings.

・Fixed a bug that prevented players from progressing after matching up with other players under certain conditions in Co-op.

・Fixed a bug that allowed players to go outside the bounds of the current stage from certain locations in some stages.

・Fixed a bug that caused characters to become stuck (in the ground/surrounding objects) in certain locations in some stages, making it impossible for players to progress.

・Fixed a bug that prevented players from re-entering the boss area in some stages.

・Fixed a bug that caused Peculiar Inner Elixir to be obtained by defeating players during Invade sessions, even if it had not been previously acquired.

・Fixed a bug that caused a number of enemies to die every time the game was restarted from certain Battle Flags in the main battlefield “Darkness over the Hanshui River.”

・Fixed a bug that made it possible to exchange items with a Shitieshou every time the game was restarted from certain Battle Flags in the sub battlefield “Heirloom Seal of the Realm.”

・Fixed a bug in the sub battlefield “Legend of the Thunder God” in which the item drop rate after defeating the boss was equivalent to the rate for minor enemies.

・Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause Hong Jing to become stuck in the ground after attacking her with the Martial Arts technique Antelope Horn in the sub battlefield “The Scarlet Crystal.”

・Fixed a bug in which the sum of special effects values shown by rank would sometimes be displayed incorrectly.
Note: There is no change to the actual values of each special effect.

・Fixed a bug in which the special effect Ammo Held Max was not taken into account when moving projectiles between the inventory and the storehouse.

・Fixed a bug in which the New Items list did not prioritize items that had previously been acquired, but were used up and then acquired again.

・Fixed a bug that caused the player’s character to die if they removed equipment that had the special effect for HP on it when they were on the verge of death.

・Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent invading players from performing Fatal Strikes directly after using the Martial Arts techniques Dawning Sky and Skyward Evergreen depending on the height settings of that character.

・Fixed a bug that occurred during multiplayer Recruit sessions with 3 players, in which the time left to provide aid to the remaining players would not be displayed if the player with a newer Player Number had been killed.

・Fixed other minor bugs.


・Made the following adjustments to drop rates:
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating bosses in main battlefields.
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating sub battlefield bosses in duels.
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating other players in Invade sessions.

・Made some adjustments to the level of difficulty for the battle against Zhang Liang in the main battlefield “Village of Calamity,” including the following:
 ・Decreased the maximum HP of his first form
 ・Adjusted each type of damage
 ・Adjusted the AI
 ・Adjusted camera movement during airborne attacks

・Added a tutorial to the battle against Zhang Liang in the main battlefield “Village of Calamity.

مع زيادة نسبة الحصول على item النادره و اصبح قتال الزعيم الاول اسهل و ايضا فيه tutorial لقتاله !
و التحديث السابق اصبح قتال الثلاثي اسهل

هالعبة مع كل تحديث تصبح اسهل ما ناقص غير باتش للي لوبو ::laugh::

غير قتال الزعيم الاول صعب اول ما جربته لكن بعد عدة محاولات قدرت اهزمه و حتى بالفيس الاول بدون خسارة اي طاقة . اعتقد كان زي الزعيم الصعب الي يعلمك اللعبة و يحضرك لها . ناوي مواجهه معاه بعد التحديث . اتمنى ما اصبح اسهل من اللازم


Hardcore Gamer
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Update Details Ver. 1.05
■Additional Feature
・Added the option Make Offering to Burial Flag to the key configurations.

・Added the option Switch Locked-on Target (Away from Camera) and the option Switch Locked-on Target (Toward Camera) to the key configurations.

・Added the settings options to automatically switch locked-on targets upon successfully deflecting or deflecting in response to Critical Blows.
Note: Players can enable these options in the Game Settings by selecting Switch Locked-on Target after Deflecting and Switch Locked-on Target after Deflecting a Critical Blow.

・Added the settings option to switch the locked-on target to the nearest enemy by pressing down the right stick.
Note: Players can enable this option in the Game Settings by selecting Switch Locked-on Target to Nearest Enemy.

・Added options to set the rotation and tracking speed for the lock-on camera.
Note: These options have been added to the Lock-on Camera page in the Camera Settings.

・Added the option to enable/disable inertial movement when rotating the camera.
Note: This option has been added to the Normal Camera page in the Camera Settings.

・Modified the Reinforcements menu to show warriors who have sworn oaths with the player but are not currently available as companions. Also made it possible to gift Cups of Cordiality.

・Added an option allowing players to part ways with companions by selecting a current companion in the Reinforcements menu rather than using a Willow Branch.

・Made changes so that the sort order for the following menus is saved:
 ・Equipment, Inventory, Status, Set Wizardry Spells, Battle Set, and all menus available at the Blacksmith

・Added an interface allowing players to compare equipment in the Equipment menu.
Note: Further expansions for the comparison interface, such as support for the Set Bonus list and the Status menu, are slated for subsequent patches.

