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نقاش أنمي صيف 2016 | Danganronpa 3 Hope Arc قصة يأس انتهت بالأمل.


True Gamer
أوكي أنا مش الوحيد الي يشوف علاقة هيناتا و تشياكي أحسن من علاقة كيريغيري بماكوتو.:p
فيه مقارنة أصلا :p؟ علاقة كيريغيري و ماكوتو مملة و عادية، و شخصياتهم كذلك. مدري كيف الواحد ممكن يتأثر بموت أي أحد منهم.
تشياكي >>> كيريغيري
هيناتا>>>>>>>>> ماكوتو


True Gamer
فيه مقارنة أصلا :p؟ علاقة كيريغيري و ماكوتو مملة و عادية، و شخصياهم كذلك. مدري كيف الواحد ممكن يتأثر بموت أي أحد منهم.
تشياكي >>> كيريغيري
هيناتا>>>>>>>>> ماكوتو

أنا تشياكي و كيريغيري بنفس المستوى عندي، روعة الجزء الأول و الثاني هم يمثلون جزء كبير منها.

هيناتا بالنسبة لي افضل بكثير من ماكوتو، الباكستوري حقه احسن و دوره مبتكر اكثر. ماكوتو لا بأس فيه لكن حسيته عادي و ما يثبت بالذاكرة مثل هيناتا.

أتمنى البنت بطلة اللعبة القادمة تكون احسن من الأربعة الي فوق.:p


True Gamer
توني شايف السبيشل. نهاية رائعة و مثالية لـ أكاديمية الأمل لكن طريق الوصول اليها ما كان بالمستوى المنشود. ستة من عشرة من صوبي للأنمي.

تشياكي المسكينة هي الوحيدة الي اكلتها في الأخير، تضحيتها هي الي خلت اليأس ينتهي بالأمل مثل عنوان الموضوع. أفضل شخصية بالنسبة لي في ثلاثية اكاديمية الأمل.

السبيشل كانت فلم هندي و نهاية هابي ايفر افتر ما كنت اتوقع راح يلجئوا لها و هذا كان اقوى تويست غير متوقع ابداً.:p

ليتهم جعلوا كيريغيري تموت الي راح يعطيها قيمة اكثر، لكن استانست يوم اكتشفت انها حية. و ماكوتو صار الهيدماستر و كيوكو مساعدته. ممتاز.

تشياكي تبقى في القلب.::cry::


True Gamer
أممم ما ادري اذا انذكر هالشي قبل.

عدد الناجين في الحلقة كانوا ستة، ماكوتو و اساهينا و ريوتا و توغامي rip off اربعة.. الأسهول و كيريغيري الأثنين الباقيين. احييهم على التلميحة الواضحة جداً للأذكياء و الي ما انتبهت لها.
كوداكا قاعد يستهبل.:p
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer
لكن في أول حلقة عدد الناجين كان مكتوب 16= هاكاقوري محسوب.


True Gamer
لكن في أول حلقة عدد الناجين كان مكتوب 16= هاكاقوري محسوب.

هاكاقوري ديكور ما له فايدة، و الأسهول قطع يده فيمكن حسبوا هاكاقوري مع كيريغيري؟ ناه.

هاكاقوري واضح انه مش محسوب لأنه ما ينام في كل مرة المخدر يحقن للمشاركين في الوقت المحدد. ما اتوقع ان السوارة حول يده على ما اذكر.


True Gamer
أنا أتكلم لك عن الحلقة الأولى، قبل لا أحد يموت، كان مكتوب الناجين 16 و عددهم كلهم 15 بدونه فأكيد 100% محسوب.
في الأغنية و كل إعلانات الأنمي تمت معاملته على أنه واحد منهم بغض النظر عن كونه مو مشترك في اللعبة.
أما في الحلقة 10، إما أنهم ما حسبوا كيريغي لأنها كانت في حالة near-death مثل ما قالت ميكان و تحتاج الدواء حق تصحى او مثل ما قلت عن جوزو.


True Gamer
متأكد إن هذه ما كانت النهاية الي الكل كان ينتظرها أكيدا كنا ننتظر بلوت تويست يغطي على دوافع تينجان الـ C O M P L E X.
النهاية كانت غريبة عليي نوعا ما،أعني ذي دانجن رونبا صح ؟ لا وجود لنهاية سعيدة أبدا في دانجن رونبا *لدرجة إني أقدر أقولها بالأحمر @@*
متفهم إن عنوان الحلقة كان يوحي بمحتواها أصلا،جهد وتعب الشخصيات واليأس الي تعرضت له أثمرت بـ إنتصار الأمل في النهاية .
لكن النهاية كانت توو قوود لهذي السلسلة و توحي بـ نهاية كليتشية.
ما أتجرأ أقول "النهاية المثالية" لكن هقول "النهاية المناسبة" .
قبل ما أمشي أحد حس بالإنزعاج من حقيقة مستقبل موناكاتا المبهم ؟ حتى بعد ما فتح نايقي مدرسة الأمل الجديدة والي ما توقعت يسويها أفضل حاجة حصلت في الحلقة !
ويب لحين منزعج من عودة كيوكو -_- *ولأ انا مب هيتر @@* شي ثاني أزعجني كون وجود تشيسا وجونكو في المسرح ومشاهدتهم لأحداث أرك المستقبل كان مجرد ريفرنس من غير قصد لأومينيكو .-.
نشوفكم في V3 حيث شخصيتك المفضلة نسبة موتها تتعدى الـ 90% في أي فصل.
هاكاقوري ديكور ما له فايدة، و الأسهول قطع يده فيمكن حسبوا هاكاقوري مع كيريغيري؟ ناه.

هاكاقوري واضح انه مش محسوب لأنه ما ينام في كل مرة المخدر يحقن للمشاركين في الوقت المحدد. ما اتوقع ان السوارة حول يده على ما اذكر.
مدري ليش حطوه بالحسبة أصلا، الرجال ما منه فايدة لدرجة إن مطفأة الحريق-تشان كانت ذات فائدة أكثر منه ....

The End
التعديل الأخير:

Storm is here

True Gamer
اعذروني عامل ميديا بلاك اوت للانترنت كله وما عندي الا ولد خالتي افضفض له عن الخرابة اللي شفتها ومحتاج جمهور اكبر :
قبل لا ابدا في النهاية ابغى اعرف كيف هالسلسلة الميدكورية حصلت على 3 اجزاء مع ديزليون سبين-اوف رخيص؟ من جد يعني زيرو اسكيب اللعبة اللي افضل منها بسنين ضوئية من كتابة وقصة وعامل غموض تعاني سنين عشان تنهي قصتها وهالسلسلة تحصل على اقتباسين انمي وكم رواية ولعبة فيتا رخيصة ومانجا .
يعني مافي اوقح من كوداكا لما يقول اقرؤوا رواية زيرو تراها مهمة لـ3 ، بعدها يجي يقول اقرؤوا رواية ماكاتو ، ولا تنسون المانجا بعد تراها مهمة ، وترى الترا ديسبر مهمة روحوا اشتروها ب 40 دولار وحاولو تتحملون الجيمبلاي البدائي والقصة اللي بامكان اي فان فيكشن رخيصة من عضو في ريدت يكتب احسن منها ، وفي النهاية ؟ ولا شيء حرفيا كان مهم منها في قصة 3 ، كل اللي جاء منها حلقة فيلرية من UDG ما تحتاج اللعبة عشان تفهمها ، و لقطة صغيرة لرواية زيرو في وحدة من الحلقات ، هذه ما يسويها الا الكتاب السيئين اللي يضرب معهم الحظ وينجح احد مشاريعهم ويبدأو في الحلب.

