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تفاصيل جديدة عن عرض فاينل فانتسي XIIIفي Jump Festa

The Sinner

عضو سابق في فريق العمل
طبعا العرض كان فيه صالة مغلقة بس فيه كم موقع كتبوا وش اللي كان فيه
This years Final Fantasy XIII Jump Festa trailer was shown today (in the Closed Mega Theatre) and is once again an extension of all previous FFXIII trailers featuring new scenes mixed in with old ones. Thanks to FF&KH Blog we have a brief summary of what happens in Final Fantasy XIII's newest trailer. The translation is quite poor so some details may be updated.

This time, the trailer features a new song.
The train scene from the E3 2006 and CLOUD DVD is extended.
The scene with the Blonde man on the motorcycle is extended to show him summoning Shiva.
The Pig tailed girl from the TGS trailer in September appears in this trailer. She's described as not looking human and uses a harp. From their trailer report, FF&KH Blog believe she summons Carbuncle (the GF from FFVIII).
After the Final Fantasy XIII logo appears, an "Only for Playstation 3" message is displayed.

We'll keep you updated with any new information we recieve.

Source: FF&KH Blog

المعلومااااااااااات حماااااااااااااااس ودي يتسرب العرض ياريت :(

The Doctor

Once a Voyager on a Cursed Sea
واو شكراً سكوير


The Sinner

عضو سابق في فريق العمل
صحيح قيه اخبار عن عرض لفيرسيس جديد بعد بس بعد بصالة مغلقة (ميه )

المهم يقولون طلعت شخصيتين جدد بفيرسيس بس التفاصيل عنهم مرة مرة قليلة فيه واحد ريم رسمه كذا عالطاير لواحد من الشخصيات بحط الصورة بس عشان تعرفون قمة الاجحاف بس ان الفانز ينتظرون اي شي عن اللعبة وسكوير الله يسامحها نازلة بش اقل من القطارة علينا

استمتعوا بالرسمة ولو تبوا اضحكوا لول


hamad 11

True Gamer
وسكوير الله يسامحها نازلة بش اقل من القطارة علينا

التكتم لزيادة الهايب..

نااااااااار يا سكوير اينكس :cooool:

على فكرة العروض فيهم مقاطع جيم بلاي ولا لا؟

Gon freeces

True Gamer
على فكرة العروض فيهم مقاطع جيم بلاي ولا لا؟


التكتم أنا أشوفه مقبول لأن سلسلة فف تعتبر Trend-setter ,لو طلعوا معلومات أكثر تلاقي المطورين الثانيين ياخذوا الفكرة و نزلوها بألعابهم.
This time, the trailer features a new song.
أبي أسمعها
The train scene from the E3 2006 and CLOUD DVD is extended.
أوكي ؟
The scene with the Blonde man on the motorcycle is extended to show him summoning Shiva.
حرام عليج سكوير خاشه هالشي عنا ..
The Pig tailed girl from the TGS trailer in September appears in this trailer. She's described as not looking human and uses a harp. From their trailer report, FF&KH Blog believe she summons Carbuncle (the GF from FFVIII).
يلا كلها 6-8 أشهر و راح نبدأ نشوف صورها في سكانات المجلات مليون مرة
After the Final Fantasy XIII logo appears, an "Only for Playstation 3" message is displayed

The Sinner

عضو سابق في فريق العمل
التكتم أنا أشوفه مقبول لأن سلسلة فف تعتبر Trend-setter ,لو طلعوا معلومات أكثر تلاقي المطورين الثانيين ياخذوا الفكرة و نزلوها بألعابهم.

بهالنقطة انت على صواب بس المشكلة انه في ناس شافوها ما ادري مين اللي مسموح يدخل الClose theater ومين مو مسموح له ؟

Gon freeces

True Gamer
واللي شفناه قليل جدًا و محد يقدر ياخذ شي و يطبقه على ألعابه.

The Sinner

عضو سابق في فريق العمل
واللي شفناه قليل جدًا و محد يقدر ياخذ شي و يطبقه على ألعابه.