・Made changes to the Equipment menu so that players may now check and select equipment set to Favorites.

・Made changes to the Travel menu which will allow players to check their progress in collecting Shitieshou, Golden Cicada Shells, Tablets, Dragon Vein Essence, and Dragon Vein Crystals via icons.

・Added check mark icons to completed missions in the Travel menu.

・Changed some of the designs and the captions for controls to make it easier to distinguish between the Inventory and Storehouse menus at the Blacksmith.

・Added a dedicated icon that is shown when automatically restocking arrows, projectiles, and consumable items.

・Added warnings to notify players when their equipment weight ratio exceeds 100%.

・Made the following adjustments to drop rates:
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating bosses in main battlefields.
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating sub battlefield bosses in duels.
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating other players in Invade sessions.

・Made adjustments so that items from treasure chests containing equipment will incur random loots (only when opening them for the second time onwards).
Note: Starting from the second playthrough, such items, while having higher upgrade levels, are also more likely to be of higher rarities.

・Made adjustments so that items with higher rarities are more likely to be dropped after the player defeats enemies with higher Morale Ranks than the player’s current Morale Rank.

・Adjusted the lock-on target selection criteria to avoid prioritizing enemies farther away from the player even when there are other enemies nearby.

・Improved situations in which the game occasionally failed to automatically switch to a new locked-on target after the player defeated an enemy.

・Changed the interaction command for Burial Flags to the ↓ arrow key or ↓ on the directional pad.

・Made some adjustments to the level of difficulty for the battle against Zhang Liang in the main battlefield “Village of Calamity,” including the following:
 ・Decreased the maximum HP of his first form
 ・Adjusted each type of damage
 ・Adjusted the AI
 ・Adjusted camera movement during airborne attacks

・Added a tutorial to the battle against Zhang Liang in the main battlefield “Village of Calamity.”

・Made adjustments so that Divine Beast attacks are affected by the player’s Morale Rank.
 ・Adjusted the amount of damage dealt by each Divine Beast, taking into account the effect of the player’s Morale Rank.

・Extended the duration of invincibility after performing Fatal Strikes or deflect in response to Critical Blows, as the effects of invincibility wore off before players regained control.

・Made changes to Photograph mode so that the direction of camera movement and rotation is now based on the player’s view when tilting the camera.

・Made changes so that Revenge is not overwritten when players are defeated by the target of Revenge and are awaiting aid during multiplayer sessions.
Note: This change will prevent the loss of Genuine Qi when awaiting aid or when given aid repeatedly after being defeated by the same enemy.

■Major Bug Fixes
・Fixed crash-prone situations that occurred in certain environments.

・Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented the destination marker on the Sense Qi Map from being displayed in ultrawide resolution.

・Fixed a bug that prevented players from launching Spirit attacks if Guard had been set to the Shift key in Control Settings.

・Fixed a bug that prevented players from progressing after matching up with other players under certain conditions in Co-op.

・Fixed a bug that allowed players to go outside the bounds of the current stage from certain locations in some stages.

・Fixed a bug that caused characters to become stuck (in the ground/surrounding objects) in certain locations in some stages, making it impossible for players to progress.

・Fixed a bug that prevented players from re-entering the boss area in some stages.

・Fixed a bug that caused Peculiar Inner Elixir to be obtained by defeating players during Invade sessions, even if it had not been previously acquired.

・Fixed a bug that caused a number of enemies to die every time the game was restarted from certain Battle Flags in the main battlefield “Darkness over the Hanshui River.”

・Fixed a bug that made it possible to exchange items with a Shitieshou every time the game was restarted from certain Battle Flags in the sub battlefield “Heirloom Seal of the Realm.”

・Fixed a bug in the sub battlefield “Legend of the Thunder God” in which the item drop rate after defeating the boss was equivalent to the rate for minor enemies.

・Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause Hong Jing to become stuck in the ground after attacking her with the Martial Arts technique Antelope Horn in the sub battlefield “The Scarlet Crystal.”

・Fixed a bug in which the sum of special effects values shown by rank would sometimes be displayed incorrectly.
Note: There is no change to the actual values of each special effect.

・Fixed a bug in which the special effect Ammo Held Max was not taken into account when moving projectiles between the inventory and the storehouse.

・Fixed a bug in which the New Items list did not prioritize items that had previously been acquired, but were used up and then acquired again.

・Fixed a bug that caused the player’s character to die if they removed equipment that had the special effect for HP on it when they were on the verge of death.

・Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent invading players from performing Fatal Strikes directly after using the Martial Arts techniques Dawning Sky and Skyward Evergreen depending on the height settings of that character.

・Fixed a bug that occurred during multiplayer Recruit sessions with 3 players, in which the time left to provide aid to the remaining players would not be displayed if the player with a newer Player Number had been killed.