يعني يا حسافة التحليلات اللي فانز ضيعوا وقتهم فيها على نهاية زي كذا ، هذه اسوء نهاية مرت علي في كل الميديم اللي تابعتها/قريتها/لعبتها ، يعني مش بس ان تويست النهاية هو عدم وجود تويست من الأساس ولا ان لعبة القتل ودوافع تانجان مالها اي اساس من المنطق حتى على منطق السلسلة ، يعني تعمل لعبة قتل في منظمتك ليه وانت تقدر تمسك ميتاري ، تعطيه كف ، تقوله يلا ابدأ في غسيل المخ .
في جهة اخرى نشوف شلة الجزء الثاني جايين ماشاء الله مافيهم الا العافية ، وناجيتو عند يد جديدة ماشاء الله بعد ولا كأننا جلسنا في نهاية 2 في معركة شد وجذب مع الذكاء الاصطناعي لجونكو لنحدد اذا هم احياء ولا لا ، وفي النهاية كل من الفانز وشخصيات 2 تقبلوا انهم ما راح يرجعون لكن كوداكا قال ليه ما ارجعهم دامها خاربة خاربة ؟ وكيجيري بعد واعتقد كان وده يرجع اموات الجزء الاول عن طريق تقنية النانو مشين بس الميزانية ما كفت .
موهبة كوداكا الحقيقة هي الـUltimate Fan-service maker
بعد عرض المهرجين هذا حماسي لـV3 انمسح ، كوداكا محتاج شغل جبار عشان ممكن .. ممكن اضيع 10 دولار عليها في وقت تخفيضات.


True Gamer
بالنسبة لكيرغيري

كان فيه تلميحة أنها لا تزال حية يوم كان المخدر جنبها أثناء موتها ..كانت أكثر تسليكة تنبلع حقيقة


ما اخفي عنكم أني انبسطت بالنهاية رغم كمية الإحباط الشديدة في داخلي من الناحية القصصية
بعض البلوت هولز اللي تركها كوداكا بدون أجوبة
بعيدا عن غباء سبب تانغان في صنع اللعبة
من الذي شاركه في صنعها و من كان مخترع المخدر فالسوارات ؟
مونوكوما من كان يتحكم فيه طول الوقت إذا ؟
ال16 المجهول للآن ما عرفناه بشكل ؟
للآن ما اعرف كيف الجميع شك بتصرفات جونكو فالأكاديمية ما عدا جين المدير نفسه ؟
و كيف قدرت جونكو تغسل مخ جميع طلاب المدرسة الإحتياطية بهذي السرعة الخارقة ؟

تم مرور الكرام على أحداث زيرو و اللي المفروض أحداثها تصير قبل الكارثة الكبيرة و تكون ريوكو موجودة قبل أن ترجع لهويتها الأصلية جونكو
و أكثر حدث كنت متحمس له و انسحب عليه و اللي هي أعمال بقايا اليأس الفظيعة و قطع أجزاء جسد جونكو ميتة و ذاك الشخص اللي اغتصبها اللي لم نعرفه أبدا
والدا نايغي و كومارو لمحو أنهم أحباء في نهاية انذر و تم السحب على أمرهم أيضا

كيفية خروج هاجيمي و باقي شخصيات الثاني من النيو جيم عندي توقع أن بيتم الشرح عنه فالأوفا الخاصة 2.5 عن ناغيتو
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer
عالعموم كوداكا ليس أول مؤلف فيجوال يفشل في مجال الكتابة يوم يدخل مجال الأنمي
اللي قدر يسويه فالجزء الثاني يخليني أثق به بشكل أعمى أنه مؤلف موهوب و عبقري و عنده مجال يطور
و مع كل أخبار و المعلومات اللي تنزل عن v3 أتمنى كوداكا ما يخيب ظنا و يعوضنا عن خيبة أمل الأنمي


True Gamer
اعذروني عامل ميديا بلاك اوت للانترنت كله وما عندي الا ولد خالتي افضفض له عن الخرابة اللي شفتها ومحتاج جمهور اكبر :
قبل لا ابدا في النهاية ابغى اعرف كيف هالسلسلة الميدكورية حصلت على 3 اجزاء مع ديزليون سبين-اوف رخيص؟ من جد يعني زيرو اسكيب اللعبة اللي افضل منها بسنين ضوئية من كتابة وقصة وعامل غموض تعاني سنين عشان تنهي قصتها وهالسلسلة تحصل على اقتباسين انمي وكم رواية ولعبة فيتا رخيصة ومانجا .
يعني مافي اوقح من كوداكا لما يقول اقرؤوا رواية زيرو تراها مهمة لـ3 ، بعدها يجي يقول اقرؤوا رواية ماكاتو ، ولا تنسون المانجا بعد تراها مهمة ، وترى الترا ديسبر مهمة روحوا اشتروها ب 40 دولار وحاولو تتحملون الجيمبلاي البدائي والقصة اللي بامكان اي فان فيكشن رخيصة من عضو في ريدت يكتب احسن منها ، وفي النهاية ؟ ولا شيء حرفيا كان مهم منها في قصة 3 ، كل اللي جاء منها حلقة فيلرية من UDG ما تحتاج اللعبة عشان تفهمها ، و لقطة صغيرة لرواية زيرو في وحدة من الحلقات ، هذه ما يسويها الا الكتاب السيئين اللي يضرب معهم الحظ وينجح احد مشاريعهم ويبدأو في الحلب.

يعني يا حسافة التحليلات اللي فانز ضيعوا وقتهم فيها على نهاية زي كذا ، هذه اسوء نهاية مرت علي في كل الميديم اللي تابعتها/قريتها/لعبتها ، يعني مش بس ان تويست النهاية هو عدم وجود تويست من الأساس ولا ان لعبة القتل ودوافع تانجان مالها اي اساس من المنطق حتى على منطق السلسلة ، يعني تعمل لعبة قتل في منظمتك ليه وانت تقدر تمسك ميتاري ، تعطيه كف ، تقوله يلا ابدأ في غسيل المخ .
في جهة اخرى نشوف شلة الجزء الثاني جايين ماشاء الله مافيهم الا العافية ، وناجيتو عند يد جديدة ماشاء الله بعد ولا كأننا جلسنا في نهاية 2 في معركة شد وجذب مع الذكاء الاصطناعي لجونكو لنحدد اذا هم احياء ولا لا ، وفي النهاية كل من الفانز وشخصيات 2 تقبلوا انهم ما راح يرجعون لكن كوداكا قال ليه ما ارجعهم دامها خاربة خاربة ؟ وكيجيري بعد واعتقد كان وده يرجع اموات الجزء الاول عن طريق تقنية النانو مشين بس الميزانية ما كفت .
موهبة كوداكا الحقيقة هي الـUltimate Fan-service maker
بعد عرض المهرجين هذا حماسي لـV3 انمسح ، كوداكا محتاج شغل جبار عشان ممكن .. ممكن اضيع 10 دولار عليها في وقت تخفيضات.

