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Leaked Bayonetta Gameplay Impressions !

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Suzuki Yu

True Gamer

Bayonetta Gameplay Impressions from AngryHippo :

Thats right, our member AngryHippo was at a market research event 3 months ago, He and a bunch of guys around his age were shown some Gameplay footage for Bayonetta in order to get an idea of how this game will appeal to the desired audience (Exactly like how Kamiya gathered some kids to show them Viewtiful joe xD ), When he went to the event the game was still unnamed, as they discussed the name of the game with the selected audience..

just to let you know the gameplay i saw was around 10 minutes long, at a market research event in the UK. The event had around 15 people all my age around 22 yrs old, in order to get an idea of how this game will appeal to the desired audience. When i went to this event, the game now known as 'Bayonetta' had no name and was one of the things we discussed. We saw concept art for around 10 characters including the main character bayonetta. After the discussions we were treated by the developer to a 10 minute demonstration to show how the game plays, plenty of action was seen, finishing moves, one boss battle, actually i think they were just normal enemies but they were pretty damn big He said

continue ....
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Suzuki Yu

True Gamer
When we asked him about the environments, graphics, and gameplay, he replied

The main character walked around an outdoor monistary looking type place, which was extremely colourful, there was lots of particles and butterflies, reminded me a bit of Fable 2 in regards to the artistic settings. Its a bit fairy tale like. Then Bayonetta was attacked by Angels, which had giant white wings, the faces of which were like birds/eagle, and each had a golden halo around their head. They carried golden spears and golden sheids and these attacked Bayonetta. What followed reminded me alot of devil may cry with a flury of attacks by Bayonetta combining kicks, punches and gunplay, guns which are attached to her feet as well. The gameplay is extremely fast paced. Then Bayenetta did a finishing move on one of the enemies, which was summoning a gold egyption torture thing, im not sure what its called (its a coffin but has spikes in it) and she kicked the enemy into this floating coffin and the door slammed shut and blood sprayed everywhere with a freaky scream let out by the angel.

The next bit i saw involved a bit of platforming, Bayonetta jumped on rock ledges to get to the top of a cliff, the next thing i saw involved giant ogres, smashing the rock ledges to pieces and the ledges start colapsing. These ogres are massive, and look a bit like lord of the rings trolls carrying giant clubs. It gets very cinimatic and as the ledges get smashed by the ogres the ledges break away and the orgres start to fall off, but trying to clamber back up , as this happens bayonetta has to do a quick time event and she manages to escape up the ledges.

One other battle with an angel happens and bayonetta unleashes another finishing move, this one involves her summoning a gilloteen (sorry, i don't know how its spelt, medieval execution tool to chop peoples heads off) and she slams the angel into it, locks the latch so it cant get out and releases the blade and it chops its head of in an extremely gory fashion with the head rolling about afterwards.

The last thing i remember was Bayonetta unleashing a move on an ogre. She casts some weird spell which creates this giant and i mean MASSIVE dragon out of wind looks like a tornado sort of thing and its swirling around but you can clearly see a giant dragon head leap out from the twirling wind and grab the ogre in its mouth and rips it to pieces, ALOT of blood is in this game. The attention to detail had my jaw dropped to the floor on many occasions.

Another clip followed showing a strange enemy. I think is was a boss, a Giant dragon flying but underneath of it was a giant round rock gripped in the claws of the dragon, and three faces that rotated around which were sculpted in the rock each one with a different expression, the faces were so lifelike it was actually quite scary. It was incredible. The artistic direction and the imagination to come up with such incredible enemies really was a pleasure to see.

The gameplay is very fast paced, on a number of occasions it had a strong resemblance to DMC but in a good way, the graphics are absolutely gorgeous, i think probably to this day the best i have seen for that genre. The story and enemies, i mean fighting against angels is awesome idea.


Suzuki Yu

True Gamer
We also asked him about The juggles in the game (aerial combat ), Physics, and animations:

yes you can perform aerial combos from what i remember, thats where the aerial finishing move such as the floating coffin execution come in. Its incredible stuff to watch, but i can only imagine what its like actually with the controller in your hand playing it.

The physics in the game looked extremely good, especially the part i saw with ogres and rocks being smashed up and the ledges collapsing, very believeable physics in terms of structural deformation.

The character animation is top knotch as well, the character just flows from one move to another move with such agility and ease, the movement is incredible fluid and it looks like it will be great fun to play. It really does make the eyes stare and you dont want to blink because you dont want to miss any of the ridiculously cool combat moves you take part in.

I believe the bodies do disappear from what i remember, they disintegrate in a very cinematic way that fits in with the angels and witches idea. I am not 100% on whether or not they change this for the finished game i am not sure.

One thing is for sure though, i walked out of that room extremely impressed. This is far more impressive than anything in the genre and its going against the likes of Ninja Gaiden, God of War, and Devil May Cry, i think that speaks for itself. This game looks as though it will be a fantastic game and top the lot"

Thanks for AngryHippo for the information , we appreciate it

i can't wait until see it in motion :xd:


True Gamer
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