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الموضوع الرسمي [الموضوع الرسمي] Sonic and the Secret Rings

Suzuki Yu

True Gamer
بقية الشخصيات في طور الملتي بلاير هم : شادو , سيلفر , كريم , بليز



True Gamer
حتى الشخصية اليديده اللي في ذاحيج موجوده

اتمنى اللعبة تكون على مستوى ... فالانتظار

Super Shadow

True Gamer

شادو موجود !!!! :angry:

سخيفة الأغنية -___-

أوافقك و بقوة :evil:

أغنية العرض الي قبله أحلى بوايد

Suzuki Yu

True Gamer


شوفوا العرض هذا ياشباب وحتنذهلوا بل حتنفجعوا من روعة تصاميم المراحل في اللعبة وتنوع الجيم بلاي , فعلا حتتفاجأوا بمستوى اللعبة , أروع عرض على الاطلاااااااااااااااق

المشكلة انه ستريمينج , ومارضيت اني أحط وصلة اليوتوب لانه وضوحها سيء جدا -__-


True Gamer
العرض هو نفسه اللي فيه الاغنيه العبيطه بس ضايفين عليه كذا عرض .. العرض رهيب واللعبه طالعه ممتازه واكيد افضل من المعفنه ذا هيدهوج .. وسريعه جدا الظاهر .. الميني جيمز اشوفهم عاديين جدا ..


TG editor-in-chief
ودي سيجا تسوي فينا جميل وتغير صوت سونيك .. من اكثر الاشياء اللي اكرهه بالعاب سونيك هي اي مشهد يتكلم فيه ..

اللعبه كلعبه شكلها تحمس ,. ولكن كالعاده راح انتظر التقييمات ..


True Gamer
العرض حاولت أشغله بس ماقدرت .. -__-


True Gamer
روعه العرض

احس فعلا بطابع سونيك الكلاسيكي .

المراحل متنوعة وحلوة .

بلييز سيجا دو ات ذيس تايم رايت

Suzuki Yu

True Gamer
ما أدري ليه لمن شفت العرض هذا حسسني وأنا ألعب علاء الدين على الجنسيس

من من جد روعة , خصوصا مرحلة القصر والسجاد الطائر ,,,,,,,, أوه ماي جاد O_O

Ok للي ما قدر يشوف العرض :



ودي سيجا تسوي فينا جميل وتغير صوت سونيك .. من اكثر الاشياء اللي اكرهه بالعاب سونيك هي اي مشهد يتكلم فيه ..

اللعبه كلعبه شكلها تحمس ,. ولكن كالعاده راح انتظر التقييمات ..

هما مصممين انهم مايغيروا أصوات 4Kids , في كل العاب سونك يستخدمونهم
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer
شكرا يو سوزوكي , شفت رابط جيم تريلرز من Gamefront

اممم العروض لحد الحين تحمسني لكن مادري ليش مو عارف أقتنع بأنها بتكون بالمستوى

Super Shadow

True Gamer
العرض هو نفسه اللي فيه الاغنيه العبيطه

أحسن من ما يحطون ألحان كلاسيكية

نبي شي جديد ما نريد كلاسيكي

ودي سيجا تسوي فينا جميل وتغير صوت سونيك ..

لا عاد عمر أشوفك مصختها :evil:

أي شي الا هذي

تعودنا على صوت سونيك خلاص من سونيك أدفنشر 1 و ما نريد غيره :angry:


True Gamer
P: عن نفسي أفضل الألحان الكلاسيكيه اللي في أجزاء سونيك على الأغاني ..

Super Shadow

True Gamer
P: عن نفسي أفضل الألحان الكلاسيكيه اللي في أجزاء سونيك على الأغاني ..