・Fixed other minor bugs.


・Made the following adjustments to drop rates:
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating bosses in main battlefields.
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating sub battlefield bosses in duels.
 ・Increased the drop rate of items with high rarities after defeating other players in Invade sessions.

・Made some adjustments to the level of difficulty for the battle against Zhang Liang in the main battlefield “Village of Calamity,” including the following:
 ・Decreased the maximum HP of his first form
 ・Adjusted each type of damage
 ・Adjusted the AI
 ・Adjusted camera movement during airborne attacks

・Added a tutorial to the battle against Zhang Liang in the main battlefield “Village of Calamity.

مع زيادة نسبة الحصول على item النادره و اصبح قتال الزعيم الاول اسهل و ايضا فيه tutorial لقتاله !
و التحديث السابق اصبح قتال الثلاثي اسهل

هالعبة مع كل تحديث تصبح اسهل ما ناقص غير باتش للي لوبو ::laugh::

غير قتال الزعيم الاول صعب اول ما جربته لكن بعد عدة محاولات قدرت اهزمه و حتى بالفيس الاول بدون خسارة اي طاقة . اعتقد كان زي الزعيم الصعب الي يعلمك اللعبة و يحضرك لها . ناوي مواجهه معاه بعد التحديث . اتمنى ما اصبح اسهل من اللازم

اهم تعديل هو انك تقدر تقارن بين القطع مباشرة +1


True Gamer
اليوم بديت باللعبة بعد تحميس ربعي بدؤو فيها، طبعا شكرا للجيم باس
اول مره العب هالنوعيه من الالعاب ::sweat::
نشوف كيف الوضع بيمشي مع الايام


Hardcore Gamer
هالعبة مع كل تحديث تصبح اسهل ما ناقص غير باتش للي لوبو ::laugh::
في تحديث نزل اليوم ومدري إذا قتال لوبو فيه صار أسهل لأني قدرت أهزمه اليوم من رابع محاولة وطول اليومين اللي فات قاعد أعاني منه ...


رحمك الله يا أبي
في تحديث نزل اليوم ومدري إذا قتال لوبو فيه صار أسهل لأني قدرت أهزمه اليوم من رابع محاولة وطول اليومين اللي فات قاعد أعاني منه ...
ما اذكر قريت هالشيء
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Update Details Ver. 1.06

■Additional Feature
・Added the new feature “Inner Discipline,” which allows players to set their own maximum Morale Rank.
Note: This is accessible via Battle Preparation and then Inner Discipline in the Battle Flag menu.
Inner Discipline will prevent Morale Rank from rising above the set limit when obtaining Morale Points by defeating enemies or performing Fatal Strikes.
This feature will be disabled while participating in Recruit and Invade sessions.
The Elixir and Burial Flag buffs that increase Morale Rank will still be applied above the maximum limit.

・Made changes to the Reinforcements menu so that a handshake icon will now be displayed next to the companions who have accompanied the player at least once.
Note: We have received inquiries from players who have been unable to obtain the achievement/trophy “Great Gatherings.” If you have confirmed the status of your companions after applying the update and are still unable to obtain the trophy despite fulfilling all of the requirements, then please contact customer support. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

・Added icons to display the location of Zuo Ci and the Blacksmith/Zhu Xia on the minimap.

・Added Set Bonus and Inner Discipline to Tutorial under Documents.

・Made the following adjustments to the effects of the item Elixir:
 ・Changed the mechanics of the effects so that Morale Rank increase is now treated as a buff effect that expires after a set period of time.
 ・Changed the Morale Rank increase from 1 to 3.
 ・Changed the duration of the effects from 30 seconds to 60.

・Enlarged the Affinity hitbox of the flame area generated by the demonized Xiahou Dun’s tail so that it will be easier to neutralize the flames by taking advantage of Five Phase Affinities.

・Adjusted the activation timing for the special effect Subtlety of the Water Phase so that it occurs after the Fatal Strike sequence is complete, rather than at the start of Fatal Strikes.

・Made adjustments so that the lock-on mechanics would not target enemies awaiting aid.

■Major Bug Fixes
・Fixed a bug in which the mouse could not be used outside of the game screen when using the Keyboard Only controller type in Control Settings.

・Fixed a bug that caused the UI for Special Effect Details within the Equip menu to flicker in the 120FPS setting.

・Fixed a bug that prevented the Wizardry Spells menu from being displayed in full screen in ultrawide resolutions.

・Fixed crash-prone situations that occurred in certain environments.

・Fixed a bug that allowed players to go outside the bounds of the current stage from certain locations in some stages.

・Fixed a bug that caused characters to become stuck (in the ground/surrounding objects) in certain locations in some stages, making it impossible for players to progress.

・Fixed a bug that made it impossible for players to progress if they had died in certain locations in some stages, as the players would continually respawn to the point where they had fallen to their death, causing them to die over and over again.

