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اشاعة: معلومات عن قصة GTA 4


True Gamer
شكل قصة الرابع مثيرة مرة*اذا صدقت الاشاعات هذي*

Apparently the lead character Nikko Bellic (the bloke from the trailer) is murdered early on in the game during a dodgy drug deal that goes horribly wrong.

Nikko is said to have fled Estonia to escape some dodgy Mafioso types and the rumours suggest that the story centres on a turf war between Italian and Russian families. Once this news reaches Bellic's mother land his cousin, Roman Petronov, takes the news very badly and sets sail for the US of A.

Petronov is said to be disturbed by the news of the murder and wants his revenge. But he doesn't just wade in there with sideways-pointing pistols and a bad attitude. He decides to do a bit of a Tony Montana, and work his way up the gangsta food chain first, before confronting those responsible for his cousin's untimely end.

Word is that playing as Roman Petronov you have to choose which gang to join to rise to the top of. You could be mugged, begged or jumped on to join the warring factions of Liberty City.

That rumour alone suggests that the game could turn out to be pretty open and non-linear, if you get to choose between three gangs. Presumably you'll have the chances to jump from gang to gang if things weren't going your way - with a bit of bloodshed thrown in along the way, of course.

Details that six motorcycles vehicles and three helicopters would make the final cut, though there will be no planes, were also hinted at.

Don't expect Rockstar to comment on the above at all. We'll just have to wait and see.

مالعبت ليبرتي سيتي صراحا..هل تستحق التجربة اولا؟



Contributing Editor
That rumour alone suggests that the game could turn out to be pretty open and non-linear, if you get to choose between three gangs.

حلو لو صحيح..

اسمح لي يوسف غيرت العنوان..

king zell

Network Director
لول يوسف في ناس يعتبرون هالشي سبويلر و انت حاطه في عنوان الموضوع

بالنسبة لي بداية مثيرة.. لكن أتمنى شوي اللعبة فعلا تختلف عن الجزأين الماضيين و تكون أقرب للثالث

Mista Koo

Creative Director
حلو لو يخلونك إنت تتصرف بالقصة نوعا ما.. مو القصة تمشيك من فوق خشمك :\
القصة ما تهمني قد ما يهمني أن اللعبة تكون مفتوحة و فيها أكبر قدر ممكن من الخيارات الي اللاعب يختار بينها .


True Gamer
خخخخخخخخخخ زين محمد يعني انت سويت شي الحين..ماهو اول مابيدخل بيشوف الزبدة من بداية الخبر..لول كنت ظللت الكلام المهم مرة وحدة

انت فله لما تجي تعدل موضوع فيه سبويلرز:p