كشفت مايكروسوفت السعودية بالتعاون مع Pluto Games عن إطلاق حملة الطلب المسبق للعبة Gears of Wars Judgment المنتظرة عبر مجموعة من المتاجر الكبرى في المملكة. يمكن للجماهير في السعودية طلب اللعبة بشكل مسبق عبر ثلاث متاجر، و هي eXtra و EMax و ألعاب طوكيو. من سيقوم بالطلب المسبق سيحصل على تيشيرت و قبعة اللعبة الرسمية، بالإضافة لـ800 نقطة مايكروسوفت يمكن استخدامها عبر Xbox Live. بالإضافة لكل ما سبق سيتمكن اللاعبون من الحصول على بعض المحتويات الإضافية بشكل مجاني و هي كالآتي:

“Young Marcus” character skin – Decorated war hero Marcus Fenix is the legendary leader of Delta Squad, a small group of COG soldiers responsible for saving mankind from destruction at the hands of Locust and Lambent forces. This exclusive character skin takes Marcus back in time, six weeks after the end of the Pendulum Wars, and during the chaos of Emergence Day – a time before he was hardened by his long imprisonment.

Young Dom” character skin – Best friend of Marcus Fenix and a cherished hero of Delta Squad, Dominic “Dom” Santiago made a pivotal sacrifice in the war against the Locust horde and will be forever remembered for his bravery. With this character skin, you can play as Dom as he was at the time of Emergence Day, six weeks after his role in the brutal Pendulum Wars had come to an end. This exclusive character skin is for use in competitive multiplayer matches in Gears of War: Judgment.

“Anya” character skin – Fan favorite character Anya Stroud began as a communication officer in the COG army. She was integral to the success of Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad in Gears of War and Gears of War 2 by guiding the team over their comms. When the Lambent broke loose on the surface during Gears of War 3, Anya stepped up to the frontlines to fight alongside other Delta members to save the world. This exclusive Anya Stroud Multiplayer Skin will let you play as Anya in competitive multiplayer matches in Gears of War: Judgment.

“Alex Brand” character skin – Popular Gears of War comic book heroine Alex Brand–playable here for the first time ever–is a tough-as-nails COG Sergeant who fought many battles against the Locust as a member of Foxtrot. Despite Alex’s fierce demeanor, she is extremely loyal to her fellow COG and will do anything to protect them. This exclusive Alex Brand Multiplayer Skin will let you play as Alex in competitive multiplayer matches in Gears of War: Judgment.

Classic Hammerburst – The Classic Hammerburst was the standard-issue assault rifle of the Locust Army. Originally, it was designed to deliver a six-shot burst, which helped give the Locust a decisive edge during Emergence Day. Now this highly feared and effective weapon is exclusively yours when you pre-order Gears of War: Judgment.

أيضا و بشكل حصري عبر متاجر eXtra سيتمكن اللاعبون من الدخول في سحب على ثلاثة دراجات نارية من نوع Harly عن طريق خدش الكوبون الخاص بالطلب المسبق.

أخيرا سيتمكن جميع من قام بالطلب المسبق من المشاركة في مسابقة محلية في السعودية للفوز برحلة مجانية الى مدينة كولون الألمانية لحضور نسخة خذا العام من معرض الألعاب الأوروبي الكبير Gamescom 2013 و الذي سيقام في الفترة ما بين 19 و 23 أغسطس القادم.

يذكر أن لعبة Gears of War: Judgment سوف تصدر بشكل رسمي في الأسواق العربية في تاريخ 19 مارس الحالي.

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