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افضل اقتباسات الالعاب

Good Hunter

True Gamer
The meaning of justice can change from one day to the next. A professional soldier never brings justice into the mission. Politics are fickle, they change with the times. So long as we remain loyal to our countries, soldiers like us need nothing to believe in.

من بورتبل اوبس .
بالمناسبة خطبة اولد سنيك الشهيرة من اجمل الاقتباسات عندي .


Versus XIII Epic
Portable Ops جزء رائع لكن ما اخذ حقه .. ولا اعرف ليه كوجيما مهمشه من السلسلة يكفي انه تكملة ممتازة لنهاية 3 و فيه افضل اغنية نهاية من بعد the best yet to come .. لازم ينعمل له Remake للـ Vita !


True Gamer
Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason


Hardcore Gamer
Listen To My Story.......This , Maybe Our Last Chance
لي يومكم هذا وهي تجيب لي القشعريره ، اوتموسفير لا يتكرر :(


True Gamer
Before the age of the twilight set upon the Gods, a legend rose to take his place among them. And even though Kratos sat on the throne as the new God of War, he was haunted by visions of his family, a family he himself murdered. But the hands of death could not defeat him, the sisters of fate could not control him, and on this day, the man, the legend, Kratos, will have his revenge.
قشعريرة !

War has changed.
كمية ابيكنيس بالموضوع !!
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer
تبا اقتباس GOW III رهيب ياخي، كيف نسيت اكتبه

Old Snake

True Gamer
GoW: GoS:-
Before there was a god. Before there was a warrior. The oracle had foretold of the marked one. Every past has its ghosts. Every end must first begine

And Kratos cast himself from the highest mountain in all of Greece. After ten years of suffering, ten years of endless nightmares, it would finally come to an end, death, would be his escape from madness. But it had not always been this way, Kratos had once been a champion of the Gods

GoW II:-
If all those on Olympus would deny me my vengeance, then all of Olympus will die.
التعديل الأخير:


Senior Content Specialist
Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason

لما قرأت اسم هيفي رين حسيت انو فيه شيء غلط .. :laugh::


Hardcore Gamer
Phoenix Wright T&T ، الجزء الثالث من السلسلة :laugh::

Godot: "My name is Godot, legendary prosecutor. I have never lost a case"
Judge" "Well your reputation precedes you, what kind of cases have you taken before?"
Godot: "None"


Senior Content Specialist
سلطان .. هههههههههههههههههه

هذه الجملة التعريفية كانت عبقرية، الأروع بالسلسلة .. هههههههههههههههه


True Gamer
إجابة صدقية:

Ganondorf: By the way, boy... When you drew that sword of yours out of its pedestal... Did you by chance notice how all the monsters frozen in time down there suddenly began stirring again? Do you understand precisely what that means?... I highly doubt you do. Foolish child. While that sword is indeed the blade of evil's bane, at the same time, it has long played another role... You see, it is also a sort of key... a most wretched little key that has kept a seal on me and my magic intact! By withdrawing the blade, you have broken that seal...
You cannot defeat me with a blade that does not sparkle with the power to repel evil! What you hold is useless. Go back to the world below, and tell that to the pathetic fools who made this blade! Its power is gone, and its edges are dull!


Ganondorf: Do you sleep still? Wait! Do not be so hasty, boy... I can see this girl's dreams... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans as far as the eye can see. They are vast seas... None can swim across them... They yield no fish to catch... What did the King of Hyrule say?... That the gods sealed Hyrule away? And they left behind people who would one day awaken Hyrule?
How ridiculous... So many pathetic creatures, scattered across a handful of islands, drifting on this sea like fallen leaves on a forgotten pool... What they can possibly hope to achieve? Don't you see? All of you... Your gods destroyed you! I have been waiting for you, boy. For one like you... Yes... For the hero.
Do not betray my expectations.


Ganondorf: My country lay within a vast desert. When the sun rose into the sky, a burning wind punished my lands, searing the world. And when the moon climbed into the dark of night, a frigid gale pierced our homes. No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing... Death. But the winds that blew across the green fields of Hyrule brought something other than suffering and ruin. I coveted that wind, I suppose. It can only be called fate... That here. I would again gather the three with the crests... That I should lay my hand on that which grants the wishes of the beholder... That when power, wisdom, and courage come together, the gods would have no choice but to come down... The power of the gods... The Triforce! He who touches it will have whatever he desires granted! Already, the crest of wisdom is mine... All that remains...

