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مقابلة مدير فريق المبيعات والتطوير في إستديوهات CDProjekt RED يتحدث عن The Witcher


True Gamer

في حديث مطول مع Lukasz Kukawski عن مستقبل موقع GOG.com وإمكانياته، شاركنا أيضا Tom Ohle، مدير فريق المبيعات والتطوير، في آرائه حول الخدمة الجديدة، كما أدلى ببعض التصريحات (الحصرية ;)) ولأول مرة فيما يخص إصدارة The Witcher القادمة للأجهزة المنزلية، تحت عنوان The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolves.

Mohammed Taher: In my eyes, The Enhanced Edition is, without a question, the best 'must-have version' of a game I have seen in years, and truly a work of art. If there is one thing I should point at is the addition of the short novel. I'm not sure if you heard this a lot, but you could not imagine the feelings that I had in me after finishing the novel and heading straight away to the game. I was like "I was just reading about this incident!" and it attached me to the game at the very first minute, even before controlling the protagonist. Do you consider this with another game or is it a one-time thing?

Tom Ohle: Thanks for the kind words -- as with GOG.com, one of our goals with TheWitcher: Enhanced Edition was to pack in as much value as we could in order to reward paying customers (rather than punishing potential pirates). The short story was just one small chapter from Andrzej Sapkowski's The Last Wish; it's a series of short stories, and is the reader's introduction to Geralt and the world he lives in. There's a second collection of short stories is available in various parts of the world, and there's a set of novels that's also just started to makes its way to English readers. Blood of the Elves is, I believe, out in the UK already, and is coming to the US this year. We'll certainly look at lining up another deal with the book publishers to get more story excerpts into our games; I think that part of the appeal of The Witcher is the rich universe.

MT: How is the work going on the consoles version? I'm interested in whether it's getting new areas, quests and all those stuff, or is it going to be limited to being visually enhanced with revamped controls?

Tom: Development's going really well. I just got back from France, where I checked out the latest build of the game (we're developing the tech in cooperation with Lyon-based Widescreen Games)... it looks amazing, plays great, and I think we'll be giving the industry some solid competition for RPG of the Year :) . We've remade the game, basically, just retaining the story while changing everything else to fit naturally on the consoles. Redesigning and delivering a top-tier 40-to-100-hour RPG is a big enough task, so we're not focused on adding a lot of new content. It's a very different gameplay experience, though, thanks to the new combat and the overall adjustments to the presentation and storytelling.

MT: While The Witcher is, without a doubt, a successful entry in the Western RPG genre, and even though I would love to see a sequel in the near future, haven't you guys thought about developing a game that's different? Like maybe an RTS game, or even a first-person shooter?

Tom: For now we're focused on The Witcher. We invested a lot of time and money into making the original game a viable entry in the genre, and given that it's not an overcrowded market for RPGs, it makes sense for us to stick with it. With Rise of the White Wolf we should establish an even larger audience. Eventually I'm sure we'll move on to something else, but we've got a lot more of the world of The Witcher to explore.

MT: That is all. Thanks for your time, Tom. I wish to all of you the best of luck in developing GOG to it's full potential, and in bringing to us, gamers, the very best of your efforts.

- إحتمالية إصدار روايات مرفقة مع ألعاب الفريق القادمة، كالحاصل في نسخة The Witcher الأخيرة للبي سي
- الفريق يركز على سلسلة The Witcher ولا ينوي حاليا الإنتقال إلى لعبة\أفكار\سلسلة جديدة (تأكيد خفي على وجود sequel؟)
- نسخة الكونسول (Rise of the White Wolves) هي ريميك كلي (وليست بورت) من نسخة البي سي، ويطمح الفريق للمنافسة على لقب أفضل RPG في 2008، مثل ما حصل على هذا اللقب في عام 2007 من أكثر من 100 موقع وجهة رسمية

Ze Truth

شكلهم مخططين على DLC من الحين.

مقابلة ممتازة


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مقابلة جميلة ، يعطيك العافية محمد ، صرت متحمس أكثر أجرب نسخة الكونسولز ، بس أتمنى يحسنوا القتال باللعبة ..


فريق الأنمي
سالفة أن اللعبة مو بورت تبين أنهم شغالين على اللعبة من قلب ، زي ما أشتغلوا على النسخة المعدلة حق البي سي ، بصراحة متأمل أشوف شيء حلو من نسخة الكونسولز وغير هذا اتمنى تكون مناسبة للكونسولز بشكل جيد من حيث الرسوم والتحكم ، يعجبك الفريق اللي يهتم يشتغل ضمير .. وبالنسبة لــ

شكلهم مخططين على DLC من الحين.
ما أتوقع هممم ، إلا لو كانت إضافة قوية وكبيرة ، لأن سي دي بروجكت يحبوا ينزلوا لعبتهم بشكل كامل على ما يبدو.