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إعلان موعد صدور FFXVI نهاية هذا العام مع وصول نسبة اكتمالها ل 95%


Another Side Another Story
اذا ما طلعت بالمستوى المطلوب بصراحة بتكون مهزلة عدد سنين تطوير كثيرة ومستقرة ويقال من افضل فريق في الشركة ايش يحتاجو زيادة عشان يطلعو لعبة بالمستوى ؟


Versus XIII Epic
متى اخر مره شفنا تطوير فف رئيسية ماشي كويس زي كذا ؟

الحماس مليون

FF12 على وقتها حطمت رقم قياسي كأكثر لعبة طولت بالتطوير من عام 2000 بداية الجيل إلى 2006 نهاية الجيل ( 6 سنين )

FF13 قدمت تضحيات بالهبل يمين و يسار و جاهم دعم لكن تطويرها صار بعد تيك ديمو FF7 يعني من 2005 إلى 2009 ( 4 سنين تقريبا؟ )

FF15 ما راح اجيب طاري Versus XIII لكن لو تحسبها ك XV بس عندك من يوليو 2012 لحد نوفمبر 2016 ( 4 سنين تقريبا ) لو ودك تحسبها كرؤية تاباتا بعد ما حذف و غير عندك من ديسمبر 2013 إلى نوفمبر 2016 ( ثلاث سنين تقريبا )

FF16 بدو فيها كفريق صغير اظن في سنة 2016 و الكشف كان 2020 و راح تصدر صيف 2023 ( يعني 6-7 سنين )


True Gamer
FF12 على وقتها حطمت رقم قياسي كأكثر لعبة طولت بالتطوير من عام 2000 بداية الجيل إلى 2006 نهاية الجيل ( 6 سنين )

FF13 قدمت تضحيات بالهبل يمين و يسار و جاهم دعم لكن تطويرها صار بعد تيك ديمو FF7 يعني من 2005 إلى 2009 ( 4 سنين تقريبا؟ )

FF15 ما راح اجيب طاري Versus XIII لكن لو تحسبها ك XV بس عندك من يوليو 2012 لحد نوفمبر 2016 ( 4 سنين تقريبا ) لو ودك تحسبها كرؤية تاباتا بعد ما حذف و غير عندك من ديسمبر 2013 إلى نوفمبر 2016 ( ثلاث سنين تقريبا )

FF16 بدو فيها كفريق صغير اظن في سنة 2016 و الكشف كان 2020 و راح تصدر صيف 2023 ( يعني 6-7 سنين )
هو تقدر تقول كورونا اثر كثير على ١٦ ولا كان شفناها السنة هذي


Hardcore Gamer
ترايلر اعلان موعد الإصدار في The Game Award بيكون وقت مثالي لضمان عرضها على أكبر عدد ممكن من الناس
أهم شي ما يكون نزول مفاجئ في قناتهم نفس آخر ترايلر ::woot::


Another Side Another Story
FF12 على وقتها حطمت رقم قياسي كأكثر لعبة طولت بالتطوير من عام 2000 بداية الجيل إلى 2006 نهاية الجيل ( 6 سنين )

FF13 قدمت تضحيات بالهبل يمين و يسار و جاهم دعم لكن تطويرها صار بعد تيك ديمو FF7 يعني من 2005 إلى 2009 ( 4 سنين تقريبا؟ )

FF15 ما راح اجيب طاري Versus XIII لكن لو تحسبها ك XV بس عندك من يوليو 2012 لحد نوفمبر 2016 ( 4 سنين تقريبا ) لو ودك تحسبها كرؤية تاباتا بعد ما حذف و غير عندك من ديسمبر 2013 إلى نوفمبر 2016 ( ثلاث سنين تقريبا )

FF16 بدو فيها كفريق صغير اظن في سنة 2016 و الكشف كان 2020 و راح تصدر صيف 2023 ( يعني 6-7 سنين )

في كلام ان يمكن حتى من ٢٠١٥


Hardcore Gamer
اوك شي جدًا ممتاز. كل العاب من ١٣ وفوق كانت تواجه مشاكل بالتطوير وهذا الشي بين بمستوى الالعاب.
اذكر يوشيدا ذكر ان اهداف سكوير بتحقيق جرافيكس عالي للألعاب هو اللي طلع ١٤ الأولى بالشكل اللي طلعت فيه وان الاهداف الواقعية ببداية المشروع هي اللي تساعد اللعبه توصل لأهدافها ومن الواضح انه طبق هذا الشي ب ١٦.


الواحد طفش من هذه المعلومات نحتاج عرض حقيقي للعبة، وكفاية عروض قصصية.
صحيح..يعني اللعبة نجحت بتشويقنا للقصة والسمونس والارتباط بينهم
بس لسة العوالم والدنجنس والكومبات سيستم محتاجين شوية يستعرضوها بتفاصيل اكبر.
خاصة الكومبات من ناحية السحر لأي درجة بيكون تنوعها...فف والاكشن لما يدخلوا بجملة وحدة نادرا ما تكون النتيجة مبشرة @@


Dragon of Heaven
موضوع العمق والدارك شوي مقلقين، أتمنى ما يبالغون فيهم تحت اسم الـepicness، وزعلت ان عدد ساعات الفرعيات أكبر من القصه الرئيسيه لو انها rich، وانك ما تزور الـ6 دول فيها.
بس so far باقي الكلام جميل.
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True Gamer
اكثر جزء مستبشر خير فيه من فترة طويلة ان شاء الله ما يسحبوا على الميني جيم وتكون ممتعة زي فاينل 8 او 10 ولو يربطوا اسلحة سرية او سوبر للشخصيات فيها تطلع اجمل واجمل


SquallX سابقاً

صيف ٢٠٢٣

حسب جوجل

Summer 2023 in Northern Hemisphere will begin on
Wednesday, 21 June
and ends on
Saturday, 23 September

عاد اصعب شي لما يحددوا بالفصول احنا ماعندنا الا صيف حدود ١٠ شهور وشهرين شتاء اذا كثر.. مانشوف لا خريف ولا ربيع.


Another Side Another Story
موضوع العمق والدارك شوي مقلقين، أتمنى ما يبالغون فيهم تحت اسم الـepicness، وزعلت ان عدد ساعات الفرعيات أكبر من القصه الرئيسيه لو انها rich، وانك ما تزور الـ6 دول فيها.
بس so far باقي الكلام جميل.

سكويد بذات تكذب في عدد الساعات زي كخ ٣ وفف١٥ يعني توقعي عدد ساعات اقل بكثير

صيف ٢٠٢٣

حسب جوجل

عاد اصعب شي لما يحددوا بالفصول احنا ماعندنا الا صيف حدود ١٠ شهور وشهرين شتاء اذا كثر.. مانشوف لا خريف ولا ربيع.

