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الموضوع الرسمي ارشيف FINAL FANTASY XV Reboot ( رؤية Hajime Tabata )


Versus XIII Epic
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


نظراً لأن العالم الرقمي اصبح غير آمن لأستمرار المعلومات و الزمن كفيل بحذفها و ضياعها للأبد تم انشاء هذا الأرشيف لحفظها و توثيقها و لأجل سهولة الوصول لها.

سيتم تجميع اكبر قدر من المقابلات و التصاريح و المعلومات خلال سنين تطوير FFXV Reboot و هي منذ استلام Hajime Tabata مهمة الأخراج في ديسمبر 2013 و سنحاول ارفاق المصادر و ترجمتها بأذن الله.

لمحاولة جعل الموضوع يكون خفيف بالتصفح قدر ما نستطيع سيُخصص كل سنة تطوير رد خاص لوحده لكن في حال الرد تجاوز الحد المسموح للصور او عدد الأحرف سيتم انشاء رد اخر و هذا ينطبق على الصفحة في حال انها اصبحت ثقيلة.

بالطبع هذا لن يتم بيوم و ليلة و الموضوع سيكتمل خلال المدى البعيد ان شاء الله و سيكون بمثابة الصندوق الذي سيُجمع فيه و تحديثه من فترة لفترة.

شكراً لله ثم لأدارة موقع True Gaming على خاصية Edit الدائمة حيث سيتم تحديث الموضوع و العمل عليه خلف الكواليس دون ازعاجكم برفع الموضوع.

يُمنع المشاركة و النقاش في الموضوع كلياً و من يريد المساعدة و دعمي بمقابلات و اخبار لم توضع فالرجاء التواصل معي عبر الرسائل الخاصة و سيتم ذكر اسمك تعبيراً لك مني بالشكر على دعمك و تنبيهك.

شكراً جزيلاً للمشرف @abdullah-kh لموافقته على فكرة موضوع الأرشيف و دعواتكم لنا بالتوفيق.
التعديل الأخير:


Versus XIII Epic
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ■ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ■



The cover artwork was designed in part by Tetsuya Nomura, and features a fiery image of Final Fantasy VII antagonist Sephiroth on the front, and a profile of protagonist Cloud Strife on the back.

• غلاف المجلة يأتيكم من تصميم Tetsuya Nomura نشاهد فيه Sephiroth بغلاف العدد في الواجهة و من الخلف نشاهد البطل Cloud Strife.

سعادة Tetsuya Nomura بعودة خريطة العالم |

• من خلال العدد 362 لمجلة Game informer قام اعضاء الموقع بالسفر إلى طوكيو و مقابلة المُخرج الأبداعي Tetsuya Nomura من اجل FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth حيث انه صرح عن سعادته بعودة خريطة العالم |


The team members, including creative director
Nomura, were happy to hear the world map was
back, allowing players to freely explore the vast,
open wilds in the original game. "Ever since the
world map disappeared, I really had this weird
feeling, and I always thought it was strange
without a world map," Nomura says. "I thought
that you can't really have an RPG without a world
map, and specifically for Final Fantasy VII, to
fully experience this world, we must have a world
map; we can't be without it."

يقول Tetsuya Nomura : "منذ اختفاء خريطة العالم، كان لدي شعور غريب حقًا.. كنت أعتقد دائمًا أنه سيكون غريبًا بدون خريطة العالم. اعتقدت أنه لا يمكنك حقًا الحصول على لعبة RPG من دون خريطة العالم تحديدًا فاينل فانتسي 7 من اجل استكشاف عالمها بالكامل، يجب أن يكون لدينا خريطة للعالم.. لا يمكننا اننا نمضي من دونه."


☆ هذا الطموح و الأحساس المُلامس لكل مُحب للسلسلة ليس بشيء جديد على #نومورا_المجد فمنذ جيل PlayStation 3 و Nomura كان يرغب في إعادة خريطة العالم من خلال FINAL FANTASY Versus XIII |


“There have been many questions related to the field, it is not a completely open world, it has the feeling of a 2D FF in HD,” Tetsuya Nomura tweeted. However, the game does not use a top down perspective with a sprite on a map. Nomura says Final Fantasy Versus XIII world looks like the screenshots and players will move through the world from that perspective.

