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Ces 2008: مميزات كثيرة تضاف للـpsp

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Casual Gamer
Sony's PSP has been on the receiving end of some much needed loving at the Consumer Electronics Show, with the company revealing details of both a keyboard peripheral and a larger memory card, unlocking the full multimedia potential of the system.

Currently, the keyboard is still at the prototype stage and no working models have been shown to the public just yet. However, we can expect to see it in the wild toward the middle of next year. Meanwhile, the 16GB Memory Stick Duo is very real and is due to arrive in March Stateside and soon after over here. The stick is expected to retail for $300, so that added space comes at a fairly hefty price.

Nevertheless, with the recent announcement of Skype for PSP, alongside the ability to transfer Blu-Ray films over to the handheld, it's heartening to see there's still plenty of life left in Sony's machine.

نظرا ان الدنيا شتاء الآن والبرد يسبب الكسل ما لي خلق اترجم ولا اكتب ملخص

اقروا اللي بالاحمر وبس


GreeN StorM

Hardcore Gamer
هو انتا هنا بعد :شنب:
أحسن شي الـ Skype فكرة ذهبية ..


الاسكايبي أفضل شيء .. رح تكون بالفعل إضافة ممتازة و ذكية


TG editor-in-chief
تم ذكر المعلومات بمواضيع منعدده :)
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.