يا يونيو او سبتمبر وبستغرب لو اغسطس ومستحيل يوليو


Versus XIII Epic
في كلام ان يمكن حتى من ٢٠١٥

شكلك صادق لأن المخرج هنا لما انسئل كيف ردة فعله لما عرف انه راح يمسك اخراج FF16 رده كان انه مضى وقت طويل جدا ولا يتذكر شيء!! يعني بالراحة يتكلم عن شيء صار من 6 سنين على الأقل :

المخرج Takai يقول أن السالفة بدأت من المدير التنفيذي للشركة يوسكي ماتسودا قابل يوشيدا و سئله هل فريق CB3 ( بذلك الوقت كان اسمه CB5 ) قادر يعمل على الجزء الرئيسي القادم؟ يوشيدا كان يشوف نفسه مو قادر يعمل على لعبتين كمخرج و بصراحة مدري أيش المشكلة.. نومورا عمل على لعبة GBA و فيلم AC و KH2 كلهم كمخرج بنفس الوقت و اشتغل على FF7R و KH3 كمخرج بنفس الوقت.. لكن اتوقع السبب الرئيسي هو كان يبي Takai يصير المخرج لأنه يحترمه حسب وصفه.. Takai يقول أن يوشيدا بدأ يجمع الفريق و اختارهم ك"ضحايا" محظوظين.. احس فيه جو غير مريح بالعمل داخل سكوير (&) يعني من سالفة الدعس على لوجو Square Enix في احد تريلرات XIV و جملة ارث الكريستالة ظل بما فيه الكفاية الخ

بحثت عن Takai طلع مصمم في The Bouncer (&) لكن تقريبا مشواره بدأ مع FF11 ثم ذا لاست ريمينت الي واجه معها صعوبة على انريل انجن 3 و نقلها لجهاز PS3 ما كان يسوى بنظرهم ثم صار مخرج مساعد جنب يوشيدا على ARR و تقريبا بصيف 2015 ترك XIV و صار ينذكر شكر خاص.. الحين عرفت ليش ذا لاست ريمنت فجأة رجعت على PS4 لما بحثت طلع انها رجعت ديسمبر 2018 الي تمثل فترة دخول FF16 للأنتاج الكامل
التعديل الأخير:


Senior Content Specialist
شكلك صادق لأن المخرج هنا لما انسئل كيف ردة فعله لما عرف انه راح يمسك اخراج FF16 رده كان انه مضى وقت طويل جدا ولا يتذكر شيء!! يعني بالراحة يتكلم عن شيء صار من 6 سنين على الأقل :

في الماضي إخراج فاينل فانتسي مرقمة كان مهمة تاريخية لصاحبها، ولا يحلم بها سوى قمة المصممين

وعندما نعود إلى مقابلات مطوري فاينل فانتسي السابقين، ترى في حوارهم مدى التوتر والضغط والمسؤولية التي كانوا يشعرون بها

اليوم، أنا حتى لا أعرف مخرجي ألعاب فاينل فانتسي الأخيرة، ولا أعرف ماذا فعلوا من قبل

لا أنتقص منهم بالطبع، ولكن الإرث الكريستالي بالفعل لم يعد ثقيلًا كما كان...

shiro 8

في الماضي إخراج فاينل فانتسي مرقمة كان مهمة تاريخية لصاحبها، ولا يحلم بها سوى قمة المصممين

وعندما نعود إلى مقابلات مطوري فاينل فانتسي السابقين، ترى في حوارهم مدى التوتر والضغط والمسؤولية التي كانوا يشعرون بها
كلامك قمة بالواقعية.
اتفق معك.
تحس الاخراج كان لها رجالها زي إيتو والشلة اللي معه.
تحس وقتها ساكاجوتشي زي ابو شهاب لما يختار مهمة صعبة لشباب الحارة، وما يختار الا الشنبات زي معتز.
اليوم، أنا حتى لا أعرف مخرجي ألعاب فاينل فانتسي الأخيرة، ولا أعرف ماذا فعلوا من قبل
عوافي يارجال.
الحين اقولك مين هما.
- nomura tetsuya
- motomu toriyama
- Naoki Hamaguchi
اي خدمة ولا شيء نحنا تحت امرك حسونه.


Dragon of Heaven
سكويد بذات تكذب في عدد الساعات زي كخ ٣ وفف١٥ يعني توقعي عدد ساعات اقل بكثير
صج انهم Squid، ماحب الكذب في عدد الساعات ::an::
صح اذكر كذبة فف15 عالاقل ._.


True Gamer
في الماضي إخراج فاينل فانتسي مرقمة كان مهمة تاريخية لصاحبها، ولا يحلم بها سوى قمة المصممين

وعندما نعود إلى مقابلات مطوري فاينل فانتسي السابقين، ترى في حوارهم مدى التوتر والضغط والمسؤولية التي كانوا يشعرون بها

اليوم، أنا حتى لا أعرف مخرجي ألعاب فاينل فانتسي الأخيرة، ولا أعرف ماذا فعلوا من قبل

لا أنتقص منهم بالطبع، ولكن الإرث الكريستالي بالفعل لم يعد ثقيلًا كما كان...

تحتاج تلعب فف١٤ يا حسين
انا مو معجب بألعاب الممو لكن اللي يسويه هذا الرجل مع فريقه مثير للإعجاب غير أنه انقذ اللعبة اللي كان إطلاقها كارثي زمان
استغلاله للعبة كممو في سرد قصته و بناء عالمه الضخم عبقري و من اكثر الحاجات الطموحة في سكوير

و بما انك فان لفف١٢ يوشيدا من اكبر المعجبين بها و بألعاب مخرجه اللي كانت سبب رئيسي في دخوله لسكوير و فف١٤ و فف١٦ واضح كيف متأثرين به


Versus XIII Epic
في الماضي إخراج فاينل فانتسي مرقمة كان مهمة تاريخية لصاحبها، ولا يحلم بها سوى قمة المصممين

وعندما نعود إلى مقابلات مطوري فاينل فانتسي السابقين، ترى في حوارهم مدى التوتر والضغط والمسؤولية التي كانوا يشعرون بها

اليوم، أنا حتى لا أعرف مخرجي ألعاب فاينل فانتسي الأخيرة، ولا أعرف ماذا فعلوا من قبل

لا أنتقص منهم بالطبع، ولكن الإرث الكريستالي بالفعل لم يعد ثقيلًا كما كان...

هيبة فاينل فانتسي كانت موجودة و بقوة بجيل PS3 حتى لكن تعرف متى الهيبة طاحت؟ من ديسمبر 2009/مارس 2010 بعد ما نزلت FF13 الي كان مخرجها هو Motomu Toriyama ثم FF14 الي نزلت برضو في 2010 جابت تقاييم 4/10 بكل مكان و كملت الناقص و مخرجها كان Nobuaki Komoto الي بالنهاية صار ليد ديزاينر مع يوشيدا من ARR و طالع.. و اخيرا FF15 مع Hajima Tabata... يحتاج اقول شيء؟ اكثر جزء منسي و ناقص و اسوء افتتاحية و بداية بتاريخ السلسلة و الألعاب كلها و تناقض بكل مكان و يوشيدا نفسه انتقدها و يشوف أن FF16 لازم ترجع ثقة الفانز من بعدها.

لاحظ اني ذكرت :

Motomu Toriyama
Nobuaki Komoto
Hajime Tabata

اسم Tetsuya Nomura مو معهم! انحرم من FF13 بسبب تورياما و صار تورياما هو الأولوية.. تضرر من فشل FF14 الي الشركة صارت فترة 2011-2012 مره حساسة و تبغى أي شيء يرجع سمعتها.. و اخيرا Hajime Tabata الي جاي مندفع يسوق لمشروعه القادم قبل ما ينزل FF15 حتى!

