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لقاء جديد مع Itagaki وصور لعبة Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword


TG editor-in-chief
First off, is this a brand new Ninja Gaiden game with a new story, or is it based on events and locations from previous games?

Tomonobu Itagaki: The story of Ninja Gaiden 1 for the Xbox dealt with the mythology of the Vigoor Empire, the setting of the majority of that game. Ninja Gaiden DS takes place six months later, and the story deals with what happened after the conclusion of Ninja Gaiden 1. It will tackle issues like: what exactly were the foes that Hayabusa fought in the Vigoor Empire, who created them, and for what purpose? These and other mysteries will be revealed.

Tell us how you're using the DS. It sounds very interesting - a new way of playing with the DS?

Itagaki: The game will be played while holding the DS vertically, like a book. If you're wondering why I chose to do it that way, I'm sure you'll understand the moment you pick it up, but the main point is that it enables you to get a firm grip on the DS, which you'll need when you are controlling all of the speedy action that occurs on screen.

In addition, by holding the DS vertically, you can limit the amount of screen space that your right hand covers up when you use the stylus. Ninja Gaiden DS is designed for you to control all of the action with the touch screen, so I paid careful attention to how the system itself should be held.

Oops, I said that your right hand would be using the stylus, but what I meant was your dominant hand. If you're left-handed, you can rest easy because Ninja Gaiden DS will feature a mode that flips the screens upside-down for left-handed players.

Phew, some of our writers are left-handed. So how will the character be controlled on screen using the stylus?

Itagaki: Well, I plan to have footage of the actual game being played available to view on the Internet in the near future. My reasoning for this is that, because the controls in this game are so innovative, watching someone play this game is the only way to realistically understand how wonderful it is.

You can perform all of the amazing action in this game simply by pointing the stylus at Hayabusa, his enemies, or the environment, or by tracing it around the screen or speedily slicing with it. The variety of Hayabusa's actions is on par with the Xbox and PS3 versions, not to mention that they are incredibly fast. When you get the chance to play this game for the first time, you will have no choice but to be surprised.

But as Ninja Gaiden is a very intense action game, as you say, we can imagine it hurting our hands with all the quick, cramped movements on the DS. How have you got round this?

Itagaki: I'm sure your hands will be fine! [Laughs.] Relax; I don't planning on making Ninja Gaiden DS as difficult as the Xbox variants. My first priority is giving everyone the chance to try this innovative new control scheme and enjoy how great it feels to manipulate Hayabusa.

Okay, we're glad to hear that. Moving on to the DS itself, have you been limited by the technology in any way?

Itagaki: No, not at all. As we are able to take complete advantage of the strengths of the DS hardware - namely its ability to allow the player to interact directly with the screen - I would say that we are actually finding that there are increased possibilities, not limitations.

So there are things you can do on DS with the stylus and touch screen that you couldn't do on a console?

Itagaki: Exactly. For instance, if you point and tap the stylus at a far-away enemy on the screen, Hayabusa will throw a shuriken (throwing star) at that enemy. If you point at a flying enemy, once again he will throw a shuriken.

We have implemented an immensely intuitive control system. If you use the stylus to slice side-to-side over an enemy, Hayabusa will slash him with his sword, and you can change the type of slash by varying the angle of your slice. You can jump if you want to, of course, and you can wall jump using the environment.

There are two reasons why we were able to make these kinds of actions controllable at speeds even greater than standard gaming consoles, and the first is because the Nintendo DS is such a fantastic device. The second reason is that we at Team Ninja have built up an immense amount of skill and technology over the past ten years that we've spent making action games. Specifically speaking, it is very important to have a command recognition algorithm that can tell instantly what the player wishes to do and reflect that in the control of the game.

Deep. What attracted you to the DS, then? Do you think there's an audience on DS for Dragon Sword?

Itagaki: There are a total of six Nintendo DS machines in my home. I only have three Xbox 360s! [Laughs.] Wait, isn't that what you meant?

Something like that, yeah... Finally, then, will this tie in with what we might see in Ninja Gaiden 2?

Itagaki: You ask such interesting questions! [Laughs.] Well... I am personally overseeing the development of everything from the story through to the gameplay elements for both games, so if you're observant you may be able to extrapolate some similarities between the two, yes, and not just in the area of story.

We can't wait to extrapolate! So when is Dragon Sword due for release?

Itagaki: I am currently planning on Autumn. This is my first all-new project in a while, and I am greatly enjoying its development.







TG editor-in-chief
خطيره صور اللعبه .. ياريت باقي شركات الطرف الثالث تتعلم شوي .. يعني اسلوب لعب مبتكر وجديد وجرافيكس مميز على الجهاز ..

