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Khalid, section: 047

Mada Mada Dane

True Gamer
Khalid Al Hmili
Section: 047

'The Lost Love''​

Did all the poets retire after reading my poem?
or the have just left their homes.​

Thus, why I'm still living here alone,
while there is no life resources left to use.​

Is it because you used to live in here,
or is it because I just refused to leave this hole?​

Things has changed just as so is life,
we move on with our wounds as we bleed and cry.​

We lose so much that we don't care no more,
That is why I have forgot all about the ach in my heart.​

,I will live with my burden and I'll carry it high,
because your remembrance is what makes me proud.​

Things have changed just as so is life,
we move on with our wounds as we bleed and cry.​

I ask myself, will the days ever come again?
When you and I used to be together.​

These times of life are too short and hard,
And it is full of worry and pain.​

Just try to remember the coming light,
And accept those days of rain.​

I wish that I can touch your dark brown hair,
or feel the warmth of your tender white hands.​

The beauty of you reminds me of a flying rainbow,
when it comes after the day of storms.​

Your words and laughs were like an arrow,
each one of them was aimed directly to my heart.​

The love you scattered all over me,
was like a spell of temporary happiness.​

And you were like a witch who had cursed me,
A witch who stole my heart and treasured it in her grave.​

I am Khalid, a guy who is living with no heart,
Immortality was giving to me by name.​

But we all know that for everything there is an end,
and my end was in moment when you flew away.​

I will keep my sedately and my strength among men,
because neither you nor your curse can break me down from the outside.​

Thus for that, I will keep my determination up and high,
And I will not look down to the ground.​

cause only god knows what lies inside,
and I am planning to keep it as a secret between me and god !​

ماخذ كلاس Middle Eastern Humanities .. وقالوا لازم نكتب قصيدة بالانجليزي على الطريقة العربية القديمة وعلى الاقل 5 سطور لازم نفس القافيه بس خخخ مايصلح بالانجليزي, حاولت على الاقل .. فكتبت هذا لووول, المشكلة قالوا اختار مواضيع كثيرة منها ولا وحده تنطبق علي وحتى هذي ما تنطق علي @_@ ماعرفت وش اكتب, لكن عقرى بقرا والي طلع كتبنا عنه :slant:

ساعدني صديق لي شوي فيها, وشغل سريع بنص ساعه او اكثر من القريحة الشعرية طلعنا بهالنتيجة, وطبعا يحق للشاعر مايحق لغيره ترا
.. سلمت الشعر اليوم ..

فــ وش رايكم بس؟
هممممم ..
اصلا القصائد الانجليزية سواليف -_-
يعني تحس ما فيه قافية تمشي عليها او وزن ..

لكن قصيدتك هذي جميلة يعني عرفت تسولف مثلهم :p
عمل رائع خالد :)
حاول تكتب بالعربي المره الثانية :)
كلام جميل ..

I will keep my sedately and my strength among men,
because neither you nor your curse can break me down from the outside.

أعجبني هذا المقطع أكثر شي
عجبتني مقاطع كثيرة بس صراحة أحييك يعني قليل مالقتي ركاكة بالكلام ..=P
خاصه انك متقيد بالأسلوب العربي القديم ..يعني مطابقة القافية
نوعها غزل و رثاء XD خخخ ؟
حلو حلو .. الله يعينكم على هالبلاوي X_X قصيدة باللغة الإنجليزية ماشيه على الأسلوب
GOD ..What were they thinking @_@"


True Gamer
والله و طلعت شاعر خالد P: .. قصيدة حلوة ماشاء الله
قطها بالسبيس .. <.<..