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اولى الصور للعبة تيكمو القادمة للبي اس بي Karakuri


True Gamer
تشبه اسلوب لعبة بكمن

اللعبة مقرر لها الصدور في امريكا في خريف هذ العام

راح تحتوي اللعبة على mini-plays>>حلو

Tecmo opens today the official site devoted to its small play of Karakuri action, planned for this autumn in North America under the name of Tokobot. You will take the control of Bolt then, young archeologist who, during his research, will make the meeting of Tokobot, small white fellows who will accompany it throughout his mission. Tokobot will propose to you an adventure full with mystery and action where you will have to use of the many capacities of your new friends to overcome the tests which will be drawn up in front of you. Tecmo confirms besides that many mini-plays will be débloquables with the wire of the adventure in which you will be able to discover new techniques suitable for Tokobot.

بطل اللعبة لووووول







و أخيراً لعبة جديدة و مبتكرة على الـ PSP
لكن الرسومات المفروض تكون سيل شيدد
برأيي أن الجرافكس الصلب لا يناسب الجهاز أبداً
لكن ننتظر و نرى النسخة النهائية للعبة


True Gamer
المزيد من جيم سبوت





True Gamer
مقابلة مع منتج اللعبة Keisuke Kikuchi >>جيم سبوت

همممممممم تلميحات بسيطة عن اللعبة وقصتها واطوار قد تكون وقد لا تكون متواجدة بالنسخة النهائية كمان أسألة في مايخص مسألة التطوير على الجهاز و الفرق بين الاجهزة المحمولة والكونسلز في ما يخص مسألة التطوير وألخ

ااب جاب يقراها

GameSpot: This style of game is very different from the titles that you're known for. Why did you settle on this type of game for your first PSP title?

Keisuke Kikuchi: When I work on a new game, there are three things that I value. One: Is there at least one thing about the game that excels over everything else in the market? Two: Can I make the player's heart pump fast when he presses the controller button? Three: Can this game provide a new and unique experience that no other game has done? I've always worked on adult-oriented games, but this time Tokobot is made for everyone from every age group. It's an interesting fantasy world that everyone should be intrigued by.

GS: Where did the idea for the game come from?

KK: We developed this game with the theme of "changing quantity." Previously, games using the "changing quantity" focused on multitasking, where you execute missions by dividing a group or bringing out large quantities of enemies. Upon much consideration, we decided to have multiple forces work together to accomplish a task.

For example, in Japan, elementary school children like to play jump rope with 3 to 40 people. This mode of play inspired us to come up with this new idea. Even though the task seems simple, multiple people working together to create actions in order to complete the task is the challenge, and that sort of fun challenge is what the player takes on in the game

GS: What can you tell us about the game's story? Who is the main character? And who is he trying to save the world from?

KK: The story takes place on a continent that had an advanced civilization, which is now extinct. In the game, the continent is a modern-day mystery similar to the Easter Island's stone statues.

The story is based on the premise that the same crisis that destroyed the civilization is about to again. Tokobots were excavated from the old ruins on this continent to play a major role in helping to save the world. The main character, Bolt, is a young and inexperienced archaeologist. The player will take on the role of Bolt, who goes on an adventure of a lifetime to save the world.

GS: How would you describe the gameplay?

KK: The player will lead multiple tokobots and use three formations (team combos) that are created from the tokobots linking themselves. "Karakuri combination" is when tokobots link themselves to create one powerful robot to fight enemies and fend off traps.

GS: How does using the tokobots develop as your progress and gain more?

KK: As the player progresses in the game, the number of tokobots will change and the number of team combos and Karakuri combinations will increase. The number of tokobots will have a direct impact on the difficulty level of the game so that the tension will remain to the end. Increased number of the team combos and Karakuri combinations will add more game variation and depth.

GS: How has development been going on the PSP?

KK: We're able to utilize the know-how from the past. It's a hardware that is easy to develop games on. Our development is on schedule.

GS: What do you feel are the platform's strengths?

KK: I believe there are three key points. Compatibility with other PlayStation products. It's a great portable gaming device with high-quality graphics. It's a multimedia device that can do a lot more than just playing games.

GS: How is Tokobot taking advantage of the PSP's unique features, such as Wi-Fi, the widescreen, and so on?

KK: We're still undecided on utilizing the network ability, but the widescreen is perfect when observing tokobots' movements. It's a perfect device for this game.

GS: What would you describe as the differences or challenges in developing a portable game as opposed to a console title?

KK: Utilizing the limited number of buttons to provide good control and various difficulty levels was what was different on a portable machine. This project was made challenging because we had to display many 3D polygon characters while having them controlled simultaneously.

GS: How has that knowledge influenced development of Tokobot?

KK: A lot of the data creation in Tokobot uses our console game know-how.

GS: What can you tell us about the game's modes?

KK: That is still a secret. We've got some unexpected game modes for Tokobot. Please wait a bit longer for this information.


True Gamer
حلوه :)

اتمنى بيكمين 3 مع اصدار الريفيلوشن >>>> طاع انا وين رحت :razz:


True Gamer
ووووو شكلها من جد جيدة :) يلا المزيد ان شاء الله ;)


إداري سابق
ممتاز نشوف التنوع

Tomb raider

True Gamer
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ^-^

ومازال التقليد موجود ....لول طبعا كله من ننتندو !
شكلها جيده
ومثل ما قلتوا تشبه بكمن
(ننتندو) هي اللي تبتكر وشركات الطرف الثالث هي اللي تقلد p:
شكرا اسود ^-^


True Gamer
أخ تووم ريدر عندي عتب بسيط عليك ان شاء الله تتقبله بصدر رحب .. ملاحظ إنك مفرط زيادة في حب ننتندو, ماقلنا شي من حقك بس صعب كل شوية والثاني نتهم الشركات بانها تسرق و تقلد أو أن العابها زفت وحقة ننتندو التمام ..و الأجهزة الباقية زفت وأجهزة ننتندو بس التمام ..


True Gamer

لول شكلهم كيووووت .. يشبهون الفجل (مادريجانـ..و..و.. نسيت اسمهم)اللي تقاتلهم في Windurst .. وفيهم شبه من التاروتارو ايضاً


Executive Member
ممتاز جداَ , اخيرا شنفا اول صور للعبة تستحق الانتظار ,, والله شكلها رهيبه
لكن واضح ان اللعبة في بداية تطويرها ,, واضح جداَ من الجرافيكس


Executive Member
شكلها رووووعه ^.^ وادي عجبني الارتوورك ((مافي صورة مناسبة لخلفية الديسكتوب من الارتوورك؟))

تذكرني بمراحل كلانك في راتشت اند كلانك ..


True Gamer
اللعبه شكلها ممتعه ... لازم للـPSP