واحترمت صراحة اتجاكي يعني حتى لمن سالؤه عن قدراتا لدي اس وانها يمكن تكون عائق قال بالعكس هي اضافة لانك تقدر تسوي اشياء على الجهاز ماتقدر تسويها بباقي الاجهزه .. الاحترام + 1000


True Gamer
Oops, I said that your right hand would be using the stylus, but what I meant was your dominant hand. If you're left-handed, you can rest easy because Ninja Gaiden DS will feature a mode that flips the screens upside-down for left-handed players.

لوووووووووووووول حلوة ذي* انا اول واحد استخدم ايدي الشمال*

فيه معلومات تحمس..بس حسافة ما اظن العبها لاني ما احب المحمول -ـ-

Gon freeces

True Gamer
جرافيكس سيء....تحسه اول جيل من ألعاب البي اس ون , و كأنه FFVII: DoC عالجوال.........


فعلا بعض الصور سيئة. خصوصا الوحش البنفسجي والمودل حقه، اما النار فما عندي لهم الا جمله وحده "وش الله حادكم؟".


Contributing Editor
بعض الصور قوية جداً:




لو حاولت تقدر تعد كم بكسل موجودة بالصورتين هذي (وغيرهم)

لووول المرة الجاية نقول لنينتندو تسوي جهاز محمول بشاشة HD عشان ما نقدر نعد البكسلز..

Ash Storm

True Gamer
المقابلة جيدة جداً صراحة و فيها اشياء مهمة ..

الصور بعضها جيد جداً و يحمس, باقي بس اننا نشوف عرض واضح للجيم بلي ..


Senior Content Specialist
جرافيكس سيء....تحسه اول جيل من ألعاب البي اس ون , و كأنه FFVII: DoC عالجوال.........

حرام عليك ، أصلا الصور الملتقطة من اللعبة دايما بتطلع سيئة على الـDS ، و عندك مثال ، قارن بين صور ماريو64 و اللعبة الفعلية و شوف

أنا أتوقع انو هاي هي اللعبة الأفضل على الـDS بالجرافيكس يمكن بجانب فف كريستال ، فكرة التحكم خطيرة صراحة و اتجاكي أثبت و لا زال يثبت انو مطور كبير و يتعب على مشاريعه .. بالتوفيق !


TG editor-in-chief
حرام عليك ، أصلا الصور الملتقطة من اللعبة دايما بتطلع سيئة على الـDS ، و عندك مثال ، قارن بين صور ماريو64 و اللعبة الفعلية و شوف

أنا أتوقع انو هاي هي اللعبة الأفضل على الـDS بالجرافيكس يمكن بجانب فف كريستال ، فكرة التحكم خطيرة صراحة و اتجاكي أثبت و لا زال يثبت انو مطور كبير و يتعب على مشاريعه .. بالتوفيق !

مثل ماقال حسين ..

العاب الدي اس دائما بالصور تطلع سيئة لانهم يصورون لقطه متحركه والفضايح تطلع .. يوم تلعب اللعبه ماتكون بذا الشكل ابدا .. نحنا اذا ودنا نقارن جرافيكس اللعبه فنقارنه بجرافيكس نفس نوعية الالعاب لنفس الجهاز وماعتقد شفنا شئ يقرب لننجا قايدن ..

عموما اتجاكي يقول بينزل عرض رسمي قريب له وهو يلعب .. ننتظره :)

q8 spy

True Gamer

والله حلوه اللعبه

شكلي باخذها

Gon freeces

True Gamer
صح ثلاث ارباع العاب الدي اس شكلها سيء من الصور, ممكن العرض يحسن منها, ممكن........


Hardcore Gamer
عنده 6 دي اس ؟؟ لوول

على العموم الرسومات ما اشوفها سيئه هذي .. , و التحكم شكله بيكون حلو ..بس احسه بيكون صعب ..بلعبها بكل الحالات .. , يقول انه ما راح يكون صعب نفس نينجا جايدن مال الاكس بوكس (احسن و السبب التحكم ) .. و احداث القصه متعلقه بقصة نينجا جايدن نسخة الاكس بوكس واااااااو

و انتضر العرض الرسمي ..

Super Shadow

True Gamer
أنا ما أشوف أن الجرافيكس سيء

بالعكس أشوفه أنه أفضل جرافيكس على الدي اس

ننتظر أول العروض للعبة

أنا خايف من التحكم أكثر شي :angry:

كيف بلعب بالطريقة العمودية؟


ما اعتقد نقدر نحكم على الجرفكس الحين ..
لأن في شور ممتازة و في صور تعيسة -__- ..


Executive Member
بعض الصور مش قوية بشكل كبير .. الارضيات و بعض الخلفيات شكلها روعة

متحمس اشوف شو بيسوي ايتاغاكي على الدي اس ..

Itagaki: There are a total of six Nintendo DS machines in my home. I only have three Xbox 360s! [Laughs.] Wait, isn't that what you meant?
لووول ..