وجهة نظرك و أنا أحترمها :::wink:::

أنا تعودت على الأغاني من سونيك أدفنشر 1 ، عشان جي مليت من الكلاسيكي من قلب لوول

Mista Koo

Creative Director
ما في وصلات للفيديوات من يو تيوب؟؟


Executive Member
وااو .. فعلا العرض شكله راائع 0_0


True Gamer
عايبتني اللقطة اللي في القصر على ارضية الرخام وعند ساعه الرمل :laugh:

Suzuki Yu

True Gamer
شبااااااااااب أنصحكم تشوفوا العرضين الجدد في موقع IGN

الاول لقطات من مرحلة جديدة أسمها evil foundry level


الصراحة عجبتني الموسيقى هنا , حماسية

والثاني نفس التريلر الاخير بس وااااااااااااضح , فيه تفاصيل حلوة ما كانت باينة




True Gamer
رهيب العرض والأغنية أرهب.

من لاحظ الحروف العربية؟


عربي على أردو خخخ
التعديل الأخير:


Senior Content Specialist
P: عن نفسي أفضل الألحان الكلاسيكيه اللي في أجزاء سونيك على الأغاني ..

سيم هير ، بس أغاني جيدة أحسن من ألحان سيئة فيما يخص الألعاب الجديدة P:

Super Shadow

True Gamer
شبااااااااااب أنصحكم تشوفوا العرضين الجدد في موقع IGN

الاول لقطات من مرحلة جديدة أسمها evil foundry level


الصراحة عجبتني الموسيقى هنا , حماسية

والثاني نفس التريلر الاخير بس وااااااااااااضح , فيه تفاصيل حلوة ما كانت باينة



العرض كووول

اللعبة سريعة و جنونية :angry:

رهيب العرض والأغنية أرهب.

من لاحظ الحروف العربية؟


عربي على أردو خخخ


يمكن نشوف كلمات عربية باللعبة نفس برنس أوف بيرشيا :yuck:


TG editor-in-chief
انطباعات من النسخه النهائية للعبه

We played the first two stages of what essentially is the final version of the game. Sand Oasis is as you all have seen it in screenshots - Sonic dashes through a desert with platforms over streams and spikes. Dinosaur Jungle has Sonic running through caverns, being chased by Triceratops and facing a massive purple dino trying to eat your face off. Nice.

Control of Sonic is simple really. The blue blur is constantly going; you simply tilt the Wii remote left or right to move the hedgehog the corresponding direction. Pressing '2' will make him jump, while holding the button down can make you leap higher. This will come at a cost though - Sonic slows down, and if you're running at full pelt you'll need to hold the button down real early to brake in time to make the jump. Enemies can be attacked by flicking the remote forward when a red target surrounds them. Button '1' halts Sonic and can be used to cancel a charging jump, while holding the remote backwards can make Sonic do a moonwalk to pick up medals and items you just missed.

Enough about what you know already, what don't you know? Well, the cutscenes are very artistic. The intro movie is your obligatory CG Sonic intro, with cheesy rock and great graphics. Inbetween levels, you're going to see these kinds of storyboard scenes (see above). This one is after Sand Oasis, where you meet King Shahryar only to find it's Dr. Eggman.

The voice acting isn't nearly as annoying in this game. Probably because you're too busy trying to engage in the game, but perhaps because the dialogue is that much more sharp. In-game voices aren't always telling you to do this, that or the other like in Sonic Heroes - although Sonic's guardian fairy Shahra does say to Sonic "it'll be cooler inside" on Sand Oasis. Followed by Sonic replying with "Eh, are you sure about that?" after seeing flamethrowers on the floors and ceiling.

Speaking of which, the difficulty in this game is unique for a Sonic game. We say unique because it takes some getting used to before you can really adjust to the control system. Yet it doesn't suck royally like Sonic 06. There are times where Sonic can't reverse effectively when you're holding back on the remote, but besides that it's all intuitive. There are 12 missions per stage, SEGA tell us; 6 of these must be cleared before progressing to the next level, and as you may know they all feature different challenges.

Some are level specific - Sand Oasis has an alternative mission where you cannot run into any vases. This is where it gets interesting - variations on the 'Story Mission' level path (or a different level path entirely) can be experienced through different missions, requiring you to keep on your toes. Dinosaur Jungle places you in an area where springs are available to send you to the next platform; in an alternative mission the springs need to be activated using timed switches. Each mission gets more difficult than the last and we're told the later levels get very hard indeed - this is hardcore territory.