شفنا FF13 و FF14 و FF15 لكن للأسف ما شفنا الي كان يبغاها نومورا... مع ذلك! لما حدته الدنيا يشتغل على FF7 ريميك وهو دايما كان يقول ما يبغى يشتغل على FF7 ريميك لأنه شغال على شيء حيتجاوز FF7 نفسها ( و اثق بكلامه هذا لأنه هو ابتكر اساس FF7 و شخصياتها قبل قدوم نوجيما ) و مع كل هالحرمان و الأجبار و اراء تروجيمنج أن FF7 تقلد اسلوب GoW السينمائي الخ ( مع أن تريلر PSX 2015 كان قبل كشف GoW لكن ما علينا ) .. نومورا قدر يبتكر شيء يبيض وجه Square Enix و يدفع مو بس سلسلة فاينل فانتسي بل جنرا ال jrpg كله على بعضه للأمام و من الحين جالسين نشوف فالكوم و Tri-ace جالسين يستلهمون منه و هذا الي عودتنا عليه السلسلة انها تأثر على باقي الشركات! اتكلم عن نظام الهايبرد الي كان ابتكار خالص من نومورا :

In recent chat with Final Fantasy 7 Director and Remake Producer Kitase Yoshinori, he told me that Final Fantasy 7 Remake very nearly didn’t include any of the ATB mechanics, time pausing or semi-turn based actions that are included in the final game. It was only intervention by Nomura Tetsuya that saw ATB and turn-based-esque combat included in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Kitase said, “When we first sat down and discussed how we were going to do the battle system, I was personally more of the opinion that we could just turn it into a full-on modern action game.” He didn’t believe they needed to include any turn-based system.
However, Tetsuya “was very much against that.” According to Kitase, Tetsuya “was a very strong believer in not leaving the turn-based fans behind.”

With Tetsuya firmly against the idea of turning Final Fantasy 7 into a full-on action game, the team sat down to determine how they’d proceed. In the end, this hybrid system was developed.

“You’ve got that combination of core battle mechanics, which use an action game style of control and on top of that, you’ve got the more strategic menu command selections,” Kitase explained. He added that the hybrid combat was driven by the staff, the development team and Tetsuya.
Kitase said that in order to get the combat in Final Fantasy 7 Remake right, the team “set out a continuum, a spectrum really and within that, you’ve got 100% turn-based battles at one end
and Kingdom Hearts level of action at the other

المصدر :

^ كيتاس يقول انه كان يبي FF7R اكشن بالكامل لكن نومورا عارض هذا و بشدة و قال لازم ما يتركون محبين ATB خلفهم بالتالي اجتمع نومورا مع فريق التطوير و ابتكروا النظام الهجين!

... عموما هذه مقابلة طويلة عن FF16 للي مهتم (&) :

11/4/22 Interview with Yoshida, Takai, and Maehiro (English)

Interview: Producer Yoshida and Two Other Members from the Development Team Share Their Thoughts on the Dark World and Bitter Plight Presented in Final Fantasy XVI’s Latest Trailer​

October 20th, 2022, saw the unveiling of a new trailer for Square Enix’s upcoming PS5 action RPG, Final Fantasy XVI (FFXVI), slated for release in summer 2023. The video features a glimpse of the game’s world and lore and insight into the predicament and fate of the Dominants—men and women who harbor Eikons within their flesh. With these new details on the table, 4Gamer sat down for an interview with Producer Naoki Yoshida, Director Hiroshi Takai, and Scenario Writer Kazutoyo Maehiro.

A world flowing with aether—the source of all magic—where five nations vie for control of the Mothercrystals​