دانجانرونبا ناجحة في اليابان مش غريب حصلت أنميات و سبين اوفز و مانجا و خرابيط. زيرو اسكيب على النقيض تعاني و الحمدالله حصلنا فوليوم ثالث. الدنيا حظوظ.

T O R A ~

بغض النظر عن الفقش الي صار في D3 اتوقع إني الشخص الوحيد بالعالم الي حب الي شافه رغم التناقضات ورغم ان لو ماكان في هذا الموسم لكان أفضل عشان حطيت ببالي ليش طاحو بقايا اليأس باليأس بطريقة أفضل من غسيل الدماغ والبولشيت الي حصل وفسرت كثيير أمور بطريقتي وأول ما بديت متابعة دانقين 3 توقعت أن الفيوتشر ارك بيتكلم عن هواش نايجي مع الأشخاص الي بالفيوتشر فاونديشن بمشروع العالم الحديث وعلاقتهم ببقايا اليأس هل كانو يعرفونهم وكذا بس بدل ذا جابولي نسخة فاشلة من دائرة القتل الي صارت بدانقين 1 و 2 الي بس عجبني فيه كيف كنت أطلع إستنتاجات وأحلل وبالحلقة الي بعدها يجي كوداكا يرمي تحليلاتي بالزبالة ويخليني أشغل مخي اقين - حتى لو جاب اسباب اغبى من اسبابي - @@
لاحظت كثير ناس قالو كان فاشل وما عجبهم وكأنه فلر ؟ انت تخيله لو كان لعبة ؟ وكان في الكلاس ترايل ؟ تخيلت كيف كان بيكون فيه شئ حلو ؟ بغض النظر عن سبب تينقان الفاشل في انا ابي اخلي ميتراي يسوي انمي أمل وخرابيط بزران هذي بس يخي فيه شئ حلو لو دققت معليك من الماسترمايند .

بالنسبة لأرك اليأس كان حماسي حول شخصياته لأني أحب شخصيات الفصل 77 اكثر من ورعان ال78 - عدا توقامي -
وكنت ابي اشوف كيف بيتحولون لليأس وتوقعت بيورونا كيف بيدمرون العالم وكيف حللو ام جثة جينكو وقتلو اهلهم والخرابيط الي 90% مننا كان متحمس لها بس بدل كذا سحبوا عليهم سحبة بنت كلب وغسلوا مخهم سريع سريع ووروهم اعدام تشياكي وورونا جينكو وهي تلعب في يوكيزومي وتستفز الورع "ايلافيوه موناكاتا" وتاخذ انمي ميتاراي وبس ذاس ات .
اوه صح ودمعات ايزورو لتشياكي - الي بكل امانة كان افضل شئ في حلقات اليأس الي حصل وخلى قلبي يتحرك :( -
صح فسرو اسباب مثل ليش ما تذكر ناقيتو ايزورو بتشابتر زيرو عشان حضرة عيون ايزورو وشوفته لإيش الي بيبقى الأمل مدري اليأس وبلا بلا بلا .

المهم ما ابي ادخل في تعقيدات فعشان كذا ما ركزت بتعقيدات الأمور وتعمقت لأني بلاقي امور كثيرة متناقضة ويبي لها حل وذا البولشيت الي حصل ما ينفع وكنت بزعل مثل الاغلبية واعطيه 5 واقول ليش تعبت نفسي وقريت السبين اوفز حقه " الي كانت مفيدة صراحة " عشان كذا حاولت اركز على رؤوس الأقلام واقرأ ما بين السطور ويوم بديت لاحظت أن D3 ما كان مضيعة للوقت والناس الي استمتعوا فيه مثلي رغم ان في اشيائات كثيرة ما دخلت مخهم هم الي استحقوه :tearsofjoy:

وبالنهاية تراها تعتبر خاتمة مرضية وترجع شعور جميل خصوصا يوم هيناتا وناجيتو يقابلون تشياكي بالحلقة الاخيرة تذكرت شعور التشابتر الأول في اللعبة اخ حسيت قلبي رفرف بذي اللحظة وتذكرت ايامه "( وبرضو بلحظة يوم جينكو تكون مع طلاب دفعة 78 وتسترجع شعور اللعبة الأولى احس كوداكا كان متعمد يرجع لنا ذي الأجواء عشان يقول ها اشتقتم ؟ يلا بسرعة شوفو عشان خلاص بح بح بجيب لكم ناس ثانية :tearsofjoy:

وبهذا ننتظر ونأمل الأفضل نحو DV3 رغم ان حوله هالة تبشر بالخير إن شاء الله .


True Gamer
بغض النظر عن الفقش الي صار في D3 اتوقع إني الشخص الوحيد بالعالم الي حب الي شافه رغم التناقضات ورغم ان لو ماكان في هذا الموسم لكان أفضل عشان حطيت ببالي ليش طاحو بقايا اليأس باليأس بطريقة أفضل من غسيل الدماغ والبولشيت الي حصل وفسرت كثيير أمور بطريقتي وأول ما بديت متابعة دانقين 3 توقعت أن الفيوتشر ارك بيتكلم عن هواش نايجي مع الأشخاص الي بالفيوتشر فاونديشن بمشروع العالم الحديث وعلاقتهم ببقايا اليأس هل كانو يعرفونهم وكذا بس بدل ذا جابولي نسخة فاشلة من دائرة القتل الي صارت بدانقين 1 و 2 الي بس عجبني فيه كيف كنت أطلع إستنتاجات وأحلل وبالحلقة الي بعدها يجي كوداكا يرمي تحليلاتي بالزبالة ويخليني أشغل مخي اقين - حتى لو جاب اسباب اغبى من اسبابي - @@
لاحظت كثير ناس قالو كان فاشل وما عجبهم وكأنه فلر ؟ انت تخيله لو كان لعبة ؟ وكان في الكلاس ترايل ؟ تخيلت كيف كان بيكون فيه شئ حلو ؟ بغض النظر عن سبب تينقان الفاشل في انا ابي اخلي ميتراي يسوي انمي أمل وخرابيط بزران هذي بس يخي فيه شئ حلو لو دققت معليك من الماسترمايند .

بالنسبة لأرك اليأس كان حماسي حول شخصياته لأني أحب شخصيات الفصل 77 اكثر من ورعان ال78 - عدا توقامي -
وكنت ابي اشوف كيف بيتحولون لليأس وتوقعت بيورونا كيف بيدمرون العالم وكيف حللو ام جثة جينكو وقتلو اهلهم والخرابيط الي 90% مننا كان متحمس لها بس بدل كذا سحبوا عليهم سحبة بنت كلب وغسلوا مخهم سريع سريع ووروهم اعدام تشياكي وورونا جينكو وهي تلعب في يوكيزومي وتستفز الورع "ايلافيوه موناكاتا" وتاخذ انمي ميتاراي وبس ذاس ات .
اوه صح ودمعات ايزورو لتشياكي - الي بكل امانة كان افضل شئ في حلقات اليأس الي حصل وخلى قلبي يتحرك :( -
صح فسرو اسباب مثل ليش ما تذكر ناقيتو ايزورو بتشابتر زيرو عشان حضرة عيون ايزورو وشوفته لإيش الي بيبقى الأمل مدري اليأس وبلا بلا بلا .

المهم ما ابي ادخل في تعقيدات فعشان كذا ما ركزت بتعقيدات الأمور وتعمقت لأني بلاقي امور كثيرة متناقضة ويبي لها حل وذا البولشيت الي حصل ما ينفع وكنت بزعل مثل الاغلبية واعطيه 5 واقول ليش تعبت نفسي وقريت السبين اوفز حقه " الي كانت مفيدة صراحة " عشان كذا حاولت اركز على رؤوس الأقلام واقرأ ما بين السطور ويوم بديت لاحظت أن D3 ما كان مضيعة للوقت والناس الي استمتعوا فيه مثلي رغم ان في اشيائات كثيرة ما دخلت مخهم هم الي استحقوه :tearsofjoy:

وبالنهاية تراها تعتبر خاتمة مرضية وترجع شعور جميل خصوصا يوم هيناتا وناجيتو يقابلون تشياكي بالحلقة الاخيرة تذكرت شعور التشابتر الأول في اللعبة اخ حسيت قلبي رفرف بذي اللحظة وتذكرت ايامه "( وبرضو بلحظة يوم جينكو تكون مع طلاب دفعة 78 وتسترجع شعور اللعبة الأولى احس كوداكا كان متعمد يرجع لنا ذي الأجواء عشان يقول ها اشتقتم ؟ يلا بسرعة شوفو عشان خلاص بح بح بجيب لكم ناس ثانية :tearsofjoy:

وبهذا ننتظر ونأمل الأفضل نحو DV3 رغم ان حوله هالة تبشر بالخير إن شاء الله .

لست الوحيد رغم كل سلبيات الأنمي ما اذكر شعرت بذرة ملل و أنا اشاهده
أتمنى تكون v3 قد التوقعات


True Gamer
A chat with Kazutaka Kodaka (Scenario Draft, Overseer) x Yuuji Higa (Animation Producer)

The Other Side of DR3
It’s time for a chat with the creators of Danganronpa 3, Kodaka-san and Higa-san! This treasure trove of rare information is a must-see!

*Be warned that the main interview will include spoilers for the original video games.

The Story of DR3 Came From Kibou-hen
Q: So, how do you feel now that you’ve finished work on DR3?

HIGA: Mostly my feelings are, “Is it really over?” It was a truly valuable experience, but I don’t want to do two broadcasts per week anymore (laughs).

KODAKA: I feel like I won’t be making an anime like this again. I skipped over DR2 in order to make DR3 an anime instead, and I did it because I wanted to tell a story twice a week, and not because it was complete fanservice. I’m not going to be making an anime like this again.

HIGA: DR3 was made for those who have already played DR1 and DR2, who know how to brace for any mystery thrown their way. It was an amazing project, in that we just accepted that those who haven’t finished the games would say, “I don’t get it.” There were probably viewers who didn’t know what it meant that Nanami appeared at the end of Zetsubou-hen and in Kibou-hen. People who have only seen DR3 won’t have any clue what’s going on with how Nanami, who’s supposed to be dead, appears in Kibou-hen and then disappears all of a sudden. This is a direct consequence of us putting DR3 on TV.

KODAKA: But I was happy that even people tuning in for the first time ended up enjoying it a surprising amount.

HIGA: It’s because it was in such a novel format.

KODAKA: I was conscious of that much. That maybe people wouldn’t enjoy the story at all without having played DR1 or DR2, but because it was in such a novel format of two episodes a week, they might give it a try after all. Then I thought maybe they’d get interested and want to play the games afterwards.

HIGA: And more than just that, isn’t one of the rules of the mystery genre to spread clues about the tricks? You’re supposed to give hints before providing answers, but because DR3 is split into Mirai-hen and Zetsubou-hen, if you watch only Mirai-hen, the Despair Video as a weapon comes out of nowhere. But when you alternate between Mirai-hen and Zetsubou-hen as you watch, it’s already established that the Despair Video can be used as a weapon, so that was the most entertaining part of doing two episodes a week.

KODAKA: If you were only watching Mirai-hen, the climax might seem more like a farce than anything. Like, “It was a video?” But on the other hand, you could say I was making it a farce on purpose. In a strict mystery, it’s taboo to use twins as your trick too, right? But in DR1, I felt like deliberately doing what I shouldn’t. So with DR3, too, part of it is daring to leave out part of the mystery, with the idea that “there is no true culprit”.

HIGA: The fact that you were allowed to do that is what makes Danganronpa what it is, I think. Because you have that theme of “hope and despair” you can flout the rules and wave it off just by saying, “That’s despair for you!”

KODAKA: That’s not exactly the same trick as Komaeda’s from DR2, but “That’s luck for you!” is the same kind of idea.

HIGA: I think that Danganronpa might just be about having a plot that works while including parts that make you go, “Is that really gonna work as a plotline?”

KODAKA: I get the feeling that if you rewatch DR3, it’s going to feel a lot like it did with DR2. DR2 had the whole, “it was a video game” thing, but DR3 feels like “it’s because it was an anime”.

Q: What scenes from the endgame of DR3 left the biggest impression on you?

HIGA: What I found impressive was how Sakakura was so hated, but when everyone learned what he was like on the inside, his popularity shot up right when it was leading up to his last moments. In the beginning there, we were working hard planning a figure for him…

KODAKA: It was kinda like, should we really have gone with Sakakura? (laughs)

HIGA: Things are a lot better now than they were back then.

KODAKA: I’m sorry to Sakakura’s actor, Junichi Suwabe-san, who actually went and expressed his concern for him on Twitter. I want to make sure he knows just how popular he was in the end.

HIGA: When you watch the story again from the beginning after knowing about Sakakura, I think you’re gonna find him cuter when you see him putting on airs in the first half of the series. He acts tough, but he’s a good guy.

KODAKA: Sakakura is deeply emotional. He’s catty at Naegi, and so on. But I don’t think he tells Munakata about his desires. He won’t even invite him out by saying, “Let’s go do some training together.” It’s like, he’ll watch him from afar, and come when he’s called. Also, I think you’ll notice this yourself upon rewatch, but when Sakakura tells Munakata, “As long as you’re still alive, the Future Foundation can get back on its feet,” you wonder if maybe he’s actually talking about himself, not the Future Foundation.

HIGA: It means that as long as Munakata is around, Sakakura will be all right.

KODAKA: Sakakura’s transparent about wanting to work hard together with him, but I think it’s interesting. It’s fun to write a character as weak as Sakakura. If you ask me personally, I think that he isn’t even really that strong from a brute force perspective. He’s strong in the boxing world as a player of that game, but he’s probably no match for Sakura Oogami from DR1 (laughs).

HIGA: Maybe it’s just the effects of DR3’s story, but he doesn’t really come off as the kind of guy who can win against a strong opponent.

KODAKA: He even loses to Enoshima. In the end, though, the strongest one has to be Kamukura, because he’s the total godmode character. But personally, I don’t think Enoshima could beat Oogami.

HIGA: In a fair fight, you mean?

KODAKA: Right. Enoshima could win against her with the right weapons at her disposal, but she probably couldn’t win if they duked it out with a straightforward test of strength. But Kamukura is stronger. Kamukura is this godlike entity, so he’s on a completely different level.

HIGA: So now Hinata is the strongest, if he has reason to be. But could Hinata really win against anyone, no matter what kind of army comes to attack him?

KODAKA: Hmmmm… He’s ultimately human. He’s the strongest human, but he’s not going to transcend humanity. And unlike Kamukura, Hinata has emotions, so that might make him surprisingly weak. In Kibou-hen, Souda says, “This guy’s from the Reserve Course.” If you’ve got Souda talking smack about you, you’re not all that great (laughs). Also, the whole story of DR3 came from Kibou-hen, so in the end, that’s what’s left the biggest impression on me.

HIGA: Did you draft the scenario starting from the 77th class coming to rescue Naegi and the others, and then work backwards to come up with the rest from there?

KODAKA: That’s right. DR2 ended so beautifully, on such a good note, so I wasn’t sure what to do about that, but so much happened in DR1 and DR2 that I wanted to give them a happy ending for the last time. People might call it pandering, but I think I even said at one meeting, well, at least it’s happy pandering. Mirai-hen and Zetsubou-hen were created to bring us to that last takeaway, so I guess you could say that DR3 exists because of Kibou-hen. Making an anime is such a unique process that I think the story got cut too short in the end, so I was pretty anxious about all the fans’ reactions watching Kibou-hen.

Dreams of the Ending Credits and What Lies After Kibou-hen
Q: I was surprised to hear that Kibou-hen was only one episode long, too, despite being the crown jewel of the finale.

KODAKA: If we really dove deep into what each character was doing, we might have been able to make it two episodes. But the tempo felt good this way, and even if we had made it longer, it might have just ended up being used on dealing with the enemies they were fighting.

HIGA: The fighting was the main event, because we had to show everyone that they could win even against more notable enemies. At first we had decided on Super High School Level talents for all of them, but we cut out all of the enemy introductions to put more of the focus on the 77th class.

KODAKA: I cried a little during Souda’s scene.

HIGA: The way he was finally acknowledged… I kinda feel like it was just Sonia growing up a little (laughs).

KODAKA: The 77th class’s story leading up to their comeback in Kibou-hen is explored a little in Super Danganronpa 2.5: Nagito Komaeda and the World Destroyers, the anime that’s coming bundled with the LE release of NDRV3, so I think that’s where you’re going to want to focus your imagination the most. I think we had the freedom there to speculate about things like, “Would Tsumiki apologize to Saionji?” or “How did she forgive her?” or “Do they even remember their time in the game in the first place?” and so on.

Q: Tell us some more of the story that didn’t make it into DR3.

KODAKA: Munakata was supposed to die. As I recall, he was going to die protecting Naegi. I think at this point I’m happy he didn’t actually die, but mostly because I want him to carry the weight of his sin from that time he tried to get rid of Sakakura. I tweaked that part of the script because I wanted Naegi to move forward carrying the burden of hope, Hinata to move forward carrying the burden of despair, and Munakata to move forward carrying the burden of his dead friends. Really, the plan was to include what happens to all sorts of different characters after Kibou-hen during the credits, but they all got cut for length. There was a scene about what happens to Munakata afterwards, too.

HIGA: His ending was getting injured in a fight with Remnants of Despair in a back alley somewhere, and then sitting and looking at the graduation photo of the three of them. But it became just the one scene where he parts ways with Naegi and the others, so we just had a really quick flashback of Munakata’s group in school put in there. We’d planned on adding other scenes, too, like Monaka being a NEET in space, and Mitarai making anime on the boat while the rest of the 77th class watches with rapt attention, and Naegi and Togami going to meet up with Komaru and Fukawa. But personally, when I first read the rough draft of how it would end, ultimately it was Naegi and Hinata carrying their respective burdens of hope and despair that I thought was really amazing.

KODAKA: In the last episode of Zetsubou-hen, Enoshima says, “If despair disappeared from the world, that would be despair-inducing in its own way,” and the thing Mitarai was trying to create would have caused exactly that. It might have even been possible that she thought things through that far. Also, pure and simple, I had tears in my eyes during Munakata and Naegi’s confrontation. That might have been the one part in all of DR3 that made me want to cry the most. That was amazing acting by Megumi Ogata-san and Toshiyuki Morikawa-san.

HIGA: It’s thanks to Morikawa-san that Munakata became such a good character. Naegi was hoping that he could become friends with Munakata, but Munakata doesn’t answer him. You could maybe say that he’s sidestepping it, or just that even when he’s sharing information with others, he does it like he’s muttering to himself, so Naegi and the others can’t get to know him, and vice versa. I’m so grateful to Morikawa-san for putting on a performance that conveyed the transition from Munakata antagonizing Naegi to becoming his ally, even without saying so in as many words.

KODAKA: All of the voice actors in DR3 were amazing. Monaka’s actress, Aya Hirano-san, came in to record before there was any animation.

HIGA: Hirano-san had already planned to study abroad during the time when the recording was going to take place, so we recorded just Monaka’s lines in advance. Her voice saying those lines was the foundation that we layered the art and everything else onto.

Q: Kodaka-san, do you have an idea in your head of what happens after Kibou-hen?

KODAKA: Nope. Just that the 77th class, living and going on their journey, have no choice but to bear the weight of their sins, so I think it’s going to be a lot of trouble for them. The whole world hates them. Sometimes I feel bad for the dead DR1 characters, but there are ways in which being alive is its own problem. I didn’t have an idea of what happened after DR1 and then DR2 after I finished each of those, either… but I can’t say that when DR3 is the last installment! Actually, now that I think about it, when I started making DR3, I got stuck on something from DR2. After Nanami dies in Chapter 5, she comes back in Chapter 6 through a glitch, and when I was writing Nanami for that, I had the idea that she was “a little bit off”. She’s not like the Nanami we’ve seen so far, I thought; she was never that tender. I had that gnawing at my brain when I was making DR3, and I thought, “Maybe that really was a different Nanami,” and that’s how I came up with the Nanami in Zetsubou-hen. I haven’t thought of anything that happens after DR3, but I might have something deep down in my subconscious like that. Not that I’m gonna do anything with it! (laughs)

HIGA: Then who do you think would make a good protagonist for a DR3 spinoff?

KODAKA: Maybe I’d want to write about someone from the 77th class to tie up some loose ends. Like, the 77th class, as seen by Koizumi.

HIGA: I do wanna know what she’s thinking.

KODAKA: Koizumi’s serious, so she’s probably thinking about how they have to carry their sin. Other than that, maybe Kuzuryuu and Peko.

