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امير بلاد فارس .... يتجه الى هوليود


Hardcore Gamer
صراحة هذا الخبر كنت اريد اسمعه من زمان .. لان اسلوب واجواء القصة كانت تعجبني .

Yet another game title is on its way to the fancy land of Hollywood. Ubisoft's fantasy/adventure franchise has reportedly caught the eye of Jerry Bruckheimer, the same guy who launched the ships of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is said to be the one off to the moviehouse. For those of you not in the know, the plot is set in medieval Persia, a time when they ruled the world as the superpower. It's also deemed to be the most mysterious kingdom, with lots of drama and action, such as the downfall from power of the Maharajah, as well as the kidnapping of his daughter. With a looted palace of priceless treasure, one controversial hourglass, and a mysterious dagger, the stage is certainly set for one heck of an adventure.

Now, we've all had one disappointment or another with movie adaptations of our much-beloved games (Uwe Boll's "House of the Dead," anyone?). Here's hoping that this one won't go kaput at the box office, especially since the game's creator, Jordan Mechner, actually provided script with the supervision of screenwriter John August.

It is also said that it is Disney's and Bruckheimer Films' hope that this adaptation "could then lead to a new hit series of movies for the studio." The two media outfits are now getting ready to set the production wheels in full motion for the target release of Summer 2008.

Tomb raider

True Gamer
مممم الي اعرفه انهم اعلنوا انهم بيسوون الفلم بأكثر من سنه !!
عموما اتمنى انه يطلع شي يسوى!

ryo hazuki

True Gamer
القصه روعه وومكن يصير الفلم الضخم القادم لديزني (لانها معدومه الافلام يلي تتكلم عن هذي الحظاره )
حلو اتجاه ديزني الاخير لانتاج الافلام الضخمه و شي اكيد ديزني = ميزانيه ضخمه ...فاتوقع اشوف فلم بمستوى بايرت او ذا كاريبيان


True Gamer
من رائيي مالة داعي صراحة لان بيصير حالة حال الالعاب الي تحولت الى افلام ><!


فريق الأنمي
Justice أحس POP بتكون غير لو كانت فلم ، خصوصا لو كان فلم صارفين عليه مصاريف كبيرة