Lunar Poet

True Gamer
"You fight like a dairy farmer!"
"How appropriate, You fight like a cow!"

و هالمحادثة من 999 :laugh::
التعديل الأخير:


Hardcore Gamer
Jill Valentine
"it's true that once the wheels of justice began to turn, nothing could stop them. Nothing"

T u R k I

True Gamer
اقتباسات كثيييير من ميتل جير .. يقطع شكله كوجيما من مدري من فين يجيب هالجمل الرهيبه!!

ماابي ادور واذكرهم لأني بتعب، لكن هذي لازم اقولها

I never thought of you as a son. But... I always respected you, as a soldier... and as a man.

كبير يابيغ بوز T__T

King Slime

محرر الألعاب
فاجرانت ستوري فيها كمية حوارات رهيبة، النص الي يجي بالأوبننج كان شي خرافي بأتم معنى الكلمة وهذا إقتباس لجملة من الأوبننج :

The body is but a vessel for the soul, a puppet which bends to the soul’s tyranny. And lo, the body is not eternal, for it must feed on the flesh of others, lest it return to the dust from whence it came. Therefore must the soul deceive, despise and murder men.



Hardcore Gamer
The Gods of Olympus have abandoned me, now there is no hope!


Hardcore Gamer
Fontaine : You don't have to build a city to make people worship you , just make the chumps believe they worth a nickel

I had a bullet with Nicole Horne's name on it. I had ten thousand bullets with the hag's name on them. She had ultra high-tech security systems, enough mercenaries and weaponry to start World War III. There was no fear.

"The genius of the hole: no matter how much time you spend climbing out, you can still fall back down in an instant

Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said "Goodbye" and you were like NO WAY - Glados

When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down

This is for the record. History is written by the victor. History is filled with liars. If he lives and we die, his truth becomes written-and ours is lost. Shepherd will a hero. 'Cause all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood. He's about to complete the greatest trick a liar ever played on history... But only if he lives, and we die
افضل خطاب سمعته في عالم الألعاب !

The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom. Good time to take... inventory. Outgunned. Outnumbered. Out of our minds. On a suicide mission. But the sand and rocks here stained with thousands of years of warfare... they will remember us. For this. Because out of all our vast array of nightmares this is the one we choose for ourselves. We go forward like a breath exhaled from the earth. With vigor in our hearts and one goal in sight: We. Will. Kill him

The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes...is someone to light the match.

a lie is a lie ... just because they write it down and call it history .. doesn't make it the truth

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

If you kill me... there wouldn’t be any more Monkey Island sequels. Then, if you kill me everyone will forget you.

"One of the reasons I hate guns so much is the way they make people so damned impolite."

Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine.


سابقاً Rooxas
.September 20th
.the monsters have overtaken the city
... i'm still alive​
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer

ياخي انت شنب، خطاب كابتن برايس كان شيء عظيم ياخي.

This is for the record. History is written by the victor. History is filled with liars. If he lives and we die, his truth becomes written-and ours is lost. Shepherd will be a hero. 'Cause all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood. He's about to complete the greatest trick a liar ever played on history... But only if he lives, and we die


Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine.
كل جملة تطلع من فمه أصلا اقتباس رهيب.
التعديل الأخير:


Hardcore Gamer
Delita Heiral - Final fantasy tactics
"All of them swept up in a mighty current, a current they cannot see or feel... I simply swim against it. Nothing more."



when i was ayoung man i had liberty but i didn't see it ,i had time but i didn't know it , i had love but i didn't feel it ,many decade were passed before i understood the Meaning of all three.


عضو فريق TG كورة أوروبية
اخر شي توقعت اشوفه في حياتي هو كوتس من كود ! :laugh::

Old Snake

True Gamer
وكنت تتوقع كوتس من زيلدا...!؟


Irony... the man who tried to destroy the world his son could save it


True Gamer
تذكرت هالكوت الاسطوري لسكوال في فاينل 8

Squall: Are you done yet...? I don't wanna talk about it. What am I supposed to say about other people's problems
Quistis: I'm not asking you to say anything. I just want you to listen.
Squall: Then go talk to a wall
التعديل الأخير:


Warrior of Liberation
و هالمحادثة من 999 :laugh::

وات ذا هيل؟!! :laugh::

كيف فاتتني هالمحادثة الأسطورية؟!! :laugh::