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ساعدوا ريجي في انقاص وزنه


Hardcore Gamer
كلنا شهدنا الفضيحة الكبرى يوم أمس في مؤتمر نينتدو لما صعد ريجي على الـWii balance board وتبين انه وزنه زائد عن حده الطبيعي بمعدل 27.1 ... يمكن الخبر هذا كان أكثر خبر مفاجئ في المؤتمر وما كان في الحسبان :yuck: ..

WiiHealthy ما عجبهم الوضع وقاموا بفتح تصويت بعنوان "Help Reggie Fils-Aime lose weight"
عشان يقنعون ريجي انه يفقد بعض الوزن عن طريق الالعاب الصحية على الوي



[SIZE=+1]To: Reggie Fils-Aime - Nintendo of America president[/SIZE] With this article and the online petition we want to convince Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America, that he has to lose some weight by playing healthy games on the Nintendo Wii! Every Wii-gamer can help to convince him by signing the petition.

Why do we need to convince him?

During the Nintendo E3 2007 Media and Business Summit press conference Shigeru Miyamoto and his translator Japanse/English Bill Trinen called the Regginator on stage to do a WiiFit demonstration. Reggie walked to the Wii Balance Board with a smile and said 'My body is ready'. When they had to select which type of clothing he was wearing, Reggie quickly replied 'Heavy clothing, heavy clothing!', but he wasn't dressed that heavy. Anyway, Shigeru Miyamoto picked 'Light clothing' and then Reggie wanted to give away his wallet. He did anything he could to make himself look as light as possible.

He denies that he's a bit overweight

Shigeru and Bill gave some more info on the game and then came the moment that the game calculated Reggie's BMI (Body Mass Index). The graph went up and Reggie said 'Oh no, no, no!' but everyone in the public saw that his BMI was at 27,51 which is 5,21 higher than the normal BMI of an adult man! His excuse for his high BMI was that 'muscle is heavier than fat'. Then Reggie and Shigeru Miyamoto did a head-to-head soccerheading competition in WiiFit. Reggie is an asskicker so off course he won the game from mister Miyamoto but let's not forget that Fils-Aime has a way too high BMI!

Because we love Reggie for his work at Nintendo of America we want to convince him that he has to stay in shape so that he can give us more superb press conferences and cool games in the future. That's why we've made an online petition that everyone can sign and where you can leave a supportive message for Reggie to convince him to work out with his Nintendo Wii. We're sure he has a Nintendo Wii at home and at his office but apparantely he's not using it! He has to make time for his health and by signing the petition we can stimulate him to exercise by playing WiiSports and WiiFit.

How can I help Reggie?

We're sure that Reggie checks our site every now and then since the frontpage of WiiHealthy was shown during Nintendo's E3 press conference! We need your help to convince Reggie to play more healthy Wii-games. When we have a whole bunch of signatures and supportive messages for Reggie we will send him an email with the petition.

It's important to spread the word to other gamers by placing a banner or a link in your forumsignature or telling a friend about it. It doesn't matter how, just make sure that we have as many signatures as possible! Every signature counts and helps Reggie getting fitter.

Check out all info and pictures on WiiHealthy.com: http://www.wiihealthy.com/?p=34
انا عن نفسي صوت
شبااااب صوتوا وانقذوا حبيب الملايين ريجي :yuck::yuck:
التعديل الأخير:
......... لهالدرجة الناس ماصار عندها شي تشغل فيه نفسها بوقت الفراغ ؟


True Gamer
من صجهم ؟ الحمدالله والشكر .


True Gamer

الصراحة انا ابا ريجي يكون اضخم ويستويKing Reggie Kong :yuck:


رحمه الله
سوري مو مسانده للي فوقي .. بس حاولت افهم المعنى من الموضوع ما ادري ..

عسى كل صوره \ خبر بيصير لها موضوع منفصل ؟

اذا اي .. عيل ما سوينا شي بخصوص ضغط السيرفر ..



والله مقطع ريجي هذا من اكثر المقاطع الي ضحكت فيها في اي3 هالسنه.

اكيد بصوت!


Executive Member
لول عاد لو الـBMI حقه 25 كان يعتبر طبيعي ... يعني صحيح هو Overweight بس مو بذاك الزود :yuck:


True Gamer
المقطع مع ماياموتو كان حده كوميدي
بس حدهم فاضيين لهالسوالف


Executive Member
مستغرب من الي ينتقدون الموضوع وفكرته .... كأن مواضيع المنتدى سابقاَ مقطعه مواضيع مهمه وشيقه.

ما ابي اصوت ... ريجي شكله كول بقوه كذا .. لو نحف ما بيمتلك :(.


TG editor-in-chief
الموضوع للترفيه ومادري وش فيهم الشباب ماخذينها بجديه مره !!!

عن ريجي لو المفروض اول نسخه من الوي فيت ياخذها هو :)


True Gamer
هههههههههههههه انا في المؤتمر من جد حسيت ريجي تفشل من البودي ماس اندكس حقه.. حسيته حقد شوية.


Executive Member
همام لول طلعه ريجي اكيد كان مخطط لها قبل .. واختاروه عشان يسون جو في المؤتمر.


True Gamer
cool, this balance board, can it be purchased or it's just something we get to watch? I like it, it's fun lol


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