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Forspoken هي أول لعبة تدعم واجهة DirectStorage ..


و اللعبة راح تكون بالتعاون مع AMD

This session will cover the collaboration between AMD and Luminous Production on their upcoming title: Forspoken. This partnership resulted in the implementation of various AMD technologies into the game, including screen-space ambient occlusion, screen-space reflections, raytraced shadows and AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution. Along with a short presentation of those techniques, this talk will detail the process to integrate them into the Luminous Engine and how AMD and Luminous Productions worked hand in hand to optimize it across a wide range of AMD GPUs. Forspoken is also supporting the new Microsoft DirectStorage API. A part of the session will be dedicated to its addition to the game highlighting the challenges the studio faced and the benefits it is bringing to the title.



Hate me, but do it honestly
يعني ما في DLSS ؟

بالله في احد يتعاون من اجل AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution و يترك DLSS