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Cammie Dunaway: لا توجد مفاجآت لألعاب ننتندو ب2008

Gon freeces

True Gamer
طنشوا الإسم الأهبل للموضوع لول


على فكرة تقديمها بإي ثري كان ممتاز , أفضلها على ريجي.

"Tell your blog that I'm really a genuinely smiley, nice person. Because people think I'm fake, smiling up there," Nintendo's new executive vice president said in an interview during last week's E3 Media & Business Summit. Dunaway was referring to the company's poorly received E3 press conference days before, in which she served as the lead presenter. Gaming fans watching at home, and even some in-person attendees, thought her exuberant performance sounded like false enthusiasm for the company's lineup of mostly casual games.

Personally, I think Dunaway, a former Yahoo executive who joined Nintendo of America last year, is a convenient scapegoat for angry gamers disappointed by Nintendo's lack of hard-core content. That's a real issue, of course, one we tackled right off the bat in the interview. Read on for more info on Nintendo's business plans, including:

* Where all the hard-core content is
* Why Nintendo won't be surprising us with last-minute 2008 game announcements
* The official answers on Virtual Console's scaled-back schedule and lack of storage
* What's up with Professor Layton

صح لازم ألعب لايتون الأولى : (


True Gamer
مقابلة مسخرة .. المحرر قاعد يشبكها:laugh::ي

بشكل عام ما فيه شي جديد ..

Purple Wind

Hardcore Gamer
أحس أنها ما كانت تقول إلا Yes yes yes كجواب على بعض الأسئلة:laugh::! بعض المعلومات المسلية:happy:.

Lonely Heart

True Gamer
حرام يانتتدو ..

BTW .. ماقالت شي عن يدها ؟! P:
التعديل الأخير:

Ash Storm

True Gamer
هو شي متوقع اننا ما راح نشوف شي مفاجئ من نينتندو (اقصد إصدار مفاجئ) و لكن ممكن نشوف إعلانات جديدة بس ..