HIGA: I smell a great action-packed story there.

KODAKA: (laughs) And then maybe Enoshima. I already wrote the Danganronpa/Zero novels, but Enoshima loves her classmates from DR1. I wanted to write more of that. All of the DR2 characters are small fry to her. She just brainwashed them all at once, like, I don’t even friggin’ know these guys! But she deliberately let the DR1 crew survive and turn the school into a shelter so that she could make her classmates kill each other. It’s like, the more she loves someone, the more she wants to treasure their mutual killing, and so I want to try writing a story like, “They’re my classmates, so I want to treasure their despair at my hands.”

HIGA: Personally, if we had had more time, I would have wanted to try including Ikusaba–not turning against Enoshima per se, but being more conscious of Naegi.

KODAKA: Zetsubou-hen was focused on the 77th class, so for both Enoshima and Ikusaba, we could only show the part of them that the 77th class saw.

HIGA: I want to try making an OVA about the 78th class when they were having fun. A story where everyone is being nice to Enoshima, like Junko Enoshima’s Birthday or something.

KODAKA: A surprise party.

HIGA: Enoshima would be so truly happy, and then she’d find her resolve (laughs).

KODAKA: The resolve to treasure their despair at her hands (laughs).

Q: The TV broadcast is over now, but the Blu-ray box sets are coming bundled with special anime and PC games and so on.

KODAKA: The special anime is basically Petit Danganronpa, and they’re kind of like Flash animations. Komaeda in Volume 3’s special anime was particularly fun.

HIGA: In the mysterious Hope Room, Komaeda asks, “What’s our hope today?” and Sakakura appears in the room. Then the two of them have a conversation, I guess, and it’s kind of like a fun sketch comedy (laughs).

KODAKA: The PC game Kirigiri Sou comes bundled with Volume 3, and the scenario was written by Takekuni Kitayama, the author of the Danganronpa Kirigiri spinoff novels. When we decided to put in a special video game, we were thinking through the perspective that Spike-Chunsoft is all about sound novels. We were wondering if there was anything we could do with that, and we started talking about how the characters for “Kirigiri” are pretty similar to the characters in the title of “Otogirisou”.* Kitayama-san told us that he loved Otogirisou, and “Please let me have this!”, so we left the scenario to him. Kirigiri is in the main game, but if you replay it a lot, the SHSL Botanist will show up too.

HIGA: Are there any of the pink bookmarks we know and love from Otogirisou?!**

KODAKA: Well, there’s some comedy (laughs).

Q: Can you give one last message to all the Danganronpa fans out there?

KODAKA: Please buy the Blu-rays and DVDs! If you buy them, then maybe we can keep doing Petit Danganronpa.​
^ *كل ما احط الرابط ما يطلع شي فـ كوبي بيست أفضل خيار*
مقابلة مع كوداكا و ال animation producer حق dr3
كنت منتظر اللحظة الي يفتح فيها كوداكا فمه ويعلق على الانمي وهل كان مقيد بقيود معينة هل كان كل شيء مخطط له من البداية بدون المرور بتغيير جذري اثناء العمل على الجزء الثالث ؟
حسنا... ما حصلت الي ابيه :expressionless:
من كلامه كوداكا نوعا ما محبط من الي صار بالانمي والأمر بدأ بعدة افكار بدون وجهة محددة، الخلطة كانت ممتازة بمخه لكن لما ترجمها لأنمي ما توفق بذاك الزود، الجزء ذا كان منح نهاية سعيدة لكاست dr2 وفي نفس الوقت رسم نهاية لقصة نايقي وشلته اكثر من كونه "جزء" والي اعتدنا نشوفه في dr1 & dr2 على كل حال
سعيد جدا انه تراجع عن فكرة قتل موناكاتا ولا كان كل شي سواه وحصل له والاشياء الي عرفها في ارك المستقبل بتكون هباء منثورا. ابي اسمع رأيه عن غسيل الادمغة لان الامر كأنه وضع له خيار احتياطي جنب خيار بث اليأس في روح كل طالب از ويل از شرح مفصل ل دوافع تينجان
الشيء الجيد هو إننا يمكن نحصل أوفات وسايد ميتيريال أكثر
مطالبي كثيرة ها ؟ :D

Fatani Heart

مكجول سعيد ولا محنك مكتئب
إذا الأساس هش صعب يصلحه بخرق قماش.
خليها زي ما هي لا يخرب الجزء الثاني أكثر ما نبغى شيء زيادة.


True Gamer
A chat with Kazutaka Kodaka (Scenario Draft, Overseer) x Yuuji Higa (Animation Producer)

The Other Side of DR3
It’s time for a chat with the creators of Danganronpa 3, Kodaka-san and Higa-san! This treasure trove of rare information is a must-see!

*Be warned that the main interview will include spoilers for the original video games.

The Story of DR3 Came From Kibou-hen
Q: So, how do you feel now that you’ve finished work on DR3?

HIGA: Mostly my feelings are, “Is it really over?” It was a truly valuable experience, but I don’t want to do two broadcasts per week anymore (laughs).

KODAKA: I feel like I won’t be making an anime like this again. I skipped over DR2 in order to make DR3 an anime instead, and I did it because I wanted to tell a story twice a week, and not because it was complete fanservice. I’m not going to be making an anime like this again.

HIGA: DR3 was made for those who have already played DR1 and DR2, who know how to brace for any mystery thrown their way. It was an amazing project, in that we just accepted that those who haven’t finished the games would say, “I don’t get it.” There were probably viewers who didn’t know what it meant that Nanami appeared at the end of Zetsubou-hen and in Kibou-hen. People who have only seen DR3 won’t have any clue what’s going on with how Nanami, who’s supposed to be dead, appears in Kibou-hen and then disappears all of a sudden. This is a direct consequence of us putting DR3 on TV.

KODAKA: But I was happy that even people tuning in for the first time ended up enjoying it a surprising amount.

HIGA: It’s because it was in such a novel format.

KODAKA: I was conscious of that much. That maybe people wouldn’t enjoy the story at all without having played DR1 or DR2, but because it was in such a novel format of two episodes a week, they might give it a try after all. Then I thought maybe they’d get interested and want to play the games afterwards.

HIGA: And more than just that, isn’t one of the rules of the mystery genre to spread clues about the tricks? You’re supposed to give hints before providing answers, but because DR3 is split into Mirai-hen and Zetsubou-hen, if you watch only Mirai-hen, the Despair Video as a weapon comes out of nowhere. But when you alternate between Mirai-hen and Zetsubou-hen as you watch, it’s already established that the Despair Video can be used as a weapon, so that was the most entertaining part of doing two episodes a week.

KODAKA: If you were only watching Mirai-hen, the climax might seem more like a farce than anything. Like, “It was a video?” But on the other hand, you could say I was making it a farce on purpose. In a strict mystery, it’s taboo to use twins as your trick too, right? But in DR1, I felt like deliberately doing what I shouldn’t. So with DR3, too, part of it is daring to leave out part of the mystery, with the idea that “there is no true culprit”.

HIGA: The fact that you were allowed to do that is what makes Danganronpa what it is, I think. Because you have that theme of “hope and despair” you can flout the rules and wave it off just by saying, “That’s despair for you!”

KODAKA: That’s not exactly the same trick as Komaeda’s from DR2, but “That’s luck for you!” is the same kind of idea.

HIGA: I think that Danganronpa might just be about having a plot that works while including parts that make you go, “Is that really gonna work as a plotline?”

KODAKA: I get the feeling that if you rewatch DR3, it’s going to feel a lot like it did with DR2. DR2 had the whole, “it was a video game” thing, but DR3 feels like “it’s because it was an anime”.

Q: What scenes from the endgame of DR3 left the biggest impression on you?

HIGA: What I found impressive was how Sakakura was so hated, but when everyone learned what he was like on the inside, his popularity shot up right when it was leading up to his last moments. In the beginning there, we were working hard planning a figure for him…

KODAKA: It was kinda like, should we really have gone with Sakakura? (laughs)

HIGA: Things are a lot better now than they were back then.

KODAKA: I’m sorry to Sakakura’s actor, Junichi Suwabe-san, who actually went and expressed his concern for him on Twitter. I want to make sure he knows just how popular he was in the end.

HIGA: When you watch the story again from the beginning after knowing about Sakakura, I think you’re gonna find him cuter when you see him putting on airs in the first half of the series. He acts tough, but he’s a good guy.

KODAKA: Sakakura is deeply emotional. He’s catty at Naegi, and so on. But I don’t think he tells Munakata about his desires. He won’t even invite him out by saying, “Let’s go do some training together.” It’s like, he’ll watch him from afar, and come when he’s called. Also, I think you’ll notice this yourself upon rewatch, but when Sakakura tells Munakata, “As long as you’re still alive, the Future Foundation can get back on its feet,” you wonder if maybe he’s actually talking about himself, not the Future Foundation.

HIGA: It means that as long as Munakata is around, Sakakura will be all right.

KODAKA: Sakakura’s transparent about wanting to work hard together with him, but I think it’s interesting. It’s fun to write a character as weak as Sakakura. If you ask me personally, I think that he isn’t even really that strong from a brute force perspective. He’s strong in the boxing world as a player of that game, but he’s probably no match for Sakura Oogami from DR1 (laughs).

HIGA: Maybe it’s just the effects of DR3’s story, but he doesn’t really come off as the kind of guy who can win against a strong opponent.

KODAKA: He even loses to Enoshima. In the end, though, the strongest one has to be Kamukura, because he’s the total godmode character. But personally, I don’t think Enoshima could beat Oogami.

HIGA: In a fair fight, you mean?

KODAKA: Right. Enoshima could win against her with the right weapons at her disposal, but she probably couldn’t win if they duked it out with a straightforward test of strength. But Kamukura is stronger. Kamukura is this godlike entity, so he’s on a completely different level.

HIGA: So now Hinata is the strongest, if he has reason to be. But could Hinata really win against anyone, no matter what kind of army comes to attack him?

KODAKA: Hmmmm… He’s ultimately human. He’s the strongest human, but he’s not going to transcend humanity. And unlike Kamukura, Hinata has emotions, so that might make him surprisingly weak. In Kibou-hen, Souda says, “This guy’s from the Reserve Course.” If you’ve got Souda talking smack about you, you’re not all that great (laughs). Also, the whole story of DR3 came from Kibou-hen, so in the end, that’s what’s left the biggest impression on me.

HIGA: Did you draft the scenario starting from the 77th class coming to rescue Naegi and the others, and then work backwards to come up with the rest from there?

KODAKA: That’s right. DR2 ended so beautifully, on such a good note, so I wasn’t sure what to do about that, but so much happened in DR1 and DR2 that I wanted to give them a happy ending for the last time. People might call it pandering, but I think I even said at one meeting, well, at least it’s happy pandering. Mirai-hen and Zetsubou-hen were created to bring us to that last takeaway, so I guess you could say that DR3 exists because of Kibou-hen. Making an anime is such a unique process that I think the story got cut too short in the end, so I was pretty anxious about all the fans’ reactions watching Kibou-hen.

Dreams of the Ending Credits and What Lies After Kibou-hen
Q: I was surprised to hear that Kibou-hen was only one episode long, too, despite being the crown jewel of the finale.

KODAKA: If we really dove deep into what each character was doing, we might have been able to make it two episodes. But the tempo felt good this way, and even if we had made it longer, it might have just ended up being used on dealing with the enemies they were fighting.

HIGA: The fighting was the main event, because we had to show everyone that they could win even against more notable enemies. At first we had decided on Super High School Level talents for all of them, but we cut out all of the enemy introductions to put more of the focus on the 77th class.

KODAKA: I cried a little during Souda’s scene.

HIGA: The way he was finally acknowledged… I kinda feel like it was just Sonia growing up a little (laughs).

KODAKA: The 77th class’s story leading up to their comeback in Kibou-hen is explored a little in Super Danganronpa 2.5: Nagito Komaeda and the World Destroyers, the anime that’s coming bundled with the LE release of NDRV3, so I think that’s where you’re going to want to focus your imagination the most. I think we had the freedom there to speculate about things like, “Would Tsumiki apologize to Saionji?” or “How did she forgive her?” or “Do they even remember their time in the game in the first place?” and so on.

Q: Tell us some more of the story that didn’t make it into DR3.

KODAKA: Munakata was supposed to die. As I recall, he was going to die protecting Naegi. I think at this point I’m happy he didn’t actually die, but mostly because I want him to carry the weight of his sin from that time he tried to get rid of Sakakura. I tweaked that part of the script because I wanted Naegi to move forward carrying the burden of hope, Hinata to move forward carrying the burden of despair, and Munakata to move forward carrying the burden of his dead friends. Really, the plan was to include what happens to all sorts of different characters after Kibou-hen during the credits, but they all got cut for length. There was a scene about what happens to Munakata afterwards, too.

HIGA: His ending was getting injured in a fight with Remnants of Despair in a back alley somewhere, and then sitting and looking at the graduation photo of the three of them. But it became just the one scene where he parts ways with Naegi and the others, so we just had a really quick flashback of Munakata’s group in school put in there. We’d planned on adding other scenes, too, like Monaka being a NEET in space, and Mitarai making anime on the boat while the rest of the 77th class watches with rapt attention, and Naegi and Togami going to meet up with Komaru and Fukawa. But personally, when I first read the rough draft of how it would end, ultimately it was Naegi and Hinata carrying their respective burdens of hope and despair that I thought was really amazing.

KODAKA: In the last episode of Zetsubou-hen, Enoshima says, “If despair disappeared from the world, that would be despair-inducing in its own way,” and the thing Mitarai was trying to create would have caused exactly that. It might have even been possible that she thought things through that far. Also, pure and simple, I had tears in my eyes during Munakata and Naegi’s confrontation. That might have been the one part in all of DR3 that made me want to cry the most. That was amazing acting by Megumi Ogata-san and Toshiyuki Morikawa-san.