・Fixed a bug that allowed ranged attacks to penetrate walls and caused enemies to detect players through the walls in some stages.

・Fixed a bug in which players’ progress after defeating bosses would not be saved if the application ended during the cutscene that plays after the boss’ defeat.

・Fixed a bug that prevented players from locking on to Fengxi until the demon became aware of their presence in the main battlefield “Tyrant’s Final Banquet.”

・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused demonized Sun Jianto go outside the bounds of the current area in the main battlefield “Darkness over the Hanshui River.”

・Fixed a bug that caused certain terracotta soldiers in the main battlefield “Behold the Glaive of Righteousness” to produce drop rewards equivalent to those of leaders.

・Fixed a bug that caused some of the Shuigui in front of the waterfall in the main battlefield “The Valley of Crying Wraiths” to have a wider field of view than intended.

・Fixed a bug that caused a certain bandit in front of a treasure chest in the sub battlefield "Escape from the Capital" to have a narrower field of view than intended..

・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the player’s Morale Rank to decrease when obtaining Morale Points in the sub battlefield “The Crouching Dragon’s Trial.”

・Fixed a bug that caused some doors in the sub battlefield “The Request of Goddess Luo” to glow, despite them not being interactive elements.

・Fixed a bug in which demonized warlocks would sometimes fail to appear if the player had entered the boss area from certain locations in the sub battlefield “The Request of Goddess Luo.”

・Fixed a bug in which players would be returned to the entrance of the area at the start of the boss battle in the sub battlefield “Fate of the Entertainer.”

・Fixed a bug in which action inputs did not successfully register when performed at a specific moment during the ending sequences of moving and guarding.

・Fixed a bug that caused demonized officers to become stuck in the ground after landing if their Spirits had been depleted while they were in midair.

・Fixed a bug in which Zhuyan could still sometimes perform a Critical Blow with its leg, even after the hardened part on its leg was destroyed.

・Fixed a bug in which it was possible to deal Spirit damage to Dong Zhuo while a player was being hit by his Critical Blow, which consists of grabbing at the player.

・Fixed a bug in which the player’s Morale Rank would decrease, despite not having been hit, when the player approached the Changgui while it was unleashing its Critical Blow, which consists of consecutive bites.

・Fixed a bug in which Fengxi’s charging attack sometimes dealt incorrect amounts of damage due to applying invalid values.

・Fixed a bug that caused Corpse Demons to be invincible during their dodging sequence.

・Fixed a bug that caused the demonized Sun Jian to recover from Spirit Disruption earlier than intended.

・Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause Lu Bu to fail to ride Red Hare.

・Fixed a bug that would sometimes make it impossible to obtain the trophies/achievements Adamantine, Keen-Edged, and Well-Read.
Note: After applying the update, these trophies/achievements will be obtainable by completing any of the main or sub battlefields.

・Fixed a bug that caused excessive processing load when players were awaiting aid or when they were accompanied by other warriors.

・Fixed a bug occurring during multiplayer sessions that prevented guest players from leaving the area after defeating Fengxi in the main battlefield “Tyrant’s Final Banquet.”

・Fixed a bug occurring during Co-op sessions that prevented guest players from being detected if they approached Fengxi while the host was raising a Battle Flag in the main battlefield “Tyrant’s Final Banquet.”

・Fixed a bug occurring during multiplayer sessions in which hosts would be awaiting aid in places inaccessible to guest players in the sub battlefield “Massacre of Meiwu Fort.”

・Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause a loss of Genuine Qi when a network error occurred during multiplayer sessions.

・Fixed a bug occurring during Co-op sessions in which some enemies would not respawn upon interacting with a Battle Flag.

・Fixed a bug that caused the Master Smith Hammer and the Imperial Seal of the Celestial Empire to become obtainable after defeating other players during Invade sessions, even if these items had not been previously acquired by the player.

・Fixed a bug in which the time calculated for the Fastest Completion Time in the player’s Records would sometimes be incorrect.

・Fixed a bug in which certain actions in the Learn Wizardry Spells menu within the Battle Flag menu would sometimes cause players to lose Spell Points.
Note: After applying the update, players will be provided with their lost Spell Points via the Learn Wizardry Spells menu.

・Fixed a bug in which selecting the eye patch for the Type 2 figure in Character Creation would cause part of the eyepatch to sink into the character’s head.

・Fixed a bug that caused the model image of the Gauntlets of Boldness to be distorted.

・Fixed a bug that caused flickering to occur when applying the Bloom filter in Photograph mode in certain locations.

・Fixed other minor bugs


Hardcore Gamer
ما اذكر قريت هالشيء
ممكن لعبي تحسن معه مع أني كنت أعاني من عمل الديفلكت ضد هجماته القوية اللي لما يكون نازل من حصانه واللي كانت تحصل بالحظ ،
وغير بعد أني بعد كل هزيمة منه أروح أفرغ غضبي على الجنود الموجودين قبله وأرفع اللفل عن طريقهم (حركتي المعتادة من ألعاب السولز <_<) ...