فقد سبق و أكد Nomura في اغسطس 2010 أن عالم Versus XIII ليس Open World بل التجول سيكون في World Map و انه اقرب إلى 2D فاينل فانتسي لكن HD و اكد أن الكاميرا لن تكون من الأعلى للأسفل بل خلف Noctis مثل الصورة في الأعلى و ستتجول في خريطة العالم من هذا المنظور.. هذه الفلسفة و الرؤية الإبداعية القديمة من Nomura تجاه Versus XIII منذ 2008 و 2010 لم تمت ولا زالت موجودة في FFVII Rebirth :


وجهة نظر Nomura عن الباتل سيستم |

• يشاركنا Nomura رأيه حول الباتل السيستم المُناسب لفاينل فانتسي |


Though Endo wanted to introduce action, his
desire to balance it with the traditional ATB
elements struck a chord with Nomura. "I do have
this idea of how Final Fantasy battles should be
and should feel," Nomura says. "We want to still
keep this strategy element, in which the player
will consider the elemental weaknesses of
enemies during battle while using these action
moves and being engaged, intact. That was always
my core belief in how we should approach Final
Fantasy battles.
[...] I thought this was truly vital
to this game; I didn't want it to be a game where
it's a reflex-type action or reflex-based battle; we
wanted to combine all of these elements.

يقول Tetsuya Nomura : "لدي فكرة عن الكيفية التي ينبغي أن تكون عليها معارك FINAL FANTASY وكيف يجب أن تشعر بها. اريد الحفاظ على عنصر الإستراتيجية حيث سيأخذ اللاعب في الاعتبار نقاط الضعف الأساسية للأعداء خلال المعركة و أثناء استخدام الحركات القتالية و الأندماج معهم.. كان هذا دائمًا اعتقادي الأساسي في كيفية التعامل مع معارك FINAL FANTASY. [ ... نومورا يصمت قليلا ثم يُكمل ] اعتقدت أن هذا كان أمرًا مهما حقًا لهذه اللعبة، لم أكن أريدها أن تكون لعبة تقتصر على حركة من نوع رد الفعل أو معركة تعتمد على ردات الفعل.. أردنا الجمع بين كل هذه العناصر."

بإختصار #نومورا_المجد :


شرشح FF15 ( رؤية تاباتا ) و FF16 ( رؤية يوشيدا ) و جالس يعلمهم كيف الباتل سيستم ينعمل لفاينل فانتسي... بجملة واحدة بس! بينما تاباتا و يوشيدا كانوا يحتاجوا لثرثرة فاضية طويلة عريضة لما يسبوا شغل من سبقوهم.

للتذكير |


Director Tetsuya Nomura seem to confirm that action will not be turn based, saying “I’ve put a lot of attention into the combat system, and it’s going to happen without interruption.”

▪في تاريخ 20 فبراير 2017 من خلال حدث Monaco Anime Game International Conference في فرنسا اكد نومورا انه اعطى الكثير من الأهتمام لنظام القتال و كان هذا قبل انضمام Naoki Hamaguchi و Teruki Endo لفريق التطوير FFVII Remake.


Yoshinori Kitase, told Stevivor that he’d planned for the game’s battle system to be more like that found within Kingdom Hearts before Director Nomura Tetsuya nixed the idea.

“My personal opinion was I thought it would have been suitable to make it a full 100% modern action game,” Kitase said through his translator, Gavin Poffley. “Actually, when we were discussing this and I proposed I wanted to take it full action, our director Nomura Tetsuya said, ‘no, I don’t like that idea.’

“[Nomura] said, ‘no, I want to keep in… original elements for the original fans and what they loved about the original turn-based style system’,” Kitase continued. “That’s really what led us to this hybrid model that we have today. We feature elements of both of those.”

▪في تاريخ 3 مارس 2020 صرح Kitase انه كان يرغب بتحويل FFVII Remake للعبة مودرن اكشن بالكامل بشكل مشابه للعبة Kingdom Hearts لكن المخرج Tetsuya Nomura رفض هذه الفكرة و قال انه غير معجب بها حيث انه قال لكيتاس : "لا... اريد أن ابقى على عناصر الأوريجنال لفانز اللعبة الأصلية" قرار نومورا هذا ادى إلى ابتكار نظام الهايبرد في النسخة النهائية الذي دمج بين الأسلوبين ببراعة.

