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:: تفاصيل جديدة + صور حديثة للعبة الرعب القادمة Possession ::


Hardcore Gamer


Inspired of greatest successes of the cinema horror, Possession will involve us in the heart of the action in the skin of a horde of zombies ready with very to make reign the apocalypse on the city. Announced as uncontested chief, it will be necessary for us to manage the change of our horde in order to thwart the plans of the greatest groups of the American army. Always in preparation in the studios of Blitz Games, Possession is awaited in the current of the year 2007 on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

الصور الحديثة



شخصيا ما شفت الفلم..لكن على حد علمي ان صعبه جدا وحالات نادره (مثل كرونكلز) ان لعبه من فلم تكون حلوه..