Because of our broken instincts we are in pain. We continue in pain because our instincts have been twisted by reason So, what are we supposed to do? Should we abandon knowledge? Throw away reason? In any event, that wouldn't be possible. For better or worse, we ate the fruit of knowledge long, long ago.
Being alone is best. I mean, it's true, isn't it? In the end you'll be absolutely alone; therefore, being alone is natural. If you accept that, nothing bad can happen. That's why I shut myself away in my six-mat one-room
هالسلسلة تحوي فلسفة فريدة..
حلقة الغواصة والمقولات الي فيها للحين تجيب لي قشعريره!
"الاحلام الناس لا تنتهي "