هو هنا يجي التعارض ان اللي شفناه مافيه شي ممكن شركة ثانية طبق من خلاله كله CG وقليل فليش التكتم

حاجة تحير المخ صراحة

The Sinner

عضو سابق في فريق العمل
ما ادري ليش المنتدى مخبط ومو راضي افتح موضوع جديد فبحطه هنا وياريت واحد من المشرفين يعدل العنوان ويحط ان فيه كينجدم هارتس بعد للمهتم

Jump Festa 2008: Kingdom Hearts compilation trailers and demo reviews

· Kingdom Hearts: Coded

Trailer Review
· In the trailer, Kairi is shown holding her hand up to the moon, before the scene fades to Riku.
· There is a new mode now announced for Coded known as "Crash Mode" Where Sora will have more agility for 30 seconds.
· Coded is set for the FOMA and DoCoMo model mobile phone.

· Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days

Multiplayer Demo
· Multiplayer mode lets you use Roxas, Axel, Xigbar and Saix.
· The Multiplayer Character Selection screen shows the Organization members sitting down in their chairs.
· Roxas is only able to use three hit combos in this demo.
· Axel has a different feel then Roxas, and the demo player was relieved when he/she was able to use his fire attacks.
· The Stage is Twilight Town and considered of 4x small wizards, 1x Fat Body and 4x Shadows, afterwards you fight against a boss which is Dark Side.
· The mission of this demo is to defeat Dark Side.
· When the mission is cleared you are taken to the record screen.
· Once you are finished playing the demo, you are presented with a Kingdom Hearts strap.
· 358/2 Days is set for a Summer 2008 release.

Single Player Demo

Before the Mission
The demo starts off with Roxas walking towards the Organization chair. Xigbar: "Woops!"
Roxas ignores Xigbar, and moves to Saix.
Saix: "We suggest you take Axel for this mission."
Roxas then moves to the corridor and is warped (Unknown how he gets here) to twilight town. There he is presented with two missions, the main mission is to defeat Dark Side, as the first mission is to defeat four heartless..

After the Mission
Roxas and Axel have just defeated Darkside.
Axel: "Roxas, what are you doing here?"
Roxas: "Axel..."
The two are soon caught off guard by heartless, and are both saved by the 14th member, who takes down the heartless with ease. (However no weapon is shown)
The 14th member smiles at both Roxas, and Axel however the two are showing mixed feelings towards this new member. Her face is not revealed, and the demo ends there.

Trailer Review

· There is a scene where member No.14 helps Roxas and Axel after being surprised by heartless.
· Mickey is looking towards the woods of Twilight Town in his coat.
· Roxas looking at Alladin and Jasmine.
· Roxas is kidnapped by the Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.

· Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

Trailer Review

· Ven uses his key with his left hand.
· Terra combat scenes.
· Ven with Alladin.
· Scene where Donald is in his normal clothes, and Mickey is with Yensid with his clothes on from the secret ending.
· A new Keyblade that is completely black is shown, a new enemy?

Gon freeces

True Gamer
Hey everyone, Oathy again! Wow, the news just keeps rolling in. We've got huge news from the floor of Jump Festa 2008, once again!

It looks like Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days is set for release in Japan in SUMMER 2008. Developers say they are "aiming for" this timeframe, but a specific season is encouraging!

FF: Dissidia (PSP/Playable)

- Tidus, Ultimecia and "Emperor" Revaled


تصميم Ultamica الجديد مو حلو :\

The Sinner

عضو سابق في فريق العمل
لووووووووول جت معلومات زيادة عن العرض ما ادري ليش احس اني بس الوحيد المشعلل نار ههههههههه المهم

Final Fantasy XIII
-Music was a slow peaceful string-centric orchestral piece
-Very pale-skinned lady in a white flowy dress and feathery hair played a huge harp on a watery surface
-In a dark space, a floating object spewed out a bunch of CD-like discs all over the place and Pigtails Girl picked one
-Later you see a small creature with white body but greeny face summoned (out of the disc?) and the girl smiled at it