4Gamer: Thank you all for sitting down with me today. Seeing as Takai and Maehiro are also in attendance this time, why don’t we start with you two sharing what happened when Yoshida approached you about joining the FFXVI team?
Takai: If I remember correctly, it was during a performance review meeting. Instead of talking about my evaluation, Yoshida started to discuss this proposal he’d got from the company’s president, who asked if Creative Business Unit III could put something together for the next numbered FF title.
4Gamer: Sounds like a pretty heavy meeting [laughs].
Yoshida: Well, it was the sort of thing that ought to be discussed face to face. At the time, we were in the middle of this big push to expand FFXIV, and it was something we had to hash out as soon as possible because we were going to need more than a year to hand duties off if we wanted our production system to keep running smoothly.
Takai: Yoshida is actually both FFXIV’s producer and its director, so having him take on FFXVI as well was of course out of the question. So he came to me and said he wanted someone else to take charge—why not me? Honestly, the only thought in my mind was how difficult a project it was going to be. But seeing as this was finally a chance to work at this company and direct a numberedFF game, I think my initial response was something like, “Please give me a little time to consider, but assume I’ll accept.”
Yoshida: What about you, Maehiro?
Maehiro: We had the conversation so long ago, I barely remember anything. Maybe it was also during a performance review meeting, or maybe he just called me over to talk, but at some point I accepted the role with a casual “Alright.” But it must have been pretty soon afterHeavensward came out, because I remember my attitude being like, “No time to celebrate. I just need to keep my eyes ahead and do the work in front of me.”
4Gamer: So even though you’d just released that expansion for FFXIV, you were ready to take on more work.
Maehiro: That’s right.
Takai: There was never any sense that we were spinning our wheels and looking back.
Maehiro: If I had to say, the feeling was more like, “Okay, what have you got for me next?”
4Gamer: When you were asked about taking charge of a numbered FF title, did you have any initial vision about the type of game you wanted to create, and, if so, could you describe that for us?
Takai: My very first wish was not to make a command-based RPG but an action-based one that well and truly feels like an action-oriented title. On top of that, I didn’t want to make the game open world. Also, Yoshida was very insistent with his desire that the game depict flashy battles where Eikons clash with one another.
So the goal was a game where you have Eikons all over the world that in some way battle one another and move around. Beyond that, the story was up to Maehiro, but my first thought was that I wanted all the intertwining features of our world to be clearly expressed.
Maehiro: As far as the setting goes, I wanted to do a good job making a world where Eikons are commonplace. Additionally, I wanted to recreate a classic sort of world—a gothic or medieval European one—and then once again build the world of FF using today’s technology, basing it on the things we associate with FF, the Eikons being chief among them. That’s what I set out to accomplish this time.
4Gamer: We get a glimpse of the world and its lore in this most recent third trailer.
Yoshida: We do. The newest trailer is intended to get FF fans and avid gamers who are looking forward to FFXVI up to speed on the story’s main threads, and show what they can expect in terms of world and setting, the nations in play, narrative, and the general situation unfolding. The cutscenes and dialogue for all the characters who appear in the new trailer have been taken from sections that leave room for speculation and fancy—”So this power works like this,” or, “This character and that character must have such and such a connection.” I hope everyone has lots of fun with it.
4Gamer: We’re told that the Mothercrystal is the focal point of the world. What benefits does this Mothercrystal confer to those around it?
Maehiro: The atmosphere of Valisthea—the realm where this game is set—is suffused with aether. In Valisthea, magic can be used by gathering andexpending this aether, and the Mothercrystals are what supply it.
All people carry around smaller crystals carved from a Mothercrystal as a conduit so they can use magic that rouses elements like fire and wind. In other words, the Mothercystals serve as a source for people’s magic use, and each nation handles its own with extreme care.
4Gamer: So there isn’t only one Mothercrystal in the world?
Maehiro: No, there are several. This is a world in which you have a natural source of energy, not fashioned by man, around which people inevitably gather. Gradually those groups of people have formed into nations.
Yoshida: It might be easier to understand if you think of it like an oil field in our world.
4Gamer: So there are five nations in Valisthea, and each one has its own Mothercrystal, correct? Then why are they trying to wrest control of them from one another?
Maehiro: Mothercrystals are a source of energy, so the more you control the better. The more aether you have, the more magic you can use, and the more your nation’s power grows. But remember, Mothercrystals aren’t something that humans can create, so you’re going to have people vying for them.
The recent trailer also mentions the Blight—a region where the aether has run dry. When aether runs out, vegetation can’t grow in that area, nor can animals survive.
4Gamer: And I’m assuming magic can’t be used there, either.
Maehiro: That’s correct. The idea is that with the Blight encroaching further and further across Valisthea, each nation is trying to secure every last Mothercrystal it can to preserve its territory. If you don’t know when your own nation’s Mothercrystal will be exhausted, it might be a good idea to wrest one from another country.
Yoshida: With the Blight and its aether depletion encroaching toward the center from various points along the continents, each nation wants to expand its territory while it still has the power to. However, doing so won’t solve the underlying problem. Ultimately, the story progresses against the backdrop of this conundrum about what should be done if and when all these nations’ lands—including the ones they took—are corroded by the Blight.
4Gamer: Regardless of the country, they’re all in this situation where they can’t afford not to make a move.
So, could you tell us about these five nations?
Maehiro: Going by the order they appear in the trailer, first you have the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, a nation with a very long and rich history, and the birthplace of the protagonist Clive. Its Eikon is Phoenix. It has a very staunch national character.
After that comes the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, a religious state that believes each and every deed is the will of the one true deity. Though, if the Holy Emperor who governs the country should decree that God said something should be done, whatever he says will be carried out in full.
4Gamer: Right off the bat there appears to be some hostility…. And the trailer makes it seem like the whole story begins with one country getting invaded.
Maehiro: The Dhalmekian Republic is the only one of these nations that doesn’t seat a sovereign, and its territory consists of deserts and desolate terrain. Being a republic, it comprises numerous provinces, all with their own delegates who gather for government affairs. Hugo, the nation’s Dominant, is outwardly an advisor to parliament, but he wields tremendous authority through his ability to turn into an Eikon.
Like Sanbreque, the Iron Kingdom is a religious state, but rather than God, it worships the Mothercrystals. In other words, the Mothercrystals themselves are regarded as deific objects. In Valisthea, magic is widespread and used in all manner of tasks, but in the Iron Kingdom alone, this is not the case. Magic use is held to be an act that squanders the aether provided by the deity, and with the practice banned, the nation’s inhabitants lead rather primitive lives.
4Gamer: Hmm, I don’t foresee them getting along with others very well.
Takai: The Iron Kingdom is also the only country that uses a language other than the common tongue.
Maehiro: Lastly, you have the Kingdom of Waloed. Their Dominant is their king, and as you’d expect from someone who united dozens of clans through conquest, he’s a warlike individual.
Yoshida: Actually there’s one more place, though it isn’t a country: the Crystalline Dominion, located right in the center of Valisthea. It’s home to a really massive Mothercrystal and has long declared itself a neutral territory. The dominion is surrounded by all these other different countries, so in this place only you have everyone sharing the energy instead of one particular nation claiming control. There’s no king there, and the people living there aren’t the subjects of anyone. You can think of it as a non-interference zone smack in the middle of everything.
Takai: Probably the first place you think of when you hear the word Mothercrystal is the Crystalline Dominion, where the giant Mothercrystal is.
4Gamer: Well, then it sounds like the dominion is also going to get swept up in things!
Everyone: [Laughs]
Yoshida: To give you a little more information about how magic is set up in this game, the Dominant of each nation harbors an Eikon within their body, which means they can use magic without the need for a crystal conduit. Likewise, there are individuals known as Bearers who can cast magic using the surrounding aether without having to channel it through crystals. These Bearers fall somewhere between humans and Dominants, but are more or less persecuted throughout the realm.
4Gamer: Huh? So the ability to use magic is seen as a bad thing?
Yoshida: Humans’ very use of magic was considered an aberration to those who once held sway, much as it still is in the Iron Kingdom, for instance. Because that era and its ways endured so long, these individuals are still facing persecution.
4Gamer: I see. It certainly would be an inconvenience for those trying to hold power over them. Precisely what type of persecution are they subjected to?
Yoshida: The treatment they receive depends on the country, but they’re often exploited as a source of manual labor. The Grand Duchy of Rosaria is comparatively lenient, to the extent they can’t [sic] live as free citizens. These Bearers are one of the major highlights of FFXVI’s story.
4Gamer: Were there any scenes in this new trailer that reference the Bearers?
Yoshida: No, the backstory and arc for the Bearers is complicated, so we’ll be going over the details at a later time. For now, just keep in the back of your mind that these beings exist.
4Gamer: Speaking of treatment varying from nation to nation, I’d like to know where the Dominants and Eikons stand.
Maehiro: For the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, Phoenix has saved the country and seen it rise from the ashes, so its Dominants have served as the country’s rulers for generations. Also, as I mentioned earlier, the Dhalmekian Republic’s Dominant is treated hospitably in his capacity as advisor. However, at the end of the day, it’s the people of the republic who rule the country. And then you have the Kingdom of Waloed, where the Dominant outright serves as king.
4Gamer: There were some scenes in the trailer where we saw them being treated quite brutally.
Maehiro: That’s in the Iron Kingdom. There, Eikons are not to be tolerated because they pose the greatest opposition to the deity who grants aether. As such, they’re treated as weapons.
4Gamer: So the Grand Duchy of Rosaria is the country of the Phoenix; but in the trailer we see another Eikon show up there. Is that Ifrit?
Yoshida: That entity is what we’re calling the mysterious dark Eikon who wields power over fire.
4Gamer: With the appearance of this mysterious Eikon, you’re left wondering what on earth it is, and the story begins to move ahead.
Yoshida: That’s right. The rule in Valisthea is that there’s supposed to be one Eikon for each element—Phoenix for fire, Garuda for wind, Odin for darkness, and so on. But then we find ourselves asking why there are two Eikons of Fire, and suddenly things start to fall out of balance.
4Gamer: Another thing: in the trailer, it’s revealed that the Dominants become petrified and die. Is this the fate that awaits all Dominants?
Takai: Yes. The risk of petrification is high for both Dominants and Bearers because of the way they overtax their bodies.
Maehiro: Petrification of the body is the price they pay for using magic without a crystal conduit. Bearers can’t turn into Eikons, but they succumb to petrification more and more as they use magic to carry out the forced labor they’re exploited for. When the petrification progresses to the point they can no longer use magic, they’re cast aside like unwanted tools. Dominants, on the other hand, face petrification as the cost for turning into Eikons. It may advance rapidly or slowly, but it’s an inevitable outcome regardless of the individual.
4Gamer: How tragic…
Yoshida: It’s one respect in which the beliefs of the Iron Kingdom can’t be disputed. A human using magic or turning into an Eikon eats away at that person’s body, and those acts are therefore seen as aberrational.
Why the rules of the world are the way they are is a major point of FFXVI. I hope players will take note of how these principles came to be and the ways in which the game’s characters fight back against the destiny that awaits them. It’s sure to prove interesting.
4Gamer: When I saw the trailer, I thought, “Oh boy, looks like I’ll be doing plenty of crying, too.”
Takai: If we weren’t so brutal with the way things work, people would figure, “Oh, if they’re in trouble, they can just turn into Eikons.” It takes a great deal of resolve for a Dominant to become an Eikon. They’ll transform only in extreme circumstances, such as when the dignity of their nation rests on their shoulders.
Yoshida: It will also depend on things like the individual’s character and the strength and toughness they were born with. For instance, Hugo, the Dominant of Titan, is the type to think, “Who cares? I’ll just transform and wipe the floor. I’m not gonna get petrified.” Whereas Joshua, the Dominant of Phoenix, has a weak constitution and is therefore unlikely to be compelled to turn into his Eikon.
4Gamer: But inevitably these Eikon-on-Eikon battles have to happen for the sake of the story, so it sounds like such conflicts and clashes of will between friends and foes will be a highlight ofFFXVI.
Takai: I think you’ll feel the conflicts each character is having.
4Gamer: The world and setting is so grim, it’s hard to get a full picture of who’s an enemy and who’s an ally.
Takai: I definitely don’t think you can determine who’s an enemy just from the trailer.
Yoshida: At best we can see Sylvester of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque has nothing but evil-sounding things to say, enough for us to think he’s clearly a bad guy. But if anything, I trust people will see it’s the way the world is being warped that poses the biggest threat.