Yet despite the number of times we cacked up and fell to our death in a bottomless pit, we still managed to keep on trying the same bit over and over. You see, Sonic and the Secret Rings doesn't have a lives system, per se. If you muff up and die, you simply restart the section again until you get it right. This can be obviously infuriating if you're really cackhanded, but it's a godsend (and a middle finger) to the mach-speed killathon in Sonic 06, which included the nerve to limit lives you you had to restart the entire stage all over again. Difference is you want to play Secret Rings until you beat it.

The amount of unlockables appear to be vast as well. The 'Special' section of the game is a massive gallery of movies, illustrations and BGM from the game (and possibly Sonic's back catalogue of 15 years) that you can earn by collecting Silver and Gold medals. SEGA weren't kind enough to let us see any of the unlockables, but believe us when we say there are loads - there are at least ten tabs selectable at the top, with the last being '???'. So we're not even given a hint as to what that is. Still, the many abilities you can earn and equip to your rings (on your finger, dirty boy) are just as cool. They include making Sonic jump higher, running faster, getting a better head start and more control when jumping.

The Party mode is a collection of 40 unlockable minigames, and although we know that Shadow, Cream, Silver and Blaze are a number of the 8 selectable characters, only Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy were available for us. Myself, IGN UK, Total Games Net and Rom from SEGA all got together for a quick bash (I was Sonic, obviously). We will be adding all the games we played to the Secret Rings Game Archive tomorrow, but here are a few examples:

"Spot! Pitch Black!" has all four characters holding torches/flashlights in the dark. Four near-identical panels slide across and players have to look at the panels with their torches and select the picture with the difference. It can range from something as silly as Knuckles with Tails ears to a minute difference in a Sonic picture that neither of us still understood what the alteration was.

"Look Up! Skydiving!" featured players falling from the top of the screen, with angel wings attached to their arms. With the Wii Remote pointing upwards, flicking the 'mote up and down will make your character flap their wings to avoid thunderclouds on the way down. First to the goal wins.

"Seek! Edge Race!"......... That little git is back. Yes. Omochao. Only thankfully he keeps himself to aiding your Party games and this minigame. All characters are blindfolded and YOU control your associated Omochao, using the A button to direct your character through a maze full of pitfalls to the goal first.

We also managed to see the final level of Sonic and the Secret Rings - the name of which is currently being kept a secret. What we can tell you is that the difficulty curve is ramped supreme. Sonic is seen running through falling platforms in outer space, and mid-level has to survive being poisoned by noxious gas. One point sees you warped to a large room full of gas that rapidly depletes your rings - you will need the help of some of your equipped ring abilities to get out fast enough. Another point in the final stage has Sonic running through glass in a space environment. The graphics are really gorgeous here. We only managed to find one image of it (and it's not one we took unfortunately, it's from Famitsu) so take a peek at that for the time being.

So first impressions? All looking super. Of course, whether the challenge within will be sufficient, whether it will wear thin or whether this will be another broken game remains to be seen. Although we have to say, after playing this for about two hours it looks ten times better than Sonic 06 did. We're not saying this is your miracle game just yet, but... a Story with a decent challenge and a 'Sonic Shuffle 2' party mode with tons of extras. All we're saying is keep those fingers crossed.

الكلام يحمس والله .. وهاذي الصوره مع انها مش واضحه ولكن احس فيها حركات حلوه :


اذا اللعبه اخذت في السبعات ( وياريت اكثر ) خلاص ان شاء الله باخذها ..

Ash Storm

True Gamer
IGN حطوا فيديوهات جديده للعبه بالـ480P


شوفوا فيديو Sky Surfing and Missiles رووعه !!

حلوة العروض, تحمست اكثر للعبة !!
الكاميرا ممتازة جداً اشوفها, من احسن كاميرات العاب سونك الـ3D .. !
بس مدري احس السرعة الزايدة مرات تكون عائق كبير في اللعبة -__-
للأن محتار في مستواها لول, لازم الواحد يجربها حتى يحكم !!


True Gamer
اللعبه ما فيها سوبر سونيك على فكره ..<<.. تحطييييم p: ..

العرض رافض يشتغل معاي ..:(