نظرة Tetsuya Nomura عن الموت |


Nomura : "I believe that loss is something that happens unexpectedly, and it's not something that's dramatic or drawn out, but is something in which a person you have just conversed with is suddenly gone and never to come back. I believe that the person who dies should not return in this title, and that is what we did with the original".

يقول Tetsuya Nomura : "أعتقد أن الخسارة شيء يحدث بشكل غير متوقع، وهو ليس شيئًا دراميًا أو طويلًا، ولكنه شيء يجعل الشخص الذي تحدثت معه للتو يختفي ولن يعود أبدًا. أعتقد أن الشخص الذي مات لا ينبغي أن يعود في هذا العنوان، وهذا ما فعلناه مع اللعبة الأصلية."


و بذلك يؤكد Nomura عن وجهة نظره الشخصية أن أي شخصية في أي لعبة تموت لا يجب عليها أن تعود من جديد و ضرب لنا مثال بلعبة FF7 الأصلية.

مشاعر Tetsuya Nomura لحظة كشف FFVII Remake في معرض E3 2015 |


PlayStation's E3 2015 livestream had just revealed
a teaser trailer featuring the iconic Final Fantasy VII
protagonist, Cloud Strife, walking through Midgar
in glorious, modern, HD graphics. The dream of so
many fans - modern remake of the classic RPG -
was finally realized. The fans weren't the only ones
feeling the weight of the moment, though, and it was
no longer just the ground that was shaking; it was
Nomura's entire body.
There were no staff members around, so I was
kind of just off to the side, standing there alone,"
Nomura says. "When I heard the cheers from the
crowd and the passion, I became overwhelmed,
and I started shivering, I was walking like a fawn,
just overwhelmed by the intensity of the crowd. I thought, 'This has become such a big deal; and I
wanted to cry"

GAME iNFORMER : كشف البث المباشر لـ PlayStation E3 2015 عن مقطع تريلر يظهر فيه Cloud Strife البطل الأيقوني للعبة FINAL FANTASY VII وهو يمشي عبر Midgar برسومات HD رائعة وحديثة. لقد تحقق أخيرًا حلم العديد من المُعجبين بوجود Remake للعبة RPG الكلاسيكية. لم يكن المشجعون هم الوحيدون الذين شعروا بثقل اللحظة، ولم تكن الأرض فقط هي التي كانت تهتز... كان جسد نومورا بأكمله يهتز.

يقول Tetsuya Nomura : "لم يكن هناك موظفون بالجوار، لذا كنت على الجانب اقف هناك لوحدي.. عندما سمعت هتافات الجمهور و العاطفة، شعرت بالذهول و بدأت أرتجف، كنت امشي مثل الظبي، لقد غمرتني كثافة الجمهور وفكرت انه أصبح أمرا كبيرًا.. أردت أن أبكي".


للتذكير |

Tetsuya Nomura هو من اخرج تريلر E3 2015 ( و اخرج جميع تريلرات Remake و Rebirth و مشاريع عديدة بشكل عام ) فكان من الطبيعي انه يحضر بنفسه للمؤتمر و يشاهد ردة الفعل بنفسه.. لكن لم اكن اعلم انه كان واقف لوحده.. بالمناسبة من انهى Remake و ينتظر Rebirth انصحه باعادة مشاهدة تريلر الكشف من جديد و التركيز على اللقطات و الرسالة حيث انها كانت رسالة غير مباشرة من Nomura للفانز.

مصادر اضافية |

التعديل الأخير:


Versus XIII Epic
الجزء الأول / Part 1

23 Sep/سبتمبر 2014

Meet Hajime Tabata, Final Fantasy's latest saviour

مقابلة Eurogamer مع Hajime Tabata و من العنوان نلاحظ انهم يعتبروه "منقذ" فاينل فانتسي الجديد.

المضحك بعد العنوان انكتب :

The man now in charge of Final Fantasy 15 on a more western, more casual RPG.

الرجل الآن مسؤول عن FF15 لجعلها غربية اكثر و كاجوال RPG اكثر!

Final Fantasy has never been short of characters burdened with saving the world, but there's something different about its new breed of heroes. When Naoki Yoshida was tasked with salvaging the mess that was the original release of Final Fantasy 14, the challenge seemed insurmountable. With A Realm Reborn, it's a feat he pulled off, and with some style: the rebirth of the once troubled game has done more than rescue an expensive, wayward project. It's restored faith in Square Enix, and in a series that for too many years seems to have drifted away from its audience.