Eikons’ models and battles are one-off productions that aren’t reused​

4Gamer: Could you tell us more about the Eikons, which are a key component of FFXVI?
Takai: Depicting the Eikons using today’s technology has proved to be an unexpectedly high hurdle.
4Gamer: Is that because you not only had to depict Eikons in cutscenes but devise ways to portray them in the gameplay, system, and plot as well?
Takai: Yes, exactly. Also, when you’re working with a world that uses physics-based rendering, it’s easy to do a good job representing things that exist in reality. However, Eikons aren’t something we have in our world, so it’s been a real challenge having to construct real-time visuals that don’t feel off even if, say, you have Titan standing in the middle of them. But it was something we got pretty used to. To me these monsters now look like they could actually exist.
Yoshida: The Eikons and monsters also all have unique designs, so it doesn’t work to reuse the same bones or scales or body surfaces. That’s one of the difficulties of making an FF game for the modern era.
With recent open-world games, if your focus is on people, it’s easy to make a story where all sorts of humanoid characters appear. You can cut down on costs by streamlining your approach—what one character can do, all the other ones can. With FFXVI, on the other hand, just about everything is single-use.
4Gamer: I see what you’re saying. There isn’t any one texture or material that covers all the Eikons.
Yoshida: It’s a challenge we were able to really pursue because FF games get such a high development budget. Thanks to that, I think with this work we were able to achieve a certain over-the-top absurdity—that same sense of spectacle I felt looking at FF before I joined the company.
Takai: During normal battles, the player basically controls Clive as he fights humanoid enemies and human-sized monsters in all sorts of places. These are the same regardless of location.
As for the bosses… to put it simply, they range from one or two times Clive’s size to considerably larger. But even during these boss battles, the player maintains full control of Clive. There are quite a few bosses in the game—dozens and dozens—and each shows up in a dedicated location, performing one-off actions we’ve created for that encounter. The player builds up Clive’s character and freely uses the actions at his disposal to conquer these battles. In a sense, that’s the most vital aspect of the action RPG experience.
4Gamer: So even smaller bosses like those are one-off creations.
Takai: Yes. There are almost no components being reused.
And then you have the Eikon combat, which covers an even wider range of situations. I think there are almost no Eikon battles where you have the same event taking place in the same place. Even the way you control things varies depending on the situation.
Yoshida: In the trailer, there’s a scene where Garuda is holding Clive in her hand. What you’re seeing there is a transition that seamlessly occurs during the battle. Clive fights with Garuda at human size, and then after you’ve progressed to a certain point, that sequence takes place without loading interruption, and things play out further from there.
Takai: The situation changes at a dizzying pace. One moment you’re slicing and dicing as Clive, the next you’re in an Eikon battle, and then you return to life size again.
Yoshida: You can see that especially well in the battle with Odin, which you get a glimpse of in the new trailer. There are so many developments in that fight. The part we’ve shown is truly only a fraction of the whole production.
Takai: If you thought of it in terms of percentage, that scene would account for less than 10% of the whole Odin battle.
4Gamer: With so much varied content packed into the game, I have high expectations for how fun it’ll be.
Yoshida: I think that’s why when you reach the end of an Eikon battle, you feel this huge sense of exhaustion. It’s this wonderful feeling of relief that you finally succeeded.
4Gamer: Earlier on, you mentioned a character building system for Clive. Could you tell us how that works?
Takai: Clive grows both in terms of the story and the gameplay system. Narratively speaking, Clive sequentially acquires the power of the Eikons he can use, but the number of Eikons you can equip is fixed by the system. This means you can freely customize which Eikon abilities you can use to take on battles.
Yoshida: To start, each Eikon has four distinct abilities, but when you equip an Eikon, you can only select two of those for use. For example if Clive equips Phoenix, he can only choose two of the four different abilities that belong to it. Abilities can also be strengthened, so you can either power up just the ones you prefer or else strengthen all four evenly.
Up to three Eikons can be equipped at the same time, each with two abilities you can choose to set. You can assemble these to gear Clive more toward mobility or else go with some other strategy.
Takai: You can create all sorts of different versions of Clive—one who’s strong against encroaching hordes of small-fry enemies, one who specializes in boss fights, or one who’s just a loose cannon.
Yoshida: Knowing which combinations to go with in order to connect one attack to the next is something I think will come together as you continue to play the game. We’ve also prepared a place that serves as what other games might call a “training mode.” I’d suggest experimenting there and mastering some of your own personal combos.
Maehiro: In terms of the image and feel, it’s similar to the job system in FFV. Instead of jobs, you have these Eikons, and you can learn all sorts of abilities that can then be swapped in and out to customize Clive.
Yoshida: We’ll be going over more details sooner or later on the official site and during media tours, so for now I’d ask that you just have fun imagining the possibilities. All I can say at this point is that there’ll be quite a lot of variation to the actions Clive can perform.
4Gamer: When it comes to character building, there are likely some who consider it to be a difficult feature. There’s been a bit of concern about where the mainline FF series is pivoting in that regard.
Takai: You really don’t have to think about anything too hard. If you just continue on with the story and don’t worry about how you’re performing, I’m sure you’ll be able to progress with no issues at all.
Yoshida: I was very particular in that respect. I kept on saying, “Don’t make the player have to think too much.” I told them I wanted it so that when you acquire new Eikon abilities, they’re set up from the get go. You should be able to use them right away, without even needing to open the menu. I said suggesting ways to customize things was all well and good, but they shouldn’t be forced upon the player. Of course, taking that route means that some players might reach the ending without having done any customization, and I can understand why the development staff might not like that.
4Gamer: Right. I’d imagine more than a few players would go through without ever touching anything.
Yoshida: But that’s fine for the first playthrough. If the first playthrough is just a comfortable stroll and players walk away thinking it was cool and interesting, that’s no problem at all. After that, once they’ve read up a little and realize they can do this and that other thing, then they can attempt a New Game Plus.
4Gamer: At the end of the day, it’s all about focusing on making that first playthrough feel good.
Yoshida: That’s the plan. Specifically, when you select Story Focus Mode [a difficulty mode that facilitates story progression], you’ll start off with these accessories already equipped that automatically perform actions. I think we’ve done a really good job with them. As you acquire more Eikon abilities, they’ll link up with one another on their own, and you’ll think, “Wow, Clive is so cool!” Then if you switch to manual, you’ll be like, “Wait, Clive suddenly isn’t that cool” [smiles wryly].
Takai: These days, streaming is very prevalent, and I expect there will be a lot of people doing streams of FFXVI. I hope people who’ve played through the game once normally will watch other people’s videos and think, “Whoah, I didn’t know about that. I should try it.” On the other hand, if you find yourself saying, “Okay, I see. This is what I can do here,” then I’d encourage you to keep aiming higher.
Our current internet-connected society makes it easy to get higher-level players to sort of lead you by the hand, so I feel like if you can’t grasp everything yourself at first, you don’t have to worry about that being the end of the road.
4Gamer: I get the impression this game emphasizes action quite a bit. How difficult would you say the battles are?
Yoshida: As the producer, I’d answer that we’ve made the game relatively easier than the phrase “genuine action game” might suggest. Everyone on the team, including Takai and Maehiro, has become pretty desensitized. At one point they were saying how when you pass the halfway point in Action Focus Mode, the continue screen begins showing up continuously, and I was like, “Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a minute!” [laughs].
Seeing as this is an action game, I think you’ll inevitably have some people who are better at it and others who are worse, but as long as you choose Story Focus Mode, you really shouldn’t be having to press continue all that much. Though it’s not like you’ll be able to play if you don’t watch out for enemy’s attacks or if you entirely give up controlling Clive.
4Gamer: So it sounds like you don’t need to brace yourself going in just because it’s an action game.
Yoshida: This is the FF series here, so we want players to enjoy the story and be able to control Clive in a cool-looking way. We’ve settled on a difficulty level where once you pass the halfway point, you can expect to have to press continue once every boss fight. Even for those confident with action games, I’d recommend going with Story Focus Mode as much as possible for your first playthrough. After you clear the game, you can take all the growth you made the first time around and attempt a second playthrough, or else try Transcendence Mode. If you’re interested in a challenge, definitely give it a shot.
4Gamer: The game hasn’t come out yet but you’re already talking about second playthroughs. Will there be a New Game Plus Mode as well as New Game Plus Mode where the enemies are super strong?
Takai: In your second playthrough, you’ll start off being able to use all the equipment and abilities you obtain the first time through. Because Clive’s level also carries over, we’ve strengthened the enemies accordingly. It’s not much fun being able to take down enemies with a single hit.
On top of that, we’ve prepared another, more demanding mode.
Yoshida: That more difficult mode is something we’ve created for the truly hardcore crowd. The levels in it are fixed, so if you really want to be able to boast during your stream, please be sure to give it a try.
Takai: Though I wouldn’t suggest doing that mode on your first playthrough.
Yoshida: With the first playthrough, we really want you to be able to watch the credits roll thinking, “I was so strong! And cool! Clive was amazing! FFXVI is amazing!