رحمك الله يا أبي
المحتوى الاول


The first DLC will be available play on June 29, 2023, featuring the new scenario, "Battle of Zhongyuan." Included will be new stages, difficulty level, weapon type, enemies and more, promising an exciting experience for Wo Long experts and novices alike. Check back soon for more information!

Kaido III

Lost Radiant
بصراحة نسيت تماما إنها نزلت هذه السنة....


رحمك الله يا أبي
و صلت التقنيات AMD FSR 2, XeSS, and DLSS.

Additional Features
・Added the graphics settings AMD FSR 2, XeSS, and DLSS.
 ・ After the update, the graphics settings will first be set to AMD FSR 1.
 ・ These settings can be changed via the Resolution Scaling option within Graphics Settings.
 ・ Please note that AMD FSR 2 is not available for Intel GPU users. (Support for Intel GPUs are slated for future updates.)

・Added a settings option allowing players to select the sensitivity for the Switch Locked-on Target function when using a mouse for controls.
 ・ This setting can be adjusted by going to Control Settings, selecting Controller Type, choosing Keyboard & Mouse, and then adjusting the value for Mouse Sensitivity (Switch Locked-on Target).
 ・ If the value is set to 0, moving the mouse will no longer switch the lock-on target.

・Added the new sub battlefield “Crouching Dragons’ Battle Royale."
 ・ This is an end-game mission in which the player fights multiple bosses in a series of battles.
 ・ It will become accessible via Other in the Travel menu after clearing the sub battlefield “The Crouching Dragon’s Trial.”
 ・ In this battlefield, Morale Points lost upon death cannot be redeemed when rechallenging the enemy.
 ・ This battlefield will not affect the conditions for acquiring the trophies/achievements “Battle-Hardened” and “Hunting the Great Deer,” the ratio of Battlefields Conquered, or any titles related to conquering battlefields.

・Made changes so that the recommended level for the battlefield is displayed when showing search results for Respond (Recruit sessions), Invade, and Co-op.

・Made changes so that players can visit the Blacksmith upon choosing Select Another Battlefield after clearing a battlefield during Co-op.

・Added the function Swap Martial Arts.
 ・ Players can select Swap Martial Arts by choosing a weapon in the Embedment menu at the Blacksmith.

・Made changes so that players can compare set bonuses and check their status via the Equipment menu.

・Made adjustments so that when players change their Five Virtues values in the Reset Parameters menu, they can do so more quickly by holding down the button.

・Made changes so that when players use the items Dragon Vein Crystal and Dragon Vein Essence, the values before and after the change will be displayed.

・Improved issues that would sometimes cause matching to take more time than necessary during online searches.

■Major Bug Fixes
・Fixed a bug that would sometimes make the game inoperable while displaying the confirmation message after changing Key Config settings via Control Settings.

・Fixed a bug that allowed players to go outside the bounds of the current stage from certain locations in some stages.

・Fixed a bug that caused characters to become stuck (in the ground/surrounding objects) in certain locations in some stages, making it impossible for players to progress.

・Fixed a bug in the main battlefield “The Demon Fort of the Yellow Heaven” causing some shortcuts to remain closed if the player’s Flag progress was retained under certain conditions.

・Fixed a bug in the main battlefield “Centuries of Glory Burned Away” causing some shortcuts to remain closed if the player’s Flag progress was retained under certain conditions.

・Fixed a bug in the main battlefield “Tyrant's Final Banquet” causing some shortcuts to remain closed if the player’s Flag progress was retained under certain conditions.

・Fixed a bug in the sub battlefield “The Yellow Heaven Burns” in which the leaders would not yield appropriate levels of drop rewards after they were defeated.

・Fixed a bug that allowed players to go outside the bounds of the current stage when they performed certain Martial Arts techniques followed by an Aerial Skill.

・Fixed a bug which allowed players to use Wizardry Spells they had not yet learned under certain conditions.

・Fixed a bug in which the statistics for Equipment Upgraded under Battle Records would not count upgraded equipment with the special effect Inheritance.

・Fixed a bug that would sometimes make it impossible to obtain the trophy/achievement “Dogged Justice.”
Note: After applying the update, this trophy/achievement will be obtainable by completing any of the main or sub battlefields.

・Fixed other minor bugs.

■Steam Deck
・Changed the font size, screen resolution, and display mode for initial startup.

・Made changes so that the correct button captions are now displayed.

・Made changes so that the on-screen keyboard can now be displayed on all screens.