HIGA: It’s thanks to Morikawa-san that Munakata became such a good character. Naegi was hoping that he could become friends with Munakata, but Munakata doesn’t answer him. You could maybe say that he’s sidestepping it, or just that even when he’s sharing information with others, he does it like he’s muttering to himself, so Naegi and the others can’t get to know him, and vice versa. I’m so grateful to Morikawa-san for putting on a performance that conveyed the transition from Munakata antagonizing Naegi to becoming his ally, even without saying so in as many words.

KODAKA: All of the voice actors in DR3 were amazing. Monaka’s actress, Aya Hirano-san, came in to record before there was any animation.

HIGA: Hirano-san had already planned to study abroad during the time when the recording was going to take place, so we recorded just Monaka’s lines in advance. Her voice saying those lines was the foundation that we layered the art and everything else onto.

Q: Kodaka-san, do you have an idea in your head of what happens after Kibou-hen?

KODAKA: Nope. Just that the 77th class, living and going on their journey, have no choice but to bear the weight of their sins, so I think it’s going to be a lot of trouble for them. The whole world hates them. Sometimes I feel bad for the dead DR1 characters, but there are ways in which being alive is its own problem. I didn’t have an idea of what happened after DR1 and then DR2 after I finished each of those, either… but I can’t say that when DR3 is the last installment! Actually, now that I think about it, when I started making DR3, I got stuck on something from DR2. After Nanami dies in Chapter 5, she comes back in Chapter 6 through a glitch, and when I was writing Nanami for that, I had the idea that she was “a little bit off”. She’s not like the Nanami we’ve seen so far, I thought; she was never that tender. I had that gnawing at my brain when I was making DR3, and I thought, “Maybe that really was a different Nanami,” and that’s how I came up with the Nanami in Zetsubou-hen. I haven’t thought of anything that happens after DR3, but I might have something deep down in my subconscious like that. Not that I’m gonna do anything with it! (laughs)

HIGA: Then who do you think would make a good protagonist for a DR3 spinoff?

KODAKA: Maybe I’d want to write about someone from the 77th class to tie up some loose ends. Like, the 77th class, as seen by Koizumi.

HIGA: I do wanna know what she’s thinking.

KODAKA: Koizumi’s serious, so she’s probably thinking about how they have to carry their sin. Other than that, maybe Kuzuryuu and Peko.

HIGA: I smell a great action-packed story there.

KODAKA: (laughs) And then maybe Enoshima. I already wrote the Danganronpa/Zero novels, but Enoshima loves her classmates from DR1. I wanted to write more of that. All of the DR2 characters are small fry to her. She just brainwashed them all at once, like, I don’t even friggin’ know these guys! But she deliberately let the DR1 crew survive and turn the school into a shelter so that she could make her classmates kill each other. It’s like, the more she loves someone, the more she wants to treasure their mutual killing, and so I want to try writing a story like, “They’re my classmates, so I want to treasure their despair at my hands.”

HIGA: Personally, if we had had more time, I would have wanted to try including Ikusaba–not turning against Enoshima per se, but being more conscious of Naegi.

KODAKA: Zetsubou-hen was focused on the 77th class, so for both Enoshima and Ikusaba, we could only show the part of them that the 77th class saw.

HIGA: I want to try making an OVA about the 78th class when they were having fun. A story where everyone is being nice to Enoshima, like Junko Enoshima’s Birthday or something.

KODAKA: A surprise party.

HIGA: Enoshima would be so truly happy, and then she’d find her resolve (laughs).

KODAKA: The resolve to treasure their despair at her hands (laughs).

Q: The TV broadcast is over now, but the Blu-ray box sets are coming bundled with special anime and PC games and so on.

KODAKA: The special anime is basically Petit Danganronpa, and they’re kind of like Flash animations. Komaeda in Volume 3’s special anime was particularly fun.

HIGA: In the mysterious Hope Room, Komaeda asks, “What’s our hope today?” and Sakakura appears in the room. Then the two of them have a conversation, I guess, and it’s kind of like a fun sketch comedy (laughs).

KODAKA: The PC game Kirigiri Sou comes bundled with Volume 3, and the scenario was written by Takekuni Kitayama, the author of the Danganronpa Kirigiri spinoff novels. When we decided to put in a special video game, we were thinking through the perspective that Spike-Chunsoft is all about sound novels. We were wondering if there was anything we could do with that, and we started talking about how the characters for “Kirigiri” are pretty similar to the characters in the title of “Otogirisou”.* Kitayama-san told us that he loved Otogirisou, and “Please let me have this!”, so we left the scenario to him. Kirigiri is in the main game, but if you replay it a lot, the SHSL Botanist will show up too.

HIGA: Are there any of the pink bookmarks we know and love from Otogirisou?!**

KODAKA: Well, there’s some comedy (laughs).

Q: Can you give one last message to all the Danganronpa fans out there?

KODAKA: Please buy the Blu-rays and DVDs! If you buy them, then maybe we can keep doing Petit Danganronpa.​
^ *كل ما احط الرابط ما يطلع شي فـ كوبي بيست أفضل خيار*
مقابلة مع كوداكا و ال animation producer حق dr3
كنت منتظر اللحظة الي يفتح فيها كوداكا فمه ويعلق على الانمي وهل كان مقيد بقيود معينة هل كان كل شيء مخطط له من البداية بدون المرور بتغيير جذري اثناء العمل على الجزء الثالث ؟
حسنا... ما حصلت الي ابيه :expressionless:
من كلامه كوداكا نوعا ما محبط من الي صار بالانمي والأمر بدأ بعدة افكار بدون وجهة محددة، الخلطة كانت ممتازة بمخه لكن لما ترجمها لأنمي ما توفق بذاك الزود، الجزء ذا كان منح نهاية سعيدة لكاست dr2 وفي نفس الوقت رسم نهاية لقصة نايقي وشلته اكثر من كونه "جزء" والي اعتدنا نشوفه في dr1 & dr2 على كل حال
سعيد جدا انه تراجع عن فكرة قتل موناكاتا ولا كان كل شي سواه وحصل له والاشياء الي عرفها في ارك المستقبل بتكون هباء منثورا. ابي اسمع رأيه عن غسيل الادمغة لان الامر كأنه وضع له خيار احتياطي جنب خيار بث اليأس في روح كل طالب از ويل از شرح مفصل ل دوافع تينجان
الشيء الجيد هو إننا يمكن نحصل أوفات وسايد ميتيريال أكثر
مطالبي كثيرة ها ؟ :D

أشوف لو يقفلون قصة اكاديمية الأمل مرة وحدة افضل، يركزون على اللعبة القادمة و ما يكررون اخطاءهم.


True Gamer
أشوف لو يقفلون قصة اكاديمية الأمل مرة وحدة افضل، يركزون على اللعبة القادمة و ما يكررون اخطاءهم.
بديت ما أثق بكلام كوداكا لأن مرة من المرات قال إن نهاية dr2 بتكون مفتوحة وما هيتم سرد إيش صار بالمستقبل فـ شي طبيعي جدا اذا شفنا ارتباط حقيقي بين ساقا Hope's peak academy و Gifted inmates academy اذا كانت أحداث الأخيرين يجرون في نفس العالم.