The next batch of information will release before the end of 2022, with more concrete reveals coming in 2023​

4Gamer: The Eikon-on-Eikon battles bring to mind SFX monster movies of years past. What sort of references did you use when constructing the visuals?
Maehiro: We’re pretty much all SFX buffs here. Stuff like Kamen Rider and Ultraman, you know. So there’s no one thing we can point to and say we used as reference.
Takai: It can be useful to bring something up and say, “In this situation here, we should have things look like this.” You can sort of get through to everyone that way.
Yoshida: In particular, we have several ace animators working on the Eikon battles who are big SFX fans, and they’ll do things like that on their own without any explanation [laughs]. Like with that scene I mentioned earlier where Garuda grabs Clive, they went ahead and made it with a general sense of how it should be done, instead of following a particular storyboard. And it’s not like we went out of our way to assemble talent like that—it was purely coincidence. It probably just naturally happened because we’re all of an age and we’re all SFX buffs.
Takai: While they were working on the game, they’d shoot us messages behind the scenes like, “I drew a lot on Ultraman for this angle here. Is that alright?”
4Gamer: Ah, I knew it. I felt that sort of energy about it [laughs].
Yoshida: I think there’s a lot of camera blocking and direction techniques that’ll make SFX buffs crack a smile.
Takai: There’s probably quite a bit, seeing as we do it unconsciously.
4Gamer: Speaking of which, people who watched the previous trailer left comments like “Super Eikon Taisen.” I couldn’t help but smile this time when the literal words “Eikon Taisen” [“War of the Eikons”] came up in the new trailer.
Yoshida: It was intuitive and catchy-sounding, so we decided to keep it like that. When we were making the new trailer, it just felt natural to assume in later times they’d look back and call it the War of the Eikons. And in the history of Valisthea, there’s never been a war in which the Eikons got so tangled up with one another.
4Gamer: We got a glimpse of the world this time, but there are still many aspects we’re still in the dark about, such as the gameplay systems. When do you expect to release the next batch of information?
Yoshida: I know we’re already coming up on next year, but we’re planning to unveil another trailer by the end of this one. At that time, we should be able to share something about the release date. I think we’ll be able to reveal more information as the release draws closer, including a more detailed system overview and how setting up Eikon abilities works. If we share everything too soon, people will get bored by the overwhelming amount of information.
4Gamer: Oh? We’ll finally get a release date, too?
Takai: As far as development progress goes, we’re already 95% finished, and the game can be played all the way through to the end, so there shouldn’t be any delay in releasing it.
4Gamer: I can’t wait for the next batch of information.
Yoshida: I’m trying to stop being lazy and throwing out too much information. With that approach, by the time release day arrives, you feel like you’ve already played the game. You see a bunch of trailers, build up your anticipation, get an idea of what kind of game it is and what the story is like, and even understand how the gameplay systems work. And after that you figure, “Well, I guess I’ll just watch a video of it.” And so for the system and gameplay, right now I’m planning to release that information as the launch date approaches. We’ll be focusing on introducing even more characters early next year, so for now I hope everyone will just enjoy the general atmosphere of what we’ve shown.
4Gamer: Thank you so much for your time today.


shiro 8

لاحظ اني ذكرت :

Motomu Toriyama
Nobuaki Komoto
Hajime Tabata

اسم Tetsuya Nomura مو معهم! انحرم من FF13 بسبب تورياما و صار تورياما هو الأولوية.. تضرر من فشل FF14 الي الشركة صارت فترة 2011-2012 مره حساسة و تبغى أي شيء يرجع سمعتها.. و اخيرا Hajime Tabata الي جاي مندفع يسوق لمشروعه القادم قبل ما ينزل FF15 حتى!

