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IGN مراجعة Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth


Executive Member
What Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth really comes down to is a matter of your personal experience with the original title. If you played the first game and you loved it, you don’t necessarily need to purchase this title unless you are a major fan of the series and want a hint about what to expect from Silmeria when its released in two months or you want to take the original game on the go. If you weren’t lucky enough to get your hands on the game the first time around, this is a excellent way to check out a challenging non-linear title that has plenty of depth and story to back up a creative game experience. It’s a shame that only the visual and aural aspects were bolstered in the port from the PSX to the PSP, but what is included does make those particular game elements much more appealing than they originally were. That being said, this is still the best RPG that the PSP has received to date, and fans of the genre will definitely be pleased with this title.



True Gamer
ـقييم جيد جدا ..

gray fox

True Gamer
Woooow !!!

والله تقييم قوي فعلا !!

الحين لازم اخلص تيلز قبل :( ..... واعتقد ما فيه سبب قوي يمنع اللي يفكر بيها !!


رحمه الله
ما ادري شنو السبب انها تاخذ هالتقييم مع انها بورت .. لا اكثر بل بالعكس اقل .. لأن فيها الloading طويل + مشاكل في الجرافكس ..

انطر تقييم game spot احسن .. لأن ما اثق في IGN وايد
bounty قال:
ما ادري شنو السبب انها تاخذ هالتقييم مع انها بورت .. لا اكثر بل بالعكس اقل .. لأن فيها الloading طويل + مشاكل في الجرافكس ..

التقييم حلو بالنسبة لبورت قديييييييييييم

بس فعلا مشاكل اللودينغ والجرافيكس جايبالي قلق

دحين انا من جد محتار بين نسخة الps1 و PSP خصوصا انه نسخة البلاي ستيشن متوفرة قدامي.... اكيد نسخة البلاي ستيشن احسن بالرغم من عدم توفر عروض سي جي , بس وين حتغلب الكفة عندي؟؟

انتظر صدور اللعبة والحكم على الموقف....

sir KoRn

Hardcore Gamer
وصل تقييم GS

The Good: Great story concept with interesting characters; unique game mechanics require you to think differently about how you play; multiple endings, characters, and difficulty settings make for a different experience each time you play.

The Bad: Some of the cutscenes are so solemn and slow that you'll have to fight to stay awake; the more complex game mechanics are never explained very well; slight flaws such as slowdown and load times prevent this from being a perfect port; platforming is awkward and poorly implemented.


True Gamer
تقييم جداً مش مقنع من جيم سبوت..بحسب كلامهم المفروض اللعبة تأخذ 8.0 كأقل شئ..
عموماً هالايام جيم سبوت طايح من عيني :).


True Gamer
bounty قال:
ما ادري شنو السبب انها تاخذ هالتقييم مع انها بورت .. لا اكثر بل بالعكس اقل .. لأن فيها الloading طويل + مشاكل في الجرافكس ..

مثلك !! بس شكلها تستاهل وبقوه ,, باخذ نسخه البلاي1 !


True Gamer
The only problem is that it takes a lot of patience and effort to truly appreciate what the game has to offer. With lengthy story sequences, few save points, and a steep learning curve, this isn't exactly a great on-the-go game that you can play for 5 or 10 minutes at a time. But if you're looking for a different role-playing experience, and you don't mind a game that takes itself very seriously, you'll get your money's worth from Valkyrie Profile.

من سمح للانسان هذا يقيم rpgs...:rolleyes: ؟

يبي لعبة rpg تلعبها خمس دقايق الى ربع ساعة و تمشي...كانك تلعب لعبة tetris...:exclamati