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Motorstorm: تقييم 1up

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.


True Gamer
All of us here who played MotorStorm agreed that the online mode was truly its best quality,
and more than anything else provides a tantalizing glimpse of the future of this franchise. Yes, this first game has some flaws that detract from its jaw-dropping presentation, but it seems likely that it will be looked back on in much the same way as we look back on the original Burnout: a great concept with tons of potential that's denied greatness because of some unfortunate limitations. Whether Sony chooses to enhance the experience with downloadable content, or to move quickly on a sequel remains to be seen, but what seems inevitable is that this is a first-party franchise that will join the likes of Wipeout and Twisted Metal as part of the fabric of PlayStation gaming culture.

7.5 / 10


الظاهر اللعبة محدودة جدا مع الأسف.


Contributing Editor
أكبر عيب للعبة من اللي سمعته هو أن فيها 8 حلبات فقط..


True Gamer
خخخ يوسف ترد على موضوع مغلق ..


Contributing Editor
لووول ......
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.