من بداية المقابلة نلاحظ تشبيه Tabata بالمطور Yoshida مع A Realm Reborn و كيف انه انقذ مشروع منكوب و كأن Tabata راح يعمل شيء مشابه.

Now, a similarly herculean task has fallen at the feat of another employee of Square Enix. Hajime Tabata, the director who previously worked on Final Fantasy 7 offshoots Before Crisis and Crisis Core as well as, most recently, Type 0, has been given responsibility to deliver the project that's haunted Square Enix for over eight years. It's fallen to Tabata to deliver Final Fantasy 15, the game born from the development hell that enshrouded Final Fantasy Versus 13, with former director Tetsuya Nomura having been moved aside to focus on Kingdom Hearts 3.

يعتبر FF Versus XIII مرت بجحيم تطوير مع المخرج السابق Nomura و انه ازيح بعيدا ليركز على KH3.

Having sat down with Tabata for an hour-long roundtable at Square Enix's Shinjuku headquarters, it seems he is the perfect man for the job. Like Yoshida, Tabata cuts a contrasting figure to the directors who have immediately preceded him. The Final Fantasy 13 era that staggered throughout the entirety of the last generation, though not without its own moments, felt defined by a stuffiness that, by the time of the second sequel, almost bordered on arrogance, the likes of Yoshinori Kitase and Motomu Toriyama seemingly deaf to Final Fantasy's many fans.

المقابل يقول انه جلس ساعة مع Tabata و انه افضل رجل للمهمة مثل Yoshida و انتقد Kitase و Toriyama و جيل ثلاثية FF13 و انهم كانوا لا يسمعون لجماهير فاينل فانتسي.

الموقع وضع تريلر FF Versus XIII يناير 2011 و كتب التالي :

Elements of Nomura's Final Fantasy Versus 13, last seen in full three years ago, remain in Final Fantasy 15 - but the project was reset when Tabata joined two years ago.

كتب وصف انه العديد من عناصر نومورا للعبة FF Versus XIII لا زالت موجودة في FFXV. طبعا الزمن اثبت ان هالكلام انه هُراء و كذب.

Tabata couldn't be any more different. Warm, embracing and with a gentle curiosity, his eagerness to please the fans of Final Fantasy can be disarming. Maybe it's because, like Yoshida before him, he's aware that it's the fans that can make the difference, that they're the ones key to the game's reception and that they're the greatest tool in his arsenal - something Tabata knows first-hand after pressure from Final Fantasy fans in the west led to the HD remaster of Type 0 getting a global release next March.

With Type 0, it was literally the demand from the fans that tipped the scales," he says. "The players are very important to us in the development. If I could, I'd love to go and thank each and every person who voiced their opinion, and wanted it to come to the western markets."

It's that deference to fans that persuaded Square Enix to release a playable Final Fantasy 15 demo alongside Type 0 next March, too. "I joined about two years ago, and since then we have changed platform and we've also had a staff change in the team as well as revisiting what content and mechanics would be included in 15," says Tabata.

"We're definitely sorry - we want to apologise for keeping the fans waiting for a very long time. The current status [of the full game] is at about 55 per cent at this point, and while we'd love to continue polishing and raising the quality as much as we can, because fans have been waiting for such a long time, we wanted to bring it in a playable form as a demo attached to Type 0 so people could see there is progress being made."

A teaser shown at last week's Tokyo Game Show helped showcase some of that progress, and it's looking delicious so far. After the long corridors of Final Fantasy 13, 15 makes a break for an open world, explorable in a squat caricature of a car and with combat that flows freely. There are elements that remain from Nomura's take on the project - the characters and world are retained, of course, and the combat bears a resemblance to the last time we properly saw Versus 13 back in 2011 - but much of it is new, and carries the stamp of Tabata.

What exactly is Tabata's style? Despite his previous games having been on portable platforms, he's certainly got an affinity with more traditional console fare. "In Japan, more and more gamers lean towards games that can be played very casually," he says. "I personally like and grew up with those core-centric games, those substantial standalone games. I want to preserve the integrity of them, and leave a legacy of those standalone games in the best form possible."

Other elements seem to have crept into Tabata's Final Fantasy 15, too. Open worlds aren't exclusive to western games - an expansive overworld to explore has been at the backbone of the very best Final Fantasy games - but its implementation in Final Fantasy 15, where characters traverse epic plains in an automobile, seems to have some deference to the open worlds of Grand Theft Auto and its like. Tabata's happy to acknowledge those influences.

"Ever since I took a central position for the Xbox One and PS4 Final Fantasy 15, I would make the judgement call based on my personal taste, which did lean towards western games, and then tweak the visual aspects as well as the combat aspects," he says. "Rather than it being influenced by western games, it's more my personal taste. I like that style, and I wanted it incorporated in the game."

Tabata ختم المقابلة بطموحه تجاه FF15 :

"Personally, I'm working on 15 to make it the most emotional Final Fantasy title that I've worked on," he says as our hour comes to an end. "My goal is to have people play Final Fantasy 15, and for them to think this is the best Final Fantasy they've ever played."

يقول Tabata : "شخصياً، أنا أعمل على FF15 لأجعلها أكثر فاينل فانتسي عاطفية عملت عليه"، كما يقول مع اقتراب نهاية المقابلة : "هدفي هو جعل الناس يلعبون فاينل فانتسي 15، وأن يعتقدوا أن هذه هي أفضل فاينل فانتسي لعبوها على الإطلاق."

المصدر Eurogamer


23 Sep/سبتمبر 2014

"With Final Fantasy XV, I do want to make it more casual," says Tabata

تكملة لمقابلة Hajime Tabata مع Eurogamer هنا يتكلم انه يرغب بجعلها كاجوال اكثر و انها تنلعب بزر واحد لأنه ما عاد صغير بالعمر ما يقدر يضغط ازرار كثيرة :

Hajime Tabata is pursuing the broader audience with Final Fantasy XV, he told Eurogamer last week. In an effort to present the game to a broader audience, players can expect things like one-button combat and an automated car.

“With Final Fantasy XV, I do want to make it more casual,” he said. “Of course the depth of the game is going to be there, but I want to make it so players can easily experience the satisfaction of the depth of the game.” While players can operate the game’s car themselves, there is an option to set it to drive to specified locations by itself if you’d rather sit back and enjoy the visuals of the overworld.

XV’s battle system has undergone similar changes as well. “Another example is in the combat,” explained Tabata. “With the hardware specifications of the newer consoles, it’s possible to set it up so you have different enemies and different choices of attacks you can enter in, but I want to simplify that. It’ll basically be a one-button action, and the AI intuitively outputs an action that kind of satisfies, gives you that instant gratification, and it connects with the simple touch of a button. I myself am not getting any younger. I don’t want to be frantically pushing buttons. I also want to utilise the intelligence of the hardware spec, and not have to go through too much hassle or trouble in order to execute moves.”

Tabata also shared his desire to create a more grounded fantasy similar to his work on Crisis Core and Final Fantasy Type-0. “When we were making the transition, we sat down and I discussed with Nomura the game,” he said. “I felt that I wanted to shift it more to be more realistic. For example, when you’re battling a really strong boss like a behemoth, if you go at it from just the front you’re going to get hit with his counter-attacks. You have to think about baiting it to attack forward, but then break its stance and attack it from the side. I wanted to make it so you’re fighting a real animal, but with easy-to-manipulate controls as well as dramatic effects. My basis was to keep it grounded in reality.”

المصدر Nova Crystallis
المصدر Eurogamer


2 Oct/اكتوبر 2014

FINAL FANTASY XV director addresses fan concerns, new gameplay

Q: So after all, the E3 2013 trailer was a lie? You can’t actually play like that?

A:You can fight like that. I think in the recent play demonstration we showed several techniques and functions, but at E3 last year the game was running on a prototype environment (Ebony). At TGS 2014 we showed the game running in the actual environment (Luminous). Right now we are in the process of migrating functions from the prototype into it. It will take time to migrate it all. I wanted to show footage in the actual environment as soon as possible, so I ended up showing something that is in the midst of migrating. The video shows actual footage, not an idealized version. It will become more and more advanced from here on out.

Q: Can you go into detail about the “holding down the button” issue? Is it really okay to just hold the button down?

A:It’s not that simple! (Laughs.) Yes, when you continue to hold down the guard button, you can basically auto-guard and evade, but it consumes MP. You can’t infinitely evade. You have to think about timing, when it’s a good idea to attack or evade. Also, you aren’t invincible. There are attacks you can’t avoid. In those cases, there are also essential technical evasion methods.

Q: What about attacks?

A:When you push the attack button, you invoke the standard combo. You can change the actions by using it in coordination with the directional buttons. The actions change depending on your circumstances—things like whether you’re guarding and whether the timing is right, (imagine in this circumstance: when you’re guarding, you might get a chance to counterattack or something), or if your companions are nearby.

Q: Can you change the operational character?

A:Not in its current specifications. Everyone on the development team thoroughly looked into an Active Cross Battle system that made free use of attack, guard, and co-op functions, but as a result they arrived at the conclusion that changing characters would be too difficult. In order to create a new and interesting battle system, we ended up not being able to put in the character switching.

Q: Is jumping in?

A: It is. Considering PlayStation 4 has plenty of buttons, there is an independent jump button.

Q: What about free running?

A: It’s there. Except for the character switching, everything that was in the E3 2013 trailer is still there. All the cool actions like the weapons barrier that surrounds Noctis called “Phantom Sword,” and the short warps and jumping from the Behemoth battle are in the actual game. We’ll release more information later on, so please look forward to it.

Q: What about weapon selection?

A: You set them yourself before battle. You set each weapon considering what actions you can use with which weapons. You can only determine one weapon from the ones equipped to be your main one, but that weapon will come with techniques which can be invoked at your discretion in battle. Besides the basic assault button (attack), you can invoke techniques with the technique button.

Q: I can’t tell if it’s more like Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy Type-0. Which is it?

A: We explained that when you push the attack button, you invoke the standard combo, which is similar to Type-0. Considering the battle system as a whole, however, it is different from both Type-0 and Kingdom Hearts.

Q: Is it being simplified for casual users? Is is still an action RPG?

A: In order to widen its appeal, we’re developing the game aware that anyone can immediately be able to play it, however the game as a whole is not casual. Because it’s a core game, we have casual controls. If you obtain good weapons and level up, you won’t have to worry about clearing the main scenarios.

Q: Will you listen to feedback from the demo version?

A: We want to reference your feedback during development, but how we’re going to do that is still under review.

Q: Haven’t you been poor at putting out information?

A: If our fans are uneasy about the information we have released, then our ways of issuing information may in fact be poor. Even though we didn’t have a lot of time, I wanted to make clear the current situation. In the future, our information releases might be poor, but I think we can receive your approval.

_ _ _

There are systems we want to tell you more about.”

Final Fantasy XV’s Cooperative Chains & Growth

  • “The co-op moves aren’t one-offs, you can do them continuously.”
  • “Invoking co-op moves is automatic, but it’s necessary for the player to aim their mark.”
Turning to the Side = The Concept of Parrying

  • “To connect a co-op move while avoiding an enemy attack, you have to keep an eye out for an indication when to invoke it.”
  • “You can’t auto-parry.”
  • “It feels accomplishing to pull of a co-op attack from a parry.”
More details to come later.


  • “Even though there are parts from Versus that we have ended up changing, we’ve developed them in more interesting ways, I want you to look forward to it.”
  • “I get reports everyday from development staff about what was said on the internet. If we have material, I’d like to release development information again in a live broadcast like this on November 1.”
  • “Next month they’ll release information from other development members.”
  • “Development progress is at 55%. Final Fantasy XV has entered the phase where they are mass producing resource material. After that, it’s a fight against the amount of resource material and time. We are also hiring people to help make Final Fantasy XV, so interested applicants should check out the homepage.”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Finally, Tabata revealed he has taken a liking to the “Car Driving” meme surrounding Final Fantasy XV. He finds it hilarious, actually. So much so that he released official assets for meme makers.

المصدر Gematsu
المصدر Dengeki Online

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Versus XIII Epic
الجزء الثاني / Part 2
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Versus XIII Epic
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم :::::



The cover artwork was designed in part by Tetsuya Nomura, and features a fiery image of Final Fantasy VII antagonist Sephiroth on the front, and a profile of protagonist Cloud Strife on the back.

• غلاف المجلة يأتيكم من تصميم Tetsuya Nomura نشاهد فيه Sephiroth بغلاف العدد في الواجهة و من الخلف نشاهد البطل Cloud Strife.

سعادة Tetsuya Nomura بعودة خريطة العالم |

• من خلال العدد 362 لمجلة Game informer قام اعضاء الموقع بالسفر إلى طوكيو و مقابلة المُخرج الأبداعي Tetsuya Nomura من اجل FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth حيث انه صرح عن سعادته بعودة خريطة العالم |


The team members, including creative director
Nomura, were happy to hear the world map was
back, allowing players to freely explore the vast,
open wilds in the original game. "Ever since the
world map disappeared, I really had this weird
feeling, and I always thought it was strange
without a world map," Nomura says. "I thought
that you can't really have an RPG without a world
map, and specifically for Final Fantasy VII, to
fully experience this world, we must have a world
map; we can't be without it."

يقول Tetsuya Nomura : "منذ اختفاء خريطة العالم، كان لدي شعور غريب حقًا.. كنت أعتقد دائمًا أنه سيكون غريبًا بدون خريطة العالم. اعتقدت أنه لا يمكنك حقًا الحصول على لعبة RPG من دون خريطة العالم تحديدًا فاينل فانتسي 7 من اجل استكشاف عالمها بالكامل، يجب أن يكون لدينا خريطة للعالم.. لا يمكننا اننا نمضي من دونه."


☆ هذا الطموح و الأحساس المُلامس لكل مُحب للسلسلة ليس بشيء جديد على #نومورا_المجد فمنذ جيل PlayStation 3 و Nomura كان يرغب في إعادة خريطة العالم من خلال FINAL FANTASY Versus XIII |


“There have been many questions related to the field, it is not a completely open world, it has the feeling of a 2D FF in HD,” Tetsuya Nomura tweeted. However, the game does not use a top down perspective with a sprite on a map. Nomura says Final Fantasy Versus XIII world looks like the screenshots and players will move through the world from that perspective.

فقد سبق و أكد Nomura في اغسطس 2010 أن عالم Versus XIII ليس Open World بل التجول سيكون في World Map و انه اقرب إلى 2D فاينل فانتسي لكن HD و اكد أن الكاميرا لن تكون من الأعلى للأسفل بل خلف Noctis مثل الصورة في الأعلى و ستتجول في خريطة العالم من هذا المنظور.. هذه الفلسفة و الرؤية الإبداعية القديمة من Nomura تجاه Versus XIII منذ 2008 و 2010 لم تمت ولا زالت موجودة من خلال FFVII Rebirth :


وجهة نظر Nomura عن الباتل سيستم |

• يشاركنا Nomura رأيه حول الباتل السيستم المُناسب لفاينل فانتسي |


Though Endo wanted to introduce action, his
desire to balance it with the traditional ATB
elements struck a chord with Nomura. "I do have
this idea of how Final Fantasy battles should be
and should feel," Nomura says. "We want to still
keep this strategy element, in which the player
will consider the elemental weaknesses of
enemies during battle while using these action
moves and being engaged, intact. That was always
my core belief in how we should approach Final
Fantasy battles.
[...] I thought this was truly vital
to this game; I didn't want it to be a game where
it's a reflex-type action or reflex-based battle; we
wanted to combine all of these elements.

يقول Tetsuya Nomura : "لدي فكرة عن الكيفية التي ينبغي أن تكون عليها معارك FINAL FANTASY وكيف يجب أن تشعر بها. اريد الحفاظ على عنصر الإستراتيجية حيث سيأخذ اللاعب في الاعتبار نقاط الضعف الأساسية للأعداء خلال المعركة و أثناء استخدام الحركات القتالية و الأندماج معهم.. كان هذا دائمًا اعتقادي الأساسي في كيفية التعامل مع معارك FINAL FANTASY. [ ... نومورا يصمت قليلا ثم يُكمل ] اعتقدت أن هذا كان أمرًا مهما حقًا لهذه اللعبة، لم أكن أريدها أن تكون لعبة تقتصر على حركة من نوع رد الفعل أو معركة تعتمد على ردات الفعل.. أردنا الجمع بين كل هذه العناصر."

بإختصار #نومورا_المجد :


شرشح FF15 ( رؤية تاباتا ) و FF16 ( رؤية يوشيدا ) و جالس يعلمهم كيف الباتل سيستم ينعمل لفاينل فانتسي... بجملة واحدة بس! بينما تاباتا و يوشيدا كانوا يحتاجوا لثرثرة فاضية طويلة عريضة لما يسبوا شغل من سبقوهم.

