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اول عرض لJourney


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خلاص, مقاطعه لميديا اللعبه, كفايه.. الله يصبرني بس :(..

مقابله جديده مع مطور اللعبه

بعض الاسئله:

1UP: And how did you create a new take on the online game?

JC: Journey is our first online game. It's actually very easy because there's so much unexplored area in online play. It's very easy to pick a place that no one's been before.

When we started, I was thinking, "what if no one told me what an online game was." I want to completely erase all the traditional vocabulary. What should be the most intuitive experience?

What is the current state of online gaming? When I think about online games, I'm thinking about latency, I'm thinking about creating a lobby, inviting a friend, waiting for them to confirm. Then start the game, create a password so other people can't enjoy, coordinating times so we can all play together. I think that's too much baggage.

You want to play a game? You should play right away. Why's there a single-player, a multiplayer? Why's there waiting? Why's there hosting? Why should a kid understand what a lobby is?

We need to deliver an experience right from the beginning. That's how we design -- for humans.

1UP: How did you strip away those traditional features?

JC: The first thing we said was, "I don't like lobbies. I don't want my grandma to know how a lobby works so she can experience the game." So, okay, we want to hide the lobby.

Secondly, because this is a PSN game, we don't know how many people will buy it. This isn't a very long game, like [one that's] 40 hours long or an MMO game where you play forever. So we don't actually know when you're going to play.

Initially I'm thinking, let's just do an MMO, but then we realized we might not have that many players. So we have to make sure that if no one's playing with you, the game's still enjoyable. This is where we start to say this game has to be playable by one player, and it has be as enjoyable as a one player game, except if there's another player it will be even better.

But then, if you design a traditional co-op game, you design all the puzzles for the co-op experience such as [Lara Croft] and the Guardian of Light -- that's the epitome of good multiplayer puzzle design. But none of that would work in Journey.

1UP: Do you think by stripping away the lobby and gamer tags, that you've created not just a simpler experience, but more human one?

JC: Yes. One thing about playing games online, the big problem I see today, is you run into a kid and he's saying dirty words. And you can't really stop that. And it's not pleasing. Usually you're forced to stay with the kids throughout the whole game. That's just not very fun.

Rather than focusing on how cool I am, or "I'm Leroy Jenkins," or I have this really cool sword, or I'm just this cool dude who has nice jokes to crack -- these things are outside the game.

A true game stays with its design. So when we think about a player communicating, well [the characters] don't speak, why should we have voice chat. They don't have hands, why should they have gestures? Why should they want to type text? We just want to stay true to the design itself. So it doesn't feel like a bunch of things duct taped onto each other.

Because a lot of online gaming is, "grab a shooting game, duct tape a chatting system, and make it multiplayer." You got an RTS game? Duct tape a chatting system and it's multiplayer. You got an RPG game? Duct tape a chatting system? it's just not how you design things. The best design is to design from the very essence of the human experience.



في Jenova Chen, انا اثق.

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