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شاركنا : افضل اقتباسات للشخصيات القيمزية ..؟


SquallX سابقاً
السلام عليكم &&"


شباب هذا موضوع لارهب الاقتباسات للشخصيات قالوها سواء كان راوي او بطل او مساعد بطل او شرير او معلق .

لما سكوال احد يطلب رايه او يعجز عن التعبير في مواقف معينة يقول " Whatever '' بكل بروودة رهييب هذه انا اطبقها احيانا في بعض المحادثات

No one needs a hero from the past -لما يقابل سفروط في ديسيديا

Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us. Both sides blame one another. There's no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views.

+ مقدمة فف 8 .

Chicken Wuss?!? - ههههههه هذا بدعة لزيل اذا سايفر يبي ينرفزه يقوله هذه الكلمة

No matter what happens, even if you become the world's enemy, I'll be your knight. سكوال يقول لرينوا

من MGS :

"...If the times demand we'll be revolutionaries, criminals, terrorists... And yes, we may all be headed straight to hell, but what better place for us then this? It is our only home, our heaven and our hell... This is Outer Heaven."

- MGS : PW

"your're the lightning in the storm. you can shine in the darkness"

- يقول لرايدن solid snake

ومقدمة مجس 4 .
Ventus : My friends are my power. And I'm theirs

Aqua : i forget how to smile

Don't Worry The Friendship Don't Broke With The Opjectts

"I'm asking you as a friend...just...put an end to me.-Ventus

Wesker ( عبارات الاستفزاز الي يقولها رهييبة )

: The human race requires judgment.
One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny... The one who survives will inherit the title of Boss. And the one who inherits the title of Boss will face an existence of endless battle.

"I Was hoping more from you. A poor performance Indeed"

"Seven minutes. Seven minutes is all I have to play with you..."

+ تذكرت عبارة سوليد سنيك :

I'm no hero... Never was. I'm just an old killer... Hired to do some wet work

+ بيق بوس لما يفتح الشاحنة ويشوف كوجيما ويقول باسلوب استغرابي رهيب " Mr.Kojima '' ? ههههههههه وكوجيما يسلم على نيكد سنيك

تحرير : ترى المشاركة مفتوحة للكل :laugh::
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer
its me ........mario
افضل جملة بتاريخ الفيديو جيمز

Al Pacino

True Gamer
We're Going to Stop That From Happening

فانكويش &


True Gamer
انا بالعافيه اتذكر الشخصيات حق الالعاب اللي العبها ! عاد انا اتذكر مقولاتها ؟!!
عفوا بس هذا الموضوع مش لي ابدا :xd:

Painkiller Q8

True Gamer
Life is Complicated
كلمه كبيره وحقيقيه !!!
من أروع شخصيات الفيديو قيمز الي عرفتهم في حياتي \ Niko Bellic - GTA IV

التعديل الأخير:


Hardcore Gamer
لول اخيرا واحد يقدر الأقتباسات في ترو ^^"
كلام سكوال اللي حطيتها رهيبه "كنت جاي احطها XD"

هذي لازم تكون بالصفحة الأولى
was born on a battlefield. Raised on a battlefield. Gunfire, sirens and screams… they were my lullabies… Hunted like dogs, day after day… driven from our ragged shelters… That… was my life. Each morning, I’d wake up… and find a few more of my family or friends dead beside me. I’d stare at the morning sun… and pray to make it through the day. The governments of the world turned a blind eye to our misery. But then… he appeared. My hero… Saladin… he took me away from all that…”

لي عوده ^^"

squall leonhart

True Gamer
"Would you kindly?" (Atlas, Bioshock)


Snake? Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!” – Metal Gear Series


True Gamer
اوكي بعد عصر المخ تذكرت شي واحد
النمسيس : ستااااااارز , ستاااااااااارز (رزدنت ايفل 3 ) XD

T u R k I

True Gamer
الظاهر ردي بيكون أطول رد بالموضوع :laugh::

God of War II

Athena: God after God will deny you Kratos, they will protect Zeus, Zeus must live so that Olympus will prevail

Kratos: If all on Olympus will deny me my vengeance, then all on Olympus will die

Heavy Rain

"How far will you go to save someone you love?"

Devil May Cry 3

Dante: it has been a whole year since we last met. How about a kiss from your little brother? Or better yet, how about a kiss from this?

So, this is what they call a heart-warming family reunion ?

Vergil: You got that right

Metal Gear Solid 3

Ocelot: You're pretty good

The Boss: Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs? Your duty to your unit, or your personal feelings?

The Boss: Let's make this the greatest ten minutes of our lives jack

The Boss wouldn't be allowed to come back home alive. And she wouldn't be allowed to kill herself. Her life would be ended by her most beloved disciple...

That was the way the government wanted it. That was the mission she was given. And she had no choice but to carry it out.

Her death at your hands was duty she had to fulfill. Out of duty, she turned her back on her own comrades. A lesser woman would have been crushed by such a burden.

The taint of disgrace will follow her to her grave. Future generations will revile her.