للتذكير |


Director Tetsuya Nomura seem to confirm that action will not be turn based, saying “I’ve put a lot of attention into the combat system, and it’s going to happen without interruption.”

▪في تاريخ 20 فبراير 2017 من خلال حدث Monaco Anime Game International Conference في فرنسا اكد نومورا انه اعطى الكثير من الأهتمام لنظام القتال و كان هذا قبل انضمام Naoki Hamaguchi و Teruki Endo لفريق التطوير FFVII Remake.


Yoshinori Kitase, told Stevivor that he’d planned for the game’s battle system to be more like that found within Kingdom Hearts before Director Nomura Tetsuya nixed the idea.

“My personal opinion was I thought it would have been suitable to make it a full 100% modern action game,” Kitase said through his translator, Gavin Poffley. “Actually, when we were discussing this and I proposed I wanted to take it full action, our director Nomura Tetsuya said, ‘no, I don’t like that idea.’

“[Nomura] said, ‘no, I want to keep in… original elements for the original fans and what they loved about the original turn-based style system’,” Kitase continued. “That’s really what led us to this hybrid model that we have today. We feature elements of both of those.”

▪في تاريخ 3 مارس 2020 صرح Kitase انه كان يرغب بتحويل FFVII Remake للعبة مودرن اكشن بالكامل بشكل مشابه للعبة Kingdom Hearts لكن المخرج Tetsuya Nomura رفض هذه الفكرة و قال انه غير معجب بها : "لا... اريد أن ابقى عناصر الأوريجنال لفانز اللعبة الأصلية" قرار نومورا هذا ادى إلى ابتكار نظام الهايبرد في النسخة النهائية الذي دمج بين الأسلوبين.

نظرة Tetsuya Nomura عن الموت |


Nomura : "I believe that loss is something that happens unexpectedly, and it's not something that's dramatic or drawn out, but is something in which a person you have just conversed with is suddenly gone and never to come back. I believe that the person who dies should not return in this title, and that is what we did with the original".

يقول Tetsuya Nomura : "أعتقد أن الخسارة شيء يحدث بشكل غير متوقع، وهو ليس شيئًا دراميًا أو طويلًا، ولكنه شيء يجعل الشخص الذي تحدثت معه للتو يختفي ولن يعود أبدًا. أعتقد أن الشخص الذي مات لا ينبغي أن يعود في هذا العنوان، وهذا ما فعلناه مع اللعبة الأصلية."

التعديل الأخير:


Versus XIII Epic
الجزء الأول / Part 1

25 July/يوليو 2015

Tabata: I want to keep up with Western games with Final Fantasy XV

Through a new interview with the fifteenth part of the Final Fantasy series "Hajime Tabata", he spoke of the gap of his aspirations and hopes with this game, which he is presenting at the Gamescom exhibition extensively in the coming days, saying : Final Fantasy XV game project was great for us and we want to keep pace with Western games with style of play, we realize
It's so cool to watch people come to my office and talk about browsers that require game demos and listen and re-develop the game based on their opinions,
we're taking it very seriously.

الترجمة :

Tabata: أريد مواكبة الألعاب الغربية بلعبة Final Fantasy XV

من خلال مقابلة جديدة مع الجزء الخامس عشر من سلسلة العاب فاينل فانتسي "Hajime Tabata" تحدث من فجوة تطلعاته وآماله مع هذه اللعبة التي تعرضها بمعرض جيمزكوم بشكل موسع بالأيام القادمة بقوله : مشروع لعبة Final Fantasy XV كان رائعا بالنسبة لنا ونريد من خلاله مواكبة الألعاب الغربية بأسلوب اللعب ، ندرك أنه لأمر رائع جدا بمشاهدة الناس يأتون لمكتبي ويتحدثون عن المتصفحات التي تتطلب بديمو اللعبة والإستماع وإعادة تطوير اللعبة بناء على آرائهم ، نحن تأخذ الأمر إلى الداخل محمل الجد.

المصدر True Gaming

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Versus XIII Epic
الجزء الثاني / Part 2
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Versus XIII Epic
الجزء الثالث / Part 3
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