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(أشاعة) مجلة فاميتسو تكشف عن لعبة ميكامي الجديدة KRIEG


True Gamer
A surprising scan from this week’s Famitsu seems to have leaked early. In it, Shinji Mikami’s new studio Tango announces their first game – a PlayStation 3 title named KRIEG with the same free-roaming aspect of Fallout, including that similar mix of role-playing game elements.

This seems to be the project Shinji Mikami was counting down to on his studios’ official site.

According to Mikami, he chose the name KRIEG because it means “war, conflict, and confrontation.” The game is set on a land devastated by nature. The protagonist is a boy subjected to strange military experiments, however, he cannot recall where he was tested on and is searching for clues to find out. The game’s back-story will be shown in the form of comics and anime.

Originally, Mikami expected to make this title for Wii, but confessed he had to choose PlayStation 3.

“This game will be my personal challenge,” Mikami closed the Famitsu reveal, “new information will arrive during the next E3.”

Here is more info that was posted by Toxa and nskinnear below, from the source of the scans:

- The Japanese director added that many animals on the planet have mutated

- According to Mikami san player may use unique techniques and found to have capabilities similar to plants that surround it but the developer did not want to unbutton more about the issue because they are processing many exciting features to the gameplay.

- We noticed that nell'artwork (soon visible on the online site of Famitsu as major), a silhouette of a girl behind the main character, the question "Even this girl will have a role?" Mikami replied smiling, "No comment".

- The Japanese director added that many animals on the planet have mutated and are called by heavy sovravvissuti "Hybrid".

- Although we have not seen any photos in game Mikami confirms a graphic style very particular.

- KRIEG is provided as an exclusive PS3 Mikami confessed that even if the title was originally expected on Nintendo Wii platform.

- As with FF XIII before its release will be shown the backstory in the form of comics and anime.

- The game presents itself as the first freeroam style Fallout (post-apocalyptic setting with RPG elements in real time).

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طبعاً الخبر لحد الحين أشاعة


TG editor-in-chief
لول, المشكلة فيه سكانات لها والسكانات تقول fake بقوه

لو طلعت صحيحه فهذا ابله شكل بطل شفته من فترة طويلة
التعديل الأخير:


True Gamer
هيييي هييييي لحظة !!

سلامات ميكامي ؟!! .. مو توه الإستديو جديد و يادوبهم تكلموا مع ناشرين و يمكن حتى ما فتحوا الأكياس عن عفشهم الجديد و يلحق يعلن عن لعبة جديدة ؟!! ..

إذا قلنا فنكويش و قرب يخلصها و شغال مع EA و سودا و جراسهوبر و الحين تانغو = ثلاث مشاريع بنفس الوقت ؟!! .. لو المشروع الثالث هذا حقيقي فميكامي مجنون رسمياً :O


Senior Content Specialist
كريج ؟ فول اوت يابانية ؟ البطل كان مادة اختبار ؟ ما هذا ؟

أتمنى أصحى من هذا الكابوس ( لول )


TG editor-in-chief
الخبر رسميا كذبة ابريل.. لحد يضيع وقته

Sky Walker

True Gamer
واضح انها كذبة ابريل ..


الارت مخيس


True Gamer
الله يعيننا على هذا الشهر .. بنتعب في مصداقية الأخبار واجد -__-


True Gamer
حتى العداد يخلص يوم الخميس 1 أبريل :laugh::


TG editor-in-chief
هاذي مالها علاقة بالعداد بأي شكل من الاشكال, هذا واحد رهيب بمنتدى ايطالي يقول انه يشتغل بفاميتسو وحط السكان المزيف.. والحين حط بنفس الوصله هاذي الصوره:


لول وقاعد يحش عضو جاف اللي فتح الموضوع هناك ويطالب بعدم طرده


True Gamer
بصراحة ما ادري ليه فتحتوا الموضوع. كان واضح جددداً انها كذبه. للمعلومية, الايطالي الي بدأ الاشاعة في منتداهم, حط هالاشاعة من قبل:





Still Alive

True Gamer
^ مستغرب كيف ما اغتالوه بعد الإشاعة هذي :sadwalk:


True Gamer
يا ليتها مو كذبة ابريل .. الآرت عاجبني جداً

Sky Walker

True Gamer
خلو هالموضوع مجمع لخرابيط ابريل ..

خلونا نضحك شوية >.>