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David Jaffe يعمل على مشروع لل PSP ?


True Gamer
David Jaffe مخرج GOW .. في منتداه الشخصي قام بوضع بعض المعلومات, هذي بعضها:

My first task is to work with Incognito Studios to come up with a game design for a new PSP game. Incognito are the guys/gals who make the Twisted Metal/War of the Monsters/WarHawk games. I've worked with them on 3-4 games and I've always had a blast. They are quite an amazing group and I'm eager to jump back into the 'bluesky' phase with them.

اذا تأكيد ان ديفد اللعين يعمل على مشروع للPSP مع انكوجنيتو " يافرحتك ياباسم ههههه " ان شاء الله يكون شي على مستوى راقي.

لول اقرا هذا الكلام :

-PSP:I am in love with the PSP like Tom is in love with Katie. No, wait, that's not true...that would mean I'm just FAKING my love for the PSP. I'm in love with the PSP like Jack loved Rose in Titanic...there ya go! Been playing this ALL break long....BROTHERHOOD OF THE BLADE and MVP taking up most of my time....God this machine is amazing...I hope Sony does drop the price (as rumored on the net) cause more people need to get into PSP gaming....that said, what the f*** was up with the lack of games for PSP at E3??!?! When I get back I gotta chase down some answers....There's gotta be a shitload of stuff being made...why was it not being shown? -DS: I am playing ZELDA:MINISH cap and I like that alot. Plus my two fave E3 games were for DS (the lawyer game from Capcom and the doctor game called UNDER THE KNIFE)...still, why the fuck is this doing so well in Japan? I just don't understand it. It's not like it's a crap system but compared to the PSP it is just lame....someone help me understand! Nintendogs? Yeah, that was a blast when it was called DOGZ and I played it on my PC

هههههههه الرجال منتو دارين مبسوط والا حاقد والا مستغرب :p

-E3:It was a good show. Not the best, but not as lame as most were saying. I was pissed- as I already touched upon- about the lack of PSP software. Dug the new PS2 Castlevania, but can't tell if it will be a great game or just a good demo. Onmimusa 4 with the controllable camera seemed kinda lame...does not play as well when you control the camera, in my opinion. But I love the world so I will still play it. Mario Baseball seemed really unfun for such a fun looking title and such a fun concept...it just did not play that great (shocking for a Nintendo first party game) and it was too hard to hit the ball! The new Zelda game plays alot like Wind Waker...which is fine but I didn't get what the big deal was...I know it will be a great game, but it does have a very 'been there/done that' feel to it. The Gamecube pinball game from that Yoot guy (forget his name and the game name) is really fun! Call of Duty 2 on XBOX360 is a system seller for me. I was not blown away by the other 360 titles (but I DID NOT get a chance to see GEARS OF WAR), but COD2 really shines! The EA games were kinda underwhelming. The Bond game looks really great....but the rest of the non-sports games left me a little cold.

لول خطير هذا الرجال !!

بالمناسبة يقول أن مبيعات GOW اتجاوزت ال 500 الف رغم ان سعر اللعبة مثل ماهو ما اتغير.. ويقول انه سعيد بهذا الرقم خصوصا اذا نظرنا كم لعبة في الوقت الحالي تكافح حتى توصل ل 200 ألف...


True Gamer
جود اوف وور جديدة P:

ماادري وش انتظر منه او من فريق انكوجنيتو بس اتمنى شي جيد للجهاز

.BROTHERHOOD OF THE BLADE and MVP taking up most of my time....
انتولد لجندز تسوى ؟؟؟ P:
The new Zelda game plays alot like Wind Waker...which is fine but I didn't get what
the big deal was...I know it will be a great game, but it does have a very 'been there/done that' feel to it.
اما انه مالعب وند ويكر او انه اهبل P:

اناحبيت GoW بس الصراحة هالانسان آراءه متخلفة P:


True Gamer
هو قال انها تشبه ويند ويكر في اللعب وقال إنه شي جيد ماهو مذمة.. أصلا لو جات زبلدا مثل ويند ويكر الف مبروك مازالت المرشحة الأولى للجوتي :)


True Gamer
GSenius قال:
هو قال انها تشبه ويند ويكر في اللعب وقال إنه شي جيد ماهو مذمة.. أصلا لو جات زبلدا مثل ويند ويكر الف مبروك مازالت المرشحة الأولى للجوتي :)

but I didn't get what
the big deal was...I know it will be a great game, but it does have a very 'been there/done that' feel to it

انا اشوف مافي تجديد اكثر من كذا ... كلامه مايبدو انه يقتصر على اللعب P: