-Chr: Adding Chr increases the activation rate of "Killer Traits", which means that equipping a lot of +Chr and a Hrotti (which grants the "Dragon Killer" trait) will give you a fair chance of getting The (mobname) was intimidated by (yourname)'s presence messages when fighting dragon type mobs like Fafnir.
However, some Paladins theorize that adding Chr also affects the "strength" of Provoke, or that adding Chr reduces how quickly hate decays, or that adding Chr increases the amount of hate generated by each action in the same way that +Enmity works.
Those who believe Chr affects hate cite the following "evidence": some higher level Paladins claim that they are able to hold hate just as easily in Koenig/Kaiser gear, which offers no +Enmity, as they do in Adaman gear, which offers substantial +Enmity, which means the huge +Chr boosts provided by Koenig/Kaiser gear must have some affect on hate.
Those who believe Chr does not affect hate cite the following "evidence": certain items like the Aegishjalmr have both +Enmity and -Chr, which would be a contradiction if Chr affects Enmity.
Also there is this notorious interview in which "someone" from SE explains that "The Charisma attribute score does not affect hate or enmity(aggro). It does, however, affect how a bard's songs and a beastmaster's charm ability are not only used but also resisted. There are also weapon skills that are greatly affected by Charisma."
However, many (myself included) discount this interview since it doesn't provide the specific name or title of the person allegedly representing SE, and online fansite interviews are pretty much universally unrealiable when important information like this is excluded. I personally emailed the admins of that website and asked them who exactly from SE sat/phoned for that interview, but that was about 5+ months ago and they never responded...
Bottom line: despite what people would have you believe, no one knows for certain whether or not Chr affects hate. I personally do not feel that Chr affects hate in any way, but I am not going to claim that I am absolutely certain that I'm right or that you should base gear decisions on my personal beliefs, so take my opinion worth a grain of salt. Until SE releases an official statement the Chr debate is completely moot.
AM2 ... لا تخرج عن الموضوع ..AM2 قال:شباب ودكم نلعب PSO ذي اليومين؟
AM2 قال:شباب ودكم نلعب PSO ذي اليومين؟
Aoks قال:ايششش؟؟؟؟؟ ال CHR يقلل الكره ؟؟؟؟ لووووول من وين جبت الكلام ؟؟؟
ال chr كل ما زاد ... زادتقوة البروفوك ... زاد الكره ... وما عمره يساوي انمتي
الانمتي اهم
SoulTaker قال:من الي قال ان الـCHR يقلل الكره ؟ >.>
<.< ضربة عادية !!!!!سوبرسونيك .. ادري .. اصلاً كنت متعمد اكتبها >.> DD يعني Damage Dealer و هو البالفعل يسوي دمج في البارتي .. مثل البلاك ميج ، الرينجر ، المونك ، و الدارك نايت يعني الدمج مو 10 او 20 او 30 لا ، يمكن يصير مثلاً من 70 - 120 في الضربة الواحدة او اكثر احياناً .. و البلاك ميج و الرينجر انا شفتهم يوصلوا لأكثر من ألف دمج..
من اليوم تركت اللعبة و لمدة أسبوع كامل علشان الاختبارات النهائية .. أشوفكم الخميس القادم
ash and temoonTorpedo قال:لمين بتشتري الورلد باس كنت ؟
AM2 بعد اسبوعين يكونوا كل الاعضاء فاضين ،، ما عندهم شي .. و بنبدأ في المهمات و الـ ECOs و غيرها من الامور حق الـlvlـه قليل ...
لكن كل واحد يبي يسوي هذه الـ Mission يكون lvl 25 و الـSub حقه 12 ..
انت شكلك ماقريت الخاص eeved: , بكره ان شاء الله او يوم الاحد راح استطيع الدخول للعبه وعمل PLلو سمحت ممكن تسوي PL لبعض الاعضاء ..
قصدك2حتى نخلص الرانك 3 بسرعة ..