True Gamer
المحتوى الاول


The first DLC will be available play on June 29, 2023, featuring the new scenario, "Battle of Zhongyuan." Included will be new stages, difficulty level, weapon type, enemies and more, promising an exciting experience for Wo Long experts and novices alike. Check back soon for more information!



المحتوى الاول


The first DLC will be available play on June 29, 2023, featuring the new scenario, "Battle of Zhongyuan." Included will be new stages, difficulty level, weapon type, enemies and more, promising an exciting experience for Wo Long experts and novices alike. Check back soon for more information!
يعجبني تيم نينجا في الإضافات. ليس فقط اسلحة بل عناصر لعب و مستوى صعوبات جديدة مع توزيع اعداء مثل الذي حصل مع ني اوه
شكلي بنتظر لما تنزل كل الإضافات والعب لعبة


رحمك الله يا أبي
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Collaboration Costume & Update!


The "NARAKA: BLADEPOINT" collaboration armor will be available as part of a free update on all platforms on Thursday, June 29, the same day the first DLC is released.

※This update also includes bug fixes, enhancements and adjustments.
※Details will be released on June 29.

We hope you look forward to the free update as well as the DLC release.


رحمك الله يا أبي
ظهر عندي بحجم 4 غيغا

DLC Vol.1 (29th June, 2023, Out now)


DLC Vol.1 "Battle of Zhongyuan" unfolds the saga of Cao Cao's army, who, after the collapse of anti-Dong Zhuo coalition, schemes to expand their influence throughout the Zhongyuan region.
Accompanying this epic story are gameplay expansions including new battlefields, weapons, armor, Divine Beast and demons, alongside a more challenging difficulty mode.

Additional contents include:
New story chapter "Battle of Zhongyuan"
New weapon category
New armor
New Divine Beast
New Demons
Higher-end difficulty mode
and more.





True Gamer
ظهر عندي بحجم 4 غيغا

DLC Vol.1 (29th June, 2023, Out now)


DLC Vol.1 "Battle of Zhongyuan" unfolds the saga of Cao Cao's army, who, after the collapse of anti-Dong Zhuo coalition, schemes to expand their influence throughout the Zhongyuan region.
Accompanying this epic story are gameplay expansions including new battlefields, weapons, armor, Divine Beast and demons, alongside a more challenging difficulty mode.

Additional contents include:
New story chapter "Battle of Zhongyuan"
New weapon category
New armor
New Divine Beast
New Demons
Higher-end difficulty mode
and more.



قاعد اشوف سلاح الgauntlets ؟ يس هذا كان امتع شيء في فف اوريجنز


رحمك الله يا أبي
قاعد اشوف سلاح الgauntlets ؟ يس هذا كان امتع شيء في فف اوريجنز

Added cestuses as a new weapon category.
  • These weapons will be available from the beginning of the game.
  • After the DLC is applied, players may claim a cestus for free via Deliveries in the Battle Flag menu.
  • Cestuses will be added to reward and dropped item lotteries.


رحمك الله يا أبي
تفاصيل التحديث الجديد 1.10 هنا

اضافات و اصلاحات كثيره

  • Added “NARAKA: BLADEPOINT” collaboration equipment sets “Loyal Drunk” and “Crimson Night.”
    • After applying the update, these items can be claimed via Deliveries in the Battle Flag menu.
    • After these items have been claimed via Deliveries, they may be obtained as possible drop rewards from enemies.
    • The appearance and name of these items will change depending upon the figure type selected in Character Creation.
  • Made it possible to set 8 Wizardry Spells.
    • This can be done via Set Wizardry Spells.
    • Please refer to “Wizardry Spells” under Tutorial for instructions on how to switch Spells in-game.
  • Added 10 new Wizardry Spells.
    • Players can use these new spells by obtaining the item Hidden Tomes.
    • These tomes can be obtained as possible drops after defeating bosses on the Path of the Rising Dragon and beyond.
  • Added the feature “Store Genuine Qi.”
    • Players will be able to use this feature by accessing the Level Up menu upon reaching the maximum level.
    • This allows players to store Genuine Qi so that it will not be lost upon their death.
  • Added the consumable item Handheld Gong.
    • This item may be obtained as possible drop rewards from some enemies.
  • Added a new Martial Arts technique Turning Clouds, which can be used with straight sabres, swords, and curbed sabres.
    • This technique will be randomly assigned upon acquiring an applicable weapon.
  • Added new special effects.
    • These special effects will be randomly assigned to equipment in the same way as existing special effects.
  • Made changes so that equipment upgrade levels and rarities will now be displayed on the screen when rewards are acquired.
  • Made changes so that Undistributed Virtues will be displayed in the Level Up menu. *Added a function to display a list of currently owned Jewelry Essence on the Embedment screen in the Blacksmith menu or in the Inventory menu.
  • Added a function to compare a piece of equipment with another in the Inventory menu.
  • Made changes so that the remaining and maximum number of uses of the Dragon’s Cure Pot will be displayed in the Inventory menu.
  • Made it possible to filter the items within the storehouse from the Blacksmith menu.
  • Added a function to preview the appearance of the item before applying the decoration.
  • Made changes so that players can set or remove Favorites and Lock on an item with a single button in the Inventory and Blacksmith menus.
    • This is also possible in the Equipment menu.
    • Favorites and Lock can be set or removed separately in the Inventory and Blacksmith menus by pressing the Confirm.
  • Made changes so that the tutorial videos for Martial Arts are accessible in the Equipment and Inventory menus will switch automatically.
  • Made it possible for players to browse the upgrade levels and rarities of their companions’ equipment via Companion Details in the Co-op menu.
  • Added the new filters Bleach Bypass and Glitch to the Photograph menu.
  • Made it possible for players to check equipment upgrade levels, rarities, and special effects via Battle Sets in the Battle Preparation menu.
  • Added Display Identification above Enemy Player's Head as an option in the Online Settings within the Settings menu.
  • Made it possible to pause and resume scrolling texts in the Documents menu.
  • Applied font color to highlight segments of the text that explains effects and uses of items in the item descriptions.

