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صور جديدة لـ Resident Evil 5


True Gamer
قريت الكلام لول ما اشوف انه سبويلرات كبيره عاديه .

اعتقد ان البنت هي ربيكيا .


True Gamer
بصراحة المعلومات إلي حطها Hwoarang رهيبة أكثر منها سبويلر ..

- The following characters will not appear in the game: Jill, Barry, Claire, Billy and Leon.
أنا كذا حقدت بقوة :angry:: ..

- Weapons are supplied to Chris and Sheva by Kralin, an ex-BSAA member who is attempting to flee the city with the BirdWoman.
بس ها ما نبغى نشوف حركات Drebin في الدعم اللوجيستي المفرط !!

- The game will take 15 hours to finish and will have 8 hours of cut-scenes… hopefully in addition to the 15 hours.
أحسها قليلة !!

- There are 30 weapons in the game, 20 for Chris and 10 for Sheva
كذا أنا أحبكم بقوة :inlove: ..

- Wesker will appear about 5% into the game.
ليه كذا بس ؟!

- Capcom wants Resident Evil 5 to be the best looking game of 2009
يجي بالأدب ..


True Gamer
المعلومات الجديدة حلوة..نقدر نستشف منها إن في تركيز أكثر من الجزء الرابع على جانب القصة.

Capcom wants Resident Evil 5 to be the best looking game of 2009

مع كيل زون 2 و لعبة الرجاجيل 3 وأنشارتد 2 الوضع بيكون صعب عليهم شوية.. بس بالتوفيق لهم.


True Gamer

- The game will take 15 hours to finish and will have 8 hours of cut-scenes… hopefully in addition to the 15 hours.
أحسها قليلة !!

طول RE 4 الفعلي عشرة ساعات او اقل (و لك في إنجاز DONY عبرة رغم انه المسترة العمياء ليست معيار :whistle: ) فلو كان طول RE 5 الفعلي 15 ساعة هذا معناته انك حتقضي اكثر من 25 ساعة في اول Walkthrough ....

- قصدهم بـ
Wesker will appear about 5% into the game اي انه حيظهر في اللعبة بعد اول 5٪ من التقدم مش نسبة ظهوره في اللعبة ... انا فهمت يك في البداية لكن هذا معني الجملة :grin:
التعديل الأخير:


Executive Member

The Milkman strikes! James Mielke just updated his 1up blog with news and first look at the November cover of EGM, which features an awesome Resident Evil 5 cover and tons of new info on the game inside. But wait, the RE5 goodness doesn't just end with dead trees! 1up is also going to be killing a huge amount of pixels throughout the month of October and on into November as they blow out their coverage online with video interviews, the debut of the RE5 TGS trailer and much more. The first online bits will pop up this Friday, Oct. 3 in a Resident Evil 5 special on the 1up Show.


True Gamer
في إنتظار العدد ..


True Gamer
أبو داحم !!! .. عرض E3 قالوا فيه هالشيء ..


True Gamer
حلو , وابي تقيم سايلنت <.< متى تنزل المجله ؟


True Gamer
سكانات ... من مجلة GAMES









ودي أقرأ المعلومات اللي حاطينها, بس الكتابة صغيرة شوي
هم جربوا التحكم الجديد للعبة وواصفينه ... نفس تحكم Gears of war تماما (والتحكم اختياري بالمناسبة)

ياخي بعض الصور طالعة رهيبة, كابكوم لازم تنزلهم دايركت بسرعة ...

تعديل: شكرا جحجاح
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer
نفس الشيء هنا .. لو السكانات اوضح علشان اقرأ أكثر ..

ويسكر شكله رهيب .. و الـ"Mystrey Person" شكله عادي ..


أتمنى ...

Suzuki Yu

True Gamer
رهيبة السكانات :xd: بس معلومات الشخصيات الغائبة احبطني جدا خصوصا
كلير :(


True Gamer
ويسكر رهيب ..

لول شفيهم المجلات هالشهر على اللعبة , فيه هذي , وفاميتسو , واي جي ام .. كلهم مرة وحدة بنفس الشهر :laugh::


True Gamer
RE 5 Attack !!!

هذه السكانات + معلومات EGM + TGS 08 = جا وقت الجد :evil::

نفسي نلاقي المعلومات text او بشكل اوضح ، يهمني اعرف إنتقادات فريق RE 5 للعبة جيل الـ128 بت .... RE 4 :whistle:


True Gamer
لول شفيهم المجلات هالشهر على اللعبة , فيه هذي , وفاميتسو , واي جي ام .. كلهم مرة وحدة بنفس الشهر :laugh::

الهايب بدأ يشعلل .. للعبة ماتحتاج اي هايب ..


True Gamer
ملخص تغطية مجلة GAMES من العضو الرهيب MiamiWescer :

- "The previous ten years of Chris's life is something that will be very important in the story of Resident Evil 5"
- It was difficult to make an RE4-like game without sticking close to the formula, but the teams thinks they have introduced enough new elements into the game to set it apart
"- I had the idea for the online modes when I was working as the producer on Lost Planet...Once we got it up and running...the concept was green lit almost immediately"
Every single location was created with teamwork in mind
A demo is coming early next year!!!!
Players will be injured enough to where it restricts their movement and their ability to fight back. When this happens, the coop player must inject a "life-saving serum" before they succumb to an instant kill by an enemy
A "locate player" button is instituted, which will focus your camera on the coop partner
Another way to locate a player is by bringing up a small real-time map
As shown in gameplay demos, the inventory is back to the original format, rather than Leon's briefcase

The axe-man will sometimes grab and choke the life out of you, requiring intervention from your partner to stop him
Resident Evil 5's early prototypes were scrapped fewer times than RE4 (which famously had Devil May Cry spun off of one of the early versions), totaling fewer than 4 times
One of the versions had zombies, but it was not fun to fight slow zombies
It has been over 3 years since that version was scrapped, but basic animations for zombies were completed. After watching the trials for this version, they knew it wasn't right
The other versions they created had great ideas, but the combat element never really came together to make a fun experience
"We want to continue the story...mentioned in Code Veronica, that Africa is the origin of the virus"
Early reports indicated that the African heat would cause hallucinations and dehydration, but Takecuchi confirms that this was a mis-translation from an interview, since the Japanese word for heat and light are very similar
Excella Gionne is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company and is secretly conspiring with Wesker
The new control scheme is OPTIONAL and has been named "D-Type Controls". They allow you to strafe left or right, and manipulate the camera (and aiming) with the right stick. The left trigger is aim button, and the right trigger is shoot. You wont be able to move while shooting. The changes were a late addition.
One of the reasons it was implemented was because of the flood of "new" fans which were brought to the franchise from the Resident Evil movies

Several BOW's from the pre-RE4 era will return!
Wesker may get involved directly this time, given his history with Chris
Players dis-like of Ashley led the team to create the capable partner of Sheeva
Masachika Kawata admits that the story of 4 was not as good, but he says 5's should keep you hooked from beginning to end

و الله كلام كبير :wow:


True Gamer
أكثر شيء يهمني ...

Masachika Kawata admits that the story of 4 was not as good, but he says 5's should keep you hooked from beginning to end

الرابع أذبح و أمشي ..


True Gamer
ثامر ركز في معلومة التحكم ... ما تقدر تطلق و انت تتحرك (بتحكم جيرز الإختياري) و اشوفه القرار المناسب عشان ما تقلب لعبة شوتر بحتة .

ولا إيش رأيك ؟


True Gamer
ثامر ركز في معلومة التحكم ... ما تقدر تطلق و انت تتحرك (بتحكم جيرز الإختياري) و اشوفه القرار المناسب عشان ما تقلب لعبة شوتر بحتة .

ولا إيش رأيك ؟

صحيح عامر .. لو بيخلونك تطلق وتتحرك بكيفك .. ما أحسها بتكون ريزي الي يبغاها الفانز .. كذا احسن ..


Executive Member
لازم احصل على المجلة.. يبيلها قراية.


Executive Member
نظريتي اللي ناقشت فيها الشباب بهيلو بعد GAMES'08 فيما يخص نقطة Gears like تحققت.

L للتصويب و R للطلق.

وهارد للي بيلعب بالـDefault ! :w00t:


True Gamer
التحكم الجديد أشكره بخليه off ارد للكنترول القديم + الحمدالله اللعبه ماقلبت جيرز وشالو سالفه انك ترمي وانت تمشي .


محرر الألعاب
ويسكر طالع شكله فلة