شفنا FF13 و FF14 و FF15 لكن للأسف ما شفنا الي كان يبغاها نومورا... مع ذلك! لما حدته الدنيا يشتغل على FF7 ريميك وهو دايما كان يقول ما يبغى يشتغل على FF7 ريميك لأنه شغال على شيء حيتجاوز FF7 نفسها ( و اثق بكلامه هذا لأنه هو ابتكر اساس FF7 و شخصياتها قبل قدوم نوجيما ) و مع كل هالحرمان و الأجبار و اراء تروجيمنج أن FF7 تقلد اسلوب GoW السينمائي الخ ( مع أن تريلر PSX 2015 كان قبل كشف GoW لكن ما علينا ) .. نومورا قدر يبتكر شيء يبيض وجه Square Enix و يدفع مو بس سلسلة فاينل فانتسي بل جنرا ال jrpg كله على بعضه للأمام و من الحين جالسين نشوف فالكوم و Tri-ace جالسين يستلهمون منه و هذا الي عودتنا عليه السلسلة انها تأثر على باقي الشركات! اتكلم عن نظام الهايبرد الي كان ابتكار خالص من نومورا :

In recent chat with Final Fantasy 7 Director and Remake Producer Kitase Yoshinori, he told me that Final Fantasy 7 Remake very nearly didn’t include any of the ATB mechanics, time pausing or semi-turn based actions that are included in the final game. It was only intervention by Nomura Tetsuya that saw ATB and turn-based-esque combat included in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Kitase said, “When we first sat down and discussed how we were going to do the battle system, I was personally more of the opinion that we could just turn it into a full-on modern action game.” He didn’t believe they needed to include any turn-based system.
However, Tetsuya “was very much against that.” According to Kitase, Tetsuya “was a very strong believer in not leaving the turn-based fans behind.”

With Tetsuya firmly against the idea of turning Final Fantasy 7 into a full-on action game, the team sat down to determine how they’d proceed. In the end, this hybrid system was developed.

“You’ve got that combination of core battle mechanics, which use an action game style of control and on top of that, you’ve got the more strategic menu command selections,” Kitase explained. He added that the hybrid combat was driven by the staff, the development team and Tetsuya.
Kitase said that in order to get the combat in Final Fantasy 7 Remake right, the team “set out a continuum, a spectrum really and within that, you’ve got 100% turn-based battles at one end
and Kingdom Hearts level of action at the other
اقنعتني يارجل بتبرأت نومورا من ضياع السلسلة بتلك الحقبة.

الحين اقولك مين هما.
- Tetsuya Nomura
- motomu toriyama
- Naoki Hamaguchi
تم اضافة طباخ جديد بالقائمة
- Nobuaki Komoto


هيبة فاينل فانتسي كانت موجودة و بقوة بجيل PS3 حتى لكن تعرف متى الهيبة طاحت؟ من ديسمبر 2009/مارس 2010 بعد ما نزلت FF13 الي كان مخرجها هو Motomu Toriyama ثم FF14 الي نزلت برضو في 2010 جابت تقاييم 4/10 بكل مكان و كملت الناقص و مخرجها كان Nobuaki Komoto الي بالنهاية صار ليد ديزاينر مع يوشيدا من ARR و طالع.. و اخيرا FF15 مع Hajima Tabata... يحتاج اقول شيء؟ اكثر جزء منسي و ناقص و اسوء افتتاحية و بداية بتاريخ السلسلة و الألعاب كلها و تناقض بكل مكان و يوشيدا نفسه انتقدها و يشوف أن FF16 لازم ترجع ثقة الفانز من بعدها.

لاحظ اني ذكرت :

Motomu Toriyama
Nobuaki Komoto
Hajime Tabata

اسم Tetsuya Nomura مو معهم! انحرم من FF13 بسبب تورياما و صار تورياما هو الأولوية.. تضرر من فشل FF14 الي الشركة صارت فترة 2011-2012 مره حساسة و تبغى أي شيء يرجع سمعتها.. و اخيرا Hajime Tabata الي جاي مندفع يسوق لمشروعه القادم قبل ما ينزل FF15 حتى!

شفنا FF13 و FF14 و FF15 لكن للأسف ما شفنا الي كان يبغاها نومورا... مع ذلك! لما حدته الدنيا يشتغل على FF7 ريميك وهو دايما كان يقول ما يبغى يشتغل على FF7 ريميك لأنه شغال على شيء حيتجاوز FF7 نفسها ( و اثق بكلامه هذا لأنه هو ابتكر اساس FF7 و شخصياتها قبل قدوم نوجيما ) و مع كل هالحرمان و الأجبار و اراء تروجيمنج أن FF7 تقلد اسلوب GoW السينمائي الخ ( مع أن تريلر PSX 2015 كان قبل كشف GoW لكن ما علينا ) .. نومورا قدر يبتكر شيء يبيض وجه Square Enix و يدفع مو بس سلسلة فاينل فانتسي بل جنرا ال jrpg كله على بعضه للأمام و من الحين جالسين نشوف فالكوم و Tri-ace جالسين يستلهمون منه و هذا الي عودتنا عليه السلسلة انها تأثر على باقي الشركات! اتكلم عن نظام الهايبرد الي كان ابتكار خالص من نومورا :

In recent chat with Final Fantasy 7 Director and Remake Producer Kitase Yoshinori, he told me that Final Fantasy 7 Remake very nearly didn’t include any of the ATB mechanics, time pausing or semi-turn based actions that are included in the final game. It was only intervention by Nomura Tetsuya that saw ATB and turn-based-esque combat included in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Kitase said, “When we first sat down and discussed how we were going to do the battle system, I was personally more of the opinion that we could just turn it into a full-on modern action game.” He didn’t believe they needed to include any turn-based system.
However, Tetsuya “was very much against that.” According to Kitase, Tetsuya “was a very strong believer in not leaving the turn-based fans behind.”

With Tetsuya firmly against the idea of turning Final Fantasy 7 into a full-on action game, the team sat down to determine how they’d proceed. In the end, this hybrid system was developed.

“You’ve got that combination of core battle mechanics, which use an action game style of control and on top of that, you’ve got the more strategic menu command selections,” Kitase explained. He added that the hybrid combat was driven by the staff, the development team and Tetsuya.
Kitase said that in order to get the combat in Final Fantasy 7 Remake right, the team “set out a continuum, a spectrum really and within that, you’ve got 100% turn-based battles at one end
and Kingdom Hearts level of action at the other

المصدر :

^ كيتاس يقول انه كان يبي FF7R اكشن بالكامل لكن نومورا عارض هذا و بشدة و قال لازم ما يتركون محبين ATB خلفهم بالتالي اجتمع نومورا مع فريق التطوير و ابتكروا النظام الهجين!

... عموما هذه مقابلة طويلة عن FF16 للي مهتم (&) :

Kingdom Hearts IIII وريميك Final Fantasy VII فيهم مشاكل كبيرة جدا و نومورا واحد من مخرجين الألعاب هذي.. هالشي خرب على سمعته حيل، وغير حلبه وتسويقه للأجزاء الجانبية لKingdom Hearts، وبعض الأفكار والتصريحات اللي ما توفق فيها قبل فترة.

متى نشوف اليوم اللي نومورا يخرج فيه لعبة بدون تدخل أي مخرج ثاني معاه؟ هالشيء ما صار ألا مع KH1، KH2 وفلم AC، والمفروض Versus بس RIP المشروع.

أنا اشوف ان خلاص راحت عليه.. كبر ولا راح نشوف عمل Purley منه، واضح انه مافيه حيل، الشي اللي كان يبي يصير مع Versus ماراح يتكرر مع الأسف، وما أظن عنده خليفه يقدر ينقل السحر اللي كان موجود في أفكاره وألعابه القديمة.

Final Fantasy XVI ملاحظها ماخذة حارت الأمان وجدا Straightforward، ويمكن هذا اللي محتاجته السلسلة بعد كل هالكوارث اللي صارت. بس who knows، يكمن تصدمنا وتطلع تجربة شاطحة نفس أفضل أجزاء السلسلة.