Final Fantasy Versus XIII
-(from what Maiki gathers) there was text that looked like "the organization of destruction" that flashed before they showed a mafia-like organization
-a keyword that looked like "fugitive" flashed before Shotgun Guy
-- Two more male characters joined in: Scar-eyed Guy and Glasses Guy
-Scar-eyed Guy showed up and gave Shotgun Guy a headlock after Shotgun Guy gave the Prince a headlock (but not right after)
-- The four guys (Scar-eye, Shotgun, Glasses and Prince) stood on a building's rooftop, staring away at a different building looming far away from them
-The Prince look determined then turned around and walked away, the others followed suit
-Robed person scene doesn't look much different but his hair style changed a bit

وهذا رسم الينت اللي شافت العرض وموجدين حسب وصفها

Harp Lady

Pigtails girl


Scar and glasses


Versus Girl


على فكرة والله البنت رسامة :)

The Sinner

عضو سابق في فريق العمل
اوه تعديل ماقريت رد عمرو صح من لخمة الاخبار
الاخبار جالسة تمطر مطر :)

اليوم انا في قمة السعادة :)
والله محمد أنا بعد متحمس و الحماس ماكلني بس مو قادر أفرغ حماسي و لا أتابع أول بأول بسبب أن عندي قمة الازعاج و التشتيت في غرفتي و لا عارف آخذ راحتي -_-

المهم :

Music was a slow peaceful string-centric orchestral piece
نوعي المفضل من الموسيقى :cryy:
Very pale-skinned lady in a white flowy dress and feathery hair played a huge harp on a watery surface
شفت الوصف تخيلت شي ثاني براسي .. شفت الرسم التوضيحي تحطمت
n a dark space, a floating object spewed out a bunch of CD-like discs all over the place and Pigtails Girl picked one
-Later you see a small creature with white body but greeny face summoned (out of the disc?) and the girl smiled at it
الفكرة رهييييييبة !! الاستدعاءات تصير من استخدام الدسكات فعلا ينم عن التطور و على فكرة من الرسم الوصفي للشخصية شكلها راح تكون الشخصية المرحه و البشوشه في هالجزء (( يوفي بفف7 / سيلفي بفف8 / ايكو بفف9 / ريكو بفف10 ))
The four guys (Scar-eye, Shotgun, Glasses and Prince) stood on a building's rooftop, staring away at a different building looming far away from them
-The Prince look determined then turned around and walked away, the others followed suit
سوووووووو كوووووووووول :moneymouth: :moneymouth: :moneymouth:


True Gamer
n a dark space, a floating object spewed out a bunch of CD-like discs all over the place and Pigtails Girl picked one
-Later you see a small creature with white body but greeny face summoned (out of the disc?) and the girl smiled at it

لووول شالعبط ؟ استعدي من استخدام ديسك ؟

The Sinner

عضو سابق في فريق العمل
لووول شالعبط ؟ استعدي من استخدام ديسك ؟

لوول ليش عبط خلنا نعرف القصة صح وشلون صار وليش يومها احكم لاتستبق الاحداث
لووول شالعبط ؟ استعدي من استخدام ديسك ؟

بالعكس الفكرة روعة خاصة أن عالم اللعبة حيل متطور بشكل خيالي .. أتخيل في أرمور كل شخصية عدد فتحات معينة للـ CDs و لكل CDs استعداء أو طاقة سحرية خاصة

مو شرط يكونو CD بمعنى فعلا CD يمكن شي ثاني متطور و يشبه الـ CD مثل الماتيريا و شبهها بالبلورات

The Sinner

عضو سابق في فريق العمل
شباب دقيقة انتم فاهمين الفكرة غلط بغلط مش مل السومون CD بس هذيك البنت اللي طلعت كاربينكل من الCD الثاني اللي على الدراجة استدعى شيفا بدون CD

The Sinner

عضو سابق في فريق العمل
In a dark space, a floating object spewed out a bunch of CD-like discs all over the place and Pigtails Girl picked one

ومحترم اقرا العبارة كلها مش CD شي يشبه الCD بس طبعا اللي شفات العرض ماتدري وش هو بس عشان توصل الفكرة وعشان تتخيله قالتلك شي يشبه الCD وبعدين ماتدري وش هو هذا اللي قط هالاشياء اللي تشبه الCD


