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مافي هيلو انفنت في VGA ، وتحديثات عن اللعبه قادمة بعد موسم العطلة


True Gamer
Right now we're still going through the huge cascade of implications and ramifications to the release shift and the team is heads down working through nearly every facet of the game. Full disclosure we don't have anything planned for the VGAs, but are hoping to offer at least a high level update within the next few weeks so we can kind of restart this journey together after the holidays. Pulling together something like a demo or big beat for the VGAs is an enormous amount of work and would cause challenges with current milestones of the holidays. I know it's hard to wait, but the team is going to make the most of this extra time and we want to make sure we can put our best foot forward and commit to greater transparency and dialog on the road ahead. We'll get there and get the train going again.



تروجيمنج انطلقوا !

Invader Zim

TG’s Discord owner
اللعبة ذي كان من المفروض تكون صدرت الان


Another Side Another Story
ترا vga هذا اسم قديم اخوي الحين tga


True Gamer
احسن ، هذي اللعبة بالذات المفروض ماتنزل الا بأفضل مستوى

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