Another Side Another Story
هيبة فاينل فانتسي كانت موجودة و بقوة بجيل PS3 حتى لكن تعرف متى الهيبة طاحت؟ من ديسمبر 2009/مارس 2010 بعد ما نزلت FF13 الي كان مخرجها هو Motomu Toriyama ثم FF14 الي نزلت برضو في 2010 جابت تقاييم 4/10 بكل مكان و كملت الناقص و مخرجها كان Nobuaki Komoto الي بالنهاية صار ليد ديزاينر مع يوشيدا من ARR و طالع.. و اخيرا FF15 مع Hajima Tabata... يحتاج اقول شيء؟ اكثر جزء منسي و ناقص و اسوء افتتاحية و بداية بتاريخ السلسلة و الألعاب كلها و تناقض بكل مكان و يوشيدا نفسه انتقدها و يشوف أن FF16 لازم ترجع ثقة الفانز من بعدها.

لاحظ اني ذكرت :

Motomu Toriyama
Nobuaki Komoto
Hajime Tabata

اسم Tetsuya Nomura مو معهم! انحرم من FF13 بسبب تورياما و صار تورياما هو الأولوية.. تضرر من فشل FF14 الي الشركة صارت فترة 2011-2012 مره حساسة و تبغى أي شيء يرجع سمعتها.. و اخيرا Hajime Tabata الي جاي مندفع يسوق لمشروعه القادم قبل ما ينزل FF15 حتى!

شفنا FF13 و FF14 و FF15 لكن للأسف ما شفنا الي كان يبغاها نومورا... مع ذلك! لما حدته الدنيا يشتغل على FF7 ريميك وهو دايما كان يقول ما يبغى يشتغل على FF7 ريميك لأنه شغال على شيء حيتجاوز FF7 نفسها ( و اثق بكلامه هذا لأنه هو ابتكر اساس FF7 و شخصياتها قبل قدوم نوجيما ) و مع كل هالحرمان و الأجبار و اراء تروجيمنج أن FF7 تقلد اسلوب GoW السينمائي الخ ( مع أن تريلر PSX 2015 كان قبل كشف GoW لكن ما علينا ) .. نومورا قدر يبتكر شيء يبيض وجه Square Enix و يدفع مو بس سلسلة فاينل فانتسي بل جنرا ال jrpg كله على بعضه للأمام و من الحين جالسين نشوف فالكوم و Tri-ace جالسين يستلهمون منه و هذا الي عودتنا عليه السلسلة انها تأثر على باقي الشركات! اتكلم عن نظام الهايبرد الي كان ابتكار خالص من نومورا :

In recent chat with Final Fantasy 7 Director and Remake Producer Kitase Yoshinori, he told me that Final Fantasy 7 Remake very nearly didn’t include any of the ATB mechanics, time pausing or semi-turn based actions that are included in the final game. It was only intervention by Nomura Tetsuya that saw ATB and turn-based-esque combat included in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Kitase said, “When we first sat down and discussed how we were going to do the battle system, I was personally more of the opinion that we could just turn it into a full-on modern action game.” He didn’t believe they needed to include any turn-based system.
However, Tetsuya “was very much against that.” According to Kitase, Tetsuya “was a very strong believer in not leaving the turn-based fans behind.”

With Tetsuya firmly against the idea of turning Final Fantasy 7 into a full-on action game, the team sat down to determine how they’d proceed. In the end, this hybrid system was developed.

“You’ve got that combination of core battle mechanics, which use an action game style of control and on top of that, you’ve got the more strategic menu command selections,” Kitase explained. He added that the hybrid combat was driven by the staff, the development team and Tetsuya.
Kitase said that in order to get the combat in Final Fantasy 7 Remake right, the team “set out a continuum, a spectrum really and within that, you’ve got 100% turn-based battles at one end
and Kingdom Hearts level of action at the other

المصدر :

^ كيتاس يقول انه كان يبي FF7R اكشن بالكامل لكن نومورا عارض هذا و بشدة و قال لازم ما يتركون محبين ATB خلفهم بالتالي اجتمع نومورا مع فريق التطوير و ابتكروا النظام الهجين!

... عموما هذه مقابلة طويلة عن FF16 للي مهتم (&) :

الناس تتكلم عن التجربة ككل وبعدين حتى هالنظام الهجين له مشاكله


Versus XIII Epic
Kingdom Hearts IIII وريميك Final Fantasy VII فيهم مشاكل كبيرة جدا

اشوفك كاتب IIII كثير شكلك راح توصلنا للجزء الخامس (&) على مشاكل KH3 لكن تستغرب لما تشوف مدح على مواجهات Limit Cut و Yozora :

خذ لك فرة بهالموضوع تستغرب من المدح عليهم!

وغير حلبه وتسويقه للأجزاء الجانبية لKingdom Hearts،

لا تنسى نينتندو طلبوا جزء DS و ديزني طلبوا جزء موبايل بفترة كان يبي يشتغل على BBS بس و من بعدها يركز على الي أنت خابر.. كلنا نعرف الترول الي كان يحلب KH و ما يبي يخسر ديزني و دايم يصور مع الفار (&) شف الحين ما عندك الا KH4 و حتى Missing Link مالها طاري

متى نشوف اليوم اللي نومورا يخرج فيه لعبة بدون تدخل أي مخرج ثاني معاه؟ هالشيء ما صار ألا مع KH1، KH2 وفلم AC، والمفروض Versus بس RIP المشروع.

FF10 ثلاث مخرجين و مع ذلك افضل جزء عند الكثير و الأستطلاعات (&) بنفس الوقت بشتغل على مشاريع ما تشوفه مكتوب انه مخرج لكن لما تدقق تكتشف انه كان بمكانة المخرج

أنا اشوف ان خلاص راحت عليه.. كبر ولا راح نشوف عمل Purley منه، واضح انه مافيه حيل

كوجيما اكبر منه ولا راحت عليه ::ton:: و على فكرة المشاريع الي ماسكها الحين حسب وصفه انه اكثر عدد مشاريع اشتغل عليه مر عليه و هذا يناقض كلامك!

الناس تتكلم عن التجربة ككل وبعدين حتى هالنظام الهجين له مشاكله

الريميك له حسنات بشكل عام رغم كل السلبيات و عموما قصدي بهالنظام الهجين انه شيء جديد ما انعمل من قبل و من كلام نومورا انه مر بتجارب و تجارب عد و اغلط لحد ما وصلوا للنتيجة النهائية ثم نال على رضى الجمهورين.. مثلا @Nintendo تمنى لو FF16 استلهمت منه


Hardcore Gamer
الريميك له حسنات بشكل عام رغم كل السلبيات و عموما قصدي بهالنظام الهجين انه شيء جديد ما انعمل من قبل و من كلام نومورا انه مر بتجارب و تجارب عد و اغلط لحد ما وصلوا للنتيجة النهائية ثم نال على رضى الجمهورين.. مثلا @Nintendo تمنى لو FF16 استلهمت منه
نظام قتال ريميك7 ممتاز بس التوقيت كان بيخلي ان 16 تقتبس منه مستحيل لما نأخذ بعين الإعتبار من متى 16 كانت تحت التطوير
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أظن أكبر تحدي واجه الفريق ان XVI لعبة وحدة تغطي القصة كلها، عكس XIV كانت Build Up طويل على أكثر من Expansion.