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GTA IV صور واستعراضات ومعلومات جديده


True Gamer
صور جديده

وهذي مجموعة من الإستعرضات والإنطبعات الأوليه من عدد من المواقع بعد ماشاهدو ديمو للعبه عرضته عليهم روك ستار

http://games.kikizo.com/news/200707/115_p01.asp ( اعمق واطول استعراض شفته في حياتي 10 صفحات :gasp: )

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The world looks fantastic, and I can't wait to hop in a car or on a bike and just drive around and see the sites. As much as I want to jump into the game and get the story progressing so that I can gain access to better weapons and whatnot, I'm going to have a hard time keeping myself from just exploring for hours on end like a tourist. I just hope there are as many insane stunt jumps as we've seen in the previous games.
IGN-Chris Roper
Grand Theft Auto fans are in for a shock. This is not your typical GTA game. It's not over-the-top and it's not filled with sly movie references. That isn't to say GTA IV won't have moments of the ridiculous. During our demo, we saw that Rockstar's sense of humor remained intact, despite having a game more grounded in reality. In the span of an hour, I must have laughed at least a half dozen times. But more impressive, was that I actually gasped in shock.

The special attention paid to the physics also adds to that sense of reality. Niko has some weight to him. He shifts as he walks. He appears much more substantial than CJ or past GTA stars. And that cars, wow, the cars have suspension. You can see the weight distribution shift to one side on a turn. It's impressive little details like this that really brought Liberty City to life for me. For the first time, I can see a GTA game as something other than a giant arcade world.

And what was it that could get an old, jaded GTA player like myself to be surprised? Believe it or not, it was when Niko pulled out a pistol in public and shot a guy in the face. No, his head didn't explode as if Gallagher had smashed into a watermelon. That single act was jarring. And that kind of reaction is exactly what Rockstar wants. What was once a casual public killing suddenly has some weight to it. Much of that is due to the fact that the replica of New York Rockstar has created is as real and as believable a city as any I have ever seen in a videogame.

I won't lie, I got bored halfway through GTA: San Andreas and gave up. From what I've seen of GTA IV, it has a better balance between action, story, and exploration. Will that make it the best GTA yet? I'd imagine that will require several dozen hours of hands-on time to determine. In other words, I'll find out October 16, just like the rest of you. But after seeing the extended demo of GTA IV, that's a date now circled on my calendar.
IGN-Hilary Goldstein
Hello there, loyal IGN reader. I have a shocking secret I wish to impart on your visual ears: I don't particularly like the Grand Theft Auto series. Call me funny, but I've never yearned to be a scheming crime lord. Cars are merely a convenient means of getting from place to place in my world and endlessly bouncing around a juddering, blurry shoebox style city never really screamed fun. Likewise, my capacity for entirely broken fighting mechanics is limited at best. Sure, I can appreciate Rockstar's searing sense of humour that positively crackles through the GTA series - and I've always wanted to run someone over with a golf cart - but beyond that, well, I've always found the whole thing a bit tedious.

So, imagine my surprise when Rockstar unveiled its first Philip Glass underscored GTA IV trailer and the sheer majesty of its revitalized Liberty City absolutely blew me away. Here's a series I've managed to muster up something approximating casual disinterest for over the last couple of years and, suddenly, I'd quite happily beat my grandmother to death if someone told me there was a finished copy of the game hidden in her colostomy bag. Of course, a cannily edited slideshow of pretty vistas only takes you so far so, it was with some degree of trepidation that I attended Rockstar's most recent GTA IV gameplay demo.
IGNUK-Matt Wales
Now, I’ve played all of the Grand Theft Auto titles, but I never felt the emotional impact of the violence as much as I did with this one. First off, the crack of the pistol shattered the relative silence of the scene, and all of the journalists in attendance let out a collective gasp (as well as an extended “Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.”). Our target’s reaction to being shot was exaggerated and a bit unnerving, his head snapping back violently and blood gushing into the air as the crumpled to the ground. The game’s combat is quite intense (more on that in a bit), but somehow this execution-style killing disturbed us more than taking on a bunch of cops.

بختصار اغلب المحررين مذهولين من الي شافوه حتى الى ماكانو يحبون السلسله في السابق ابدو اعجابهم بالتطور الى حصل في الواقعيه والفزيكس والقصه والعلاقات والأكشن والعنف ونظام القتال المتطور في اللعبه

وهنا ملخص لأهم المعلومات الى وردت في الإستعراضات

الديمو الى شافوه المحررين كان شغال على الـX360 و روك ستار وضحت للمحرين ان نسخة الـPS3 متأخره عن نسخة الـX360 في التطوير حوالي اسبوعين لذلك استخدمو نسخة الـX360 ولأنها اسهل للعرض

ومن الأخبار الجديره بالذكر لمن لا يزال محتار ياخذ نسخة اي جهاز للعبة ذكر Hosi Simon من روك ستار خلال استعراض اللعبه انه يعتقد ان من يريد التجربه الكامله مع المحتويات "episodes" يفترض انه يشتري نسخة الـX360
"But I guess if you want the complete experience with the episodes, then yeah, you should buy the 360, I suppose"
وعندما وجه له سؤال حول وجود اي تميز لنسخة الـPS3 مقابل محتويات نسخة الـX360 الحصريه قال ماعتقد "not that I can think of"

يالله هانت باقي اقل من ثلاث شهور ورك ستار اكدت للمحرين تمسكها حتى الأن بتاريخ الأصدار المعلن :kiss:


True Gamer
نسخة ال 360 ما عليها خوف

وباذن الله هي خياري الاول والاخير ^_^


Contributing Editor
هذي اللي فعلا قفزة حقيقية من GTA3. روكستار عجبوني لما تركوا تغيير الرقم لهذا الجزء.


ان شاء الله تكون قد المستوى ..
حركة تكسير الزجاج في السيارة رهيبة كأنها واقعيه ..


True Gamer
معلومات تحمس صراحة .... اكتوبر مشعلل في إنتظارنا


True Gamer
يمكن اول gta اكون متحمس لها بهذا الشكل.
معقولة تكون أول GTA أخلصها بالكامل ؟

The Shark

True Gamer
سلسلة GTA من أفضل لأفضل ... كل جزء تحسه أحسن من الي قبله ...
الجزء الي فات كان بداية هوسي بالسلسلة لأن فايس سيتي و الي قبله صراحة كانوا سيئين من وجهة نظري ...
و هذا الجزء واضح بيكون روووووووووووووووووعة ...
ألعاب أكتوبر هالسنة بسحب عليها كلها و آخذ بس GTA و استمتع بيها لين تنزل أسسيانز كريد ...


True Gamer
اهم لعبه بالنسبه لي لهاي السنه....والصراحه روك ستار ابدعت فى سان اندريس و اكييييد راح تبدع اكثر فى هل جزء...بانتظار اكتوبر