  • Made changes so that Morale Rank is no longer an activation requirement for Wizardry Spells, but instead acts as a condition that changes the resulting actions of the spell.
    • Wizardry Spells can now be casted regardless of Morale Rank.
    • For Morale Ranks below the level listed for each spell, the following actions occur:
      • Spirit consumption is increased.
      • If the spell would apply a positive effect, it will also incur a negative effect that slows down automatic Spirit recovery while the user is in Low Spirit.
  • Shortened the startup sequence of deflecting counterattacks when using glaives, spears, staffs, dual swords, dual sabres, or dual halberds.
  • Increased the range from which players can perform Fatal Strikes while remaining unnoticed by Changgui.
  • Made changes so that pieces of 5★ equipment obtained as a reward for the number of battlefields conquered will have a random chance to be bestowed with one of the Grace set bonuses.
  • Made adjustments so that equipment obtained from the accolade reward Chests of Equipment will have a random chance to be bestowed with one of the Grace set bonuses.
  • Made downward adjustments to the probability of receiving a Grace set bonus for dropped equipment.
  • Made changes so that the following special effects will be activated just after the player’s Fatal Strike sequence has ended:
    • Regeneration (upon Fatal Strike)
    • Power Gain (upon Fatal Strike)
    • Damage Reduction (upon Fatal Strike)
    • Spirit Fervor (upon Fatal Strike)
  • Made changes so that at times when players are unable to control their characters during missions, processing of all status effects would stop.
  • Made changes so that the camera angle adjusts to match the character’s height when they are hit.
  • Made changes so that players no longer lose Genuine Qi if they die due to damage not directly inflicted by an attack, such as from status effects, falling, or stage gimmicks.
  • Made it impossible to use the item Willow Branch while jumping.
  • Made improvements to action synchronization during multiplayer sessions. *Changed the name of the adjustment field for the Black and White filter in the Photograph menu to Contrast.
  • Made adjustments to the camera movement in the Photograph menu.
  • Changed the sort order in the Reinforcements menu.
  • Changed the confirmation message displayed when exiting the Battle Flag Customization and Character Creation menus.
  • Made changes to the name of the Martial Arts technique Dead Foliage (formerly Falling Leaf in English) in some languages.


