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CES قادم الى دبي !!


Executive Member

Hometech's New Gaming Zone
to Showcase XBOX 360's Living Room Experience
Las Vegas comes to Dubai

The CES in January saw the World Gaming Championships and thousands of gamers checking out the next generation of games.
Now the partnership between CES and Hometech means that the Middle East will be able to sample some the latest gaming experiences around.

Xbox ConsoleTrade visitors will also have the chance to experience the XBOX 360 complete Living Room demonstration. Rami Elhussein General Manager of Pluto Derinton Games, who have recently been appointed the authorised distributor of the XBOX 360 console by Microsoft® Entertainment and Devices Division Middle East explains, "the XBOX 360 Living Room experience, is a unique opportunity to see the full potential of the next generation console and its ability to completely integrate with the household. It provides an all emcompassing entertainment platform for every member of the familiy, which transcends gaming".

The inclusion of the game zone at Hometech CES reflects the growth of the gaming industry in the region which has seen 100% growth rates in annual turnover for leading industry players.
Such as Pluto Derinton Games, who is a key exhibitor at the exhibition and one of the regions largest distributors of games representing leading publishers such as UBISOFT, THQ and KONAMI.

Chris Hudson COO, Messe Frankfurt said, "we are delighted to be able to include a dedicated Game Zone this year as we are working hard with the industry to grow the category and establish a genuine flagship event for the gaming industry in the region".

Visitors will also have the chance to play the latest games on the recently launched PLAYSTATION 3. Gaming pods supplied by Red Entertainment featuring the next generation console will be strategically placed around the gaming zone. With the limited supply of units currently available in the Middle East market it provides a unique opportunity for many to see the brand new PLAYSTATION 3 in action for the first time.

Continuing the next generation theme, Monster will be previewing their most recent arrival, the GameLink line of advanced, high performance audio/video cables designed exclusively for the PLAYSTATION 3 console.

Playstation 3"The PLAYSTATION 3 is a state-of-the-art entertainment platform," explains Noel Lee, company founder and 'The Head Monster'. "But experiencing its exceptional audio and video capabilities means it's crucial to properly connect it with high-performance cables - something that's not found inside the box."

Aside to the exciting product line up, gaming industry professionals have the chance to catch-up on the latest challenges facing the industry in the Middle least by attending the 2 day conference taking place during the show.

Mike Wombwell, CEO of Red Entertainment, a leading distributor of gaming titles for the world's biggest publishers, ELECTRONIC ARTS and ACTIVISION, will be talking about the significant piracy challenge in the Middle East. Delegates will also get the chance to see some exclusive footage of upcoming title releases.

For all the die hard gaming fans out there, the Hometech CES conference will also feature John Dahl, Director of Education from THX. (The company that brought the ultimate cinema sound standard, championed by George Lucas, the unequivocal master of the big movie experience). John Dahl will be talking about the latest developments in home entertainment emerging from the ground breaking R&D labs of THX.

لووول .. شكلنا فعلا لنا تاثير في مبيعات شركات الالعاب هنا .. ما اقدر انتظر ..

المعرض من 13 - 15 مايو .. !!



معقولة !!!!
شيء لا يتصورة العقل لووول ..
ياي عندنا ..

بس حراااااااااااااااااااااااااااام الموعد مقرف جداً -__- ..


Contributing Staff
الله يرحم ايام هذا التاريخ :'(


True Gamer
يبي لي أشيك على مواعيد اختباراتي!!!


True Gamer
انا اول الحاضرين طبعا

وبزهب كيمرتي معاي لوول

الف شكر نايف


Hardcore Gamer
من اول الحاضرين لازم!

بيكون فلة الصراحة

موضوع القرصنة موضوع حاد :sealed:

cant wait! :cooool:

ryo hazuki

True Gamer
هذا دليل ان سوق الالعاب في المنطقه منتعش و متعطش للمزيد و ان الانظار اتجهت لنا
exclusive footage of upcoming title releases
انا متاكد ان دبي بيكون لها باع طويل في كل شي
انشالله بكون هنالك

Tomb raider

True Gamer
كنت يوم من الايم افكر واقول ليش ما يسوون عندنا معارض مثل جذي !
والله تفاجأت خخخخخ ان شاء الله اكون هناك ، ونسوي لكم تغطيه محترمه !


Hardcore Gamer
اوف .... صراحة هذا المعرض مايتفوت .... لاززززززززم احضر


Senior Content Specialist
خخخ شباب بدأت أفكر أنتقل للسكن في دبي P:


Executive Member
خبر جميل مره .... وقفزة كبيره في عالم الفيديو جيمز في منطقتنا.

Tomb raider

True Gamer
بس الشي الوحيد اللي قاهرني هو تخلف ننتندو (على قولة Ginko : ننتنيدو غبيه !! لول قاعد اسمع كاست قديم لول )
ما ادري متى بتدخل ننتندو سوقنا .. الwii فرصتهم .. مثل ما نجحوا في اوروبا وامريكا (أكيد ) بينجحون عندنا !


True Gamer
والله تطور حلو*ولو شكلي نوعا ما*

نتمنى هذ التطور يستمر للأفضل

وشي جميل انهم بيركزون على موضوع القرصنة..اذا فعلا يبغو يقضو على هذ الشي خلهم اولا يوجدون موزع محترم للألعاب والاجهزة*حتى الوكالات عندنا نصابة*وبالاسعار الاصلية*ولا مقاربة لها عالاقل*+يفكونا من النظام المتخلف اللي احنا تابعين اله..