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EA والنكست جنريشن : 40 - 40 - 20 ؟؟


True Gamer
في مقابلة مع جيف بروان مسؤول العلاقات مع الشركات في EA اتحدث عن النكست جنريشن و أفرد الكثير من المساحة للPS3:

اتحدث عن دعم EA للWii:

One of the things that we noticed after E3 is we thought, you know, we're going to support Nintendo, they've got an extraordinarily loyal base of consumers all over the world, and we had a number of games we planned to make for Nintendo Wii. That said, we were very surprised by the level of enthusiasm we saw at E3 and subsequently for the Wii.

هنا يتحدث عن النكشت جنريشن بشكل عام ودعم EA:

This is not a business plan, but there are a lot of people at EA who are walking around whispering: "40 / 40 / 20 per cent." The last time out, it was 65-70 per cent PlayStation, and everybody else divided up the 30 per cent that was left. Microsoft obviously took a big piece. Now it looks like 40 / 40 / 20 - Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo - and that is good for us, and it's good for people who like games.

جيف براون يقول إنه هذا الكلام مو خطط EA الفعلية و الحقيقة, هي مجرد نظرته الشخصية ونقله للهمس الي حاصل بين الموظفين داخل الشركة فقط.. ( صراحة تحول كبير لو الكلام هذا فعلا خطط EA.. من 65 - 70 % دعم للبلاي ستيشن تصير 40 % .. آوتش )

هنا يتحدث إن EA عرفت دائما بدعمها للجهاز صاحب أكبر قاعدة مستخدمين, في تلميج قوي بأن EA حاليا تفضل ال 360 لأنه لديه 7 ملايين مستخدم اذا ما قورن بمليون جهاز للبلاي ستيشن 3 مع اللنش:

But your question was are we favouring one or the other, and we favour the one that has the highest installed base, the one with the most consumers. If it's a choice - I'm guessing now - between seven million 360s around the world versus, first month, one million PlayStation 3s, well, guess which one we're going to favour. It's pretty simple. That said, keep an eye on the Wii - that is a very interesting dynamic.

هنا يتحدث عن سعر الPS3:

What do you think about the PlayStation 3's price point? Do you think that's going to damage its chances of being the market leader this time around?

Say what you will about the PlayStation 3, we know this as fact: Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Corporation are very, very, very good at marketing consumer electronics. These guys aren't dumb. I wish it was cheap - look, at EA, we wish there was a $200 PlayStation 3 out there; we love big, big numbers on installed base.

But they have a business that they have to maintain, that's the price point they came to. Is it a little high? Perhaps it is, but I would never underestimate their ability to market consumer electronics. Again and again, they've really distinguished themselves. Does it hurt them? It certainly remains to be seen. I wouldn't say that yet.

هنا يتحدث عن الاتهامات الموجهة لسوني بإنها متغطرسة بسبب أسلوبها في الطرح و طريقة تقديمها للPS3:

There seems to be a feeling amongst gamers that Sony's been very arrogant, not just with the price point, but by suggesting that it's cheap since consumers are getting a lot of hardware for their money - and that this is actually damaging Sony and the PlayStation brand. Do you think that kind of criticism is fair?

I don't think it's fair. And at the risk of sounding arrogant myself, I don't think it's relevant. I've been in this business for seven years, which is not a long time, but it's long enough to have seen a couple of cycles of hardware, and I know that there are always trips and stumbles at the start of these things.

Everybody writes these big stories like 'Oh my God, what will this mean? Will they stumble for the next for years, can they recover?' When Sony first put out the PlayStation 2 there were hardware shortages, and some manufacturing glitches, and everybody was like 'Can they recover?' If you watch that cycle, then certainly you know that whatever people are saying now - could it be a stumbling block - remains to be seen. I give Sony a lot of credit and would never ever underestimate them.


هنا باقي المقابلة.. فيها كلام جميل جدا.. صراحة الانسان هذا فاهم الصناعة صح كلامه فعلا مقنع, مو مستغرب إنه يشغل وظيفته الحالية في العملاقة EA.. أنصحكم تقرأوها كاملة.


True Gamer
لقيت له كلام ثاني على موقع يورو جيمر, يقول إن البعض الي يتحدث عن إن الWii هو ثاني جهاز الواحد يشتريه بعد الأجهزة الثانية يتحدثوا عنه بطريقة استطرادية, أو بطريقة فيها تقليل من شأن ننتندو, وفي الحقيقة قد يكون خبر سعيد لننتندو بحيث يكون جهازها أكثر جهاز ينباع في السوق, فاذا شخص عنده PS3 أو 360 وراح يشتري الWii كجهاز ثاني.. راح يكون أفضل من إنه شخص عنده PS3 لكن ما يشتري ال360, أو عنده 360 لكن ماراح يشتري الPS3, يعني كأنه يقول مع كل PS3 أو 360 هناك Wii يباع معاهم:

Speaking to Eurogamer during EA's summer showcase Brown, who is EA's corporate communications VP, noted: "everybody's saying that the Nintendo Wii is so unique that it's going to be the second system people buy, meaning if you own a 360 or a PS3, you'll probably also buy a Nintendo Wii."

"The funny thing is, some people say that discursively, like it's some sort of dig at Nintendo - and what they don't get is that if you're second on everybody's system, you're first overall."


الانسان هذا يفكر بطريقة أثارت إعجابي فعلا.. هب عليه.


رحمه الله
لول كلامه الاخير الكل متوقعه و الكل قاله ... لأن معروف ان الwii اكثر جهاز راح يبيع بسبب السعر + اختلاف الألعاب بالتحكم و نوع الألعاب

بس حلو تفكير هالرجال .. تحس فاهم


TG editor-in-chief
ماعتقد الوي اكثر جهاز راح يبيع :)

يمكن اهم نقطه باللقاء هو نسبة الدعم لكل جهاز .. فعلا مايكروسوفت قدرت تكسب EA بشكل كبير لصفها خلال هذا الجيل باطلاق جهازها مبكرا ..