In America, as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor. And in Russia, as a monster who unleashed a nuclear catastrophe. She will go down in official history as a war criminal. And no one will ever understand her.

That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end.

But I think she wanted you of all people to know the truth. She wanted to live on in your memory. Not as a soldier, but as a woman. But she was forbidden to tell you herself. And that's why she told me.

Snake, history will never know what she did. No one will ever learn the truth. Her story... her debriefing... will endure only in your heart. Everything she did, she did for her country. She sacrificed her life and her honor for her native land.

She was a real hero.

She was a true patriot.

Metal Gear Solid 4

Liquid: We're not copies of our father after all

Liquid: It all began with Zero and Big Boss. Our purpose in life is
to fulfill our destinies. And once all is returned to zero the world can be reborn

Liquid : Do you see this Zero, we are victorious. Behold... GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS!!!

Snake : I'm a shadow, one that no light will shine on. As long as you follow me, you'll never see the day

Liquid: Splendid brother

Big Boss: Let me tell you something. Don't... don't waste the life you have left fighting.

I've never thought of you as a son, but I've always respected you as a soldier, and as a man. If you'd been in my place, back then, maybe you wouldn't have made the same mistakes that I did. Ever since the day I killed The Boss with my own hands, I was already dead.

Boss, you were right. It's not about changing the world; it's about doing our best to leave the world the way it is. It's about respecting the will of others and believing in our own. Isn't that what you fought for? At last I understand the meaning behind what you did. At last I understand the truth behind your courage.

فيه جمل كثيرة بس ناسيها .. ميتل جير يبيلها موضوع لحالها
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer
سام فيشر يقول كلمة " Fu-- " لأول مره بعد انتظار خمس سنوات

احد المتجولين في GTA IV يقول "سوبحااان الله " لوول


Sky Walker

True Gamer
اقتباس عجبني كثير على بساطته :

"Yes... All new life... Carries the essence of stars... Even all of you..."

بدون استعمال جوجل احد يعرف منو قال هالكلام P: ?


Lord Too-Fat-To-Write-A-Post
اممممم مافي شي ببالي حاليا


" I left the gang after the gang left me "
John Marston

Skull Town

Hardcore Gamer
في لعبة Darksiders
"Would you serve in Heaven, or rule in Hell?"


Hardcore Gamer
كلام ايفا T_Tخصوصا اخر شيء "اتحمست العب ميتل جير "
شباب لما نايموي في ميتل جير الأولى تسأل سنيك عن كيف عرف جري فوكس سنيك رد رد رهيب مو قادر اتذكره -____-

Sora Diersly

True Gamer
"Rikkus a good girl...She helped me a bunch...She's an Al-Bhe--beh--beh..."
(Tidus - FFX)

محاولة فاشلة لتايدس انه يتكلم البيهد :p


True Gamer
لول لا هذا على مااعتقد يوم كان يكلم
واكا يوم ريكو انضمت لهم


True Gamer

كل كلمة قالتها:nerd:

ألعاب إرّاشنل جيمز فيها أفضل المقولات حسب تجربتي.


رئيس فريق TG كرة أوروبية
"They let me pick.
Did I ever tell you that?
Choose whichever Spartan I wanted !!
You know me. I did my research.
Watched as you became the soldier we needed you to be
. Like the others, you were strong and swift and brave.
A natural leader.

But you had something they didn't.
Something no one saw, but me.
Can you guess...?


!! Luck."

كورتانا تكلم الماستر شيف .


True Gamer
And I've been telling Yuna "let's go to Zanarkand together" .. I told her all things .. we could .. we could .. but Yuna , she'd .. just smile !! __ Tidus / FFX

Hey , would you say I became a hero ? __ Zack Fair / FFVII CC

Only 7 days to go , & then my summer vacation's over __ Roxas / KH
I am Andrew Ryan and I am here to ask you a question:
? Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow

No, says the man in Washington; it belongs to the poor.
.No, says the man in the Vatican; it belongs to God
.No, says the man in Moscow; it belongs to everyone

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something
...different. I chose the impossible. I chose



True Gamer
" !!! Shut Up And Bleed You Mother FU#@%r "

sweet tooth


True Gamer

Suzuki Yu

True Gamer
أغلب تعليقات شخصيات فيرتشوا فايتر وبالتحديد الناطقين باللغة الانجليزية :laugh::
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer
كلمه كبيره وحقيقيه !!!
من أروع شخصيات الفيديو قيمز الي عرفتهم في حياتي \ Niko Bellic - GTA IV


شخصية Niko من أكثر الشخصيات الواقعية في عالم الألعاب وعباراته ماتدل الا على انه شاف من هالحياة كثير والعبارة دي خير مثال على هذا الشيء


I Was very young and very angry , Maybe that's not excuse, but I need the money in this place or anywhere else

من أطلق العبارات الي سمعتها , وماتدل الا على ان شخصية نيكو ماصارت كذا الا لأسباب وضحها في هذي العبارة :nerd: