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Burnout Paradise : معلومات + صور


True Gamer
US, July 8, 2007 - "Holy crap the muscle cars in Burnout Paradise are loud."

That's the first thing that popped to mind when Criterion's Alex Ward fired up the E3 build of his team's latest racer for the first time. Ward followed the boot-up with an entertaining and humorous speech about how important it was for his team to build Paradise from the ground up (rather than use an existing engine), but as the engines continued to rev as we waited for our demo, I couldn't shake how realistic and powerful the vehicles sounded.

But when we finally sat down to the play the game for ourselves, it quickly became apparent that there's a whole lot more to Burnout Paradise than its acoustic performance. The game is already a technical champion with highly-impressive displays that show off what the PS3 and Xbox 360 can really do. For proof, smash into something and watch what happens. The deformation of a car when it hits a pole at 100 MPH is highly-impressive; it'll wrap around its unlucky target exactly the way Crash Test Dummy rides do in those popular safety videos. Hit it with enough force, and you may even see the engine go barreling through the rear windshield with shards of glass and metal flying everywhere. Sometimes, cars can even be torn in half. It's awesome!

Even better is how Criterion is handling online play. Unlike most videogames that have lobbies and other middle-man programs to prepare you for the race to come, Burnout Paradise makes everything seamless. Simply locate a traffic light and friend via in-game buddy list, invite him to race, and when he accepts... BOOM! You're online immediately and ready to go. Keep in mind, this entire process happens without any interruptions or menu screens whatsoever. It's easily the most convenient multiplayer feature we've seen and will likely be the standard from its release point forward (and yes, we saw it demoed in real time on the PS3. Supposedly, it'll work the same on 360 as well).

Now that we think about it, an ease of use seems to be the primary theme in Burnout Paradise. Since players are racing in a world measuring nearly 30 square miles, requiring them to pop in and out of menus all the time would interrupt gameplay flow. Criterion's solution to this is similar to how it's handling online connectivity -- simply drive up to a street (each and every one has a name, by the way), glance at its "Road Rules," and accept a race invitation. It doesn't get much simpler. Then again, you can drive all over Paradise City on your own without any restrictions as well (called "Freeburn"), but if you require old-school competition, that's how you do it.

Oh, and believe me, you'll want to participate in traditional races. Doing so can win you brand new cars to race with elsewhere (as can taking one out if you see it driving around the city), and it will help to unlock other cool things as well. Besides, facing up to eight opponents (offline or on) at high speed is the type of fun that made the series so popular to begin with -- and the fact that you can go anywhere during a race in order to win makes things that much more interesting.

To backtrack a bit and clarify what "Road Rules" are, they're essentially an in-game stat-tracker of all the top times and crashes accomplished on that street. They're updated in real-time via the Internet too, but to keep things in check, will pull its info from friends' lists rather than worldwide leaderboards. Additionally, all of your personal statistics and records are kept on a personal driver's license.

Other details worth mentioning are shops scattered through the city than allow you to power-up your car (boost fills at gas stations, damage fixes at body shops, color switches at paint shops, etc), the ability to visit a junkyard to access all unlocked cars, and PlayStation Eye/ Xbox Vision Camera support that auto-snaps pictures of online opponents when you taken them down for funny reaction shots. You can even sabotage an opponent's boost meter during online play! My favorite addition, though, has to be the inclusion of "Showtime Mode."

Showtime Mode is what the world used to know as "Crash Mode," only now you can do it anywhere. At any point during a crash, just tap L1 and R1 (or LB and RB) simultaneously and you'll enter "Showtime Mode" where you can literally keep your crash going until the car's wheels fall off. But even then the crash continues as long as you maintain momentum. Crashes can go on for so long, in fact, that it's actually possible to start a wreck at one side of the map and tumble your way all the way over to the other end.

If that isn't the epitome of badass, I don't know what is.

هههههههه ويو .. كلام مرة يحمس خصوصا الأونلاين.. motion blur = next gen !


المزيد من الصور:

خالد 333

True Gamer
Burnout Paradise FTW :cooool:

بديت أسترجع حماسي للسلسلة :laughing:


True Gamer
هيه والله الجرافكس حلوو

وكلام يبشر بالخير



True Gamer
بالوقت الحالي قاعد اطقطق في الجزء الاخير اللي نزل على لبلاي2..اهم شي طور الاون لاين..بيكون فيه مجازر..الكترونيك لوتفهم تخلي سيرفرات اللعبة موحدة لكلا النسختين بيكون انواع الفله


True Gamer
اللعبة ممتازة حيل، آخر واحد لعبته عالـ360 كان جبار، أتمنى هالجزء تكون فيه إضافات جديدة أكثر (أظنه نزل عالبي اس2؟)


True Gamer
motion blur = next gen !
لول فعلاً :yuck:

بالإنتظار وإن شاءلله تكون حماسية وروعة نفس الثالث ^^


True Gamer
I Need a Video !!!