True Gamer
الألعاب المتواجدة في المعرض :

. Bleach: 3rd Phantom
. Bleach: HTS-5
. Devil May Cry 4
. Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
· Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
· Dragon Quest IV
· Final Fantasy IV
. Final Fantasy IV: After
· Chocobo’s Mysterious Dungeon
· Dissidia: Final Fantasy
- Front Mission: 2089
· Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
· Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
· Kingdom Hearts: Coded
· Fabula Nova Crystallis
· Final Fantasy VII AC: Complete
. Monster Hunter Portable: 2nd-G
. Naruto: PS3
. Naruto Shippuuden: DKBE
. Naruto Shippuuden: GNT-EX2
. OnePy Match
. One Piece: UC
. Phantasy Star Portable
. Super Smash Brothers Brawl
· Star Ocean: First Departure
. Star Ocean: Second Encounter
. Tales Of The World
. Tales Of Symphonia: KOR
. Tales Of Vesperia



DBZ: Limit Break (360/PS3)



FF: Dissidia (PSP)





FF4 (DS/Mobile)


KH: 358/2 Days (DS)


Star Ocean: Second Evolution (PSP)


Tales Of Symphonia (Wii)


Tales Of Vesperia (Not-DS):




.. تفتح النفس الألعاب الموجودة في المعرض

The Sinner

عضو سابق في فريق العمل
شكراااااااا عالصور :)

كان ودي اشوف صور لناروتو بس للاسف مافي


True Gamer
صور لـFinal Fantasy : Dissidia





It goes against what everyone was expecting, but the Final Fantasy fighting game is way up on my most wanted list after I sampled it for 20 minutes today.

Calling Dissidia a fighting game may have people picturing a one-on-one fighter viewed from the side. Dissidia is actually more of a fusion of one-on-one fighting and 3D combat. The camera doesn't stay fixed to the side of your character, nor does it remain behind your character's back. Your opponent may not always be in view.

The game has all the control options required for both free-roaming 3D combat and fixed one-on-one fighting style combat. You can lock on to your enemy with a press of the L trigger, jump and double jump with X, and guard and evade with the R trigger. Camera controls are up on the D-pad, making it a bit unrealistic for use during a fight, but I didn't have too many problems with camera angles once I was locked into my opponent

There's a major twist in how you go about actually damaging your opponent. You have two attack buttons. Pressing circle in combination with the analogue stick unleashes one form of attack. But rather than draining your opponent's HP, it drains your opponent's "Brave," which is just Squenix-speak for attack power. To deal actual damage to your opponent's HP, you use the square button, again in combination with analogue stick motions. The resulting physical attacks eat up the Brave that you've just stolen.

The tug of war between Brave appears to be central to combat. The game rewards you with massive amounts of Brave when you manage to make your opponent's Brave meter drain down to zero, an event called a "Brave Break." The more Brave you have, the more damage your attacks do.
من IGN
للي حاب يقرى المزيد


Hardcore Gamer
والله أخبار ممتازه ...

ميزته انها جت بالنسبة لي فجأة ^^ ... ما كنت انتظر شيء وبالأخير كل ذا .... تسلمون شباب


True Gamer
New Tales Game on the way


Bandai Namco had a busy booth at this year's Jump Festa event over in Japan. Attendees of the annual comic/videogame show were able to get first hands-on time with Tales of Symphonia: Ratatoskr no Kishi (Wii) and Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit (PS3, Xbox 360), causing some major waits, but there were no lines for the big news story to come from the booth: a new Tales game!

Announced at the end of a Tales of Innocence stage event, the new game is titled Tales of Vesperia. The game appears to use cell shaded visuals and will feature character designs from Kousuke Fujishima and animation from Production I.G.

A platform for the game was not announced, but with a release set for 2008, we don't imagine having to wait too long for details.

إنطباعات IGN عن Tales of Symphonia
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer
ليش عرضوا عرض فف7 التقني مرة ثانية؟؟ (وبمقاطع زيادة!!)
وشكل Ultimecia الجديد حلو، عالاقل احلى من سكوال وزيدان :\