True Gamer
تفاصيل التحديث الجديد 1.10 هنا

اضافات و اصلاحات كثيره

  • Added “NARAKA: BLADEPOINT” collaboration equipment sets “Loyal Drunk” and “Crimson Night.”
    • After applying the update, these items can be claimed via Deliveries in the Battle Flag menu.
    • After these items have been claimed via Deliveries, they may be obtained as possible drop rewards from enemies.
    • The appearance and name of these items will change depending upon the figure type selected in Character Creation.
  • Made it possible to set 8 Wizardry Spells.
    • This can be done via Set Wizardry Spells.
    • Please refer to “Wizardry Spells” under Tutorial for instructions on how to switch Spells in-game.
  • Added 10 new Wizardry Spells.
    • Players can use these new spells by obtaining the item Hidden Tomes.
    • These tomes can be obtained as possible drops after defeating bosses on the Path of the Rising Dragon and beyond.
  • Added the feature “Store Genuine Qi.”
    • Players will be able to use this feature by accessing the Level Up menu upon reaching the maximum level.
    • This allows players to store Genuine Qi so that it will not be lost upon their death.
  • Added the consumable item Handheld Gong.
    • This item may be obtained as possible drop rewards from some enemies.
  • Added a new Martial Arts technique Turning Clouds, which can be used with straight sabres, swords, and curbed sabres.
    • This technique will be randomly assigned upon acquiring an applicable weapon.
  • Added new special effects.
    • These special effects will be randomly assigned to equipment in the same way as existing special effects.
  • Made changes so that equipment upgrade levels and rarities will now be displayed on the screen when rewards are acquired.
  • Made changes so that Undistributed Virtues will be displayed in the Level Up menu. *Added a function to display a list of currently owned Jewelry Essence on the Embedment screen in the Blacksmith menu or in the Inventory menu.
  • Added a function to compare a piece of equipment with another in the Inventory menu.
  • Made changes so that the remaining and maximum number of uses of the Dragon’s Cure Pot will be displayed in the Inventory menu.
  • Made it possible to filter the items within the storehouse from the Blacksmith menu.
  • Added a function to preview the appearance of the item before applying the decoration.
  • Made changes so that players can set or remove Favorites and Lock on an item with a single button in the Inventory and Blacksmith menus.
    • This is also possible in the Equipment menu.
    • Favorites and Lock can be set or removed separately in the Inventory and Blacksmith menus by pressing the Confirm.
  • Made changes so that the tutorial videos for Martial Arts are accessible in the Equipment and Inventory menus will switch automatically.
  • Made it possible for players to browse the upgrade levels and rarities of their companions’ equipment via Companion Details in the Co-op menu.
  • Added the new filters Bleach Bypass and Glitch to the Photograph menu.
  • Made it possible for players to check equipment upgrade levels, rarities, and special effects via Battle Sets in the Battle Preparation menu.
  • Added Display Identification above Enemy Player's Head as an option in the Online Settings within the Settings menu.
  • Made it possible to pause and resume scrolling texts in the Documents menu.
  • Applied font color to highlight segments of the text that explains effects and uses of items in the item descriptions.

  • Made changes so that Morale Rank is no longer an activation requirement for Wizardry Spells, but instead acts as a condition that changes the resulting actions of the spell.
    • Wizardry Spells can now be casted regardless of Morale Rank.
    • For Morale Ranks below the level listed for each spell, the following actions occur:
      • Spirit consumption is increased.
      • If the spell would apply a positive effect, it will also incur a negative effect that slows down automatic Spirit recovery while the user is in Low Spirit.
  • Shortened the startup sequence of deflecting counterattacks when using glaives, spears, staffs, dual swords, dual sabres, or dual halberds.
  • Increased the range from which players can perform Fatal Strikes while remaining unnoticed by Changgui.
  • Made changes so that pieces of 5★ equipment obtained as a reward for the number of battlefields conquered will have a random chance to be bestowed with one of the Grace set bonuses.
  • Made adjustments so that equipment obtained from the accolade reward Chests of Equipment will have a random chance to be bestowed with one of the Grace set bonuses.
  • Made downward adjustments to the probability of receiving a Grace set bonus for dropped equipment.
  • Made changes so that the following special effects will be activated just after the player’s Fatal Strike sequence has ended:
    • Regeneration (upon Fatal Strike)
    • Power Gain (upon Fatal Strike)
    • Damage Reduction (upon Fatal Strike)
    • Spirit Fervor (upon Fatal Strike)
  • Made changes so that at times when players are unable to control their characters during missions, processing of all status effects would stop.
  • Made changes so that the camera angle adjusts to match the character’s height when they are hit.
  • Made changes so that players no longer lose Genuine Qi if they die due to damage not directly inflicted by an attack, such as from status effects, falling, or stage gimmicks.
  • Made it impossible to use the item Willow Branch while jumping.
  • Made improvements to action synchronization during multiplayer sessions. *Changed the name of the adjustment field for the Black and White filter in the Photograph menu to Contrast.
  • Made adjustments to the camera movement in the Photograph menu.
  • Changed the sort order in the Reinforcements menu.
  • Changed the confirmation message displayed when exiting the Battle Flag Customization and Character Creation menus.
  • Made changes to the name of the Martial Arts technique Dead Foliage (formerly Falling Leaf in English) in some languages.
اوف التعديلات كبيرة الغوا نظام ربط المورال بالسحر يعني تقدر تستخدم افضل الاسحار من بداية المرحلة …. ديييم هذا بيحسنها اكثر بعد


رحمك الله يا أبي
اوف التعديلات كبيرة الغوا نظام ربط المورال بالسحر يعني تقدر تستخدم افضل الاسحار من بداية المرحلة …. ديييم هذا بيحسنها اكثر بعد
يب صارت افضل
و عندك

Made changes so that players no longer lose Genuine Qi if they die due to damage not directly inflicted by an attack, such as from status effects, falling, or stage gimmicks.

Added the feature “Store Genuine Qi.”
Players will be able to use this feature by accessing the Level Up menu upon reaching the maximum level.
This allows players to store Genuine Qi so that it will not be lost upon their death.

و اللعبه قاعد تصير اسهل و اسهل &

و فيه 10 تعويذات سحرية جديده يعني راح نشوف Build جديده